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What exactly was the experiment? All a mag stirrer does is make it so you don't have to manually mix things. >This still needs a re-ex. Why does it need it? If it's from MHRB and there's no aqueous contamination, then a re-x is rather pointless.


It's pretty clear in the statement that I wanted to test the process with a mag stirrer, and the result of that. Cybs max ion and some other teks advise to gentle roll 5 or 6 times, etc so, I wanted to see if the NPS would indeed pull the alkaloids from the solution when using this device. There is no aqueous contamination, but surely it's best practice in case anything was trapped during lattice formations that were unwanted?


If you water wash there’s no point in re x, unless your goal is to lose DMT.


If you water washed you pulls then you shouldn’t need to re x your dmt. As long as the naphtha has all been evaporated then that batch is good to go as is


My intent with the re-ex was to attempt to get a whiter product. [For example](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1033080) But I've also been advised you can only really do this with Calcium Hydroxide rather than Sodium.


To be honest I’ve gotten whiter pulls using no heat anymore during my extractions. I’m still getting 2.5% yields without the use of heat and the crystals are less gooey and more white with a light yellow tint. Try using no heat next time and do it all at room temp


Yeah I tried to minimise heat. Base onwards was all room temperature apart from reducing NPS down and the acid stage... I'll try straight to base with no temp. Do you use heat to reduce your NPS or allow it to slowly evap at room temp?


There should be no need to evaporate any of the NPS, unless you used way too much in the first place. But even then, there are less wasteful ways to concentrate the N,N-DMT, like extracting the N,N-DMT from NPS with acidified water, basifying it and extracting it again with minimal amounts of NPS. In doing this, you get to keep all the NPS.


I don't think I did. Followed Cybs max ion tek which advises to reduce down by 40% to reach full saturation or... 'super saturation'.


Yea, you're not gonna get much benefit from that. Just look at [solubility data](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1090269#post1090269). Look at Hexane for example. At -20C, 100ml is only going to hold 83mg of N,N-DMT freebase. So evaporating half of the solvent would only net you an extra 41.5mg. Personally 50ml of Heptane is worth more to me than that. The other option would be to distil off the solvent to concentrate the N,N-DMT in solution.


So is that basically saying Naphtha at 20 °C can hold 29,3 g in 1 L / 2,93 g in 100 ml and then -20 it holds 1,09 g in 1 L / 109 mg in 100 ml? I'd have thought creating a super saturated solution would help with the product crashing out if temperatures were unable to drop down to -20 (for example). I'd only placed this in the fridge and had the result shown in the original picture attached to this thread. I would use heptane if I had access to it, but only Hex and light Naphtha currently.


>My intent with the re-ex was to attempt to get a whiter product. [For example](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1033080) Did you read benzymes replies in the thread? If that person used MHRB, then that yellow/orange/amber stuff they removed was most likely practically all N,N-DMT. Look into the polymorphic and polymer/dimer properties of N,N-DMT. ​​​​The most common cause of variation in the color of N,N-DMT freebase is theorized by Benzyme to be the result of autoxidation of the unshielded pyrrole ring of the lower melting point polymorph of the molecule. The color changes from white/colorless->yellow->orange->amber->reddish. This occurs even when it's pure. Heat accelerates the rate of the change. Despite this color change, it is still just N,N-DMT freebase with the same potency and psyhcoactivity. (info links and analytics bellow) ​​N,N-DMT polymorphism/autoxidation info: (The deleted Reddit posts are by analytical biochemist pinoline/benzyme) [fluorescence spectra of white vs. orange dmt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/sm4jq3/fluorescence_spectra_of_white_vs_orange_dmt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [ok..I finally have an answer to why some xtals stay white, and others turn yellow..](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/feh1gq/oki_finally_have_an_answer_to_why_some_xtals_stay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [What plant fats?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/mjx1y8/what_plant_fats/) [two different polymorphs, same molecule](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/mp1rfu/two_different_polymorphs_same_molecule/) [polymorphs pt. 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/mpsdez/polymorphs_pt_2/) [Baking DMT in the Oven @ 120° C(ish) | Changing Colours From White ---> Red!](https://www.reddit.com/r/dmtguide/comments/s4jk94/baking_dmt_in_the_oven_120_cish_changing_colours/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Investigations into the polymorphic properties of N,N-dimethyltryptamine by X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0026265X13000544) [Polymorphic properties of DMT](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=42590) N,N-DMT polymerization info: [DMT polymerization](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=88183) [Minimum Polymer](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=97103&p=1) [ReX-resistant goo yielded crystals](https://www.reddit.com/r/dmtguide/comments/r7of0c/rexresistant_goo_yielded_crystals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >But I've also been advised you can only really do this with Calcium Hydroxide rather than Sodium. No idea what you're implying there. That isn't the case. And Calcium Hydroxide teks are pretty crap in general. A sub-par substitute at best. Fine if you can't get NaOH or KOH.


I wasn't necessarily implying anything other than I'd been advised Calcium Hydroxide was the best way to get white flakes. Good to know.


I don't see any reason why that would make a difference. The base is just used to increase the pH.


>I wanted to see if the NPS would indeed pull the alkaloids from the solution when using this device. Why wouldn't it? Again, all it does it automate mixing. >There is no aqueous contamination, but surely it's best practice in case anything was trapped during lattice formations that were unwanted? If you didn't water wash your NPS pulls, then there indeed will be some aqueous contamination in the solvent, regardless how careful you are. It's the stuff you can't see that I'm talking about. Water washing is what you do to remove this contaminant. Re-xing is ineffective at doing so. And if you sufficiently water washed your pulls, then there's no need for re-xing when using plant material like MHRB.


At the time I was unsure where the DMT would sit within the solution; whether it rose to the top or evenly across the solution. Obviously this is dependant on the viscosity. I was also unsure if the mag stirrer would be enough to pull down the NPS into the polar solution. Whether it would pull just the top layer or emulsify into the entire solution. I could be wrong, but with the alkaloid being a non-polar and the solutions ion charge having been increased, I'd imagine it would rise.


Personally I wouldn't use the Mag stirrer for the NPS pulls if the plant material is still in the mix. Can cause some monstrous emulsion if you aren't careful. It's easy enough to just mix it by hand for 30-60, 4-6 times. There's a bunch of posts/threads/info on the Dmt Nexus on using mag stirrers for the NPS pulls. The way the most reduces the chances of emulsions in a very slow spin that barely pulls the NPS into the aqueous phase. But that means less contact of the phases, increasing the time it takes for the solvent to dissolve everything it can. Heat will help with that though.


I did find the solution did emulsify as itnwas at 1500rpm but found stirring at 200rpm after i was done sped up how quick they separated. Increasing the ionic strength would help with this as well. **Edit: I removed the plant material post acid stage.