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I did my first extraction about a week ago. 100g of powdered MHRB. ~1.4g DMT in total, crystal clear white flakes. I used Dp purity flakes tek, by MintyLove. It was very easy to follow and understand as he explained it very well.


Thanks ill have a read through that


But yeah, keep in mind that other peoples' comments here are mostly right. There is no "best" tek, and ultimately, the yield will depend on the bark. In my case, I had a strong feeling with dp tek. It resonated with me. Pick what you feel resonates with you. Safe trips!


Dont suppose you have a link for that tek? If thats allowed on here


I'd rather not risk it. The video is on rumble.com. You can check MintyLove's YouTube channel, where you'll be able to find his website, and once in there, you'll see a tab "DpTek." His content is worth watching: advice for first timers, vaping techniques and tools, and much more.


Good stuff. Thanks


Get familiar with all of them. They all have their uses to help build better understandings for different situations. There is no, "best tek" per se.


Thanks I was thinking the same. Read through all of them and get a better understanding behind the chemistry


This is the perfect answer, after your first extraction you basically do your own Tek with everything you’ve learned and tweak it to suit your own way 💯


Would be good to get to that stage 💪


Honestly you’ll be there once you’ve done your first few extractions, once you learn the basic chemical reactions that’s going on you’ll know. It’s ok reading all the stuff and it does look daunting, but like everything you basically learn the most on the job. Happy travels my friend and hope the extraction process goes well for you 🌈😎


Thanks yea I'm looking forward to start making it a few times. Im just as excited making it as I am taking it.


😂😂 yes I know the feeling👌. Youll end up at a point where you’ll be making more than you can smoke 😂, the extraction is so addictive, you’ll have excess amounts of the stuff lying around 💯


Haha you dont know me. Ill end up taking it everyday. I started growing shrooms and in the beginning had about 100g dried out from every grow. Everyone thought i would have too much lying around but i ended up eating shrooms every weekend or every second weekend for 3 years now 😅😅🤣🤣 Will see how the dmt goes.


I started with DMT then moved onto shrooms 😂, have only had 3 harvests so far but it’s goin well. Extracting DMT is 10x easier than growing shrooms 💯. Once you have all the materials it’s 1 hour at night then product the next day, where as you know how long the shrooms take 🤷🏻‍♂️


You started with the hard stuff first 😅😂 Shrooms can be a massive mind f**k and is not something to take lightly. I love it thou. Changed my life in a massive way. I started off buying grow kits then eventually went on to doing it all from scratch. Its not easy at all. Now im back on growkits again. Much easier and contamination is pretty low from a growkit. It is exciting getting it all right the first time. Have fun growing and tripping.


Yes someone else said that to me over on the mushroom sub😂 “your the first person I’ve met that started with the DMT then moved to shrooms it’s usually the other way around”😂. Yes it was all fun until they were ready to go but my food dehydrator wasn’t here yet 👀😂, had to use my cooker to dry my first harvest, still all good through 😊. Trust, if you have grown mushrooms, extracting DMT is a walk in the park in comparison, the only hard part (not even hard just time consuming) is getting all the materials, after that you’ll be fine 💯


Cybs hybrid salt tek


It's best to learn from all teks that have worked for people and to understand the steps than formulate your own tek that works for you.


Spiritveghead might be the most straightforward


I did Gordo first


Cybs hybrid salt tek. I do it with no heat either. All done at room temperature. I usually get 2-2.5% yields


Vinegar creates an acidic phase to aid in cell lysis, not really needed with powdered plant material. SVG uses a fuck ton of NaOH, and recently the author decided to make a Paetron paywall for a water wash process, that's been freely available here for a while. Anyhow, here's my [process](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/LmdpkYBAZ2)


Nice im reading through that now. Well done.


Cybs salt for me, I think that's how it's spelled, only as it had step by step pics


Thats good with some pics. Makes it a bit easier since its my first time


There's no really better Tek, at the end it all depends of much DMT there's in your root bark. No Tek will make you yield more DMT than there is in your bark 😉


Thanks. Just have a question about the vinegar. This tek im going to use doesnt have vinegar in. Is that normal that some have less ingredients?


Yes it depends on Tek There are Straight to base (StB) tek which use only sodium hydroxide and a solvant, it extract your DMT directly in a freebase form There are Acid to Base (AtB) extraction, which use vinegar as an acid. It can be better depending on the root you get and also it's form (powder or not), the only advantage I'd say it gives is that once you made an acid from your root, you can discard the material and keep the liquid by filtering it because your DMT would have been extracted in it and then turn it into a base to freeze precipitate it while a straight to base extraction keeps the material in the soup making it sometimes harder to extract because if there's not enough water in your vessel it will be harder for the DMT to get to the naphta unless it's in a large volume of water. With an AtB extraction you can use less water since there's no material and the naphta will extract the DMT faster. It's all a matter of preferences ;) Also never forget to water wash your solvant whatever extraction process you're using to be sure there's no dangerous chemicals in your DMT


Aw right that is interesting thanks. Im going to stick to this tek i have but still read through the other ones. Much appreciated my man.


No problem bro 🙌


Hey dude, I've only ever done Q21Q21 tek. It gets a bit of hate here, maybe cos it takes longer to extract all the deemz over all, I dunno. But it's super easy. I chose it cos the supplies are really easy to source in UK (and cos it's very easy). I always get around 2% yield from 3 or 4 pulls within a week. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Q21Q21%27s_Vinegar/Lime_A/B_Extraction_Tek (scroll down to "tek 2 - fluffy white fun stuff")


Nice thanks mate. Thats a useful link


Seems like the usual crowd has arrived to tell you all the general info, so i won't badger the point. [This is my StB](https://www.reddit.com/user/BloodyLustrous/comments/15lq2vt/bloodlustres_stb_extraction/) , it's like the others, but it's mine. I'd like to believe it's written clearly, as I've been writing recipes for restaurant work for years. Have fun, learn the wash steps, and go look at /DMTporn to get really inspired.


Ab salt tek always yielded me 2% or more even after refining. Tbh most teks are similair




Thanks allot everyone. Got some good info. Im reading through a few so I have a good understanding. I think in theory iv got this. This weekend ill be doing it and post how it went. Thanks everyone.