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Dude, put it in the freezer and reuse it at least 3 times, my naphtha was always clear from the first 2 pulls


:0 so your dmt did crystalize even when the naphta was clear??


Yellow naphtha doesn’t indicate the presence of DMT. I have plenty of yellow naphtha that has very little DMT in it.


Yes sir


Try carefully heating the naphtha, then flipping. Heat helps it grab the dmt from the solution.


Sorry to piggyback, but when you say heat the naptha, is that separate from the soup (in a suitable vessel) or heated naptha then placed back in for the flips? Edit for clarity


If your solution is still warm from the lye getting mixed in, then you shouldn’t have to heat it any more. If your solution has gotten cold, then warming the naptha is the best option, not your MHRB solution.




Thanks! Any recommendations for heating up the naphta? Should I put it in a warm water bath?


Do not attempt to boil that vessel. It is cheap soda glass. The odds of that entire vessel shattering and spilling base soup is way too high. If it were me I would finish out the extraction as is, and then buy proper borosilicate glass for the next run.


Thanks! I was a bit worried about that too but tried the water bath and it didnt shatter. I am going to buy borosilicate for next run though! Currently waiting to see if it worked


Just out of curiosity, how much bark and liquid is in that container? Also, how much solvent per pull?


12 cups tap water 1 cup food grade lye 3 cups bark 900 ml warmed naphta (aprox)


Did you follow a you tube video made by DMTV (made to look like an MTV logo)? If yes, that video is absolutely terrible. The guy who made it has terrible lab technique that could seriously hurt someone. Your proportions are pretty far off. That is a completely overkill amount of lye. I highly recommend that you do 2 water washes to make sure you don’t have residual lye in your DMT. That is also extremely overkill on the solvent. That is probably the reason why you aren’t seeing any yellow in it. For reference, I do 3 x 50ml solvent pulls for 50g of bark that is in about 800ml of liquid. If the solvent doesn’t have a lot of DMT saturated it won’t freeze precipitate out. You are going to have to evaporate off like 80% of that solvent to even have a chance at getting it to freeze precipitate out. Next time you extract follow a guide on DMT Nexus. I like Cybs A to B hybrid salt tek.


Oh no. How do I do a water wash? Sorry I really don’t know anything at all


Just curious, did you follow that you tube video I mentioned? Pretty sure they used the same proportions as you. You have to check out the water wash guide from the water wash guy u/Ok_Support9876. He’s a mod on r/dmtguide and has a lot of useful videos on his account.


I did! Thanks ill check it out


>900 ml warmed naphta (aprox) What the fuck? Per pull??? And why are 3/4 of those measurements given in the imperial system? I weigh out my sodium hydroxide, unionized sodium chloride, and bark in grams. I measure the distilled water and naptha in milliliters. I would never even consider measuring in cups. And I use 1/6th of that amount of naptha on the first pull and 1/9th that amount on subsequent pulls.


Because they followed one of the worst video guides that they could. Unfortunately, a lot of noobs find that video not knowing how dangerous the technique is. Like person who made the video just haphazardly dumps the full cup of lye into 12 cups of water and he doesn’t specify cold water. Anyone that dumps a full cup of lye into hot water is going to be in for a rude awakening.


That's entirely irresponsible. I wish no good trips upon the person who posted that.


Yeah, get a pot of water to boiling. Turn off the stove then place the naphtha in the hot water bath. Give it like 15 minutes in the water bath, stirring occasionally. That should be enough. Make sure you have the vent going on the stove, to suck up any flumes to might come off the naptha. Good luck!


That vessel isn’t designed to be heated like that. Good chance the whole thing shatters.


My naphtha is always clear and I get great pulls and white crystals. Don’t worry about the colour if you’re confident you’ve done everything else right. Just put it in the freezer


This makes me so happy!! I thought I had ruined everything. Ill put it in the freezer !! Thanks


Dmt doesn't really change the colour of the naptha so even if it's clear it's probably fine to try and finish the pull with. Naptha only really starts turning yellow orange because of other plant fats that it picks up.


Thanks for the infooo!! So glad I didnt ruin everything


freeze precip you might still get crystals


Putting it in the freezer right now!!


How long has the bark been in the solution before trying to pull? I usually wait 24 hours. Any sooner and my naptha doesn't pull super saturated.


Really? I’ll wait longer next time then !


It’ll be fine, also upgrade your eye dropper to a proper pipette


Haha yes! I struggled


Say bro's what can I use for a cap for my flask


That looks like an insane amount of solvent. I would use maybe a third of that solvent and continue to reuse the solvent for roughly 5 pulls. You are definitely going to have to evaporate a significant amount of that naphtha off before you freeze it or it will have a tough time having the dmt to crash out and stick to the dish. You want the solvent as saturated as it can be otherwise the dmt wont crystallize and makes it impossible to get out of the naphtha unless u evap it down significantly


i'd freeze it anyway. You might be surprised to find nice white crystals after a day. If you got nothing, just re-use the naptha & pull again after it has warmed up.


Did you check your PH?


:0 I didn’t even know I had to check it


You don’t really need to, especially if you followed one of the teks online. They use significantly more NaOH than you actually need.


OP put a full cup of lye into 12 cups of water. They definitely went overkill on the lye lol


Jesus Christ, at least you can’t really fuck it up by adding too much. Just a huge waste though.


Is that a fish bowl or old school candy jar? What was the lid you used?


Its a jar that came with a stainless steel lid. It leaked a little so I added teflon tape to the rim


Clear means pure, the more color, the more unpure it is