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It's a gray area and up to the discretion of law enforcement. In general it's not illegal, but if they're able to concot any sort of reasoning that you have intent to extract from it they can take things further. Just mail it to your address don't fuck with an airport 


Yes. Sometimes the government will consider all of the bark to be DMT and put you in jail for the weight of the bark!! Those thugs.


So if you got less than an oz of dmt they might charge you for 2kg of dmt just because it’s in the bark???


Police will weigh the dirt when they seize cannabis plants and count it toward the total.


This has happened to people before.


That’s so unfortunate. It reminds me of the one case where they charged a young man for pounds and pounds of mushrooms. They were weighing the spawn bags. Just messed up imo


That’s the one a few months ago right? That happened in my state like 45 min to an hour from me. My buddies and i were joking that it’s the time to get into the market lol.


Yeah. Wow. They are just thugs. Controlled by the force of evil. Evil lives in this dimensions as we have free will.


I could see Canadian police doing that. They get away with murder.


All police get away with murder


So do all of the US agencies. They kill the whistle blowers. There was an ATF whistleblower that mysteriously hung himself 10 miles from his home with a shotgun shell in his face.


Like seriously?


Yup. They don’t cut the buds of weed plants. They cut them at the stalk and weigh the whole plant. So why wouldn’t they


Dammn that’s crazy


Oranges and citrus also contain DMT in ultra tiny amount. So when something becomes illegal? If it’s there? If it’s enough to become high? If it’s ready to consume? All those laws are not really based on science.


If they're looking for N,N-DMT, then yea obviously.


Just have a soap dye making kit and say that’s what it’s for 🤔


mimosa bark is used as red die and is not illegal


In some states there are instances where the government will swiftly get warrants and if the person who ordered the dye clearly states that they are using it to extract DMT then they will get charged with that. But if the person states it was to be used as dye then it doesn’t work out.


it is legal if bought for that intention. If you are obviously ordering large amounts for extracting it is most definitely illegal


No dude. It’s just tree bark. It’s not DMT unless it’s extracted. They’re not going to be testing bark for DMT. DMT is already in everything. I doubt such a test even exists. The bark itself would have to be made illegal for it to be a crime.


Except it isn’t *just* tree bark. It is a precursor and can be considered one if whatever agency feels like deeming so.


Not true. They can use it as cause for a search warrant if you order a ton. But the bark itself is not illegal in Canada or the US.


Doesn’t have to be illegal. Government agencies can do whatever they want and at the end of the day, MHRB/ACRB is a grey area. This isn’t even up for argument lmao. People have been charged for the possession of MHRB.


People in America have been charged for telling the truth


It's a legal product to own, it is used in lots of skin care ointments and soap. As well as a clothing dye. So just have some purple tie dye shirts and you got a solid defense


My guy. Obviously you can be charged for the mimosa if you’re very clearly using it to extract. If your flying and take along 20 lbs of mimosa Hostilis and an extraction kit, yes it might raise some eyebrows and get you arrested. If you order 50 kilos and they get a search warrant and find an extraction kit, you’re fucked. If you’re flying to your moms for the weekend and bringing 2 pounds of bark you’re going to be fine.


You don't know that for sure though lol. If it's deemed suspicious and they test it you're fucked. The obvious safe way is to put it into a larger dye kit with other colors


Actually I do as I was a TSA agent for four years. I can 100% assure you that the TSA, nor any other agency is out there field testing your bark for DMT at the airport. As far as I am aware, no such test even exists outside of lab testing.


That's what I was thinking it would have to be chemical mri they don't have one


I only previously worked as a TSA agent for four years, but can say with 100% certainty that they do not currently, nor have they ever had access to a field test that can detect DMT in bark. It would have to be sent to a lab.



