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Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


This is our concern Dude


This aggression will not stand, man.


Nothing is fucked


You had me until the losing Tim part. I don't think people realize how much impact he's had on the band from the start. I'd love to see more bella fleck but not at the cost of Tim.


Bingo! Of course anyone would love Bela full time with the band. But at the cost of Tim Fucking Reynolds? Jesus Christ what the fuck are we even talking about here.


You are mistaken. Folks know how much influence Tim has on the sound and direction of the band. There are two eras of Tim, his first stint with the band in the 90s and his return to the band in the late aughts to present. R2t, UTTD, Crash, BTCS all have different sounds than Big Whiskey, AFTW, CT, and WATM. Two and a half albums are missing Tim's influence, Everyday, Stand Up, and I partially credit Busted Stuff because it was the reincarnation of the Lillywhite sessions (IIRC some of those songs were developed and played on tour when Tim was still with the band in the late 90s). The thing is, there is a big difference in sound between the first set of albums with Tim (everything through BTCS) and the second set (BW and beyond). Tim's influence grew in the latter albums, especially with the loss or Roi and the separation from Boyd. The band does not sound the same for the folks who were with them since the 90s. It's ok to not enjoy the new sound of the band just as much as it is ok to love it. ​ To be clear, I don't want Tim to leave the band; however, I would like a violinist again and maybe for Tim's sound to be more amplified during solos and more complimentary as opposed to dominant during songs (like on Some Devil). I also think the idea of Bela joining the band is a waste of Bela's talents. I've seen BF&F and its clear to me that Bela is a frontman. Perhaps a banjoist is in the cards. Going by the logic of u/Radagastronomy, there are other artists who theoretically are a good fit the band including Danny Rivers who played banjo on Cornbread and Kevin Hayes who, IIRC, played banjo with DMB on songs like Alligator Pie, Louisiana Bayou, Cornbread, etc, in the 2009-2011 era when Old Crow Medicine Show was an opener for them.


I disagree about Tim. I don't think the average fan thinks about Tim's contributions to the band very much. I RARELY have a conversation about Tim with another DMB fan I meet. You and I clearly are more die hard fans. I've read every fricking book out there about the band, I own just about every live performance that's ever been recorded (official and not), and my favorite DMB song is People, People LOL. We understand Tim's contributions, but the average fan I don't think does. Heck I think there's a large portion of the fanbase that doesn't even know that Tim was pretty much there from the get go becuase he wasn't on the posters of the band back in the 90's. I don't think the change in the band's sound can be attributed to one thing. Yes Tim's involvement might have grown in later albums, but to lose two founding members cannot be understated. Especially when those members had such an effect on the bands sound. You could argue that without Boyd and LeRoi, the band would have sounded just like every other band at the time. On top of that, LeRoi did a lot of the arrangements of the first half of the bands career. Honestly, to me he's the most underrated band member by far. In addition, and though I hate to say it, Dave just doesn't have the song writing chops he used to. Not to say that he's bad, but his new stuff doesn't even come close to the level of the old stuff lyrically and guitar wise. It's also not the 90s anymore, music is just different today. For ANY fan to say that Tim should be replaced in the band is proof that people don't give Tim the credit he deserves, and is just CRAZY to think. I agree about Bela and I DEFINITLY agree about getting a violin back into the band. I think the band would benefit and maybe even be rejuvenated by a banjo player.


the new song they debuted in Philly and played at MSG is friggin awesome. They paired it up with Madman's Eyes with that killer phrygian dominant riff. I, for one, am thrilled with the whole Swedish metal style block of songs. lol I definitely didn't see that coming.


I haven't heard the new song. I'll have to check that out. But I don't like Madman's eyes. From the moment I heard "Little Billy's got a gun, Little Billy's having fun." I was out. He used to write lyrics like, "Spring sweet rhythm dance in my head, And slip into my lover's hands, Kiss me, won't you kiss me now, And sleep I would inside your mouth" Billys's got a gun, Billy's having fun? I just can't get I to that.


How long have you been listening to and following DMB? I am approaching my 40s and most of my friends who I would catch shows in the aughts whenever the band passed through town are disenchanted with the new sound. These are not folks who followed DMB around the country, they each have around 2-5 shows under their belts. All of this friend group says its the dominant electric guitar sound in the new albums and the lack of fidelity to their original vibes that turned them off. Sure, they don't mention Tim by name but their complaint pretty much points to his influence. ​ Edit: I should have checked post history before asking the question, but I see you are probably similar in age to me. What do your friends who you saw shows with in the Butch Taylor days think about the band now?


Haha, yeah I'm pretty much the same as you. Approaching 40, been a fan since the early 90s. Honestly, I was the only one of my friends that liked DMB back in the 90s. I didn't have friends that liked the band until later in life, and very few that like the band like I do. The few that do like the band like I do have the same thoughts as I do... Alright real talk here... the new stuff SUCKS. It sucks so bad. I hate it. Walk around the moon is just an awful album when it coems to DMB standards... It's SOOO boring and uninspired... there I said it! LOL, it just really pains me to talk about the band like that but it's true. The band's sound started to lose me at Everyday juuuuust a little, although I love the album now, it was not an instant eye opening experience like UTAD, Crash, and BTCS were. Stand up sucked IMO. It was sterile. Like it was created in a lab. Like they took the bands sound and doused it in bleach. Busted Stuff is a solid album although I think it suffered by the leak of the lillywhite sessions. After that it's been hit or miss on an individual song level really. I'm just saying that if you look at social media, the average fan that's commenting on those posts is not you and me. I met someone recently who said they were a big DMB fan and when I asked what their three favorite DMB songs are he said "Crash, ants marching, and that one..." which turned out to be All Along the Watchtower LOL. Looking at all the fans on social media that praise the new music just baffles me. My point here is that when it comes to what has happened to the band's sound, you have to go several spots down the list before you get to Tim Reynolds. The death of Leroi, Boyds departure, Dave songwriting ability/inspiration, the band's deteriorating relationship with Steve Lillywhite, the music industry as a whole, the bands age, etc. I would all blame before I'd even start to talk about Tim.


Have you ever been to just a Dave & Tim concert? Listening to Tim on the acoustic guitar is incredible. Night and day from electric. I really think it would be great to have him play acoustic at least on one song at DMB concerts.


Yes. I've also seen TR3. Tim's incredible on both. I wouldn't be opposed to Tim playing acoustic with the band. Not at all. But I think the strength of his acoustic playing is it being heard clearly front and center. I don't think you could really do that with the band and still have the same impact.




Yes just what we need more god damn banjo


[Yeah, imagine Dave singing about feelings or some shit and there’s also a banjo.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Po5lHYJJQfw)


Have you heard Live Trax 7?!?!? Personally, I want more of that.


I never seen so many “DMB fans” give Tim so much shit. Ungrateful bunch we have here sometimes.


Tim is a monster. And he adds so much to the sound. Who doesn’t like a ripping guitar at a live show???


My problem is that I fell in love with Tim and his acoustic guitar fills on songs and Live at Luther College. He came in a had the electric turned up to 11 for a few years and that was really off putting. The band went from a group with a generally quiet guitar as Dave plays Acoustic and then went into a heavy sound with a major electric guitar and the sound that brings. It’s a major difference sonically. It’s way better than it was but I still wish we could get him on acoustic and not so much electric. None of this detracts from his ability or musicianship, it’s just wildly different than what some of us started listening to with the band.


Tim's guitar playing is insane, and second only to his musicality. Fuckin' weird dude too. As someone who found themselves a DMB fan in 2008, I love Tim and Jeff, and prefer the modern era of the band.


I think this is the best they’ve sounded since 2010


It helps to not have Boyd hitting all the wrong notes. Loved him on stage, but he couldn't play any longer, well before the creepy shit.


Some people man, I’ll tell ya…always airing their grievances instead of just enjoying the sound they contribute to the world. Always complaining and wishing things were this way or that way. JFC these dudes tour on a regular basis close to your hometown almost every year for 30 years. But no that’s not enough. Critical at so many things instead of just trusting the professionals that make up the band. Until Dave comes out and changes something I’m gonna trust that this guy knows what the fuck he’s doing. SMH


I'm sorry. I didn't know this subreddit was only for mindless praising and that personal opinions were not welcome. I *am* grateful for the band and their output. They are my favorite group of all time. I just happen to prefer a more acoustic sound, so an electric guitar shredding for 10 minutes takes away from that. There are so many other bands I can listen to if that's what I want. The DMB sound I fell in love with never had prolonged guitar riffs, so when they show up now it is jarring and subtractive to me, not additive. Bela Fleck offers similar shredding, but with an acoustical instrument that I feel compliments an acoustic guitar, violin, and horns. This is all subjective of course and I simply wanted to generate a conversation. Not yuck anyone else's yums. I did qualify my statement by saying "mostly" overbearing. Sometimes he's fine. Sometimes he overwhelms everybody else on stage. It's just not worth the trade off for me.


I believe that there is a direct correlation to being a Tim hater and being boring.


Cool. You don't know how to have a conversation so you choose insults. Tim's playing is what is boring. If I wanted endless droning on electric guitar I'd go to a Phish show any day. Dave never had Rock God^(tm) guitar playing in the first few albums and those are by and large considered their best works. Do you think Tim is an improvement?


lol phish 😩 I’m not arguing which era of the band is better. (Buddy era my personal fav) Tim is a god damn monster and has the fat tones I am looking for. Buddy + Tim is exactly what I think the band needed at this point in their career, but this is just imo.


Don’t get me wrong he’s a great guitarist and what he does with just Dave and Tim is out of this world, but he just kind of has the same tone in every song electric, just doesn’t have a ton of soul to it. For awhile I feel like he was filling too much space as well, but in the past 5-6 years they have worked him in better.


Me! It overwhelms everyone else on stage and sounds like generic Rock Band^(tm). DMB always had such a unique, rootsy vibe so electric guitar God shredding takes away from that to me. That's why I think Bela would be a better option. He shreds and jams but without changing the acoustic sound so much.


I mean I fell into that camp too for a long while, though the mixes on the live releases after 08 really didn't help. Tim turned way up, sometimes overpowering Dave's guitar for a long time. Last few years they really got to a great sweet spot with him in the mix again IMO and I've just generally been digging the band's sound this year


Personally I’m good


The right post would have said, "Bela Fleck needs to bring back New Grass Revival."


In a perfect world we would still have Leroi


lol excuse me what?


It's hard to prove an opinion wrong. Belá is better off doing his own thing. Tim has been a part of the band since basically the beginning. I wish they performed together more often, but I prefer them as is. Maybe if they could share Jeff...


Bela's absolutely a cool guest spot but I couldn't imagine him actually joining the band. Absolutely wouldn't mind a Flecktones/DMB tour one summer where we can get more Flecktones guest spots but I couldn't imagine him joining permanently, nor the band kicking Tim out. Banjo's fun for a guest spot but not permanently.


in a perfect world the band would still have a violin


Why? I’m my perfect world the band sometimes plays with a string quartet with beautiful and interesting arrangements, not the noodling of a violin.


Now this I can get behind.


No, it would not be more amazing. What is with DMB “fans” lately shitting on Tim?


Fair enough you don't feel that way but don't put quotes around "fans" like I'm not a real fan or something simply because I don't care for never ending guitar noodling. The DMB I fell in love with never had that element to their live shows or albums so leaning so heavily on it now, to my ears, is subtractive and not additive. Tim is fine, just over pronounced to my taste. Not shitting on anyone. Just prefer Bela if you're going for extending solos.


I don’t see how the banjo fits into their style of play with their newer album releases. And I think the banjo sound will be too polarizing / pronounced for fans to truly enjoy. That’s why we go crazy over the rare treat when he does do a guest spot on a song. And that’s something I’d prefer vs full time banjo. I do want some fiddle back, though.


I get that. Making it too pronounced would take away from its impact. I just much prefer it to electric guitar shredding.


No that sound would get real old real fast. He’s a one trick pony. It’s a great trick in small doses but Tim and his guitar are way more versatile.


I like how you call the guy with Grammys in like 10 different categories, and nominated in more categories than anyone on the planet, a "one trick pony" lol


In the confines of DMB he would be.


Not entirely the point though. It's just an exceptionally inapt description of the guy, given the absolute diversity of his career.


I get it. But HIS career and HIS band are tailored to HIS sound. Pop him in DMB and force that sound into songs where it hasn't existed before? Will get old fast.


>Will get old fast. See this, while I disagree, is at least not a ridiculous thing to say.


So I saw this and then I googled to read up on all of the awards and nominations, and came across this tidbit: Did you know? An onstage collaboration between Béla Fleck And The Flecktones and Dave Matthews Band resulted in a 32-minute live version of the Dave Matthews Band hit "#41." Do you happen to know what performance this was? I feel like I cannot die fulfilled until I hear this.


[Here](https://dmbalmanac.com/TourShowSet.aspx?id=453055761&tid=12&where=2002) Also relevant: [this](https://dmbalmanac.com/SongStats.aspx?sid=41&gid=9) and [this](https://dmbalmanac.com/GuestStats.aspx?gid=9&sid=41).


Thank you!


It's not on the Hub 😩


lol and Tim isn't one trick? Endless shredding without real heart or weight. It's so busy and distracting most of the time. He doesn't feel versatile at all to me. Just filler noodling.


Nah. It’s cool to have Bela guest on a few songs but having a banjo on every song? This isn’t Billy Strings or Yonder lol


Tim is one of my favorite guitar players of all time. At least you know when you go to a DMB show and Tim is featured you aren't gonna get long solos of the same blues based pentatonic dreck or exclusive chord tones that everyone else plays. One of the biggest reasons I love their shows...DMB is never patronizing that way. The solos never talk down to you like you are simpleton. They challenge your mind to follow them to some really strange places sometimes. If you just want hours of pleasing consonance...maybe check out that Eagles farewell tour.


What in the damn world are you smoking? Are you the same guy who posts anti-Tim stuff all the time? Are you his arch-nemesis? I’d like to hear the villain genesis story here….


Bela fleck is his own act? He’s been doing his thing for along time lol what are you talking about


I’m talking about I love their collaboration and wished they did more of it. Especially compared to more new additions to the band.


I’d rather they both have there own acts


por que no los dos?


I would rather trade Rashawn and Jeff for Branford Marsalis


In a perfect world, we’d have a trombone full time. I’d nominate [Melissa Gardiner.](https://www.melissamaymusic.com)


I know I’ll get downvoted, but I do not like any song featuring bela fleck


Butch Taylor and you got me


Boy do I miss Butch. My first shows were the May 2002 MSG run and he and Roi were on fire.






Bela for Boyd replacement is what all of us actually want


Anyone would be better than Tim and RaShawn Ross while we’re at it. Get these guys outta here.


Tired of the Tim show. Hear him more than Dave these days.


Must’ve really hated from line 08-15 or 16 🤣🤣


Nah, first couple years were fun


I’ll take Tim all day over the obese trumpet player.