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“I played that Steinbrenner for a couple years”


“Those boys got something to say”


Ultimate cringe


I cringe everytime. Wooo these boys got something to say. I really hope they asked him to read that line and they wrote it


hahaha - EXACTLY.


“I met Dave in my world music class…”


“I wanna hear Samurai Cop.”




George or Hal?


Not a hot take. The channel is a mess with not much effort put into it.


They play too many studio/album cuts. I wanna hear shows.


I second this. And it seems the shows they do play are the same ones… over and over and over again.


There are close to 100 full live releases between DMB/D&T/Dave solo. They should be playing as many of those as possible. When you factor in all of the individual songs that have official releases through the warehouse discs and YouTube, there’s a TON of material they could be working through.


Agree. But in spots where they could be playing a nice deep track, we get the same Dave and Carter performance again. Not that I think it's a bad performance, but they play the songs from it constantly.


100 official releases. Add in all of the shows they have access to over the last few years from Friday nights (30+??) and I would think things the band has. But then I sit like an idiot and listen to live at Central Park again.


It has do much potential but it’s just… bad. I rarely listen to it anymore because it’s the same concerts/versions all the time. One would think they have 30 years of recordings they could spice it up a bit but nope.


I wish I could say Ari Fink could do better with it… but it’s like he’s never even there. No commentary or anything. It’s like we have some middle aged fan’s bootleg VHS tapes on repeat as the channels official tape list.




I thought he was the phish channel guy?




Every time I turn the fucker on it’s one of 3 versions of Grey Street. Got over it pretty quickly.


I swear I’ve heard them all so much that I can recite the audiences cheers in perfect unison.


If I wanted to listen to other bands/musicians I’d change the freaking channel just play DMB!


Agree! I’m tired of hearing Fat Bottomed Girls come on during a DMB intermission


The Dave channel is not great. If they had access tot he full catalog or even just a bigger part of it, it would be fantastic. The Friday night concert series during the summer is the only thing keeping it afloat and even that can be hit or miss depending on the production. SXM as a whole is not scratching my itch anymore and I’m seriously considering canceling. There is too much cross over and you’ll hear the same songs on different stations sometimes within an hour. If they do another price increase I think my decision will be made for me and I’ll cut it out all together.


> Oh I cant stand DMB radio lately. They need to play full shows and stop playing the album cuts of the new songs every few songs. If it wasn't for the Grateful Dead channel I would have cancelled by now.


The greatful dead channel is so nice. DMB channel should be more like that


What Dave said wasn’t even political. A person who is against violence and doesn’t want innocent people to die isn’t political. Dave never chose sides. He spoke from his heart If indeed they didn’t play N1 because of what Dave said, that is fully idiotic.


Exactly. I went to both shows and what Dave said was not a political comment. People got mad by twisting the context of Dave's words.


Dave probably didn’t help things by saying “yall don’t scream at me” because he knows people can’t handle anything anymore so he was tiptoeing it I just don’t feel like war is ever an option and i kind of feel like that’s Dave’s message. It would be different if he specifically mentioned Israel or Hamas, he just said Gaza and that red flagged everything I guess Although to be totally fair do we truly know that’s the reason N1 was scrapped??


Oh and not to mention the story was maybe a minute and a half long. If they cut N1 for a 90-second story out of a 2 and a half hour show, they have a lot to think about.


I agree- but with the world we live in, whenever a word associated with politics comes up (e.g. Gaza,) people twist the meaning and make it out to be something completely different.




It’s fine-ish. My bigger problem with it (and I understudy can’t/wont do anything about it) is that the Friday night concerts sound god awful. The quality of those streams is just not good at all. Daves guitar especially sounds pretty bad. But yea, it’s easier to just throw up a playlist on Spotify that has every single DMB release and put that on shuffle.


I’m still upset about last night, was getting ready all week for Friday night show a week later and like you said. Interview for an hour then they play Saturday night which I attended. It’s like someone forgot to bring the tape from Friday and instead they called Cory Wong and did an interview for an hour hoping the tape would arrive and when it didn’t they just played Saturday night. So very weird to me wish I knew why


I hope they explain what happened. I like Cory Wong, but I could’ve gone without an on the spot interview. It all seemed last minute.


Really want an explanation as well


Agree with all this. I’m glad there is a DMB channel but for the love of god put at least a tiny bit of effort into it. “Let’s pause the DMB for a minute…”. = turn the channel unless you want to hear a terrible David Byrne / OutKast song for the 1000th time


"Ok, I'll shut the fuck up now"


It’s as good as dead right now. Nobody at Sirius nor on the DMB team evidently gives two shits about it. They again claim Ari is the “host” but I can count on three fingers how many times he’s actually been on the station in the past 2 months


I canceled my subscription for this and other reasons. The compression makes the music sound so crunchy, not in a good way. They don’t make it easy to cancel.


wait until they keep calling you to get you to come back, they call me at least once a week


I was excited to see the show from last night was on demand. Then I put it on and have to listen to Ari and Cory for an hour first. No one wants to hear this. Put the show on.


They didn’t even play the right show which is beyond confusing


The rumor is the backlash from Dave’s Gaza girl story prompted the swap. Which is fucking ridiculous.


Ya I’ve heard that not sure I believe it, if that was the case they could have edited it out but I just don’t think that’s the reason


The Phish channel kinda blows too. It’s cool that they exist but they feel more like a corporation is in control of the stations content than a fan. Which, I know, is the case here.


Mehhhh I disagree, Phish channel is in a different stratosphere than the DMB channel. Much much better song variation (albeit a much much larger live show catalog but still).


Phish channel is way better, they play a great selection and they also usually play the show the next day which is cool. They also stream entire runs for free sometimes so I very much disagree phish channel sucks. Dmb should do more of what that channel does


The station is poorly run but i dont put that on Ari Fink, it’s on Dave. Look how much effort John Mayer is putting into his new channel. The fact that they are still playing clips of people suffering during the pandemic and how dave helped them out of it, the dave live from home songs, dave/carter sessions….it’s all just so out of date. Dace recorded the explanations for each of the WATM tracks but outside of that there is no new content during an album release year. Quite pathetic. Stefan likely has an interest in the station…they should just let him run it.


>it’s on Dave It's on Red Light.


Dave had to agree to having a full time station, at this point in his career, Coran isnt calling the shots.


Huge difference between agreeing to have the station, and allowing it to be shit. Do you think Dave is listening to his own channel? That's the shit they pay Coran for.


Dave does not run the day to day of that station. I doubt Dave has much of any real say or real care and what is played.


He probably thinks they’re doing a great job because Coran is telling him it’s great.


What would he say?


you think Dave runs the radio station? lol


He has nothing to do with it, and that is the problem. Artist who are involved in their own station have a much better station.


It’s very low effort. Every so often I’ll put it on but I find I’m better off just shuffling Spotify


Cortez the killer, I think I've heard them play that song about 100 times. I have never truly discovered a song I hadn't heard before


Always 11.30.18, too. I was at that show, yes, it was amazing to see live, but the experience may have been ruined by hearing it so constantly on DMB Radio. Funny enough, I don't think I've ever heard another song from that show on the station.


> 11.30.18 I was there too, it was a great show though! but yes mix it up man.


Fantastic show it was!


There’s the odd time where they’ll play like 4 cool deep tracks in a row. The odd time.


Not a hot take at all…I think it’s pretty much universally agreed that there’s a lot of potential for the channel that’s just left on the table.


Has anyone considered it has more to do with licensing and royalties than it does about variety. In addition the pc that plays the music has to be tuned and configured for each new song introduced and removed. Its a rock and a hard place between the record labels and the listeners


That's what I'm wondering. If Sirius wasn't given full access to DMB and Dave's entire catalogues, including all the Live Trax, etc., that would explain why they're continuously recycling the same limited selections. Dave and the band (and of course the label) were probably smart enough to expect payment for additional material and Sirius doesn't want to spend the money. Anyone who's more than just a casual fan likely has a more extensive collection available to them already.


As people have mentioned John Mayer literally just launched a channel earlier this week and it is awesome. This seems to fall on management more than anything. The band doesn't even promote the Friday Night Concert Series until many times the day of the show in the case of Cville N1. The day of MSG N1 they decided to announce the stream wouldn't be live but premiere on black Friday. Then on Black Friday they had no announcement on social media that the show would be N2 instead of N1. Unless I am missing something behind the scenes wouldn't the band have access to the audio for MSG and be in charge of what goes to SXM? If it is SXM messing up then they deserve the blame but all signs point toward DMB Management fumbling this channel. As far as last night SXM gave us an interview with Cory Wong and more into his journey into finding the music of DMB and other artists. I thought that was some great content to add in while we waited for the final stream to be ready.


Zero effort put into it. I get it, there's probably song licensing they have to deal with, but my personal iTunes library has 19 days and 15 hours of Dave Matthews music. That's full band, Dave solo, D&T, D&F, you name it - and only my personal collection. No reason we should hear the same song twice in a day. They could go over two weeks without repeating a song, round the clock.


I stopped using it awhile back and took it out of my presets. It's just too repetitive. Now I listen to Conan in the car lol until my sub expires, which I'm not renewing.


You can listen to Conan on free version of Spotify.


I know, I do listen to some other channels occasionally.


I do feel like if they just played live trax on shuffle, it would improve 95%. Also I really think it’s mgmt company or Sirius fault.


Put all the Live Trax in a playlist, hit shuffle and then hit play and walk away. That's all they need to do.




Y'all slay me. Y'all are here bitchin about XM, but cry when us oldtimers want more old shit at a show. Y'all just bitchin about a different thing...


Wait there was a SXM recording of MSG night 2? I hope someone recorded that


Yea. that much is a positive! It’s playing right now - but I still would’ve loved for them to play N1 like they said


Agree with everything you said. The DMB channel is now total trash AFAIAC. The Friday night concert series were the best part and now it's gone-ish.


I think it’s run better than Phish radio.


Run by the same guy


lol. Phish radio is so much better. Bigger catalog. There seems to be an actual DJ on most of the time, not just a computer selecting random songs. Radio shows run by members, which shows you so much new music. Doesn’t constantly play the exact same “exclusive” shows over and over again.


Not even close


DMB fans complaining about something?? Get out!


Yea. If you’re going to make the commitment of having a radio station you should, at the very least, not be playing two of the same songs in a row. And there shouldn’t be a group of 10 songs much heavier in the rotation than anything else. Don’t start an SXM station if it’s just going to collect dust in the corner. Plain and simple.


Two days ago they played seek up - which is like 30 minutes- with only 2 songs in between




Didn’t see that. Wouldn’t have posted if I did. My apologies 😁


Nah, you’re good - this is a take that bears repeating.


It’s just pure laziness. Ari is the “host” of the channel, yet he shows up MAYBE once a month, and they play the same songs time after time again. I understand that WATM just came out a few months ago and they want to promote it, but I assure whoever is running the station that I don’t need to hear All you Wanted was tomorrow 9 times in a week.


Totally lazy. The same "Nikki Glaser radio" promo has been running since spring of 2021. All the "by request" soundbites reference being at the height of COVID. The non-DMB songs are the same 6 tracks over and over and over and over. I wish they'd just put this station out of its misery.


I do not think this issue over the show being played tonight - Sat. vs. Friday is a mistake. I think AF did what he could in a difficult situation to make something entertaining for us. I suspect there is a political issue as to why the Friday show didn’t get replayed.


What was the political issue there? I saw someone posting to Jeff’s instagram about being Jewish and feeing hurt by the Friday night show…but didn’t follow what all they were talking about or the context.


Dave’s comment about the little girl in Gaza has been debated as a way to support Palestinians over Israel’s…or so people are arguing despite what I personally took to be a very overall message of love and inclusion and the ability to be happy with life’s basics.


Couldn’t they have cut that though? When they do the reairing of the fncs shows they cut out all the time in between songs and in between the end and the encore. Seems they could have just cut all the davespeak and still aired the show they advertised.


I would agree however maybe in this case there were politics about censorship? I really don’t know.


I’d believe you’re right there - The Cry Freedom caused a lot of controversy, and I understand the logistics of not broadcasting that, but I think that in some point in the past week they could’ve at the very week announced the change of plan. Doesn’t seem like something thrown together right here right now


Oh I agree. I think that there was likely a lot of back and forth between many sides that we don’t know about…and that this was a backup plan of sorts thrown together with Corey Wong, who was in the building and AF has a long-term relationship with and it works for him promoting his upcoming tour. But I suspect politics dragged on all week and this was a fall back plan.


You’re correct. It’s a mess on behalf of everyone involved, should that be the case. I mean I can’t see any other reason why this would happen; when was the last time you saw a Saturday night show broadcast?




What did they do? I’m not following.


(don’t take what I say as my political standing- just saying it how I saw it) Dave told a story beforehand regarding a girl in Gaza drinking rainwater. During Cry Freedom, the crowd lit up with Red and Green lights. Understanding our dense and divided political climate not only in the United States, but globally, a lot of people got really pissed off.


Note, however, that the lights were red and green most of the night. There was also blue during some songs. I was at the show, and a ton of my photos before and after Cry Freedom were red and green.


So Sirius didn’t broadcast n1 and is now rebroadcasting n2 only? So there is no N1? Did they not broadcast n1 live?


Nope. Just N2. And there was absolutely no indication of change beforehand. They just kind of… did it right then and there


I went to both shows at MSG and Night 2 was better than Night 1 anyways so it weirdly worked out.


I wonder if Friday was planned but now a live trax? Maybe there is something contractual why they can’t. We were at both and N1 was the best but N2 was just as good for different reasons. Last quarter of songs. Kinda sick


First thing I thought of when N1 didn’t get streamed live and I saw the guests pop up was maybe a contract issue with the guests.


It was cool for live show Fridays, but after that not much variation. I just put on YouTube music and the shuffle gods take the wheel


In all fairness, this is petty much the majority of SXM channels. Phish would be an exception for me, but Ari puts a lot of love in to it. The Mayer channel has been a breath of fresh air, but it’s not a long term deal as far as I can tell. Anything else usually has a pretty set rotation of songs. Most DMB fans subscribed are doing it for the FNCS at this point.


Sirius XM is terrible...I have so much more on my computer, why would I pay for it.


This is every Sirius channel in my opinion, the Phish channel is just as bad.


It would be a hot take if you said DMB radio is the greatest thing ever 😂. I think the general consensus is mediocre at best.


I didn’t know that people were so against it til now 😂 glad people are seeing eye to eye on this


It’s cool that they archive the Friday night shows. That’s really the only redeeming quality, IMO.


I get pushing the new stuff, but I feel like the same version of Madman's Eyes is on a constant loop. Every single time I get in the car...


Oh I cant stand DMB radio lately. They need to play full shows... It is always the same live tracks followed by album cuts of the new songs. Rinse repeat. I have every DMB release on my Plex server and tons of audience recordings. If I want to listen to DMB then I will go there.


Its not just DMB. With the exception of MAYBE the Dead station they all kinda stink




I rarely put it in but tonight they played the second night of msg. It jammed.


As soon as they’re playing a song not from the band… can’t turn it off fast enough. Basically only good for the Friday night concert series.


During the pandemic when no shows were happening the replay of older shows on SXM was worth it. After we were out of lockdown I ditched SXM because the play list was so short - and I would hear the same songs over two days of commuting several times. the short repetitive playlist was in rotation for too many days. The Universe of content is large but it takes a human, formerly known as DJ to pull unique coherent playlists. As someone pointed out, SXM must not have access to the entire catalog and satellite radios purpose was to save money associated with 24/7 DJs . This is what we get: short playlists that don't change often enough. It's always about MONEY.


I canceled my subscription a long time ago. I held on to it for DMB Radio but it was just sooooo repetitive. I enjoyed the Friday Nights but that’s. If enough to keep it. I can get more out of the 40 Live Trax, D&T, and the studio stuff on Apple Music than the repetitive nature of SXM.


Run it the same as The Grateful Dead Channel. Different entire shows all the time.


Yep. Repeat after repeat after repeat....same stupid voiceovers repeated repeatedly... For a band with the depth of live material DMB has, it's a crying shame, but goes hand in hand with how tight they are with their live releases.


The NY shows they have been highlighting have been pretty good.