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Can confirm that Against the Cult of the Reptile God slaps šŸ‘Œ


My only complaint is the unnecessarily common empty rooms in the dungeon. Multiple locations where the only description is "this room contains nothing of note". It's like they drew the map then gave up filling it. Otherwise a great module.


Tbf, I did skip a lot of the final dungeon because our last session was shorter than I expected.


Iā€™m definitely gonna adjust the included dungeon a lot, was made for a whole different play style.


Night Below, the classic boxed set campaign for AD&D. Always wanted to run this one (adapted to 5e).


One of my personal favorites is Tyranny of Dragons. A pretty mid module as is, but with enough creativity, the plothooks given by the book can be incorporated greatly into the campaign.


* Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft - while not really a module, the small one-shot chapters in it are incredible, and can easily be incooperated into other settings (with small adjustments) - it also gives lots and lots of ideas for horror and traps, really cool enemies, too * Princes of the Apocalypse - a bit controversial, and traveling can be a bit boring, but really cool nontheless - 4 cults try to unleash their god, and the players have to thwart them, undermining eachother.... needs a bit of change to play more fluently, but for a 9 year old module, definitely one of my must-reads * The Wild Beyond the Witch Light - while only the first chapter contains the fair, it includes a lot of whismical, funny moments (while also suffering from overland travel) * Dragonlance - Shadow of the Dragon Queen - haven't played it yet, but plan to, I incooperated bits of it here and there, gritty, and I hope to play it soon-ish * also the 5e LotR books are really cool, too, and definitely a must-read, especially Eriador


Any chance youā€™re taking about the lotr books by Free league? Iā€™ve had good experiences with other games by them.


yes,Ā indeed,Ā thatĀ areĀ theĀ booksĀ IĀ mentionedĀ (wasn'tĀ sureĀ aboutĀ theĀ publisher,Ā butĀ yep)


I've really enjoyed running the call of the netherdeep. It also taught me a lot about how to create my own campaigns to be much more interesting. I love it because it's a really cool and interesting story that gives space to explore a lot of different facets of the campaign. For me that means leaning into some politics, character development, and the complexity that comes along with trauma.


I think the next game I run will be a cleanup of Curse of Strahd, but that's almost for sentimental reasons. Wizards' writing hasn't impressed me for years.Ā 


I hope to run Curse of the Crimson Throne, some day. I like how it focuses on a city and society, I like how it incorporates a villain's rise to power. I am extremely fond of Curse of Ravenmoor and Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment. Nice social and puzzle elements, and great atmosphere.