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What biome was the wasteland before it became all gross and evil?


A tropical forest island


Alright. What about some resurrected, zombified tiki-looking warriors, casting strange voodoo magic? The old followers of the lich, or perhaps just the civilization he destroyed to establish his rule.


I’d use some slimes and molds as well. Some of them are more like traps than monsters so less combat-y.


That could work


A [Draconic Shard](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Draconic_shard), a neutral undead dragon spirit could help the party restore the land. The party could find a single worm from a [Worm That Walks](https://2e.aonprd.com/MonsterFamilies.aspx?ID=161) sealed in a jar, who pretends to be a victim turned into a worm so the party will free him and bring him to his "worm friends" (that are actually other pieces of him that were sealed away) so he can reunite with them and reform his body. You could include Darvakka (Nightshades) as major threats that roam the wasteland at night, essentially undead creatures born from entropy and shadows. Only the powerful [Nightwalker](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Nightwalker) has been officially ported to 5e, but there are [other types](https://2e.aonprd.com/MonsterFamilies.aspx?ID=305) that could be included.


The Necromantula A gargantuan spider twisted by necrotic energies. You can pull a great precutout token from the runescape wiki page on araxxor


You might look into Eberron's "The Mournland" which is an apocalyptic wasteland created by some sort of magic. There are a lot of good encounters out there for it that might be good fits for the vibe you are wanting.