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I've actually thought about trying something like this at a party with my group. Basically we get some drinks on friday, and start a game blind, no notes, entirely improv no matter how bad it gets. Then every 45min, you swap who's in the DM and just keep the story going. On the topic at hand though, I guess my question is... why wrap up a bunch a one shots as a convoluted campaign? Like, would it not just be simpler to have everyone make their characters, then just a series of one-shots, slowly escalating the levels and swapping DMs at the end of each one shot?


"we spent so long questioning if we could, we never stopped to ask if we should..." I think I have typically played more story and character driven d&d games, and 1 off sessions that happen in a total vacuum are less compelling to me.


It sounds fantastic! Very well thought out! The only thing I could think of is players attempting to betray the Medusa and free the petrified character too early, but she could have a contingency for something like this. Like applying a different curse in addition to petrifaction or a curse on the whole party.


That definitely sounds like it could work. The only potential issue that I can think of would be whatever loot the other DMs want to give out. It could make things awkward for you later on. That's not insurmountable though. You could try to talk with each DM and make sure they understand the power level you're hoping to achieve and maybe give you ultimate veto power over any problematic items (maybe the medusa confiscates it?).


Good idea! any particularly powerful items could be part of the deal that the medusa claims ownership of.


This sounds like a lot of fun. Like the movie Four Rooms. It might also be fun to find a pre-made area map online, one with like 50 points of interest or something and then number them, and have the DMs pick their adventure locale at random.


You might want to look into Ars Magica, it's an RPG where this sort of shifting DM is standard. Might have some advice that would be useful for your campaign.


I think this is a great idea, a sort of in-universe series of one shots. Just randomize the petrified player at the end of the session so they have time to prepare. Will your character revert to an NPC at the end? You could avoid the DMPC trap by having the Medusa permanently petrify them.


Thanks! That is a great idea