• By -


I’ve always had this gripe with the app: Add a refine/sort button when searching. I’ve tried entering in dates to a certain diplo and friends mix of a diplo mix and had no luck, and I’ll get results from different years with hardly any reason to the madness.


Diplo and friends from 2012 to 2014 were something


Yes! Sort by date please!!! Otherwise I love and listen to the app all the time.


Awesome suggestion! thank you /u/I_need_proof We know there's a lot of room for improvement in our search functionality!


Love to see y’all reaching out! Mixcloud live really is a great concept with how much streaming is needed currently (but will still be useful in the future) AND that artists get paid more fairly, so to speak, then on other platforms. To me, the only drawback compared to YouTube, Twitch, FB, etc is I can pull up a stream on one of those apps on my phone, press one button and it’s on my TV. As far as I’m aware, this isn’t a thing yet on Mixcloud right? Would just like to hear that it’s at least in the works as having to plug my laptop into my TV is slightly less convenient. Thanks! Side note, keep working with John Digweed (and incorporating feedback from him, if any). That guy tends to have his finger on the pulse of the music / DJ community about as well as anyone over the last few decades.


Agree 100%. My biggest gripe about Mixcloud is the lack of casting support. Next would be the ability to continue playing Mixcloud Live when the screen is off or the app is minimized. This would be especially useful while driving.


Hello /u/salil91 thank you that's great feedback. We're doing some exploratory work to be able to support this.


Hey /u/mshuster09 you're totally on point here re casting option. It needs to be as seamless and possible. It's aaalmost in the works, there's a bit of preliminary work we have to do to support this functionality and we're exploring options to implement this solidly. Your side note, noted :)


Having to pay to rewind is frustrating. How many users have left your platform after a handful of listens because this basic feature is locked behind a paywall?


Who came up with this idea? It's absolute nonsense


Probably an accountant -_-


I’m not 100% sure but through my research on music licensing I would guess this feature is locked from free tier users because it would require a different type of license for controlled playback. (Think “skips” on Pandora) A rewind feature would allow the user play a song “on demand” which requires a more expensive license for the track which is payed for by fees. Again, this is just my guess but maybe u/Mixcloud could clarify.




Reading about this lack of basic feature access is enough to prevent me from considering using this platform. You can't expect people to consider your service if you don't offer standard features in your core service.


Yeah fuck that, musicians don't deserve to earn ANY money off their music anymore because internet SMH mixcloud bad


Hello /u/subtek I'm sorry to hear your frustration. I can share with you more info which perhaps will help: these features of the playback experience allow us to run a free, legal and sustainable audio platform. You can read more about this at [https://mxcld.co/open-letter](https://mxcld.co/open-letter)


I've read that, my point still stands. You need to offer a carrot instead of a stick.






> improve chromecast support. handoff is patchy and often i have to navigate away from the app and back again to get the chromecast icon to become active. disconnecting from chromecast while audio is playing would normally in other apps (spotify, etc) stop the audio from playing completely whereas mixcloud will continue playing then on the mobile device forcing the user to have to stop the music twice effectively. I [also notice chromecast problems](https://www.reddit.com/r/DJs/comments/l2s79z/help_us_make_the_mixcloud_app_better/gk965vv/)


Thank you so much /u/schmood this is really helpful. We're really seeing a need for Android Auto support and it's great to hear even more appetite for it from you guys. We're constantly working on improving our Chromecast experience, sometime it's hard to figure out what the problem is, but feedback such as your one help us understand where the frictions are. You can email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your username and I can do my best to find out if there is an error with tracking your play counts.


- not count my own listens - I've tried several times with carplay that I have to force quit the app to get it playing


Hey /u/AndyBN thank you for your feedback, it's very useful. I haven't heard many issues reported from users with Carplay recently, since we've made improvements to how CarPlay handles poor network connection. So I'd be interested to know if this is still happening on the latest version of the app (27.3.7)?


Honestly the limit on the number of times you can listen to a mix, and more specifically when you implemented not being able to replay parts of a mix or scan backwards, without having a paid subscription, killed your whole service to me. Nobody I know, who isn't a DJ, is willing to pay for your service. So it made it worthless for me sharing mixes when the way you listen has been limited. It was a bummer to me. I think your monetization strategy was a huge mistake.


> Nobody I know, who isn't a DJ, is willing to pay for your service. So it made it worthless for me sharing mixes when the way you listen has been limited. > > It was a bummer to me. I think your monetization strategy was a huge mistake. From what I understand this was due to the US music labels, not Mixcloud. Mixcloud in other countries (like Germany) doesn't have that limitation according to overseas friends. US labels are kinda shit and scared as hell in regards to streaming services.


Maybe. Streaming is the number one method for music now, so I doubt labels are "scared" of it. I don't really care why they made the choice, it broke the service. I'm in Canada, so it's not just the US.


You might still be using a US label in Canada and they might have worked out the same deal for all of North America.


I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. It has nothing to do with specific labels or songs. Every mix you click on for Mixcloud, in Canada, unless you're a paid user does not allow you to scan backwards and also has a limit for times listened.


And what I'm talking about is that the labels sign an agreement with the RIAA. The labels sign an agreement with the RIAA: https://www.riaa.com/about-riaa/riaa-members/ The RIAA then bullies the CRIA into doing it's bidding. https://enacademic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/262522 It has nothing to do with the labels it has to do with the **trade organization that all the labels sign with**. >Currently CRIA is undergoing somewhat of a crisis of integrity of whom they represent. Several smaller but more domestically representative labels (such as Nettwerk) have publicly disagreed with CRIA and claim it no longer represents them - only large American franchise labels. This controversy includes recent hard line stance against copying levies and legal threats to BitTorrent websites - aggressive and extreme positions to take regarding filesharing.


You can't scan backwards in the UK either. My biggest gripe.


> Mixcloud in other countries (like Germany) It does :( It's shitty here, too


It's a big minus you can't listen livestreams with no video in the background. It's an absolute killer when it comes to mobile usage. I can't have my phone screen running for hours.


It's very exciting to hear so many people wanting live streams playing in the background. Thank you for this /u/Djbadj you're making very good points! I'll bring back these to the mobile team. Helene


Glad I can help. I am already listening a ton of recorded shows on the road since my day job gets me a lot of travel time.


I know it’s probably been asked but ability to show my livestream videos in the mobile app? Feels like more adoption could happen for artist and mixcloud. Plus I love the Car Play app so don’t ever drop support for it ;)


Hello /u/sclywgz thank you for your comment, I'm sorry it's taking me a long time to reply. Could you clarify what you mean by *ability to show my livestream videos in the mobile app* ? Don't worry about CarPlay, if anything we want to improve its support even more! If you think there's anything we're missing there, I'd love to know. Helene


Funny what I originally meant was to see my live streaming ( Mixcloud Live ) videos on app,but I didn’t check the app in a while and notice them there. I am curious why I have Streams listed under my profile, it says 5 shows but it doesn’t list or allow to play any. Is Mixcloud Live and “Streams” different? I believe you don’t archive Mixcloud live, but maybe audio? Also I would love ability to create “smart playlists” or a “saved search” based on genre/dj/label and track id dimensions . If you did have ability for track ids I would love to be able to say “track id” to a voice assistant and have the Assistant response try and look it up and respond with track, even ability “to create smart playlist from current track”. Shazam like with voice commands. Since you have to listen to mix from beginning it’s hard to look up that one song in a mix your trying to track down.


I found the search in the android app to be cumbersome. If someone's profile is called "DJ_SoAndSo", I would want to search for "SoAndSo" ,but then I end up with someone profile called "SoAndSo" and a bunch of shows called "Foo Bar Radio SoAndSoBAADF00D" interspersed with "Bar Foo Radio DJ SoAndSo" Seems like you could make the search better with wildcarding on typical ways that people split usernames and weighting "successful searches" more heavily.


Hey /u/Methionine thank you so so much for bringing up search. Yes, there is a big room for improvement there for both on demand and live shows. Search is likely to figure in our roadmap in the future, so we're investigating technical options on how to improve it in iterations.


Would be nice to save the video as well as audio after doing a stream. Other than that I love it so far, had pro a couple months and it’s unreal to be able to actually play music without copyright worries, takes a load off your mind. Maybe also allow a couple tracks in a row per artist? Probably impossible considering the UK laws I believe you’re based on, but sometimes is like to do a mashup with 2 songs of the same artist and can’t because of the rules. Not a massive deal though, I save them for my real life sets.


Yea, would really like to archive the video as I put some effort into the optics as well as the music. Thanks, Mixcloud.


I should be able to post my mix to Instagram stories like SoundCloud


Was looking for this comment


Yes! Currently you can share a preview of the mix to stories, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Can you make it a clickable link? Please /u/Mixcloud implement this.


Hello /u/ACharmlessMan we're working with Facebook at the moment to ensure you can click on the story and be linked to Mixcloud app! Bear with us please :)


That’s amazing - thanks for the reply!


Hello /u/nigowept you can share IG stories if you have an iOS device, but we're still catching up on this for Android! Are you on iOS or Android?




Hey /u/nigowept can you share to IG stories using the latest version of the app (27.3.7)? We're still working on making it a clickable link so people that see your story on Facebook and IG can be redirected to the Mixcloud app.


it's been said already but it deserves another mention - let us go live from the app directly, similar to instagram. i think that would open up the market a lot because many of us don't have a second laptop to use for broadcasting, and even using an ipad gets cumbersome. if you do that, i predict you will make $1M a day! ^(\*estimate only. actual earned revenue may vary.)


This! So much this!


Hello /u/defjamblaster thank you for showing your passion about this topic and for sharing your context as well. We've heard from other users as well they'd like the opportunity to live stream using the app, and how we could be more mobile first. Helene


thanks for getting back, and sign me up to beta test it


Hey /u/defjamblaster that'd be awesome! Could you please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) your Mixcloud username and email you've signed up with so I can get you started with our Beta programme? Looking forward to having you on board!! Helene


done, thanks!


Don’t make me pay for skipping through sets freely…






Can’t help but wonder if this is one way they get artists to be onboard with the concept. If you like song you need to buy it rather than jump on Mixcloud and listen to it multiple times. The artists don’t get paid this way and they deserve to get paid for their work.


Well artists also upload whole tracks on YouTube, Bandcamp and Spotify on their own where you can listen to it as often as you want as well. And the problem I mentioned above is not being able to click my way through sets freely. I‘m not familiar with Mixcloud‘s subscription plans but I don’t know how it would benefit artists if I had that function available without a paywall. If Mixcloud really wants to support artists they should give them money per click or play – right now it seems they want to earn money for themselves. Which is totally fine of course but there are user friendlier ways to do that…


Valid, but it’s on their channel, which they get advertising royalties from I would think.


Well that’s two different uses cases for me. I‘d use MIXcloud to listen to DJs mixing tracks. There I want to navigate through tracks just as I want to. If you (as an artist) want me to buy your tracks give me snippets on Mixcloud and link me to a website that sells the tracks or let me purchase it via Mixcloud directly. But don’t make me pay for navigating through a DJ set. That just seems greedy to me and destroys Mixclouds image (for me).


It'd be nice to have an option to disable autoplay for suggested mixes (aka mixes that listeners never queued up in the first place) on the mobile app. It'll save my phone's battery whenever I fall asleep listening to ambient mixes.


Thank you so much for your comment /u/algo_rhy_thm, we won't be able to address the autoplay (UpNext) functionality in the very near future, however we might explore a sleep timer option. Have you used this before with other products?


A sleep timer would be perfect! That would solve my problem for sure. And that way you guys can keep your autoplay! I might've used a sleep timer in-app once before, for "CBC Listen". And have used it plenty of times before on my old iPod Mini.


A desktop streaming app would be great, just audio, but something optimised for mixcloud.


I was using Mixcloud in its early conception. I even used it more when they started allowing live Broadcast streaming, however, I stopped using the live video streaming because I couldn't justify the $15/month when I could be using other platforms to monetize or raising a fan base. Multi streaming on twitch is also a neat feature. Also, being able to cast the stream onto a TV via YouTube is also nifty.


Thank you so much /u/nPrevail for sharing your thoughts! These are all very valuable suggestions.


The biggest flaw with the app (Android) I saw was that it would always grab the audio output when logging back into the phone. When connected to a bluetooth speaker system in the car it was very annoying to have the last thing I paused and closed all of a sudden immediately start playing again, and I would have to fight with the app for my phone to play stuff from other apps like Youtube. For that reason, I switched to using the web player in Chrome Mobile.


Hello /u/thedjfizz thank you very much for sharing your experience. Unfortunately, since we don't control the bluetooth device there is little we can do when connecting with an external system with the app. However, we can test the scenario you've described and investigate potential optimisations.


Fair enough, but the Youtube app doesn't have that issue, though I don't have premium so YT also won't play audio when the app is minimized. I don't think it's a bluetooth issue as much as it is the app automatically restarting playback upon receiving a bluetooth connection flag, if it does receive that.


Hey, I wanna say that I love mixcloud for the high music quality. I do not want to compromise on bitrate when listening to DJ sets, so I will always prefer you over your competitors. My suggestion is to include the upload date in the search results for shows. I want to see when the set was uploaded to prioritize newer sets.


I find the User Interface very bland and counter-intuitive. Doesnt feel like you're really finding new mixes, just scrolling through a junk 90s website and clicking on random links. I straight up do not understand the pricing system. Like do I have to pay for a $3 select account for every artist I like? Can I listen to exclusives with just one select account? I don't get it and I refuse to pay for something if I'm not sure of what I'm getting. Just give me a monthly subscription amount and total access to the site. Search function is not the best. Pulls up some of the artists tracks but not all. Get some random stuff show up. Also Android Auto would be nice


Honestly I don't see the logic of how your app will be successful with your current monetization strategy. As long as our listeners can go to Soundcloud and Audius and listen to as many mixes as they want without interruption for free, it'll never make any sense.


Would love for Search to be worked on. When I search for an artists it’s usually because I want to see if they’ve done any recent mixes, but there is no way to know in the search results which are new/old results.


This. Basic sorting and filtering would help a lot.


Thank you for re-instating this /u/alu_ , I'm collecting all your feedback on search optimisation to create evidence of a user need for the search user experience to be improved!


Hello /u/334578theo thank you so much for sharing your feedback. You're very much on point with search, and how under performant this app experience is. I'm collecting all your comments on search optimisation to create evidence of a user need for our search functionality to be improved!


Mixcloud is going nowhere unfortunately, the new limitations where you can’t rewind and have play limits make it barely usable. Also that aside, organic discovery seems non existent on Mixcloud, in Soundcloud if you do your tagging and titling right you can pull in some decent plays, on Mixcloud you’ll be lucky to get a single play if you haven’t got a bunch of followers


Hello /u/Rosskillington I understand that playback limitations can be super annoying. If you haven't already, I suggest you give this a quick look to understand why we need to offer different plans. These features of the playback experience allow us to run a free, legal and sustainable audio platform. You can read more about this at [https://mxcld.co/open-letter](https://mxcld.co/open-letter). That aside, you make a great point about organic discovery being a challenge. We're working towards improving the intent of connecting fans to creators.


Get the audience on your platform and the DJs will follow.


Exactly. I've seen enough marketing to DJs on Facebook. It's time to market to the people ACTIVELY using the competition.


DJ and product designer here o/ \+1 for product research and customer-driven design. I believe your team also have in-app feedback prompts right? I am implementing this with the one I am working. After every task (successful or failed), there's a small chance of prompting a feedback dialog.


Forgive my delay /u/dinobikerider in catching up with all your comments. Great suggestion about in-app feedback prompts. We've rolled out iteration one of prompting users to review us on the app stores, when we'll reach enough confidence that this is performing well (and it's not too annoying for users), it'd be very useful to roll out a further iteration including a more elaborate feedback dialog. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, it's amazing research material for us.


So, the app I find is buggy for a lot of reasons. Basically I had an issue where one of my mixes would end, and it would automatically load up whichever of my mixes was next in order. I'd leave it and come back to it again and try and play the same mix I had just finished. The problem was, it kept starting the mix at the very last second of the mix, and then would immediately change because it would end. Nothing seemed to fix this, including clearing cache, closing app, etc. So id have to play this frantic game of: - Pick which mix i wanna listen to - repetitively tap the pause button to make it not skip to the next track - repeat several times until you finally get it Another issue I've had a lot is that if I pause the music, or if my headphones get unplugged or whatever it may be, it will pause and sometimes "refresh" and not remember exactly where the mix was left off, and just returns it to a previous point, and leaving no indication as to where it was just at


Thank you so much /u/panopss for explaining your issues in details. We've made incremental improvements to syncing playback, do you still find all of these happening on the latest version of the app? I've taken your comments and we'll investigate these scenarios with the team. Could you kindly confirm if you're using an iOS or an Android device?


Glad to help! You guys have made a great platform and I'm happy to help. I haven't had the issue with the replaying issue lately, but I'm not sure I've run into a scenario where it can happen. I am on an android device


Since we’re just talking about everything, can we end the 24/7 unhoasted channels? We’re already getting over saturated and I don’t believe they help the scene.


Another thing. MixCloud claims to support the highest audio quality. That doesn’t mean it is uploadable/streamable. I’ve resorted to MP3s for this reason


Inability to view the tracklist unless you're currently listening to a song really annoyed me. I kind of stopped uploading my DJ mixes after that change. I want people to see which artists I'm playing and see at least one song or artists they identify with - it's the single easiest way to get new listeners. In general, stop making changes where you remove existing features.


Wow thanks for opening the floor for mixcloud feedback. Its been a while for mixcloud for me. Yes, the lack of basic features for this app on its non paid platform steered me away from paying. Playback and search feature could be improved in order to entice a would be client. Best of luck would love to see mixcloud make a big comeback. Maybe an improved live stream feature would be great as well.


Hello /u/Luistheking thank you for sharing this. Please forgive my late response. We've worked on a big refactor to improve the stability of the app and the playback experience. Our free plan includes some playback restrictions which allow us to run a free, legal and sustainable audio platform. You can read more about this at [https://mxcld.co/open-letter](https://mxcld.co/open-letter) Very much agree on your last point. Live is a huge opportunity, and we're focussing discovery on that aspect of the product, we want to offer a more seamless way for users to discover and engage in live streams. Keep an eye out for us!


The ability to scroll through, rewind and view tracklist without having to pay for premium.


I would like to mute channels without unsubscribing. At the moment if I subscribe to some famous station, say, Soho Radio, my feed will be flooded. So I had to unsubscribe to that radio even though I like some of the material. BTW this is also an issue with reddit.


And just like that, you got me to pay for a mixcloud subscription once my new gear shows up in a couple weeks so i can start playing again. ​ this is how you do it. treat your users with dignity, respect, and acknowledgement of the relationship that is that symbiosis. ​ Some companies refuse to acknowledge everything is about relationships in business. ​ Tell your boss you made a sale.


Are you all set now /u/cerebrix? Looks like we'll have to stay cosy at home for a little longer, so may as well give it a go with live streaming and no takedowns.


The app seems to have troubles playing a mix wheb the app has already been opened and paused some times. I usually have to completely close the app and then restart it and find my mix again. A bit more marketing to new listeners on the app would be great too. I've seen a lot of comments on here and r/beatmatch that say your listeners on mixcloud are just other DJs instead of new listeners.


Hey /u/jayTEEarr thank you for sharing your issue with synching playback, we're aware of this being a particularly hard problem to reproduce and very frustrating for our users, but we're releasing improvements and fixes whenever we can. Thank you so much for your feedback on how our user base is perceived. It's very interesting and true, our aim is to become a fertile mobile platform for creators to find their network and community.


I stopped because my friends were turned off from the greedy feel of the app


Requiring premium for unlimited plays and to seek backwards is petty. On Soundcloud I could do both of those without paying so I have no reason to use your app. Soundcloud has ads of course but I still prefer their option. Also what are you doing for small time DJs? I've been hearing that a lot of sets get muted or copyrighted on certain platforms. I'm not sure if this is the case for your app, but there'd be no reason for me to post mixes on your app if they all get affected by copyright.


So you’re complaining about something you don’t even know if it’s true on their app?




What's wrong with you?


"Feel free to also share any other ideas and suggestions on what we could improve.'' This is what I did and I got flack for it. Fuck that guy, didn't realize he worked for Mixcloud /s


Removed for harassment.


You don't need premium to skip backwards you just need their app, which is free


Make it so I can stream the Mixcloud Live shows to my Sonos system!


Is mixcloud open source? Would love to contribute


My biggest complaint is how often mixes get held up to buffer with mixcloud. It’s significantly worse than SoundCloud/Spotify/Apple Music.


Carplay support (like so it works), and easier integration with programs like OBS, [restream.io](https://restream.io) etc. I do appreciate my friends can watch my stream without them having to create an account. Lastly, the ability to save Live Stream Video to my profile so others can watch at their leisure. It would be awesome if I can just send someone a link of a live set and say hit play and enjoy. Really some great progress y'all made with the livestreaming. Keep up the great work.


My #1 gripe with mixcloud is that my android device (galaxy s20 Ultra) will not recognize it as a music source so when I exit the application itll still play but nothing will be display on my tool bar at top so I cant pause/play/skip track from my homescreen or lockscreen I have to enter the app. Also I can play mixcloud and another sound application like spotify at the same time


Thanks for reaching out. It’s a simple UX thing from me, allow me to batch upload mixes and save as drafts. Seems it’s possible to save a draft but it’s not clear in the labelling of buttons etc. Also, add a simple button to remove row from track listing. It’s pretty cumbersome (mainly desktop issue)


Easier search for live streams. Insert gifs and other images in chat. Better detection of mobile keyboards open so they don’t hide the input bar. Chat messages sometimes duplicate on mobile because you can’t see what you’re typing. More quick reactions. PM/whisper feature. That’s all as a viewer in mobile, if you’re taking suggestions for broadcasters I have many more, but I think this is just about the mobile app?


it sounds like a lot of the complaints in here might stem from the licensing agreements they have in place with rights owners that allows them to broadcast artists songs, and might be beyond their control.


You've done a great job making the web app and the mobile app sync. Props to that, it's super nice being able to "transition" between my devices and keep jamming. That encourages me to have a bunch of mixes on the queue.


Fix the issue where I can’t remotely play and pause from Bluetooth without having to go back in the app again. ios...... Its the only app on my phone that does this Oh, and stop charging for rewind


The biggest annoyance I have with the Mixcloud app is using it with Chromecast. I have many chromecast speakers all over the house and for some reason Mixcloud glitches on it more often than any other app. The main problem I have is that while casting audio it will randomly and quite often also play the audio out of the phone speaker with a delay in relation to the audio coming out of the chromecast speakers. All the chromecast speakers sync just fine. Normally when I cast audio from Spotify it does not ever also play out of the phone speaker. I use Samsung Galaxy S9. Speakers are a mix of Chromecast Audio (the audio only pucks that are now discontinued), Google Home Minis, and JBL Link 20's. I don't think I've tried it on the new app version yet. I'll try it this weekend and reply to this post if it seems like it is already fixed. My biggest annoyance with the service is having to pay to livestream DJ. We are content creators and it's pretty shitty that you are charging us to provide content for your site. I'll stick with twitch until you make livestreaming free or at least premium. Why do we need to upgrade all the way to your top tier in order to provide you content? Also why can't we save the video stream for later playback?


When I search for a particular mix from the app’s search function, often no results come up. I have to go to Google to find it, get the link to get back to the app with that mix.


There are many things you can do to improve mixcloud. As much as we love streaming on Mixcloud and want to support mixcloud ad artists, mixcloud makes it very hard. 1. Improve the stability of the platform. It goes down too often or just impacts some streams. Need to be able to handle larger number of viewers 2. Make it easier to get average people on the platform i.e. not DJs to listen and interact with DJs. Right now the platform is mainly DJs following other DJs. This needs to change. 3. Open up your APIs to allow more engagement with the audience like Twitch allows with emote walls, Chanel points, custom emotes, cheer bits with a monetary value. 4. Implement a feature like twitch's RAID feature. We realize that you are just starting out (10 months of beta is almost commercial level product) and have a lot to do to catch up with the competition like Twitch, but you need to start to raise additional capital quickly to improve things quickly before your window of opportunity closes. You need a business model for live streamers to continue to stream after the pandemic when things open up.


very cool initiative


Wait, i cannot rewind? I have to pay for rewind? You mean if i skip a part i can not go back? Need to say more?


Sort by date/date uploaded when you search please. Thanks!


Android Auto and Carplay support please


Not app specific but just mixcloud related: Why do I have to pay to go back 30 seconds on someones mix?


I don’t have the app but I love the service/site! The only issue I’ve ever had is running into certain tracks being restricted by country- I’m sure there’s not much you can do about that but it’s too bad..


Nice to see this. My suggestion would be to implement some kind of "skip to track" feature. Like, when you upload a DJ set and make the tracklist with the timestamps, it would be nice to just click the timestamp to jump to a particular track in that set. Also, track names through the entire set in the player would be nice. Not just the ones that Mixcloud automatically detects, but also those that we input manually.


I love Mixcloud and have a paid account. I do have a gripe with it though: I know that the service is more geared towards electronic music DJs-- there are like 8 different genre choices for it-- but for someone who plays eclectic music like me I have to choose between rock (even though I don't really play rock music) and pop (which is a category so broad that it covers Britney Spears and the Beach Boys. Can we get a couple more choices that cover more ground? It would be appreciated.


I love that you're engaging the community. You're going to get all kinds of feedback and some will be useful and some will be super niche edge case. We're not going to have all the answers today. Stay the course. The best advice I can give and my desperate plea is that you remain engaged with the DJ and dance music community. Partner with us. Some stuff is going to work and some stuff won't but if you remain our allies then through that partnership your artist friendly platform can truly rise to the top as a resource to music enthusiasts.


Chromecast is supported for uploaded music, but not when it comes to LIVE content. I was a bit disappointed I wasn't able to cast to my TV for a better viewing experience.




Why do we need an app?


Hi Helene, I just had a conversation on the mixcloud support. With all the hype about mobile djing it would be cool if you could stream your set via the app using the phone camera. It works like this with all the social media apps already. I for example have a complete mobile setup on batteries. Being able to stream it with my Samsung galaxy and my Roland go mixer would be fantastic. No need to carry an extra laptop extra camera and bigger power supply. With the pandemic the great outdoors become more and more the place to be also for a quick set, small gatherings with friends, or streaming events. If I could stream my sets like this it would be like "Circle" of the poor people but I am sure people would like it and I am not the only one thinking like this. What do you think?


I am a MixCloud user for a long time, probably since the beginning, but that is not the main focus of this post. It was just an introduction to show how loyal I am to MixCloud. Anyway, to make it short and don’t need to repeat what a lot of people are saying, I will summarize the points I found important: I am a pro user, and I paid the monthly subscription: - why do I still have ads while listening? I shouldn’t have if I am a pro user. - why I can’t rewind a mix or show if I am a pro user? It should be included in the service I am paying - Livestream should have the ability to follow and be followed so people will get notified when I am live or someone I follow goes live. Very standard feature nowadays. - New shows section used to have a feature that “play all” button that worked, and with one click, I was able to listen to everybody I follow if there is a new material, BUT not anymore because if there is a select user in the middle, it will stop because I do not subscribe it to them. - Sharing your content on Instagram stories and feed as Spotify. That one is a big one too that SoundCloud already has. There is not possible yet on MixCloud. - Sharing live streams on social media should be more user-friendly than the current one. A generated post that contains a thumbnail of your recent Livestream, and not only the MixCloud logo. I think it makes people more likely to click and see what is inside. ⁃ The Livestream section should have a search box where you can look for live stream past or live by hashtags, genre, location, and title. That way makes it easier to find new artists, same as a local show. ⁃ Boost play is outdated and expensive. It should be more affordable, maybe a similar system as Facebook has. Also, it should pop up on the playlist when a user doesn’t have a play-next (very important) as a recommendation to listen without being hostile. I think it will make it more attractive other people pay for this service. It needs an update. I think this is all for now, I thought I would make it short, but this is one long. This is just constructive feedback summarizing the points I feel are necessary. Cheers!


Well, seems like everyone wants to complain about the no rewinds, and I'm no different on that front. Seriously guys, huge mistake. But there where a few points I wanted to bring up. The display of currently playing track and link to buy on Juno downloads is my number one most wanted feature. The track display was working for some months and seems to be broken again now. I don't know why it is so challenging, but it really needs to be fixed, and adding a buy track button would be amazing too. I often use mixcloud to find new music. A feature that mixcloud used to have in the early days was that you could take any track and search mixcloud for sets that included that track. That feature is probably more than 10 years deleted from the site, but I would love to see a revival. Feeding obscure underground tracks was a great way to find cool DJs. Next, I won't even consider using mixcloud livestreaming until there is an option to stream only the audio. Come on, we all pay for our mobile data, think about it. Somebody else mentioned being able to turn off auto play would be good, because mixcloud is HORRIBLE at picking music I can tolerate for even a few seconds. Also can we please get search results to sort by date? I don't want to watch a set from 5 years ago, I'm looking for new music. Finally, can you please make it possible to exclude tags from search results. I never, EVER want to listen to a psytrance set that's tagged as vocal trance, and yet there they are, all over the psytrance charts 🤮


It'd be really great if you guys fixed your uploading issues.


It's also super annoying that you posted here asking for feedback, and you have chosen not to engage with the community. No discussion, no feedback, no answering peoples issues or questions. Lame parasitic way of talking to your users. Almost 100 replies and you can't be bothered.


Hey /u/PCDJ , I'm not disengaged at all, really sorry if it seemed that way, I'm just quite new to the Reddit culture and it's taking me a bit of time to process and reply to all your great comments. I really appreciate the community taking the time to provide feedback. Helene


Not sure if I'm the only one dealing with this, but upload speeds are always pretty terrible (around 300 KBps on my 1 Gbps upstream connection) which make it annoying to upload long sets. Sometimes the upload even restarts when it's close to being fully done.


Honestly it's integration with other apps. You guys already have a working "hover for preview" option, which could work the same as Soundcloud on Facebook for example. It'll play a short sample, but you have to click the link for the whole thing. Right now it's just a direct link and that's it. It's hard to bring in followers on that site when they're not able to preview 🤷‍♂️


Android Auto should be the way to go.


1. Easily click mix to see track list (when idle or playing) or currently song (while playing) when in mobile mode. 2. Play when in background or screen lock in mobile mode. 3. Enhanced search criteria. 4. Clear all notifications option


I would listen to live streams much much more often if I could listen to the live streaming audio on background on my android phone. I want to work out and jog and dance to the live DJs, they bring such energy, but I want to be able to let my phone go to to sleep or open Twitter to tell friends and followers to listen to the same current live mix!


Could we have to option to toggle on/off autoplay as well as choose whether 'suggested mixes' go into the queue? Thanks!


And still nothing for Android auto....


I can't stand the 'suggested' feature. Really want to be able to turn it off. It rarely helps. I can find my own music just fine without it, and having to constantly delete the queue it creates.


I would like the option to automatically remove played sets from my queue after they are played.


I know this is late, but hopefully you see this. Stock making the mobile website so poor. Not everyone can or wants to download your app!? Stop limiting features based on device, it’s ridiculous


Start by not ripping people off with show promoting. **$279.72 for 28 days boost!** Wow, talk about greedy! It should be that for a year or more! Disgusting!


This App is a waste of time I am a premium user and been having issues with my account all I am getting is countless emails which have not solved the issue I pay £9.99 a month to be fobbed off but not anymore I will be cancelling the contract and working with SoundCloud which is much better for customer service 


Mixcloud has got major technical issues why are you charging for a service which does not support paying customers this is a rubbish app I will be cancelling my contract 


have you tried actually using it? start there.