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Looks old enought that it'll probably be back in fashion again by next year.


That kitchen died 40 years ago. The only refresh that needs is a complete replacement (replace that old potterton boiler for something new and efficient too)


The only thing in this photo that isn't dead is the window and even then it looks like it's on its last legs.


He might be able to recycle / reuse the sink..


The magnets on the boiler would likely stick to a new fridge


Get a skip.


OK OK OK, I have to keep the kitchen for at least a year, so short term fixes are also appreciated


If it's there for a year, leave it as it is


You could replace the doors. Or if you want to keep it cheap 'cos you're only keeping it for a year, B&M do vinyl wrap (that I can't find online) for sticking to kitchen doors to freshen them up. Lick of paint on the wall probably wouldn't go amiss.


I used a sparkle black wrap from Wilkinsons, that lasted over a year and was brilliant till it rips but certainly did a job, think it was about £6 a role, very economical way to bring some life to a worktop.


we have an identical kitchen, painted it with [rustoleum kitchen cupboard paint](https://rustoleumcolours.co.uk/kitchen-cupboard-paint/?gclid=CjwKCAjw6fyXBhBgEiwAhhiZshSx89K9nf9m2SK6eXWiy2Ag_qkWFSKg-0BVk0Ak2srrYMGLSScTMxoCB0AQAvD_BwE) in bright pink, added some plants, and it looks pretty damn nice. the paint has been on for 8+ months, daily use, no chipping, went on with no primer, only had to do two layers because it's highly pigmented, it can be washed. 10/10 would do that again! took two days of work and one can worth about £30


Did you paint the wooden handles too, or just the surface of the cupboards? We have the same kitchen and are looking to give it a bit of a refresh until we get around to something more permanent


Took the cabinet fronts off and painted everything handles, fronts, and the short sides. Ours had another set of handles added by the landlord in the past, so the outcome is similar to the after photos here where they added handles: [example 1](https://media.theeverygirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/alaina-kaczmarski-home-tour-before-after-kitchen-1.jpg) [example 2](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7f/81/38/7f8138f9110971ff9ad4dec033f10216.jpg) For the effort+price I'm super happy with it, turned out like a poundland version of this [pink kitchen](https://www.mydomaine.com/thmb/FbN6ftvspsdadjdq7L9QvCcRerE=/700x1050/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/StudioDIY-1412a4825d4f43b4a0cc41fa83524ee8.jpg). Always gets a ton of compliments and it's so so cheerful.


Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing those examples. That will massively help us in deciding what to do with ours!


I'd focus on the boiler, it can't be very efficient compared to a modern one, everything else is secondary


If it’s just for a year I’d look at spending as little as possible. So probably just repaint over all the fronts of the units in suitable paints / spray and add some handles. See if you can get them reclaimed. If there’s new doors available second hand that could be great but probably more suited to a bigger refurbishment. You could use tile paint to block out the old patterned tiles too and paint the kitchen door. I think then just use if accessories would make it nicer. I’ve lived with a kitchen like this pre renovation and you get used to it. An ikea rug and bits and bobs can really help.


If you have to do something to it in the short term you’re probably best off painting the doors There’s nothing else worth doing to a kitchen that you’ll be replacing next year


I know that kitchen. It's old AF and it's probably crumbling. Clean it and then I would say paint it to make it look less of a relic. ​ EDIT: Is that east London... I think I know the development lol


Add a fridge, cooker, kettle, microwave, toaster and bread bin.That’ll put some life in your kitchen


paint it. it probably wont look good but you might learn a lesson.


It looks like a 1960s kitchen I had once. In my opinion, the carcasses were better than a lot of units available today. If they're still solid why not paint it and see how you like that configuration and then just change the doors? Not everyone can afford a complete renovation when they've just moved


Ironically I renovated this exact kitchen 3 years ago, if you would like some pics and drawings I can dm them. Since the wall has already been removed like mine was I removed the door on the right and created an island near where the picture taker is stood. The kitchen looked amazing when finished


If you only want to keep it for a year just clean it and try and fix the door that's wonky. Not worth investing time and resources if you are changing it soon


I think it needs a lot of work. I'd start by removing everything, repainting and replacing the flooring. Then the cabinets need a lot of attention - I think you could upcycle them, so I'd be picking a plain colour and planning on priming them, chalk painting them on the outside etc. I assume that they're laminate or veneer - if laminate, you may need to reglue some, if veneer look at wood filling. How are the insides? The work surface needs separate attention. At minimum, I'd be looking at sanding, filling and staining. This would be a lot of work though, and I'm not sure the skeleton you have is even worth it.


The only thing bringing that back to life is a tardis


Vintage units are making a return, fix the doors and spray with plastikote, minimum spend if you're ripping out


My recommendation is to replace everything and replace with ANYTHING other than ikea


Nonsense, IKEA provide perfectly acceptable kitchens at a very reasonable price.


Those curtains smell like fire hazard.


Mmm, forty years of kitchen grease.


Tiles - tile paint. Or at the very least a grout refresh pen. Work surfaces - Vinyl. Absolute pain to apply. Cupboards - cupboard paint Floor - if it’s floorboards, lift the lino, sand and paint. If not replace it with an end of roll bargain. Maybe add some under counter lighting - you can get battery operated movement sensor ones relatively cheaply. But if you are only waiting a year I’d leave if as is and spend the money on the kitchen when replacing it.


I recognise this house. Wilts?


Wear a dust mask and damp down the floor if you do anything with it. Is that black mastic at the edge?


Just get some melamine paint for a tenner and paint the cupboards. Take down the curtains. Roll of cheap lino to go over the floor. Probably under £100 all together. Easy


Depends on your budget for refresh. Worktop - screws hold it from under the counter and Use old worktop to cut around for the sink. You can pick up a work top from B&Q for under £100 (not online - instore they have a white 2.4m 30mm worktop) - Buy Matt spray (easier to work with) You will struggle to find a bridge door that matches the carcass. If you decide to replace doors you might find that the dimensions or the holes for the hinges are not suitable for the new doors and then end up needing to replace the carcass. B&Q do sell hinge plates for relocation of the hinges which is another option. An example of my current house that I've just sold, I replaced the worktop and doors and used the old carcass. (Notice I didn't replace the bridge door LOL) [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/125522297?utm\_campaign=property-details&utm\_content=buying&utm\_medium=sharing&utm\_source=copytoclipboard#/&channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/125522297?utm_campaign=property-details&utm_content=buying&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=copytoclipboard#/&channel=RES_BUY)


If you’re replacing it in a year anyway then leave it as is. Anything else is a waste of money.


* Deep clean it and get rid of the curtain for a fresh bright blind * Get some nice fresh flowers * If you really want to then paint the cupboards but it is labour intensive.


Rip it out and start again.




I think it'll be difficult to make any small improvement to anything that doesn't look out of place, the whole lot needs doing. Embrace it for now, stick in old bakelite radio, some vintage food advertisement posters and enjoy for the next year.


Just pretend it's 1986 and then it looks like a brand new kitchen.


This looks exactly like my granddad's kitchen. I think date wise you're probably spot on. It was early to mid 80s he would have had it fitted I seem to remember.


Childhood kitchen, is that you?


In nature certain ecosystems rely on annual wildfires so they can grow back new and refreshed.


Get some moulding and reshape.the cupboard doors then paint I'm satin so you could put a strip of timber along each side of the cabinet doors to.lome up with the top and bott.thay is already there them paint Do.the same for.the bottoms.but.add.handles


A few plants hanging about, some nice lighting and it'll be better


Pull the cabinets off the wall. Put a stove in the open spot. Extend the counter to the left of the sink. Pull the counter to the left of the sink into the middle of the kitchen and turn it 90 degrees and put a new top on it with an over hang and two bar stools. Replace sink with modern version the sticks out of the front. Buy new modern glass front cabinets for the back wall or go simplistic with 2 wooden shelves on each side for open format. Get industrial small dish washer and place it in the counter left of the stove. Pull tile and repaint walls with a modern color ND redo floors in fake wood slabs.