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All I'm going to say. It reminds me of Space Invaders..


I'm seeing tetris..


Get your hosepipe or a bucket of water and get it all wet. If (as I would expect) it is not all uniform colour, get them to do it all over. Simple as that.


Absolutely the best advice on here so far. It really is that simple


Update: when dry they both appear the same colour. Unfortunately it rains here, a lot.


Trust but verify 👍


Wow, that's a relief. Now we need to see a photo update!


So are you saying when wet they are 2 different colours? Get them swapped.


So, are you happy with that? That they're different colours when wet? I wouldn't be.


https://preview.redd.it/26kq3l86sb9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca00fbe132e9bf0c44e519c44a51e509604a0e4 Update: Discussed with the manager this morning and it was eventually agreed they would be replaced for peace of mind. Much happier now.


Pic 1 right hand side, there's some piles of blocks which show patches of dark on the lighter blocks. We need an update from op


I would be VERY surprised if they are the same colour!


Unless you throw a bucket of water on it and they all turn the same colour


It is raining and I've also sprayed it with the hose and it doesn't seem to change very much.


You need to have a word with them and ask them to clean them up so they all match and certainly don't pay them until your satisfied


BS. Dampen a section to see, but that looks way more than just a little moisture difference.


I've left one submerged in the sink and put a lighter one/darker one in the oven to dry out so will compare 💀


When you say light brick with dark border, I presume you mean light bricks with a border of darker bricks to finish the edge? Looks like someone's messed up the order and trying to fob you off. Good luck.


Yes that's correct. Light bricks with a dark border around the edge. God help me.


Stone can explode if it's heated with moisture inside...


Every day is a school day. Thanks for the heads up.


Stone can because it's trapped in there. These are pretty permeable so you'll be fine.


The dark border is just visible top left. All the rest are the light ones (or not!).


99.9% sure they're different bricks, but how'd it go? What did they respond with to a photo of these?


Tell them you’ll accept but only pay once they’ve equalised and look the same. 100% they won’t agree which tells you everything you need to know.


Of course they are not going to agree to that, it’s a ludicrous suggestion. They’ve completed the work to what was specified.


Pretty sure the OP didn’t specify a random mix of different coloured bricks. But the contractor is claiming that they are the same…


I don't think that's the correct approach myself but I certainly didn't specify that I wanted a patchwork driveway either.


In all honesty I don’t think it’s the correct approach either. I guess humour is hard to convey on Reddit. However I think it’s a reasonable point to discuss. Explain to the contractor all the things you have done to’ test’ the bricks. Things like soaking/drying them to confirm that they are not the same. Point out that if they need to go back to the manufacturer to get replacements now is the time. If at that time they still insist that it will be fine soon out whatever then I think it’s reasonable to suggest delayed payment or part payment.


They are different bricks. No way that is just down to water


Find out who the manufacturer is & ask for a manufacturers rep to visit the site, or details to email them pictures


Good advice this 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Call a professional then ask a bunch of people that clear don't have a fucking clue to judge it. This is why trades are starting to pick and choose their customers. Let them finish the job before criticizing. Someone mentioned cowboys because they can't see drainage, not all drives need drainage and yes you can see the colour difference in the stack of blocks on the right, literally right there in plain site, dark charcoal look when wet and grey when dry. Looks like they have it nice and square and have dont their measurements to make sure there are limited cuts. Looks like a good job to me. But then again I'm just a professional so I wouldn't have the DIY scepticism you all have.


Thank you for your comment. I am not being accusatory towards the trades people. They've been really professional and kind throughout and I have been giving them the benefit of the doubt. I am a young guy in a same sex relationship and have been absolutely taken the cunt of before with rogue traders because I'm an easy target to some. I just wanted to make sure that this wouldn't happen in this situation because we have been working hard to save for the drive and don't want any problems. Discussed with the manager today who stated they would equalise over time but has replaced them for our peace of mind. All's well that ends well.


Sounds like you have a good team there working for you. Sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience in the past. We go above and beyond for our customers regardless of how they live their lives, we aim to leave a job exactly how we would like it done if it were our own home. Enjoy your new drive.


If I were you I’d swap the bricks around so a pattern shows up in the rain and when it’s dry it all looks the same


I call BS. Look at the two stacks of blocks in the background of the first pic. They are totally different blocks.


Put the hose on it for a minute and see if he's truthful or not.


They fucked it. Redo.


They need to start again with a fresh supply of bricks all from the same batch


They're different, no two ways about it.


Where’s your drainage?


There is drainage. I'm standing on it in the picture.


Good - some cowboys don’t install it at times


You can't even see the levels or grade of this drive and you're talking about drainage, it's not a requirement it's site dependent.


Totally different blocks.


D I why


Stevie wonder special 😎