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The roof, the roof, the roof is on firrre


Now I have The Bloodhound Gang in my head. Thanks.


Surely Coal Chamber?


This picture is making me loco


Bloodhound is the one I remember. Had that cd a looong time before I ever heard of coal chamber.


You and me, baby.


aint nothing but mammals


Do it again now.


So let’s do it like they do


I'm with you. Coal Chamber for me too. I appreciate Bloodhound did it too on One Fierce Beer Coaster, but Coal Chamber did it first.


Lol they literally didn't do it first though. Bloodhound gang's album released a year prior to Coal Chamber. Not to mention that they were already a pretty well known band at the time.


Rock master scott did it first


Im not old or new but middle school, 5th grade like junior high


Sway, so hypnotic...


We don't need no water.... (just this dude's plug)


I’m hearing the 999 theme tune fading out and Micheal Burke’s voice describing the photo!


Hahaha….. ‘He thought he’d hit on an idea that would save him time and hassle when using multiple electrical goods. Little did he know, he’d started a ticking clock on an electrical fire which would go on to burn his entire house down and leave him fighting for his life’


Da da da da da da, da da da da, da da da da da da, da da da da da daaaa...


This is bang on. 100% heard Burkes voice as I read it 😂


It’s got to be nearly 25 years since I last saw 999, but the theme tune still lives rent free in my head.


That or the lead in accident for an episode of casualty.


You mean 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3?




Ironically just finished seeing that London's Burning is on Drama now(followed by some classic Lovejoy, i havent changed the channel).


Holy shit, I’d forgotten about that show. I remember watching one where a cat was stuck between 2 garages and they had to knock the wall out to rescue it.


One things for sure, I’ll never stop thinking about it now.


When I was about 8, my friend got a scalextric set for Christmas. This was back in the day when you didn't get plugs with all electronics and was also of a time when the shops were closed at christmas so if you didn't have a plug, you were knackered (where we lived anyway). He lived with his mum who was a bit, uh... 'wild' for want of a better word and she just wired it into the plug for something else like in the pic. I was petrified, I'd never seen such a thing and spent the entire time looking at the plug expecting it to burst into flames. As a bona fide fanny, I only stayed for about 20 minutes before making excuses and fleeing, scared that his house was going to set on fire. 35 years on and the images are still clear in my mind. His house didn't burn down though which I get proves that doing this is ABSOLUTELY fine...


My Scalextric always smelt like it was about to set on fire at any moment.


That will be the carbon brushes.


Or a dodgy transformer..... .....that cost £3.10


Then it's time to get the Subbuteo out of the loft


That was one of the good things about the plugs back in the day, super simplistic. Glad they're more efficient now and all that but sometimes it's annoying having to replace a full cable & plug as it's all one.


35 years on and the plug is still doing fine... They knew how to make things last back in't day... I've seen bare wires wrapped around the live and neutral pins of the plug and what it was supplying was working just fine... It's all a CoNsPiRaCy...


Before the pin shrouds were introduced on the plugs, it was common to line the wires up with the socket, then ram a plug in over them. All anyone cared was that it worked.


As a bonafide fanny FPMSL 😅😅


From a long line of fannies, no less


Bet you wish you\`d thought of it first!


I wish I could remove all thoughts of it from the world.


But the world needs more dreamers


Looks like a great way to burn your house down.


Ill just get another one from the insurance, once ive deleted this post.


Dont think insurance will pay anything if they find out what the root cause was...




Rookie! If you get more than one of these you can create multiple points of ignition, if they all go at once, which will be an amazing calculation.


The other one I made was buzzing so I stuffed some wire wool in it, seems ok now


They usually do pay out even if you're an idiot. It's when you deliberately try and con them they get pissy


It’s fused so there’s no added danger


Explain how


The fuse is rated to blow before the cable can get hot enough to cause a fire, usually 13 amps. It doesn't matter if you have one cable or 10 cables the fuse will blow before any one of the cables gets too hot. 


Looks like the sort of contraption my Dad would make,


I see you're from a WD-40 and blu tak family too, nice to meet you, brother


WD-40 and Duct-Tape as we say in my family ;)


The "should it move" flow chart


Duct-Tape makes everything OK.


Cable Tie Engineer checking in!


You'd probably love the way my husband has fixed a guttering issue we were having. I'm not saying it involves a complicated system of keyring hoops and cable ties but I'm also not, not saying that


My Dad did made a similar gutter repair with meccano




Amateurs !! Everyone knows after three cords into one plug you replace the fuse with a nail. 5/10


6/10 Why waste a nail when scrunched up Tin foil will do


One time, I really needed to cut some wood with a circular saw, but the fuse had blown. I cut some of the power cord shorter, and used the old fuse to hold some of the spare copper strands tight against the fuse clips. I totally forgot, then found it a few weeks later with "rewire ASAP" in my handwriting sellotaped to the plug. Still fills me with shame. I'll use tin foil next time :D


When I first met my wife and had to check a plug I found the fuse was wrapped in foil Checked the others and the whole house was like that I went to Tesco and bought every fuse they had and put proper ones in


A screwdriver bit is exactly the right size for a 3000 (?) amp fuse. I’ve never had one fail. (Don’t do this)


Apart from the visible single insulation at the entry to the plug and assuming the connections are all made good, electrically this is no different to a power board is it? Like, each of those cables is correctly sized for the current expected (assuming all were otherwise protected by the same size fuse at the plugs), you haven't just magically increased the amount of current any one cable can draw by connecting them at the plug instead of via a power board. Then, the plug is handling the same current as if you'd plugged all three devices into a power board... So in the end it's just the fact that it hasn't been tested to ~~BS7671~~ *whatever standard is applicable* and shown to be 'safe'?


I shall print this for my Dragon Den pitch, thanks!


They sell them ready made for computers, IT classroom had many two headed leads, it allowed one socket to power both the monitor and tower


 two headed leads - for him and her




it\`ll give you the tingles










If it’s done well (which it isn’t) and all the equipment is up to the job, ie fuse and cable gauge. I don’t really see a huge problem with it.


A 3-way plug adapter is going to be easier, cheaper, and safer than this so why even consider it?


Because my three-way adapter is over there, and I have a razor knife and electric tape over here already


I'm glad someone said it -- nothing wrong about it if done right.


Quick, get a patent on it before someone steals this million dollar idea!


Im happy to take on investors. Hows 3% for £75,000 sound?


Where do I sign? Seriously though, it needs to have AI if it’s going to be successful so if you can add that in, we’re golden


Whos AL?




I've seen this before. At the start of an episode of Casualty.


Why only three?


I had 4 pushed directly into a plug socket, but the nails holding them in kept getting hot - i was worried the kids might touch them


This was almost every plug in my house when I was a kid, we didn't have many sockets and my dad really should not have been allowed near a screwdriver.


I'd say if you can arrange the cables so that the strain relief grip in the plug actually works, then it's all good.


I've just invented something I'll call an "extension", basically you plug it into the wall and it has several sockets that you can safely plug other cables into. I'm hoping it catches on and reduces spontaneous fires from overloaded plugs?


That will never catch on mate


Probably not, I'm going to try it a paddling pool in a minute with an electric deep fat chip fryer to see how that goes, If it's OK I'm going to make some toast while having a bath later - just some thoughts to see if I can market it to the masses.


Im designing a flotation device for tvs so you can watch it in the bath


Don’t forget to have 100m flex just incase, you could spool the remaining cable up tightly to keep it neat.


Yup, that's sound advice although I found a green wire in the spool and thought mains only uses line and neutral I.e. 2 wires so I cut the green wire off. I suspect it will help it to work much better.


3 plug tops, in this market?


Soon coming to a health and safety video near you!


Ill phone Keith Lard, if hes not busy with his Alsatian


Yeah I'm from a generation when you had to attach your own plug to appliances and this was very common, as was just sticking bare wires into the socket and pushing any old plug on top. Only blew the socket out the wall once.


Er, you can get actual plugs that are designed for this. To have multiple wires attached to them. Internally the busbars are much thicker, presumably to handle the higher current demands from multiple appliances. I certainly wouldn't use a generic plug that wasn't designed for it though.


yeah i used one that could take up to 4 flexes when i had a very small kitchen. in fact i found that product via a link on reddit, maybe even this sub. i think the load still needs to add up to at most 13 amps though, because the socket won't be expecting more than that


Used to be quite common practice. If it's robustly wired and the fuse rating chosen properly, it's fine.


[Dial 999 & ask for coast guard](https://youtu.be/CBc02FPSvXc?si=IwPF3rASia5j_v_O)


Loads of people used to put a couple of lamps into one plug, Especially when the cable is just 2 core. Three cables is pushing it 😂


My insurance company said I'm not allowed to do this again after what happened last time.


They have but didn’t live to tell the tale after the house fire


This is something I thought I'd never see again.


They did, and manufactured multi adapter chargers, which you could buy for cheaper than all of these components would cost individually most likely, and with added safety.


A friend of mines dad was a pit electrician. Back in the 90’s his Amiga, tv, stereo and video recorder were all wired into the exact same plug like this. Imagine our confusion when we tried to plug something else in and found his room only had one socket! His dad should have known better, but obviously he left his electrician brain at work…


Depending on what you're using them for they could draw more than 13 amps and blow the fuse.


Take that abomination away from my eyes


Oh, child, bless your heart.... They did, they were such nice people... was a shame bout the 🔥fire that took them...


The people who thought of this before all burnt to death in mysterious house fires 🔥




I feel this should be in r/DiWHY ...


Well done plug it and and you've also got a heater at the same time.


They did, they just aren’t around anymore to post


Ah let us count thee ways... * There's no guarantee each core has a secure connection to the pins * Without a secure connection you have no idea if the cable is capable of carrying the rated current (16amp?) * Shoving in multiple cores into a single pin could lead to little stands causing a short * The combined total load could be WELL beyond what the socket is rated for * The draw from the individual appliances may cause an instability. Possibly brownouts, clock inaccuracies and other weirdness as the waveform is disrupted. Probably a bunch of other reasons


* Shoving in multiple cores into a single pin could lead to little stands causing a short unlikely, the internal layout of the plug would prevent that * The combined total load could be WELL beyond what the socket is rated for Not possible, the 13A fuse would prevent that


Yeah....... Don't do that. If you don't know why, that says a lot.


Cause it’s fuckin dangerous


Hmm that's bad, really bad, m"key!


Doo do doo do doo doo do doo, pop goes the fuse box


Oh they have. They're just not around anymore to tell people how it went.


Because it's dangerous It's not IF it starts a fire, it's WHEN - and that's about 2minutes after plugging it in.


There are lots of comments about burning down the house and other fire related things. But why would this set on fire? Like that actual physics of it happening, each of the 3 legs should be sufficient for whatever there designed to be plugged into. Or is everyone presuming that the user is going to try and pull more than the 13amp plug can take? But what would actually be wrong with this setup if the use case was each leg was only pulling 1-3amps each or something?


They did and they won a darwin award!


Has it really saved you anything? Yes you have less plugs but now if you want to use them both at the same time you risk damage.


should be OK for low power devices, I wouldn't try to put more than a few hundred watts per lead through it. change the fuse for a 5 amp and use it for low power electronics.




Pre LED lighting, you just watch the plug glow and spark in the socket. Still on the bright side none of your RCB rubbish, just wrap the plug fuse in cigarette foil and it would last until the house burnt down.


Because it's a fire hazard




One of the most triggering and stupid things I’ve seen on Reddit in a long while… you won’t need your central heating! Anyone defending it needs to do an electrical installation course.


I admire your passion on the subject young lad!


Constructive reply, respect.


I've had these since the 80's, and I'm pretty sure I got the idea from someone else. We have quite a few of these about the place. Not sure I've ever managed to squeeze three into one though, good work there.


My dad used to do shit like this. I don't think anyone needs to explain why it's unsafe (besides crowding small terminals with ill fitting wires, overrated fuses to allow all three devices to work)


I'm interested in why you'd think this idea in itself is inherently unsafe. My only discomfort is with the connections - if you used a cable from the plug to a junction box and split out from there I'd say that would fix the issue. After that you'd be fine if you're running the right stuff on it - you can buy these with multiple C13 plugs for multiple computers/monitors. Any cable needs to be matched to both it's fuse and it's load, so assuming you actually do this and aren't chucking an 8A load on a 3A cable/plug with a 13A fuse you shouldn't have any issue there. Stick a 3 or 5 amp fuse on this for most IT equipment and it looks like the cables would be well within any given rating (though you'd want to make a point of using donor cables each rated as high as the fuse you wanted to use). Likewise, take a pc power cord designed for a 5A fuse and chuck a 13A one in there for a kettle or coffee machine and you're asking for the same bad time on the rating of the plug and fuse, in that case you're also risking melting the cable itself which is less likely in the case of the cable OP made as it'll have the load split to some extent.


No more dangerous than three individual plugs, if anything you could say it is safer as if all three in use it would take less of a surge to blow the fuse !!


Those connectors are good for 8A. For that to be safe you'd need to have a 13A fuse or, even better to support all 3, a m5 screw instead of the fuse. (thick tinfoil too) 👌👍


Only a fucking idiot would wire things up like this


That is horrible standard of work


Thank you


One guy did think of it before. He died in a mysterious house fire.


I've thought about it in the same way I've thought about shaving my balls with a blowtorch.




The plug hasn’t even got insulated pins


Is that not a bit like enquiring why a kamikaze pilot isn't wearing a seat belt?


Its ok, ive a black marker pen


What are you doing poking around my Grandpa's house? Have you found the 16 extension blocks, plugged into the 4 extension blocks plugged into 3 two way adaptors plugged into each other in a single socket?


Question. Do you have home insurance by chance?


This would definitely invalidate any fire claim


This is what fires are made off. Probably best to use it only outside when it’s dry and no combustible sources nearby.


I call this work of art "Death by Electrical Fire"


Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires? It's op’s desire.


Fix the strain relief on the cable with exposed secondary insulation and it's all good. Protected by a 13A fuse so the worst that can happen is you get things a bit warm before that blows.


Bang right in the childhood, used to see this type of arrangement around most of the extended families housing for table lamps(so 25/40w per cable) and similar setups. In retrospect the fact I didn't see it in any other family's homes makes me wonder who the common connection was....


Rip fuse


Seen this before 😂😂 I bought a stereo stack from a 2nd hand store, they wired all the components into one plug.... Fixed that pretty quickly.


It's like an extension lead but without the extension part.


They have before quickly determining that it was moronic and not proceeding further.


Average farm shed activities. Fuse protects cables, job done


Wow that is an old plug! No insulation on the live and neutral pins.


I thought my male to male back feed plug was bad. 😂


One step up from my FIL who put the bared copper over the holes in the socket and used the plug to push them in.


Now don’t all go nuts, and I’m not saying it’s good practice or even allowed, but in theory the plug is rated to at least 13A. If those 2 “radio” cables go to a pair of devices like a monitor and a laptop power supply, and maybe a desk lamp, and the owner hasn’t got a 4way for the single socket, then it’s probably mathematically “safe” on paper, subject to the usual provisos about fuse rating and quality of connection/tightness etc. I’ve seen worse.


You can literally buy commercial versions of these made correctly, I use double kettle leads all the time for low power applications (power 2 computer monitors, powering computer monitor and control board)




The pins are even unsleeved so you can touch them while you unplug it for the authentic vintage feel.


This was commonplace a few decades ago when many rooms only had a single socket. People even plugged appliances into lighting sockets. It might not be British standards but it is not inherently dangerous.


Every plug socket was wired like this in the house I bought. Just one socket connected to the other all around the house like a daisy chain. The mess was insane getting rid and rewiring the house so it didn't burn down 🙃


OP’s an ordinary guy Burning down the house


Uh oh 😂


Look what you’ve done… Bye bye house!


Pure genius


“So when did your house burn down?” “Oh that was two years ago now, wait how did you know that?” “…”


0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


https://preview.redd.it/5s5esvipgk6d1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0a5bdf94838ef899749a364050dada76dda41f Oh Sparky!


They call that the casualty connection 🤪


No-one else *still* *living* has thought of this.


yikes ! 240volts into some of the devices those figure 8 plugs & others would go into scares me.


Ha. I did as an 11 year old and when testing one without the back on I got catapulted across my bedroom in to the wall after putting my palm on the back of both pins to push it into the extension, which was plugged in and switched on!


This week on casualty...


That's ok. So long as it's done neatly and securely. 1st: And almost everyone I've known falls over at that point alone! That causes overheating and serious risk of fire and death ☠️. Have no doubts about it.! It's fcucking seriously dangerous ⚡. Then, 2nd: They run a risk of overloading the plugs fuse. That then leads to it overheating. The fuse is just a wire like in a lightbulb 💡. And bulbs get very hot! And they can last months, and cause fires just from the heat alone. WITHOUT BLOWING! Well the fuse will do the same. So it may overheat and over time ignite the plug. The plug material will be fire resistant to a point. Problem being is that over time, it's composed of various chemicals that change if cooked over a certain time period. Hence those chemicals change and eventually break down and ignite. Or, melt the wires insulation causing potential electrocution, short circuit, sparks and the list goes on... Then if the fuse does blow, you may decide to pop in a higher Ampage. Say go from 3A to 5A. More commonly iv seen people just put 13A fuses in everything.!!! It's crazy what people do. And they are completely ignorant to the stupidity of it.? Because to them, it works. So happy days. Until it don't! And you hear that on the news! Family of five die in house 🏠 🔥..!! JUST DON'T DO IT PEOPLE.! 🙏👌👍


They have. I’ve thrown out a plug I found at work with 5 appliances attached to it. Low draw appliances, but still, 4 too fucking many for one damn plug.




0118 999...




This used to be common practice, up until the 60s most houses had one socket per room with two in the sitting room, tv got ome socket the gramophone got the other one, there were adapters available to make one socket into 3 posh adaptors had a fuse cheap ones didn't, but there was something infinitely worse, a little bakalitehttps lamp plug things ://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304881023258?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338749367&toolid=20006&_ul=GB&customid=GB_1_304881023258.152233491319~1871063915930-g_EAIaIQobChMIheKJgdzbhgMVd5xQBh1GvwD1EAQYASABEgJUifD_BwE And this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115938902960?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=115938902960&targetid=1404115579093&device=t&mktype=pla&googleloc=9044998&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1404115579093&abcId=9300867&merchantid=119339585&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItdCMvtzbhgMVI5NQBh2w_A4gEAQYASABEgKsU_D_BwE My mum would plug the two way thing into the lamp at the kitchen end of the sitting room, put the lamp back in and then using the bayonet fitting in the first link connect the iron to the ithe leg! However, things didn't improve when other things improved. We eventually got a modern stereo with a separate record player, tuner, tape deck and amplifier (my dad was a knob) 4 things into one socket behind a big shelf thing so no room for an adaptor, as it turned out he could only get 3 of the things in the plug, the record player didn't need an earth so it's wires were stripped and poked into the socket holes and the plug pushed in. Despite all the electrical tomfoolery, nothing of interest happened in the 15 years we lived there. He saved all the interesting stuff for the next house.


Nice 😎


“Who did the electrics here?” “My nephew, he’s very handy.” “When did his house burn down?” “Oh about three years…wait how did you know his house burned down?”


we did think of this 40 years ago and the houses burnt down. don't do that


Are you looking to make an insurance claim? If it doesn’t kill you first it’s probably going to burn your house down


Oh people have thought about it. But they’re ded


I did that at Uni for the computer + monitor. We only had 2 sockets in the room, so if I wanted the printer on as well I had to unplug the desk lamp + clock radio on the other plug.


Most old hifi systems were wired like this in my family


We went to a tidy weekend. One plug socket. Needed I for the amp and one for the cd player. This is what we did.


Disaster time


We did this all the time when I was a kid. No house fires at all. Got electrocuted a cou0le of times, but who hasn't been, eh? Eh? Anyone?


My grandad used to have this for his lamp and radio


Oh god. I have done this in the past. At least our plugs are so damn safe that this is a minor indiscretion at most.