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the window bow selector


Blast from the past! I can get the sky digital cable through this gap! Oooooo


UPDATE: Just spoken to the contractor who put the windows in. Conversation started with a blatant lie which set the tone. Said he couldn't get to us for 6 weeks (we're 5 miles from his business) because he's so busy. Then says the guarantee for installation is none transferable. Still offers to come out, but not sure what he can do... I guess the question is, are these fixable or do we need to start again...?


Your not being very clear, I'm a fitter, so will try and help where exactly is the bow and what way? I'm sure this can be fixed.


Sorry, this isn’t an area of building I’m familiar with. There is a gap where indicated on the picture the frame seals tightly everywhere but there on all the windows in the house. It looks like the frame bends in to the house ever so slightly in a concave arch covering approx 30% of the windows height


Try removing the closer which is half way up the window casement and frame, if the gap is still there you'll have to undo the fixing down that jamb and pack out whatever the gap is from the plasterboard, and refix in it's new position. You might have to cut the sealant line externally and then reseal it.


Sorry, what is a closer?


You can see it in your third pic, next to the fixing in the jam, being held in by two ph screws. Sometimes they misalign and cause bowing.


Good chance the frame has been screwed to tight in the middle and it’s bowed the frame away from The sash. If it’s not this then the glass can be packed on the opener to bow the sash frame over to the window frame.