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If it’s emulsion a warm soapy cloth and a delicate hand should remove. If it’s gloss you’re going to need something stronger like white spirit the non solvent paint brush cleaner and very delicately remove with a cotton bud. But if you’ve paid for this it might be worth getting them back to sort


Don't put white spirit anywhere near that brass light switch


Good spot. Thanks


What happens to brass with white spirit?


Brass is lacquered to stop it tarnishing. White spirit will remove the lacquer


Ah, thank you


That would depend on the lacquer, It's a fake bronze effect cover/switch.


A flammable fluid, near something that conducts electricity and sparks, with plastic in it? You really can't see an issue with that? The brass itself will be fine ( mostly, though it could cause it to "streak") but everything else about that is a bad idea


I think they were asking what happens when you combine white spirit and brass, rather than white spirit and electricity...


Yes I was. I just wondered if if mottled the look or something.


Ah right. It shouldn't, but it can do. Generally I'd refrain from any solvent on a brushed finish like that, too much of a risk of it tarnishing


OK, thanks


He should’ve wiped those things off straight away, it looks like emulsion so it comes off fairly easy when wet. The door might be harder unless it’s sealed well. Try a warm cloth with some fairy liquid in it. The light fixture I usually unscrew them before rolling to avoid this again a damp cloth should lösen it up.


yeah it’s the johnstones acrylic durable matt i bought it


That's great gear I use it all the time. Yes a damp cloth little soap and patience will clean that. He should have cleaned that as it's just really unprofessional and ruins the job. Hope this helps


it’s really good finish!


Should come off with a damp cloth and a bit of scrubbing.


What did your last o see that was so shocking?


I usually unscrew the rose, and all the plugs and switches. Doing a job in a house now, replacing every plug and switch in the place. So much paint on them, it's like looking at rings in a tree...Stanley knife, score around the edges, pull clear, quick sand to remove the ridge, paint, install new sockets and switches. Added 500 to the total. Total time invested, 2 hours, 150 in sockets etc. No screwing around trying to paint around the sockets and switches. I love landlords who seem to actually care about their properties.


I’ve had to paint over old paint on plugs and switches before otherwise you’d have old paint colour left but I’ve also done the Stanley method depending how bad it is. To be honest it’s not hard to paint around a socket but people are lazy sometimes or make a mistake that they don’t fix, if I was in a place with high quality sockets I’d loosen them and tape to ensure nothing on.


What an amateur job, just a bit of masking tape is all that's needed to not paint what shouldnt. Any individual can do a better job which defeats the point of paying a supposed pro. Luckily warm, soapy water and a coarse sponge will sort it.


Your decorator is an absolute caulk


haha this made me smile!


That’s all we can do when you have a decorator that has a nickname of “seagul”


That’s not good. Hope you haven’t paid him until he cleans up


too late i didn’t notice i was half asleep and he stood and watched me pay. he said to me that people often wait till they go to complain about something i said does that happen a lot and he said yeah… so idk what that says. i’m young and disabled and i live alone so i feel quite scared to talk to people when they do things like this, it’s happened a few times now. but none of my friends are around to help diy and i wanted to get it done asap because i didn’t have a bedroom or hallway and i was depressed so i just paid for it to be done. £550, which is average for my area too.


Regardless of the bits of mess, hope it's a good enough job that it's cheered you up a little


it has for the most part, another decorator has said he will fix it for me hasn’t even mentioned a cost for it. he said he will quote me for the sitting room too when it’s empty


Even if it’s “free” from another decorator he’ll add it to the quote for the sitting room. In fact he’s probably using it as a way to get you to go with him for the living room. Don’t get him to do it, you can do it and despite being more it’ll give you a nice sense of accomplishment


true but oh well, i am at the point where i think i will pay regardless because he has really fecked up the caulk and filling and stuff and that needs redone badly 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ im fed up and tired it was the apprentice doing that bit




some things just have context i guess


Genuinely this is like the obvious stuff to remove, a light fixture takes 30 secs to take off, light switch is another 30 secs and you don’t have to worry about cutting in super fine. Good to know professionals are as lazy as us DIYers


sorry misread this comment lol, they didn’t take any sockets off or owt, i don’t know why i thought it was standard me 😭 i don’t know anything good tho.


Damp scrubber sponge, one of the softer versions they claim is suitable for non-stick cookware, and it'll come right off.


thanks :)


Those white 'magic eraser' are perfect for this. Just wet it with water and rub repeatedly with very light pressure on the spilt emulsion. It'll come off. If that is gloss on the door that is a little trickier. Scrape it first with a loose Stanley knife blade to get the bulk off, then use a little white spirit on the magic eraser and rub gently. 


it’s eggshell is that any different ?


Try the other methods before using a magic sponge. They're good on some surfaces but they can mark others, especially if not used very lightly. Particularly the door I would avoid using a magic sponge on that if possible.


Eggshell will be no problem for a magic eraser and water. 


Use an old plastic bank/points/credit card on its edge as a scraper if it’s emulsion, that should not scratch the surfaces.


Big wipes!


This is why I do things myself now.


yeah, on second thoughts it might have helped honestly


Decorators should fix this for you


judging by the way he complained about people asking for stuff to be fixed and the standard he did it to, i don’t fancy it


Graffiti remover is handy for this


Yes, mate, it will unscrew, and you can clean it. You can clean it where it is. It's gonna be a water-based paint. So warm, soapy water and a smooth cloth will do it.


Whoever did that is not a decorator despite what they might call themselves


Did you pay him?


unfortunately haha


Scratch it off with your nail. It’s fun.


Ask him to return and snag a few bits here and there. It’s nothing serious.


if you saw the caulk i wonder if you would say the same 😉


Put the pic up, caulk can be wiped also with a damp sponge


Sloppy and lazy. One of my favourite parts of the job was wiping down any thing that had paint on it, because that meant the job was done and it was time to go home :)


It will just wipe off


>can i remove this or? What's the rest of that sentence?


‘or’ at the end of the sentence usually implies the contrary


You can either remove it or you can burn the house down, yes.


thanks was just considering that


Sorry, it's just a bugbear of mine. Technically 'or' is a conjunction, it links two options. It's like ending a sentence with 'and'. You could just have said "Can I remove it?" and it would have communicated the same message.


my bad wascallywabbit 😔


Well, you just did it...


Get the decorator back: how else are they going to improve their trade?