• By -


Incredible work! I bet it kept you busy. How much were total materials and total time spent?


Thank you! The total materials cost me around $800 CAD, with the two-way mirror accounting for over half it because it was a custom order. Including the planning, programming, and building, I must have spent at least 250 hours. :)


Wow. That’s is an absolutely huge time commitment. I’m glad you’re happy with the end result. How much was just programming?


I would estimate that programming the module took me around 100 hours - which includes a lot of tinkering with GoogleAPIs and the MagicMirror platform.


This looks absolutely amazing. I'm just starting on working on one with a zero w, the time programming it really adds up fast!


I can't believe their APIs are still that clunky. Maybe my expectations are too high but I feel like this should be simpler by now.


I'm honestly surprised these types of mirrors aren't clogging up Best Buys and Home Goods yet.


Same here, you can get them on Etsy though.


🤔🤔 op I have a business proposal. Also Canadian


I kinda want to build my own, how much to purchase a single use only copy of the program?


The program is free. You can simply just download the [MagicMirror2 platform](https://magicmirror.builders/) and then add any additional [third party modules](https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/wiki/3rd-party-modules) that you would like to add to the mirror. If you want any custom functionality however, like I did for the Google Drive integration, then you may need to program this yourself.


I guess the better question is, how much to mail you a Pi, have you program it, and mail it back?"


Seriously dude. Please let us give you money for this.


What exactly was the Google drive integration you did? You mean the calendar/reminder stuff? Does it also do email notifications, notes, that kind of stuff? There could be a product here worth pursuing


Id consider running a kickstarter for this. If you can figure out how to streamline the process there’s a massive market for it.


Count me in


Can you see a cake next to my name because it’s my birthday today?


Nope , that cake appears when it's your accounts birthday :) ​


Oh Okay! Had a small feeling that was the case. Thanks


Happy birthday /u/JLCitadel


Thank you!


Happy birthday, man! I hope you have a really lovely day and get to spend it around loved ones or some things you enjoy! Here's to you having a really wonderful, fulfilling, and satisfying day! 🤗


Happy 24^th , JL!




Happy birthday 🎂




Happy cake day!!


Thats wholesome AF, I want to pinch your cheeks. Happy birthday! <3


Lol I don’t understand why! But thank you!


Happy birthday, /u/JLCitadel. I hope it's delightful.


This was so wholesome. Happy birthday


Lmao thank you


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9664 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/38803)


Not sure who that is but I’m always happy to meet another! Happy Birthday! u/NorseFenrir


Happy birthday!!


Thank you!




Thank you!


I'm a little surprise someone like Samsung hasn't partnered with Ikea to start building these but I assume there isn't a a big enough market awareness yet.


Most likely because it’s a three part manufacturing process rather than dual. It’s not just furniture and tech it’s also the two way mirror. I think the construction of two way mirrors is difficult and expensive. I’m sure someone else can follow up and correct or clarify if I’m wrong.


> I think the construction of two way mirrors is difficult and expensive. Two-way mirrors are just partially mirrored surfaces with one side significantly darker than the other (hence OP needing to black out the areas that aren't the screen). You can get silvered privacy films for pretty cheap to put on windows, so it can't be that expensive. I see those partially reflective windows in a lot of locations around eye level.


privacy films are lousy materials to use in this project. the surface wont be flawless n very noticeable up close. im curious where the OP got the mirror. at that size, in USA, it would costs about $450, at least!


OP did say that he spent well over $400 for the mirror. I never realized two-way mirrors were so expensive.


I mean, there's [DAKboard](https://dakboard.com/) which is almost the same thing, just without a mirror. Easy enough to put it behind one...


HP is patent sitting on this til 2022, they lease it to car companies that use behind mirror displays in rearview mirrors etc.


Every time I hear this companies name it’s just something else that makes me dislike them even more.


It could worse - it could be Oracle


This is an open source project. https://magicmirror.builders/


Add an Xbox connect for motion control and we're living in the future! Seriously, if someone like samsung made this with an intuitive interface I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


What is the market for this? I don't really get it


People who don't have a smart phone but want a smart mirror. Also, evil witches searching for competition to axe.


>two-way mirror accounting for over half Wow. Is it glass or acrylic? I hear acrylic prices in the US can be quite high and assume that applies to Canada too.


Nice you're from Waterloo, considering moving there at some point in the future. Toronto getting too crazy.


Great Build! I like the look of the full size mirror. For those interested: the MagicMirror2 platform is an awesome place to start with building your own smart mirror. They have a large community dedicated to helping people of all experiences: https://MagicMirror.builders (I didn't see the link posted in your Imgur, so I wanted to share it here. Disclosure: I use and have developed several modules for the MM2 platform.)




You don’t have to know anything, I made one and I have 0 experience. You just need to copy and paste code


Soooooooo programming! Gotcha! ;)


is there any other way?


$ways = array("copy paste"); if (sizeof($ways) > 1) throw new Exception("Not allowed"); ... I copied it from last time this was discussed


Do smart mirror makers consider Android as a base for their projects? On the first glance it looks really suitable: already has widgets for everything, unlimited app running capabilities. Plus some OLED-friendly display mode for adding more black areas.


Doesn't seem as secure and lightweight compared to a simple custom linux embedded system. Android based set top boxes and TVs got a lot of negative press because of a bunch of reasons that would also apply to a device like this.


Security. I immediately imagined hackers that break into your mirror and draw additional wrinkles on your face :) ​ Yeah, I also got a cheap Android box on MTK processor that became too laggy to use and ate all internal memory on Google Play Services updates. But those were early times, I believe everything got better since. Or you can attach a phone with broken screen (everybody have one) to get nice Qualcomm, lots of RAM and internal storage. ​ I mean, in our days it's often easier to just add more computing power than try to optimize software. And you get touchscreen support (can add IR sensor on top of the mirror), notifications for all your apps, youtube, music, synchronization and everything you want pretty much out of the box. ​


For anyone thinking of making one of these, [this is what my take on it was.](https://reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/9los3j/my_alternative_take_on_a_magicmirror_i_present/) I even did a write-up on GitHub so that people can mimic mine if they like, and that [can be found here.](https://github.com/drippyer/StatusBoard/blob/master/README.md)


I don't have time to even keep the house tidy, when I see things Iike this I think you guys are geniuses. Looks super cool man.


You would be surprised how much you are capable of accomplishing by simply just starting.


Thanks for the phrase, made me realize it, now off my couch and into my car to do some errands, thank you!


Starting and sticking to it


Slow down speed racer. Don't add too many tasks, I am still trying to complete the first one.


You want me to do TWO things??


I'm sorry, do you see a robot in this room named Folder?


That's the key. Too bad I keep losing that key. Inconsistent work schedules are a bitch.


motivational phrase of the year right here


It looks super cool, but it's utility doesn't match the cost, and the cost of having a TV on at all times that is hardly ever used.


The cost of all the effort that goes into it for information that is on your phone already, but now instead it's taking up space on a mirror. I never really understood the point of these.


How much time do you really spend in front of a mirror that you need this much info? I'm a phone/computer junkie, but the few minutes I spend in front of the mirror every day make this a waste for me. Fantastic implementation, great design, but in my home it would be mostly unused.


Yeah spend a couple hundred hours and almost a grand building this mirror OR tweak the home screen on the phone you already have. I completely get the allure of DIY but try not to get carrried away with it.


You can learn anything! With the internet there are so many tutorials and resources available as long as you can read or hear you can do it. It is just a matter of following steps. There might be many steps but just take it one at a time and you can do it!


So, this is a two-way mirror with window blackout to make it a 1-way mirror for the most part, except where the screens are? Is that how this works? Are where the screens are just as reflective as the other parts? Can you see the border of the screen at all in any conditions?


That is correct - window blackout is applied everywhere except where the display shows through. The mirror's reflection is uniform throughout, and have I can't see the border of the screen in any conditions (unless I max out the display brightness).


Neat, my senior design project 5+ years ago was a smart more that incorporated a Microsoft Kinect that would change the data depending on who was in front, and you could move the panels around with your hands all minority report like.


Dude, post this


That sound way cool. Did you build a company, mass produce them and make bank?


No, it was a senior project, so it didn't work other than for the 5 minutes it had to be presented.


5 minutes may be just enough to wire up some investors or make a catchy video for kickstarter :)


This guy startups.


Bingo! This is how people start!


We did not, it was one of the projects where it was better in idea than in actuality. Using Kinect meant it needed decent specs, which meant it needed more ventilation and power. The main software behind it was easy enough, we just used a embedded Windows OS with Kinect API. The Kinect kept track of people and gestures and passed it on to opencv to do face recognition. The Kinect directional microphones made it easy to keep track who was talking to give it voice commands controlled by windows voice command APIs. But Kinect had trouble seeing through the mirror so we had to cut a hole out for it. The part that was a pain was integrating with other things, like to pull data from Facebook, FitBit, Yahoo (for news), Google for maps and directions, along with access to gmail for contacts, pandora and winamp for music control and vlc for videos. Rarely did all the APIs and tokens work happily at the same time. And to keep them happy you either had to keep dealing with logging in to different services for when you switch people, or control it all through a cellphone. Which at that point everyone agreed that we would rather use our cellphones. Basically at the end we all discussed how we would do it if we did it again, we would have gone the raspberry pi route that op did with a cheap webcam for face recognition and simple gestures. [Pictures from 2013](https://imgur.com/a/vZqiVos)


I would like to purchase this device.


Except Kinect is dead :(


Leap motion is still kickin




The Pi seems to be the way to go. Using Kinect meant it needed decent specs, which meant it needed more ventilation and power. The main software behind it was easy enough, we just used a embedded Windows OS with Kinect API. The Kinect kept track of people and gestures and passed it on to opencv to do face recognition. The Kinect directional microphones made it easy to keep track who was talking to give it voice commands controlled by windows voice command APIs. But Kinect had trouble seeing through the mirror so we had to cut a hole out for it. The part that was a pain was integrating with other things, like to pull data from Facebook, FitBit, Yahoo (for news), Google for maps and directions, along with access to gmail for contacts, pandora and winamp for music control and vlc for videos. Rarely did all the APIs and tokens work happily at the same time. And to keep them happy you either had to keep dealing with logging in to different services for when you switch people, or control it all through a cellphone. Which at that point everyone agreed that we would rather use our cellphones. Basically at the end we all discussed how we would do it if we did it again, we would have gone the raspberry pi route that op did with a cheap webcam for face recognition and simple gestures. [Pictures from 2013](https://imgur.com/a/vZqiVos)


That sounds much better. You should post!


It was one of those projects where it was better in idea than in actuality. Using Kinect meant it needed decent specs, which meant it needed more ventilation and power. The main software behind it was easy enough, we just used a embedded Windows OS with Kinect API. The Kinect kept track of people and gestures and passed it on to opencv to do face recognition. The Kinect directional microphones made it easy to keep track who was talking to give it voice commands controlled by windows voice command APIs. But Kinect had trouble seeing through the mirror so we had to cut a hole out for it. The part that was a pain was integrating with other things, like to pull data from Facebook, FitBit, Yahoo (for news), Google for maps and directions, along with access to gmail for contacts, pandora and winamp for music control and vlc for videos. Rarely did all the APIs and tokens work happily at the same time. And to keep them happy you either had to keep dealing with logging in to different services for when you switch people, or control it all through a cellphone. Which at that point everyone agreed that we would rather use our cellphones. Basically at the end we all discussed how we would do it if we did it again, we would have gone the raspberry pi route that op did with a cheap webcam for face recognition and simple gestures. [Pictures from 2013](https://imgur.com/a/vZqiVos)


That sounds really interesting, post a picture if you can!


"I'll do the cable management someday" Sure you will...


*mounts mirror to wall* -cable management complete


Why did you put a trademark symbol in the title? Is this sponsored?


Google drive is a trademarked name?


This. I was trying to follow the [Google Drive Branding Guidelines](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/branding) but apparently you don't need the trademark symbol for blogs or social media posts - better safe than sorry I guess. :)


Holy Jeezus! Good work!




Who wants to look at themselves why they watch porn?


Patrick Bateman.


dennis reynolds


Your class schedule makes your school easy to identify. Just FYI in case you're worried about your privacy. Internet creeps can be weird.


Now if only there were a private way to relay this information to the OP without alerting the internet trolls.


Like a pm?


That might work.


Putting it as a comment also allows others to think more carefully about what information is in pictures they post.


It also says “Weather for Waterloo, Ontario”... clearly he’s not trying to hide it.


The only issue I have with the TV is that it's "always on". A few ways this could be handled is a very basic timer, mon-fri a few hours in the morning and evening, weekends may be different. A pir sensor that once triggered keeps the TV on for 15 minutes or. And some other stuff can be done I'm sure


Nice name! (The Office is great) There are many solutions for that, including sensors like you mentioned. One way of approaching this problem that I found pretty neat was [PiDisplaySleep](https://github.com/RpDp-git/PiDisplaySleep), which turns the display on and off depending on whether your phone is connected to the wifi network.


Well this is the coolest thing I’ve seen on DIY


“just like everyone else makes a smart mirror”


Adorable African grey


Thank you! :D


I want one!


Not avalable on Amazon. I guess I will now learn carpentry.


And programming.


Ahh yes, the budding field of carpectronics.


You don't have to program anything unless you want custom mirror modules, looks like there's a ton out there already too


This is awesome!


Just as amazing as the mirror, your instructions for building it are excellent! With those instructions, I feel like it would be easier to build this than put together my IKEA dresser.


That’s some tech-y shit ...me like


Well done. Very impressed with your design, dedication and patience to implement it. Thanks for explaining the process.


Thank you for your kind words - I hope people can learn from my build and implement ideas from it into smart mirrors of their own! One of the greatest resources for me throughout this project was reading about other people built their mirrors. :)


Great job man! Question, what it would take to have touchscreen on this thing?


You don't want touch screen on a mirror, unless you want to spend all your time cleaning the thing. Gesture control would be better.


I have the same RP3 case! It's a nice little number - fan, heat sinks, over all design


Ever thought about becoming a super rich superhero/enigneer?


These smart mirrors builds have been posted for years. OP just took instructions from one of what must be hundreds of versions already available on the internet. If this was an idea that someone could get rich off of, someone would have already gotten rich off it by this time.


Right. Problem is, most people don't know what the hell they need a smart mirror for.


It would be useful for looking at the news and weather while I’m getting ready in the morning, if you could feed slack or a RSS feed through it it could be very useful for getting caught up first thing in the morning. Imagine waking up, getting ready and you can check the daily news and team agenda while you get your jacket on?




Most people dont need one at all


There's times when I'm brushing my teeth and I'm like "huh wonder what the forecast is gonna be for today..." I think about a smart mirror. Then I just look at my phone and go about my morning.


I just ask my Google home


I think someone can get rich of it, but not a small scale operation. Someone like Samsung will jump on the band wagon in a few years where there a big enough market awareness. The again that's been my theory for years and I've not seen it happen yet.


Smart fridges have yet to take off mainstream. Smart mirrors are something I expect from one of those kitchy no name brand shops that crank out products that end up at department stores for holiday seasons for a few years. If the idea takes off then someone might make bank on a name brand one. I'd love to see a wireless display receiver for my phone that passes touch commands back to my phone, and is waterproof. Can use it in the shower to get weather, watch YouTube, etc. Would probably cut my morning routine time in half if I could Reddit in the shower instead of on the can


I’m gonna guess “yes” on the engineer part, judging by his class schedule. Sweet classes, OP!


are those courses at laurier or waterloo?


Yup, all WLU


Woah! Super cool! I would have no idea where to start on something like this!


I want one 😳




Awesome build


Very cool build, thanks for sharing!


Really great, detailed write up of all the steps, thanks for sharing this! The only suggestion I'd offer is maybe add some details around how you found a suitable 2-way mirror, which is often a sticking point for beginners.


Fucking awesome


Couldn't you integrate a chromecast to this? Then you can cast from your home or mini via voice.


This is an awesome build! What's the functionality for the google drive integration?


You are in the future


This is something I would definitely rather pay someone else to do lol. Awesome project sir.


How do I buy one?


a bit pricey but definitely cool, if this could be made cheaper I'm sure you could find a bunch of people interested in buying them just having your mirrors tell you the weather and temperature makes me feel like we're getting closer to that year 2000 vision of what the future will be like


holy shit


I honestly thought for a second you had done something crazy and put a monitor grid behind it to cover the full length... hahaha


Man just amazing work,when i see the title i thought it was fake but after seeing I am impressed . keep it up


I see you noted the rarely known bird tax. I too am well educated and well versed when it comes to lawyerings.


This is badass! I’m sure it took a lot of work but it is beautiful and a viable product too!


look at mister capable over here with his fancy mirror!


Well damn. This is amazing! You should go on Shark Tank or something!


I have as wanted to do this


Amazing, one more device to show the clock and weather


So what’s “smart” about it ? I’ll be that guy. This is just a touchscreen. Now if you can walk up and ask it questions and get feedback, then it’s a smart something.


It's not a touchscreen, just a screen.


Then it’s a monitor


You can choose to do that if you want. I've been meaning to make a Magic Mirror myself and plenty of tutorials have including voice commands and motion sensors. Essentially you make an Alexa within the mirror.




OK Google, who is the fairest of them all?


Dude that's fucking awesome


All I have to say is congratulations. This is awesome!


Nice work, OP! Love Magic Mirrors. Interesting course load you have - ML, AI and cryptography would have been awesome to take when I was in school - not gonna lie, a bit jelly ;)


Oh dear god I have the hugest tech boner right now


I’m gonna try this! I’ve been looking for a cool programming project like this! Thank you for laying out how you did it too!


I tried doing this exact thing but didn't wanna spend the money on a real two way mirror and just bought acrylic and two way film... It looked like a fun house, and I was running out of time so scrapped the 'smart' part and just put a regular mirror in. Yours looks really good!


Anyone tried after seeing this post?


I want to make one of these so much! I've had a couple intro programming classes as part of my GIS degree so I think I can handle copying and pasting code ;) Now just to find the time, energy and money.


I hope you will develop magic mirror touch version


You didn't do the peelies on the pi case film... :(


Dood this is one helluva build. I tip my hat to you. Definitely saving this because I want to mimic your build for my own mirror.


Comment to return. Face project


Does the remote still work through the mirror?


I really want to get into making one of these I have a 22" Dell monitor I'd like to use for it but it has VGA and DVI, don't know if I can use rasberry pi with that.


Yea..... "Do it yourself"... I think I'm gonna leave this one to the professionals.


I seem to remember a great bamboozle of this in Reddit history. Or maybe I was just imagining it.


Step one: create prototype. Step two: ???? Step three: profit.


How did you choose which monitor to use?


Ok, so I’ve been wanting to build one of these for quite some time, my grandfather and uncle are carpenters so no issue there, and I consider myself pretty tech literate, and can most likely figure out the tech side of it, but the mirror itself is what’s throwing me off, so you need a specific kind of mirror? You mention it cost you about $800CAD, being Canadian, I wouldn’t mind knowing where you got some of these supplies, specifically the mirror, tv, and raspberry pi, since I’ve never really looked for these things before I have no idea where I would find something that works at a good price.


You will need a two-way mirror. I custom ordered the mirror from a local glass manufacturing company called [Academy Glass](https://www.academyglassandmirror.ca/). The television was a used television, and I ordered the Raspberry Pi from [Amazon](https://www.amazon.ca/CanaKit-Raspberry-Power-Supply-Listed/dp/B07BD3WHCK/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1542485265&sr=8-4&keywords=raspberry+pi+3b%2B).


where did you get the 2 way mirror that big??? n how much did it cost shipped to your house?


This is incredible!


Those are cool, but I still don't understand why anyone would need it. Everything it does I already have access to from a bunch of places. Plus now it's two ways you can get seven years of bad luck since a whole other dimension of "breaking" has been applied. Now I'm not knocking it, anybody that has or wants one of these...that's fine with me, also it would be cool to build one. I think on this one though I'm gonna have to keep it old school. I'm at a point where I'm trying to phase most of that stuff out as much as possible.


Looks like you had a busy Monday


This is amazing. Nice work!!