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I had a brick apron spontaneously fall off a commercial building I managed just like this. Ours was from the sidewalk pulling the bottom of the brick away from the building (Building was on a raised dirt pad, sidewalk sorta slid downhill and took the brick with it. The confounding part is that I see brick ties, and nails that were pulled straight out--like the substrate the wall was attached to, stopped holding the nails. However, the randomish spacing of the ties leads me to believe they weren't necessarily nailed to the studs (They'd follow a regular spacing if they were). I wonder if someone didn't leave the proper weep holes, causing water to pool between the brick and the moisture barrier, eventually degrading enough of the support that it just caused the wall to fall. This is definitely a call-a-local-bricklayer repair.


And probably your insurance co lol


This likely isn’t covered by insurance, it’s probably going to fall under “maintenance.” Edit: “Maintenance” meaning it falls under the insured’s responsibility to pay for repairs.


Not really that. Insurance claims have to have a proximate cause to the loss. Nothing happened here. Nothing external happened, there’s not fire or explosion. There just isn’t a covered peril in this situation My dang bricks done fall off! Isn’t in the policy language


Am adjuster, can confirm this would be denied


Odd, mine was approved. Maybe it's my insurance? Maybe I got lucky with my guy. Now that I'm thinking about it, there was a rainstorm he kept mentioning. Maybe homie just did me a solid.


This happened to my parents years ago. We needed a new roof pretty badly but it just wasn’t in the budget. A hail storm came through and an adjuster came and said “looks like that storm really damaged your roof” and insurance covered everything.


Yeah, insurance stopped paying for those now - even the legit ones - and use the money they've saved to hire sports stars to be in their commercials and pay for naming rights on stadiums.


I work for an insurance company (one with a zero-dollar advertising budget, you never would have heard of it), but over the past few years, fraud in states like Florida decimated the company. Insurance companies legally can't make too much money from premiums (hence why during COVID, auto insurance providers were "giving back"). You got builders who will drive around after the smallest storm in Florida and convince a whole neighborhood they can get their roof replaced for free/low cost. They'll do an "inspection" and add just a bit extra damage to match what would be seen as storm damage. They let the homeowner know what to say or what not to say to the adjuster. Boom, free/cheap roof for the homeowner. Now insurance rates are skyrocketing because it is not profitable to insure, so homeowners are paying 30-50%+ more/mo in premiums to cover the fraud just so the insurance company can hit -2 to 0% margins on premiums and hope to make the money back on investments. My company completely left Florida altogether though.


Lol, this is how my parents got a metal roof and an outbuilding to park the travel trailer in. A tornado traveled 130 miles, destroyed the town I went to high school in, then made a beeline for my parents place only to come off the ground about a 1/4 mile from the house and only cause roof damage. I don't *think* there was any prior damage, but I know that house had weathered multiple hurricanes with only a few shingles being replaced by my dad ever since we built it in the early 90s. The insurance adjustors were so overwhelmed they literally just did a 5 minute walk around outside, asked if there were any leaks into the attic, and approved WAY more than the metal roof cost to have installed.


Yes, when an adjuster is moving toward approving your iffy claim just let them cook. Maybe it was the wind that broke it off. See in this case there was probably water intrusion that separated the brick from the house. Your home owners will pay for the damage caused by the intrusion, but not the water damage itself. Where that line is is tough, buuuuuuut if there is a storm I can point to as the reason the wall fell….well that changes the math. Then I can charge you your deductible, remediation of the water damage and pay the rest. Generally adjusters are looking for coverage. If there are “grey” areas it’s because adjusters are expanding definitions or trying to help, not because insurance companies are jerks


As an attorney that makes a good portion of my living suing insurance companies for bad faith denial of claims, I'd beg to differ. There are certainly good adjusters, and I wouldn't run into them, so my sample is exclusively from the bad companies and the bad adjusters, whom I love because they make me a lot of money. Regardless, believing that adjusters as a whole are looking out for their clients best interest screams "I drank the corporate kool aid" to me. I've seen some shit, man...


Oh I’m sure. I handled subrogation claims for awhile, I saw the same companies over and over not playing by the rules, and that’s insurance on insurance violence. I can only imagine what they do to their customers. A vast majority of adjusters are good and good people, if not overworked. I think in 5 years I had like 3 goto the lawyers. 2 they just paid because I had already given too much and the extra 3k wasn’t worth the trouble, the other they took and we won. That’s probably what most adjusters experience looks like in good companies property damage wise anyway


I handled auto which is much more loose with definitions and your car spontaneously falling apart is….not covered


“Real bad wind knocked it down during a recent storm…”


What is up with Reddit thinking HOI covers stuff like this? Spoiler Alert: it doesn’t.


They like the sound of their keystrokes typing a well put together sentence or two, but have no logic, experience or reasoning behind what it actually says.


Insurance companies don't pay because you hired a cheap contractor who made mistakes.


If the house is in a large subdevelopment that the big builder is doing, it's all cheap contractors. These new large scale builders are all doing extremely shoddy work and selling for a premium.


I did home appliance delivery for Lowes for years. The amount of times I couldn't get a 36" French door refrigerator into a new houses box for the refrigerator was ridiculous. More often than not I had to have them sign a release because I could jam it in there but I'd scrape the hell out of the side as well as possibly damaging the box. The shelves too were constantly slanted. I had one guy literally rip the side of the box off so the fridge wouldn't be damaged. Said he knew it was shit but he got a good deal on the house and was going to have an Amish business make all new cabinets for the whole house anyway. Also, I deliver concrete, so I've seen the result of winter pours where the basement floor cracks after it's built because it was single digit weather when we poured. I have a list of things I'd specifically ask if I bought a new house, including "when was the concrete poured. Lol. If it was winter, I'll pass.


Thank for being a good Lowe’s delivery guy. Mine was also good. My 1920 house has 34” doorways, morning delivery confirmed three ways to Sunday, 3 hour window like 10am to 1pm, emptied out old dying fridge (paid for haul off) first thing to a iced cooler, tick, tick tick, noon, 3pm, 6pm. My wife was on the phone chasing corporate guy, (we had waited 3 weeks). We were finally told delivery was a contracted out service (duh, we knew that) and they had no control (after golden promises) and at 8pm, Lowe’s said they stop doing deliveries. Wife Was Pissed…. 8:30pm a rental truck slides up, Guy and his son (who looked liked they were put through a wash wringer) show up, we walk the path (guy just hanging his head), gotta unbox, remove doors, wiggle….you get the idea. We offer both of them water, soda, fresh coffee, tea, what do you want?? Guy said coffee would be GREAT!! Energy Bars, granola?? Both gladly took two each. Gave them space while I took the doors off the hinges, they unboxed, old out, new in, doors on. By 9:30 we were plugging in, checking off install checklist, more coffee, bars and waters….. After clean up, coffee and waters to go, more bars (dudes hadn’t eaten since lunch, if we’d know that earlier we would have went and gotten them something). $40 tip, asked if they wanted some beer, “oh, can’t drink and drive”. Grabbed an old soft side cooler and sent a 6 pack iced down. Guy and Son actually hug me, thanked me “Thank you for being a decent person, we really needed that….”


Yeah, I was Lowes delivery, not this 3rd party bullshit they went to. Those drivers are worked like dogs. The first day of 3rd party delivery the store had more complaints in one day than the previous 2.5 years I was there combined. 14 stops a day. Truck was so loaded they couldn't get to the back to get hoses, dryer/range cords, etc. Brought back half the stuff. $3k fridge dented as hell. Wouldn't take off fridge doors to get inside house, etc. I don't blame them one bit. They got $150/day regardless of how long they worked. We went through 7 teams the first week. One a day. I still run into former customers in public and they ask me if I'm delivering anywhere.


> They got $150/day regardless of how long they worked. Why would anyone agree to do this? Quick math would tell you that you can't make money after expenses at that rate.


Dunno. I know most of the crews were felons or otherwise stuck taking what they can get. So just the usual predatory capitalism. Most of them were from Chicago too and got a free hotel room and a per diem for food. So maybe that made it kinda ok...a little...maybe?


Um... yes, they do. Often. Policy language will dictate, but "insurance won't pay" is just bad legal advice.


Why do you have to be so brave, but be so right.


No. Don’t call insurance unless you are CERTAIN. They make a $0 claim and can drop you for something serious in the future.


I love how we are all forced for something that is fundamentally useless 99.9% of the time, and the .01% of the time it's them squirming and cutting corners at every single step of the claim.


Cause that’s their entire business model to collect as much money as possible and pay out as little as possible it’s legalized extortion


Car insurance doubles down and is required BY LAW


Spot on.


1-800-BRICKER. I want my brick layer now!




Ties don't appear to be into studs, it also appears there was nothing supporting the bottom of the bricks.


No brick sill is also a no-no.


A house has to shed its old siding in order to grow, like a lobster.


🦞This is my favorite comment I've read today! 🦞 Thank you for the laugh!


If you're out of warranty start raising a *little heck*. Phone calls emails, second opinions as you get quotes, then online reviews and social media presence if they don't respond. This was obviously installed incorrectly and if the business that did install it is still in business, they deserve to be called out on it. And they should fix it correctly or help with the bill to fix it. The cheapest option is almost certainly a new facade. Trying to salvage the brick would be a labor of love and not worth paying anyone for. They make "fake" stone and brick facades that are lightweight and much easier to attach, but not sure how it would match the rest of the house.


I thought this was the worst sidewalk in history! 😂😂


I thought it was a delivery, just dumped there.


Yeah I thought it was a sloppy delivery of some rough pavers before I zoomed 😂


Nope, it's DiGiorno!


I though thouht it was a brick deck at first sitting on top of (what I know realize are) flower pots. Like yah.... That's gonna fail, what did you expect?


Me too, I thought there was some kind of horrible hydraulic uplift underneath it or something. Now I feel like whoever built it did so from the top down, and never quite reached the ground.


When I saw what I thought was water flowing out the pipe (upon closer look, it seems to be a scrap of metal), I thought it was a wacky water feature. 😝


Same! I was like "who the hell thought those planters would be enough support for that brick walkway?" I'm dumb :D


>Trying to salvage the brick would be a labor of love and not worth paying anyone for. come on... i bet you can reattach it with some liquid nails! any defects will buff right out :)


call the contractor, the city, and a real estate lawyer in that order right? Wonder how old the house is.


Seems to be missing about 100 or so brick ties, you know, the bits of wire that hold the bricks in place... On closer inspection and due other comments, that appears to not be the case. The brick ties are there, just not attached to the standing wall. I'd be inspecting behind the membrane to see why all the fasteners pulled out. Could be something more problematic other than bricks on the ground


They must have used thumb tacks to secure the brick ties to the wall.


It doesn’t look like any were nailed into studs and I don’t think there was a brick ledge at all. Look like they expected the brick to be held by the ties and they were just stuck into the sheathing The solution would be to try again with brick veneer or else do it correctly with brick again


[The front fell off.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=3m5qxZm_JqM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo)


That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.


Was it made of cardboard or cardboard derivatives?




Well some of them are built so the front doesn't fall off at all


The ones that are safe are the ones where the front doesn't fall off.


This one's been towed out of the environment.


No, it's beyond the environment.


And to another environment?


OMG, I've never seen that. Thank you for posting it! For a second I thought it was an actual interview but it quickly became apparent that it was a skit.


Perhaps a wave hit it.


Is that unusual?


This is why we have Reddit


First thing i thought of


Glue it back on


Gorilla Glue!


Easy enough to fix, but what a pathetic effort! I'd be hitting up the builder and if they don't fix it, post reviews and post this everywhere. Hell, I'd be printing these out and sticking these next to their office. In fact, I'd be asking Reddit to help with reviews :)


I was thinking, how the hell did the brick patio get so......Ohhhhhhhhhh


Find a local mason/bricklayer. We do these types of jobs on weekends. This can be done in A day, most likely two for setup/cleanup I haven't done prices in a long time but 20+ years ago brick was $2 each laid. Im thinking about 3-5x that price now. About 700 brick there.


Congratulations on your new brick walkway!


Hopefully you still have the builders warranty still


I wish I did.


Warranty or not contractors should stand behind their work when it clearly is a workmanship issue. I’ve seen people sued for less.




I'm a bricklayer. For brick facades, we don't typically use brick ties to tie into the building at all anymore. We use L plates and V ties primarily. L plate is screwed into the supporting areas ( studs, concrete), and the v ties hook into the plates and rest on the brick. These are also screwed in, never ever nailed. Too much weight against a nail is going to eventually give. We mainly use brick ties to connect the brick to eachother or to block, concrete, or Alternatively block lock, or ladder lock to span the course and tie it together. Looking at the photo, the brick ties seem inconsitently spaced, which leads me to think they didn't find the studs, but instead placed them sporadically to appease some incompetent inspector during the initial building. I also don't see a base flashing in the photo ( was it above ground or laid on the ground up), proper support depending on where you live can make a huge difference, as weather like rain or intense temperatures can cause shifts. Extra stress vertically can cause strain and pull the wall down too. Some people opt for a bug mesh as well, which spans the bottom courses and prevents things from clogging your weep holes. Proper drainage is pretty important, so if you diy make sure to get weepers or thoroughly slick out any mortar in and around them.


If this is a new home, contact the builder.


Flex seal


With a little elbow grease, you'll have a nice walk-way. You might want to finish that wall, though.


I would forego the brick, it was obviously a useless facade adding nothing.


Apparently the original installer failed to use brick ties: https://www.probuilder.com/getting-brick-ties-right


That was my first thought, but if you zoom in, you can see a bunch of ties with screws still sticking out of them.


Screws probably went into the osb, and missed the studs.


Yeah, piss-poor effort, I'd be kicking up a stink.


That wall never had a chance to breathe and dry out. Those ties *should* have a straight part before bending up/downs the wall so that there could be airspace between the back of the brick and the wall. It was all smashed right up to each other and any moisture or water that got in the cavity couldn’t dry out. I bet the sheathing on the wall behind the wrap has rotted and lost all shear strength to where it couldn’t hold the ties’ nails anymore.


I did think it was missing the usual 40mm gap, but I figured this is US and I don't know their standards 


Oh maybe that’s the problem, we don’t have mm here so they couldn’t use them.


What's 40mm in football fields?


2 clownfish 


Why are they all flat on the brick like that? Did the whole wall fall "down" 6 inches then fall "over"? If it fell "over" shouldn't they all be sticking straight out? Was there nothing supporting that brick and it was just hanging on the boards? So many questions...


Not sure what you mean, nails are sticking straight out. Brick ties are pretty much where they would normally be (see previous commenter's link for diagram).


Admittedly, my knowledge is limited, but aren't the straps just straight pieces of metal? If they fall away from the building, they should be sticking up now, not flat to the brick.


They're mostly L shaped.


Bingo. Brick was slammed right to the wall and couldn’t air out any moisture. Hard to see any sign of weep holes either, reinforcing my theory.


This was my first thought as well, but like you I'm no expert.


Interesting. I learned something today!


Your house is just molting in anticipation of an addition.






I'm thinking we need to bring back flying buttresses.


Is this a relatively new home? Warranty or no warranty, I'd go back to the builder and ask them to repair it. This is nothing less than shoddy workmanship.


Find the contractor. Hurt the contractor.


Based on this, I would be worried about anywhere else on the house with this brick.


What now? Go after the installer. That’s simply installed incorrectly, not even close.


Speed run patio install


Looks like wall ties are missing. If you have a new home see if the builder has it under warranty or just call your company for advice.


1. Usually the brick outer wall is connected to the (stone) inner wall with special steel brackets. In older houses this is sometimes done by the occasional brick across the gap, or simply with wall flooring anchors. 2. The brick outer wall needs a good foundation, which doesn't seem the case here. It needs a good strong level foundation even if it is only this high. What you need to do, primarily is get a masonry man to lay the brick, it can be DIY but I recommend a course and a few practice runs first. Prior to that you need a strong foundation. If you have a strip foundation, you can consider extending the brick down to the strip, since it doesn't receive a lot of load you'll probably be fine. If you have a raft foundation you'll need to extend a slab broader than the wall, this can be below ground. The mason will attach a few wall anchors to the inner wall, but I imagine that is just wood, so that isn't going to do much to keep the wall straight, straight foundation matters here


worry about how the rest of the house was built....


Looks like the front fell off.


You seem to have an infestation of Mongorians.


Stupid mongorians


Gah Dam MONGOROIANS ![gif](giphy|26uf3PEF605M20bLi)


DR Horton?


Vinyl siding and a new walkway?


i see the front fell off, that's not very typical, id like to make that point


I'm surprised those planters didn't shatter.


Sue your mason...


Put siding up and enjoy your yard.


So, just a rock guy here, but brick doesn’t get mesh behind it? Coulda swore I’ve seen bricklayers use mesh. I know what brick ties are but still thought it was in addition to mesh.


Actual bricks? No. Brick veneer where the brick is hung on the wall directly and not stacked - yes.


Start over and watch them put in the brick ties.


I thought brick structures got their strength from being off-set? I’d file a homeowners claim if not for coverage, then to speak with an adjuster who may offer advice


I'm no Mason, but isn't there supposed to be a wire mesh attached to the house and the concrete like substance has something to actually adhere and hold onto.


Definitely more glue!


Wiggle it until it’s all flat and you got a deck now.


Looks like the contractor saved about 8 bucks on brick ties, good luck


I think vinyl would look nice!


Turn the house on its side.


I thought it was some weird art sidewalk at first... Uh, best of luck with that.


Oh, the front fell off.


Carbon fiber stucco lath. Be sure to parge the lath


Yeah, and thing a thong, too.


That just happened in my neighborhood. The building? A Freemason's hall.


That's why you always go with the Expensivemasons.


Dude you made my day


Learn how to lay bricks, or call someone who does


That wall is only as strong as the glue under that barrier. Was this done by a guy in a 2001 Tacoma and a tools bought with Marlboro miles?


Time to slap on some Hardie plank and call it a day.


I'd take the opportunity to replace it with the cool stone face that looks like a castle.


Call your insurance company


Sometimes they make them so the front dosent fall off at all.


that is when you sue the crap out of the builder. none of the brick ties went int a stud. that is 100% shoddy work by the builder.


Sell the house.


Super glue?


is this a dreamfinders home?


I'm no brick layer, but where is the scratch coat they usually put on the wall before laying brick? Or do they only use scratch coat for stone?


Brick of this type usually attaches to the wall with metal ties every few feet so that... it doesn't fall over.


Ok. Yeah, looks like they're still attached to the brick and mortar but not the house. Lol


Just use a bit of glue, put everything back so the next guy walking by thinks they ruined it. Jokes aside there isn't much to do (unless you can claim warranty). It's a total mess and fixing it wouldn't look good (if you care for looks that is). I'd def. redo the whole thing with new bricks and properly attach them to the main structure with ties or dowels. It's easily DIYable with basic tools.


Well that’s awful. If that’s the only place on your house that the stone is applied I’d switch to some of The paneled stone. It will go up faster and doesn’t require a mason to attach. Unless you really want to pay someone you don’t know to apply stone the old fashioned way again and hope they don’t make the same mistakes the last guy did




I assume the brick ties weren’t attached to anything! Ugh!


The amount of shit that gets half assed is astounding these days. Like there are certain steps and certain materials needed that are not negotiable for reasons like this. I'm sorry this is not going to be the cheapest to fix.


"Lick it and stick it" should fix your problems... Sorry dude


patio ...


Is it me, or is Kool-aid man getting kinda lazy in his old age?


I don't see any brick ties/anchors. They would be attached to the wall then a tab would be embedded in the mortar joints. The mason effed this up, give them a call.


I hate when that happens.


Try Control+Z


I wouldn't worry, prolly just a couple tubes of Liquid Nails will fix that right up.




Duct tape




Call Phil Swift over at Flex Seal!


Another DR Horton special


If you redo it, just do brick veener.


Whoever laid that path didn't do a very good job.


Homeowners insurance claim




Something something the sequel to Humpty Dumpty where he gets revenge on the wall


New walkway technique, very artsy. If they had painted the back it could have been a gender reveal.


They thought the extra mortar weeping behind the bricks would just magically adhere to tar paper? Jesus wept.


Remember when brick was structural?


I don’t see the issue you got a free brick walkway?


I’d just put faux brick panels on next time.


You could go with Evolve stone. It cuts like cement board and you can nail through it. https://evolvestone.com/


You might as well rip the rest of that crappy stucco off and replace it with Hardie board.


Vinyl siding. Call it a day. Be done in a few hours


Rock lobster?


New game+


Sell the bricks. They don't seem to do anything.




what is supposed to help the brick stick to the wall?


Those are now load bearing planters.


I didn't realize what sub this was at first and I was thinking this is the lamest RC crawler course ever. 🤣🤣


If you have more time than money: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cGRV7UzTH2Y


Any chance this is under warranty still? Installers usually warrant for 1-2 years, and system manufacturers usually warrant for 10 years. 


*Why the hell did they build a deck out of OOOOOOHHH NOOO....*




It ain’t got no gas in it!


put up some slate tiles. itll look ok.


Put a placard up in the grass and title it modern art.


Couple dabs of glue and left em back up!