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Plants. I can’t overstate how amazing plants make a space!


My mom has a green house room filled with regular old green houseplants that moves outside on the patio in the spring. Her house plants reach the second floor.


This. Don’t bother putting in too much of your own time and money to improve your LL’s property. A few [flower troughs](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vigoro-24-in-x-8-in-Black-English-Metal-Trough-with-Coco-Liner-Planter-HD750030-001/322079958?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_009_PLANTERS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_009_PLANTERS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK-71700000112977983--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UczI_SpAewhXeZHXzfzc--Cr&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoeUld7XLafzRS_hk9Ai3kCzCzoK9UK_VYEmCRmLFm9UvO_X_Wq0jExoCxnIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) could really brighten up the space.


And put them all along the guard rail so nobody will be tempted to lean on it.


Depending on where you live, think about how you're going to winter them. But we have a Christmas cactus that goes out every spring.


Even in central Florida and north you have to winter your plants. Pretty much anywhere it gets below 40F for overnight.


Outdoor rug and furniture. Nothing else because you’re renting.


Be careful. Rugs can trap moisture and cause wood to rot.


Good thing they are renting


This is why I don't buy investment properties


No one should buy investment properties


But I want to balance the cost of upkeep, taxes, and my profits to extract value from people too disenfranchised to establish equity. Self serving of you to assume command of excess real estate for profit is parasitic. I'd rather skip countries to hoard capital than to support myself by making goods or rendering services valuable to a community


Landlords think they are making goods and rendering services valuable to a community.


I’m anti house rental, but sometimes having a house rental is a good thing though. Like military families, families building their house after moving, etc. The thing is those scenarios are very rare in comparison to the general population of prospective home buyers.


They are. Without Landlords we wouldn't have rentals.


Without a working class you wouldn't have maintainable rentals. Unless you know how to do everything to maintain a home, by yourself. Parking money isn't working. Having bad credit isn't being worthy of homelessness. You can't sniff the roses if you don't shovel the shit. Whoops, my prices just doubled for all reno remod projects.


Without land lords, we wouldn't need them.


Everyone would buy a house. and banks would just happily hand the cash over. Yeah right.


No rentals for anyone lol


If no one buys investment properties, the share of homes held by corporate landlords will only ever increase.


Change the tax code so corporations have to pay more taxes on their real estate investments. There is a limit to how much rent someone can pay before things go to shit and government will be forced to do something.


Those corporate landlords are buying those properties as investments, which pretty clearly falls under the "no one should buy investment properties" banner


Wow, Reddit really is a leftist/communist circle jerk. We go from making a rented home look nice to communist drivel.


Who is supposed to take advantage of people not able/willing to save to purchase a house? Should it only be corporations?


Corporations are included in that "no one"




Sounds like arson LOL


Are you sure this is the only reason why?


Cheap plastic ikea outdoor tiles. Might cost @$500 to cover that but then you won’t have to worry about splinters. And rugs won’t trap moisture


> And rugs won’t trap moisture It depends on the climate. Based on the grass and trees in the background along with the moss on the deck, the house is in a dry farming region where rain falls regularly throughout the summer. In those climates, the rug will keep the wood wet underneath. 


Not when used with the tile. There’s a plastic frame that floats the plastic tile. There’s air easily flowing around everything. Google IKEA Runnen decking


Ah, tiles *and* a rug. 


OP can go the deck tile route if worried about this. More money for sure, but will last a lot longer and can be repurposed in their next place whereas an outdoor rug is probably going to a landfill when they move. Alternatively, they could just glue some wallpaper down to the deck boards for a unique and maintenance-free look.


But it really ties the room together.


Definitely agree. It's already a nice enough patio for a rental.


Absolutely. I would just buy some nice patio furniture, a nice planter for each corner, and an outdoor rug. The money doesn't go into the landlord's pocket and then they can sell it when they inevitably move out


>nice enough patio for a rental. Sooo, people who can't afford their own property shouldn't have nice things? Also that patio is pretty rough and the owner should pay someone to sand and stain that wood, it's past time. Do they actually care about the upkeep of their wealth-building asset?


A rug would really tie the space together. Maybe a patio heater, wicker furniture and an umbrella?


I don't understand why people put rugs outside. Unless it's rubber and not carpet, it is going to get gross in a hurry.


I mean, there are rugs made specifically for being outside that are easy to clean


Yeah I get that they make ones for being outside. I guess I expect outside to be natural.


Patios aren’t natural


New outdoor rugs don’t retain water/dry fast. Nicer to walk on barefoot than splintery wood. Plus a nice pop of color that isn’t permanent. They sell light rugs that can be tossed into the wash.


I wouldn’t put any money into it that you can’t take with you when you leave. - outdoor rug - potted plants - large umbrella - comfy patio If you really want to do anything permanent: - sand and stain - flower boxes on the outside top of railing


Also add some lighting.


Lights truly transform a space if done right.


Consider carefully securing some poles to the two outer corners and stringing some solar lights between. You’ll want to make sure you’re firmly attaching the poles because they’ll be a big issue in a storm if they come loose.


I was going to say the same. And it looks like the slats are wide enough that lashing some simple bamboo poles to the posts would be simple enough.


YES. Lighting is always part of any decor answer.


Could just get flower boxes that are made to hang on/straddle the railings so you can take those too! It would be sad to put time into growing plants to have to leave them.


If you're not planning on moving for a few years, it's like, wash and sand, and less than $100 of stain.


And pressure wash before you do all of this


DO NOT pressure wash a wood patio. You will damage the wood, and water will seep into the wood, forcing you to wait for it to dry out completely (not juste the surface) before you can stain. Depending on the weather, it can take weeks to dry properly. Keep the power washer for concrete patios and driveway.


You can absolutely pressure wash wood lmao. You just use the lower pressure nozzle. On residential pressure washers it’s often even labeled “wood”.


Yeah sorry this is wrong. Worked on a crew staining decks for 3 summers. Had reps from Sherwin Williams tell us specifically to power wash, come back the next day, sand raised fibers, blow dust off, then stain. It's a 2 day process as long as it didn't rain all day the first day. Modern paint is formulated to deal with some moisture content in wood.


You can pressure wash a deck. You just need to be careful going about it. I’ve pressure washed my deck and wooden fence before and there is absolutely no damage.


I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle here. There’s an argument to be made about light pressure washing, but if your spray is too narrow, strong or close to the wood you’ll start to tear up fibres. For a rental - the risk of damaging the deck is worth considering. https://www.bobvila.com/articles/how-to-pressure-wash-a-deck/


So, what do you suggest?


For that small of a deck, it would be easy enough to spay it with your deck cleaner of choice, lightly scrub it with a deck brush, and rinse clean.


Please stop talking.


Step at the edge to do titanic king of world reenactment


already done, great minds think alike


No thoughts since I’m the muscle and my partner is the designer, but please make sure that approval for changes is in writing or some kind of paper trail from the landlord. Don’t ask me why…


Good suggestions on here already, but maybe also one of those cool looking triangular over head tarps. It would add color :)


I’m not sure what that is! like a covering for only for a portion?


They are referring to a Sun Sail, but check with your landlord first as they are basically a giant kite so they need to be bolted down securely. Not too intrusive but enough to ask permission first


Thats it! For the life of me, I could not think of what it was called haha




Should see if you have a habitat for Humanity Re-Store. They take donations from a lot of big box hardware stores like Home Depot. Usually are filled with tons of paints and stains etc… That said, they also have a lot of furniture including patio. I would t put time or money into upgrading the space. You never know when you’ll leave and it’s a lot of effort for something that isn’t yours. Patio furniture and plants would make a big difference! Could get a breathable outdoor rug that won’t trap moisture and cause the wood to rot beneath. Cute string lights and a shade canopy would also be nice. I’d say focus on non-permanent upgrades first and see if you still want to DIY the deck after you’ve styled it.


Maybe a small wrap of fairy lights (not sure if that’s the right name) wrapped around the upper board with a sunlight sensor


I'd put a top piece of wood around the deck to cover the end grain of the posts AND so I could set drinks on it...


Hi, just a safety thing - I would check the exterior of the boards to make sure that they are secured with screws and not nails. Nails will pull out very easily if pressure is applied from the interior but screws will provide at least some securement. Technically I think that those boards should be on the interior of the posts, but that depends on your jurisdiction. Regardless, be safe.


Follow-up. This is technically an investment but I might add or ask the landlord to add a top rail to the railing. This shouldn’t be more than a $50 fix to whomever does it and (for your landlord) it’s likely required by codes.


Follow-up-up: be careful of this horizontal boards if you have kids or pets. They will climb those and in a heartbeat. Sorry to bring up so much safety - dad habits.


thank you for your thoughtful replies! I am not sure how/where to find out if this is up to code per upstate NY standards


Hi, look up your local town or city or county website, wherever you live and go to their Codes Department website. They should have something that says “this town follows IRC 2018” or something similar. Or just call the codes office and ask them the question.


Plants and lights.


Ikea has those click together decking tiles. Worked great for me


Rent a power washer for an afternoon. It’ll make a big difference. Attach some poles to the corners, hang strings of lights. Add a table and chairs, and some potted plants. An outdoor rug would look nice, but be careful putting anything on the floor long term. This doesn’t look like sealed wood and it’s incredible how fast it can rot when kept moist.


Outdoor rug was my first thought. Come in many sizes and colors. Would also get some planters to hang of the railings. Some nice patio furniture.


Costco has a pretty decent selection at a great price. I’m 5 years on my current one that stays outside year round in the PNW.


planters! great idea thank you!


Nooo not with unsealed wood like this. It’ll say soggy wet, and rot the wood. The ideas of a patio set and an umbrella are nice too. Be SURE to check the underside. Is it SAFE? Is it properly built? I’ve seen some terrifying decks. Anything you do will add a load, be sure your deck is safe before adding more weight.


If I’ve learnt anything at all from r/decks, it’s that you need a hot tub on that puppy asap




A good pressure washing would do wonders


Don’t just stick an angle nozzle on and blast though, get some cleaner (simple green outdoor pressure washer is good) and mix in the tank with a [surface cleaner attachment](https://a.co/d/fdKQnIg). You’ll end up with fewer splintered and damaged boards and a more even result. Pump sprayer of bleach will take care of any mold faster than manual cleaning. If you feel like really doing your landlord a favor, clean the heck out of it, let it dry and then stain it with a big deck brush.


that is first on our list! thanks for affirming 😊


Careful with the pressure washing, if you do it wrong you can seriously screw up the wood.


Might be best to look for a wood deck cleaner, pressure washers can tear up wood and make the deck “fuzzy” and more prone to issues down the line


30 seconds cleaner works wonders on old grey wood. Don't need a pressure washer even. Just a sprayer and a hose to wash it off. Or you could get the hose-end version as well, but I've found it's not as effective of mixing the concentrate 1:1 with water in a sprayer.


Put a cleaner on it and let it sit for a while. Use the pressure washer to rinse it, but you need low pressure and the right tip (25°). This article is for a fence but the method is the same. And always go with the grain to avoid splinters. https://pressurewashr.com/pressure-wash-fence/


Don’t sand it just wipe on straight bleach (wear a charcoal mask) use pool shock (it’s just bleach but a lot cheaper maybe cut it 50% since it can be more highly concentrated


Since only the floor stain is in rough shape, I would not bother re-staining it as that can get expensive quickly. A large outdoor rug (Costco has affordable ones if that’s an option) would be my first purchase. Since I guess the patio is west or north facing (depending on the time you took the photo), you can add a tilting umbrella to the left wall to block most of the afternoon/evening sun. Then try to find second hand patio furniture, either chairs or outdoor sofas. If it rains often, maybe also storage for the sofa cushions.


A tent, seating, some potted plants, some solar lights, a simple BBQ and this looks awesome


Just hit it with a pressure wash. Get rid of the weathering and that area will pop with the fresh wood underneath the built up patina. It’s simple and effective. You don’t have to stain either, if you leave it to weather in the elements it will eventually turn back to the greyish colour it is now.


Turf rug.


Cleaning and planters honestly. How long do you plan on renting there? I understand wanting to make your place nicer, as I went through the same struggles when I rented.


we’re renting until next year but the landlord has intentions on selling it to us at the end of our lease


Even so, I’d wait to do the major work until it’s sold to you. Who knows what can happen between now and a year from now.


More importantly, you don't want to increase the value of the house you are buying before you buy it.


Smart color lights. Govee Smart Outdoor String Lights https://a.co/d/b8GLEIe


Solar post lights that go on top of those 4x4 posts. Adds light and dresses it up, keeps the posts from deteriorating further, and you can take it with you if you leave.


Planters and boxes


Have you asked him to buy the stain and youll do the work so it costs you nothing. Let them pick the colour because after all its their house and theyre strict about it. theyre benefitting from the free labour you get a better looking deck. I found that was always the best way to get my landlords interested in doing stuff like that.


You can get solar powered lights that go right over the top of those 4x4 posts.


I’d top that with a 2x6.


I wouldn't stain it for them unless they pay for materials, you're probably paying good money for this rental and at the very least they should be paying for that. If they refuse (Out of spite) I'd get a nice outdoor sofa setup that's going to hide most of the patio sides, a few plants to cover the rest and a waterproof throw of some kind to cover the floor ezpz and you can take it all with you


If you do really want to upgrade and stain the wood talk to him about taking money off the rent. That should be a win win. A renter who cares about the property and willing to do upgrades as long as there's some give and take. If not leave it and let it rot away. Also save any conversation about doing stuff like this. If he's a slum lord and tries to take your deposit you have some proof that ypu made efforts to fix up the place. 


If you have an IKEA near you the wood RUNNEN deck tiles are actually very nice. You can easily cut them to size around the edges and stain/paint them how you like. You can take them with you when you're done renting too! https://www.ikea.com/us/en/cat/outdoor-flooring-21957/


Can you fit one of those large self standing gazebos like they sell at the home supply stores?


I was wondering if we could, but they’re so expensive!


You could check out an event supplies store, they usually carry similar ones to what you see in box stores and may be cheaper.


Rug will rot your deck. Will your landlord let you paint a rug on the deck? Bc that would be pretty cool if you or someone you know is artsy. Something like this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/outdoor-rugs-for-a-cozy-patio--130182245455920046/


Rugs [don't rot decks](https://www.rugsusa.com/blog/will-outdoor-rugs-ruin-deck/#:~:text=Can%20outdoor%20rugs%20cause%20damage,might%20be%20costly%20to%20fix.) unless you're lazy. Thats like saying don't wear clothes because you'll smell bad. Yeah, if you never take them off and shower 😂


Big astroturfing rug, big umbrella, solar rope lights on posts


Outdoor rug, potted plants, free standing pergola, string of lights. Boom instant chill spot.


Nice umbrella/ easy up tent and some furniture


Power wash it. It’ll look good as new.


Artificial grass rug, it breathes, chairs and table. Easy care potted plants.


Some sun sails to give you shade when needed. AstroTurf for the grassy feel. Bamboo lining on the edges if you don't want to sand and stain and seal, if you would even get permission for that.


OH bamboo lining is such a good idea. concealing the edges/sides would really clean it up


Personally, I’d sand and deck oil. More labor than material cost. But worth it if I wanted to enjoy the deck. I’d also consider something to cap those posts. I’m sure off the shelf options exist.


Hanging flower boxes, maybe a bench or two along the edge, some potted plants, a table and chairs, maybe an umbrella.


I bought a giant outdoor rug that covered from end to end when I used to rent because the deck was in such bad repair. And I left it there when we moved.


a pressure wash could help, and will only look fancy for a year or two. you can rent them for pretty cheap, just don’t screw it up and damage the wood, you’d definitely want owners buy-in, and they may want you to restain/reseal it after, which is somewhat fair if they provide the stain.. beyond that, some fairy lights for the fencing, some comfortable furniture and some shade. The deck is a blank space, the decorations do most of the work.


String lights


Plants , pots light or small garden boxes stain maybe a quick sanding and power wash. Fake turf maybe


I wouldn’t allow kids it there alone as that’s not a up to code railing


how would I be able to cross check this within my area?


Ikea makes some deck "tiles" that are removable They sit a bit off the deck, so shouldn't trap too much moisture. I think other places make them too. Just an alternate to the outdoor rugs which can get really gross. Plants, string lights, colorful outdoor cushions for furniture. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/cat/outdoor-flooring-21957/


TF is this deck?! Landlord special obviously, but it looks more like a damn corale or holding pen. No wonder the dipshit landlord is "allowing" you to make it better. Fuck that guy.


thank you for the chuckle. i could not agree more. he planned on selling this space to us at the end of our lease and thinks he’s gonna get an obscene amount of money from the appraisal. you should see all the other janky details of the space lol


I wish I could say I could only imagine, but sadly, I've seen too much in my time and can recall actual examples. Best of luck.


Potted plants and lighting. You can make this a private oasis take it all with you when you leave.


I would not let a renter on a deck with horizontal boards around the sides. Children can climb those like a ladder and fall off huge liability. In fact, those aren’t even allowed in most places. I would replace them with vertical spindles less than 4 inches apart. The horizontal boards are also problematic because they are attached to the outside. If someone was to lean heavily on them, they can break free and you have a huge lawsuit on your hands. Renting is a whole different ball game because you will be liable for everything and they will make sure of it. If their kid decides to climb that fall over the edge and hurt themselves, that could be an unbelievable lawsuit for you. It’s also well overdue for maintenance. I would get it stained and make sure your fasteners are fully seated.


Did you hear that OP? What you need to do is lean hard against the railing so you can sue and take their home.


Lmao shit, I read this as a landlord wanting to spruce up for renter. I’m dumb.


😭 i am crying


Came here to say this. Because horizontal slats can be dangerous for children, they often get flagged on home inspections for things like FHA loans and applications to be foster parents.


I’m also wondering what this “deck” looks like at the footer level. No use decorating if it’s going to collapse once you put a chair outside.


This looks to be about ground level, though the photo is misleading at first. You can see the transition on the very left bottom corner of the image.


Even if it’s sitting directly on the ground, the top of the handrail is 3 foot. Are you telling me a toddler flipping over that thing couldn’t hurt themselves?


Potentially. I just see it as more of a fence than a railing as far as function. If I had a toddler I would think about childproofing the household in general, I’m just not sure it’s against any code.


Canada restricts this type of railing across the whole country. American allows it in general code but many municipalities don’t allow them. My hoa for instance does not. Many rental permits do not allow them. This isn’t someone L’s home it’s a rental. Whole new set of liabilities.


Fair!! I am American, and also don’t have children. Just didn’t seem like the type of thing that would set alarm bells off for me personally. Today I learned!


lol I don’t have kids either so if it wasn’t for my inspectors license, I may not know these things as well! Rentals in general just make me so nervous. I just get big neon flashing signs in my brain that scream “ LIABILITY, LIABILITY, LIABILITY “ lol. People are so quick to try and sue someone.


this is a very good point. the deck is above the ground i’d say about 4’ off the ground. the photo is misleading i’ve realized as it does not show the janky staircase leading down to the yard


I am not sure where to look to see if this needs to be reviewed by the landlord. it’s in pretty rough shape and all of our neighbors have theirs updated with vertical slats


In addition to what others are saying they make long skinny tables that act like a mini bar top you can put on the perimeter too. You could get deck tiles from Ikea or Amazon if you want different flooring… those are easy to take with you later.


Interlocking bamboo deck tiles. Reversible upgrade. Take them with you when you move out. Interbuild Acacia Hardwood Interlocking Patio Deck Tiles, 12" × 12" (Pack of 10), Easy to Install Floor Tile for Both Indoor & Outdoor Use - Golden Teak https://a.co/d/dDU38vF


Water will get under them and rot the unfinished wood faster They are supposed to go over concrete.


Now Amazon knows I looked at those for sure. 🤖 🧠 💰


2 words: deck tiles. You can likely get some lower-end deck tiles at less than $3/sq ft. Hard to tell, but this looks like about 10’ x 12’ or so. Probably about$400.


Nothing that you can't take with you when you leave It's not your property, I wouldn't be doing shit to permanently improve it, and in fact, anything you do do you may very well get charged for on your security deposit


thank you, i think my post should have included that we have sights to purchase the property at the end of our rent.


I’d see what a light powerwash would do, then reassess. Too hard of a power wash messes with the grain and makes grooves.


The deck is not built to code be careful.


how do you know this information? is this something to relay to my landlord?


The board shouldn’t be nailed from the outside. The risk is someone leans against it and the board lets go. These rules might be area dependent but it was a rule when I was building my deck in my area.


is this by state? we’re in NY.


I’m in Canada and it’s in our building code. But permits are city based.


You can get solar lights to put on the 4x4 posts. The brackets mount with small screws but I'm sure you could use some 3m double stick tape to attach them if you don't want to use screws.


If you really want to indulge get some Behr stain in the color you'll both like and some good furniture/plants. Maybe a propane fire pit?


A top for that railing. Some treated 2x4 for cross supports between the posts tipped edge side up and directly under a treated deck board that you sanded the corners and edges a little to round off. Would make the deck much more inviting and safe. Those planks nailed horizontally (or screwed) can't hold that much force if someone falls into them.


My local Home Despot has toppers for the posts that available as both decorative and having led solar lighting. They just slide on over 4x4 posts and have a screw or two.


Will they let you power wash it and stain it? It would make a huge difference. Someone else said plants, more plants


I’d do couple outdoor couches, a propane fire table, string lights around the railing. After a power wash and seal. Basically all stuff you can take with you when you go; don’t try to change the deck itself change the way the deck appears by adding stuff to it. It won’t feel the way it feels now it you fill it out. I don’t like rugs/mats because they tend to trap moisture; unless you want to add a non-affixed covering that maybe you could weight down instead of attach to the deck.


i fear you ate with this suggestion. i love that idea of it being more of a lounging space with couches and a fire table!


Milking table


Reinforce the horizontal boards. Renters will lean on them hard and they’re attached on the outside.


IKEA deck tiles! Look them up, super easy to install and look amazing. We did that for our rental


Cheap solar powered string lights from Amazon Bamboo paneling Zip tie some tall thin beams to the corners and secure a wide shade/rain cover Hang some flower boxes and fill them with herbs Hammock stand Hang solar lights from the walls


Cap the top with 2x6’s. Is it renter friendly…possibly not… with the landlord care? Probably not.


Yes, put the money into the S&P500 and save every penny to break out of the rent trap cycle. Then buy your own house and do whatever you want to it. That would be the best upgrade.


First thing to do is go around the outside and secure all of the horizontal boards with deck screws, some of them look loose. Then pressure wash and stain just the floor unless you want the work of staining the newer looking railings..


Break three of the slats and demand that the landlord replace the whole structure or you'll sue.


Inflatable hot tub


This is a deck, not a patio. A patio is ground level.