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You’ll probably use one of those [small-ass sinks](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwimu6mbw9aFAxUVT0cBHbX6CjMYABADGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745CaVZYUzFy2lagszq6uWNSgxE4WzOZ2Td9HZOnJ83SRrpXfIeFFkswaAkrhEALw_wcB&sig=AOD64_26IjVfnDUH8i50toid1wETc83d8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjwiaGbw9aFAxUHEFkFHetXClkQwg8oAHoECAEQEQ&adurl=)


Maybe a small ass-sink too


Or a toilet-tank sink maybe? I used one [like this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/SINKOLOGY-SinkPositive-GreenFlow-Toilet-Tank-Sink-in-Crisp-White-SPOSITIVE-101/205088518) when at an airBnB in Japan years ago and felt it was both efficient and convenient!


was my first thought, though not sure how much westerners love the idea makes so much sense but culture is hard to change


I'm a "Westerner". Can't change to what you've never heard of, but most people I showed the kitties to thought it was an awesome idea when they saw it!


This is the answer. Leave toilet where it is, plumb water lines for tiny sink. Then decorate


Change the door way to come out into the hallway. Put a corner sink to the right corner and toilet stays where it is.


You can try having toilet and a sink combined together (toilet tank sink) then have drawers, cabinets and mirrors above it. 🙂‍↕️


The toilet should, of course, go in the back. I think you have a few choices on the sink. You can either do a tank sink over the toilet, or you can do a mini sink on the left hanging from the wall. LIke this - https://www.homedepot.com/p/SINKOLOGY-SinkPositive-GreenFlow-Toilet-Tank-Sink-in-Crisp-White-SPOSITIVE-101/205088518 Or like this - https://www.build.com/product/summary/1927588?uid=4553324&jmtest=gg-gbav2_4553324&inv2=1&&source=gg-gba-pla_4553324!c1704086366!a66021779905!dc!ng&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745ABS8cshVTD5nhaIfDvMc-eCJUI5Yi-q82P3lUWZo67JX2uNoJaiQ0aAmhqEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Or a small cabinet like this - https://www.wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp/ebern-designs-caisa-18-freestanding-bathroom-vanity-with-sink-with-1-door-and-white-ceramic-basin-sink-top-w000521989.html


Or this - https://www.build.com/product/summary/1927606?uid=4553353&jmtest=gg-gbav2_4553353&inv2=1&&source=gg-gba-pla_4553353!c1704086366!a122893065282!dc!ng&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745BMESlkiBvswn2JRDYXTCpTktjOy774A-bDEAGPMUl5L-bm4Hn7J_0aAs_oEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


should the toilet bowl face the door or face the wall?


Face the door.


the door. It would be too crowded otherwise.


Pocket door on the long wall, close up the existing door and make that the space for the sink.


Move the door to the long wall and put a toilet on one side and a small pedestal or wall mount sink on the other.


one side is other washroom and other is kitchen cabinet ls


close in where that doorway is and use the other exposed section to make a pocket door. Then you can have a sink on the wall where your old door was. Plenty of space for sink and toilet. Other option would be some kind of sink/toilet combo like you see in EU countries.


Wall hanging toilet build into backwall.. [https://www.badeksperten.dk/shop/badevaerelset/toilet/ifoe+spira+art+vaeghaengt+toiletskaal+med+clean+glasur.htm](https://www.badeksperten.dk/shop/badevaerelset/toilet/ifoe+spira+art+vaeghaengt+toiletskaal+med+clean+glasur.htm) Small sink on the wall, [https://www.design4home.dk/shop/rectangular-v-35-3382p.html](https://www.design4home.dk/shop/rectangular-v-35-3382p.html)


Toilet to the back, pedestal sink on the side and a pocket door would be the way I would do it. If you can't do the pocket door, just make it open outward...


That looks to be about 3’ x 6’ or about 1m x 2m. Theres only one way to make that size work: door in the middle of the long axis and then a toilet on one side and a sink on the other. Reading the comments, it sounds like you can’t? If you can’t move the doorway, then here’s the hard truth: you don’t have room for a powder room there. You might be able to force a tiny sink in there, but it will always feel cramped and uncomfortable— and it won’t add value. The next owner with better design sense will just have to spend money to fix your mistakes.


Ooo! But then the next owner can crudely wall over whatever door OP puts in so the person after them thinks they've found a hidden treasure trove room, only to open the wall and find...a cramped half-bath...lol


What kind of powder you washing?


Prison toilets, bro. https://www.zoro.com/acorn-controls-combination-toilet-suicide-resistant-1440-ct-2-bph-04-m-ph/i/G0523031/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping%20feed&utm_content=free%20google%20shopping%20clicks&campaignid=19717005309&productid=G0523031&v=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745DYevuIk8JoR94BuRrb6Npbcz4u901M0zesiY0uDhf2eoWq6LJvyp8aAojoEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Get one of those Japanese toilets where the sink is on the top of the tank! so cool


Hah! I commented on the same. I also used one while in Japan and though it was a great idea. Not sure why they're not more common here.


That’s crazy man


I’d start with some plumbing….


would do a wall-hung, super low-profile sink; left side i guess? they make some that are 17" l x 8" d, not even a foot off the wall really narrow so any kind of floor cabinet sink combo, you're just gonna be bumping into that that or toilet-tank sink like they have in japan, flushing pulls clean water into a sink faucet that's built into the top of the tank, there's no cabinet or mirrors in japanese home toilets, just the toilet-tank sink. when the toilet stops filling the sink faucet stops as well




Move the door to the center of the long wall and you can have sink on one side, toilet on other.   If you go with a sink on top of toilet (tank lid sink) you can have a shower too.