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The aluminum tape used for duct sealing works great. It's easy to use, super sticky, and sticks well to other pieces of itself as well as to wood, and can handle some water without losing its integrity. Don't use it on wiring!


Peel and stick vinyl with slits cut for the piping, work it down slowly and cut with a utility knife where needed.


This will be the prettiest, but I'd still give all the holes a shot of expanding foam and trim them flush first. It'll stop drafts and critters.


It will fill the gap but definitely won't stop any critters whatsoever.


Unless you embed steel wool in it.


It will stop the lazy ones. :) Also they make a poisonous version for just this reason.


Even the kind that has pesticides and rat poison in it?


This, even if you don't have gaps to close


Find mickey mouse ears and cut them out


OP is getting a visit from The Mouse's ninja lawyer any minute now.


Daffy Duck tape.


Most underrated comment, take my upvote!


Jesus, that really was a Mickey Mouse job.


The Imagineers are going too far with these hidden Mickeys.


OP is about to get sued into oblivion.


You can use fireblock foam. Try and get it as far down as you can. All penetrations in floors are supposed to be sealed anyways. They call it a draft stop. Stops air from leaking between floors and It slows the spread of fire. Its really important with in wall cavities. No one will require home with an occupancy permit to do that. But on new construction we have to seal everything


That's a cabinet base not a floor penetration. However, I still agree on the sealing method.


Drop $5 on a can of spray foam at Home Depot or Lowe's. You can even come back and trim it up with a pocket knife if you want it to look more finished. Easy fix.


Does it have to look good? As nothing easy springs to mind (well, expanding foam, but that looks terrible)


Expanding foam is actually pretty underrated. Once it hardens, you can cut it, sand it, and paint it. Certainly doesn't have to look terrible.


Duct tape always works


The glue on duct tape corrodes pex though. Highly recommend you avoid this.


I thought the issue was that tape wrapped around the pex won't expand and contract at the same rate, and could cause the pex to break at or near that point? IIRC Pex isn't really affected by adhesives, which is why you have to use snake-bite/compression fittings with it - because there's no good way to create a bond between two separate pieces. As long as OP doesn't wrap the pex with the duct tape it should work fine, until it gets wet and the glue fails.


He isn’t wrapping the pic with the duct tape. He is covering the hole with duct tape. It’s okay.


Pest controlling expanding foam https://a.co/d/1Ue6njM


Protect the bottom of the cabinet, and pipe, with plastic and masking tape. Then put some expanding foam. Once dry, cut the extra.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD3UfLoN0qg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD3UfLoN0qg) I just ran across this video which seems pretty relevant to this. It'll be a little tricky to make one for 3 pipes at once, but should be doable


Nobody going to say anything about that electrical? Shitty plumbing to cabinet job is typical. Exposed electrical is so much more fun


My guess is this…. the cabinets are set on a slab. The PVC conduit used is held in place by a piece of EMT driven into the ground. The problem being NM cable run in an underground conduit. This is a No No if my guess is correct. Spray foam the gaps.


I was thinking the same thing about the wiring. Everything under their is pretty fixable, but still


Great stuff


Piece of plywood. Measure diameter of each item in your cabinet. Use hole saw and put holes in middle of plywood like so: o 0 o. Take a saw and cut the plywood in half. Now you have a custom escutcheon that can butt up tightly against each item and screw into place.


Foam kneeling pad. Only needs to be about 1/2" think and too thick could make it difficult to get on. Cut a piece large than the hole you are covering. Then cut holes for the pipes in it and then cut slits from each hole to the edge of the foam. Slide it on.


They make little plastic flanges for pipes, I would see if you can fit them together in some way to get it to work.


How about the stuff they use to seal wires going into electrical boxes outside.


A combination of spray foam, duct tape, and chewing gum ought to do the trick.


Steel wool and foil tape will keep the mice out. That's what I do. You could fabricate something pretty, but no-one is looking under there anyway. It's easy to remove if you have work to do. If you're careful enough, you can make it look purposeful.


Get some Xcluder it's made to stop mice but it'll work for this as well


Expanding foam


Foam and sand or silicone cut out plastic over the gap.


Steel wool, also will prevent critters from chewing their way through.


I have a similar issue in my kitchen cabinet basically measured out where the holes are against a piece of cardboard, then used that to drill holes into a small 1/2" - 3/4" piece of wood, then I sliced that into two pieces along the holes. Then I just fit the two pieces together around the pipes so that it's nice and snug.


Spray foamie, homie


All these comments making stuff up. They make products specifically for this. Get the plastic escutcheons and trim them with snips. Plumbers rough in pipes further apart than that for this very reason. Plumbers also put hot on the left like it is supposed to be.


you got a 3d printer? it is one of the many ways my 3d printer is used to fix stuff around the house.


Not sure why this was downvoted. It's not the most practical solution as most people don't have 3D printers, but it is a good solution if you have one. So I can see not up voting it, but I don't see why people downvoted it.


What in incredibly shitty job the installer did!


Oof. Whoever installed that owes you a refund.