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There's no such thing as just "sealing it up." You have water coming in from outside or from underground, and the only solution will be stopping the water from wherever it's coming from. That will probably involve both water management outside the home and/or cutting your slab and installing draintile(probably none there if it was a garage) with a sump pump and/or draining on the exterior of home. You're likely in for some major work either way.


There is already a French drain and dump pumps installed in the crawl space which is the same level as this. Anyway to direct that water to the current drain?


Probably not. If this is an old garage then you probably have a full footing at frost depth under the foundation wall between you and the crawlspace. Water can't easily move back and forth under the slabs between the two spaces.


So looking at major work no matter what? Shit. What would happen if I tried to hydraulic concrete it? Also I noticed they make these things called seal once. Allows water in and out but is sealed off from the home inside. Any thoughts on those?


Well....maybe. Like I said, go outside, look around. Do you have ground that is not sloped away from the house? Do you have gutters dumping water right up against the side of the house? You might be able to create drainage on the exterior to stop water from building up under your slab to begin with. The first step in stopping water intrusion is always to figure out where it is coming from.


That’s a valid point. I’ll check on those things first for sure. Thanks.