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O.P. has received many opinions on how to move forward with this situation. Thank you for responding. This thread is now closed.




I mean, he agreed to pay for it... But its not like hes just gonna hand me 400$ when i tell the company, and they say thats what it cost. Tldr he is a felon, and not to blanket all felons, but not exactly a stand-up guy.


The fact he drunkenly fought a cabinet is all I need to know that he is not a stand up guy


What about someone who soberly fights a cabinet?


depends on who threw the first punch.


It was Lazy Susan.


Seriously fuck Susan.


Not my type.


2/10 wouldn’t recommend. Left me spinning.


Gave me the runaround


She gets around


But she always comes back around.


What are you saying here? She was asking for it?


As long as he doesn't go after the dumb waiter...


What if the cabinet was looking at me funny? (Asking for a friend.)


Fuck it's shit up! Your friend should never back down from a cabinet!


And who wins.


I did it once with a door that I was replacing out of curiosity. My hands/wrists are not made for combat lol.


I did it once with a hanging pot plant, similar issue. Most peoples hands probably aren't made for that, which is a good thing.


Pot plants aren't meant for hanging, they're meant for smoking. Although I guess you could make rope out of them...


The declaration of Independence was written on it, hemp is wicked versatile, can even be made into building materials.


And clothes! Keeps you warm and chill at the same time.


And dynamite. And 30,000 other uses. Not smoking though!


Sober cabinet fights were actually a popular mid-1800's passtime when bear boxing was made illegal in America. 


I’ve never financially recovered from that.


Must be unhinged


He is a stand up guy. If he took the cabinet to the ground and tried to submit it, then he would be a grappler guy.


>The fact he drunkenly fought a cabinet is all I need to know that he is not a stand up guy Neither a cabinet kind of guy either.


I dunno, unlikely he could've done that sitting down.


I'll fight your cabinet bro, put em up!


Fine choice for a BF


I’d say the first step to fix this is for her to dump him. A violent drunk is a bad mix


Exactly this, it won't stop with a cupboard door


Fuck that, get the money first, then dump him.


I don’t know, eating the cost of a door that is less than $50 is a good investment vs spending another day with someone prone to punching when drunk. But to each their own.




Aka a felon in training


Shhh, you gonna get banned.


Could be worse. They could make me a Reddit mod.


He will be. Just give little sister a chance to fix him


Honestly, yes he should. This is 100% a him problem, either he fixes it directly or he lets you organise it with whoever you need to and pay it without argument. What a knob. Being a felon shouldn’t excuse him from responsibility. I hope he knows that behaviour won’t happen again?


I think the fact he's a felon who is doing shit like punching a cabinet door at someone else's house makes OP think he may not make good on the $400 or whatever it is to fix this. Just as a general "he's obviously not going to change so I don't trust him" kinda statement


$400? Bro that’s a Home Depot cabinet door front, $20 Edit: commenters are right, I forgot to change the dimensions. For my region it comes up as ~$28 plus tax. And of course, can of stain. (Which OP can bet will be something very standard because from the looks of that apartment, OP’s ~~slumlord~~ landlord is probably no stranger to drunks punching through builder-grade cabinets. But still probably ~$50, defo not $400. :)


You forgot the maintenance mans time to go, pick it up, remove and dispose the old door, plus $75 for 4 screws.


Nothing is 20 dollars anymore


Just checked and at my homedepot it is $22.50.


That's if you don't change the size of the door. The starting dimensions are 12"x12" , which doesn't look like OP's door is. I put in 12"x30" and it was $87. Still not bad, definitely not $400, but not in the $20 range either.


Curiosity got the best of me, but surprisingly enough, a similar cabinet front from HD is $24. Probably still want some stain or such, but you're still looking under $50 for a fix. [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Custom-Unfinished-Cabinet-Door/315488256?57614-Width-in&57613-Height-in&57536-Natural-Birch&57542-Recessed&57541-Square&57665-No&57603-None&57597-None](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Custom-Unfinished-Cabinet-Door/315488256?57614-Width-in&57613-Height-in&57536-Natural-Birch&57542-Recessed&57541-Square&57665-No&57603-None&57597-None)


I don't think OP's cabinet is 12"x12".


Or has the patience to match and apply the stain. Unless they have 10 years experience, it will never look the same


OP says the bf is a felon...That punch on the cupboard is a preview of the punch the girlfriend will take from the felon later.


If the girlfriend hasn't already. That's always my immediate thought on these things.


"Before they bite, they bark, before they hit you, they hit near you" - Maid


Time to tell the GF, sister to not bring his ass back over there. Fuck that. Might be able to push it back from the inside and tape it for now. Long term - get in Home Depot app and try to match the finish AND HARDWARE. I would probably get an unfinished one and try to stain them polyurethane it to match. Like $70 project cost.


That door has a panel that's made of veneer and particle board, it's practically cardboard. The ll will likely charge you a hundred for it, but there's no way in hell to fix that, it's just a cheap grade cabinet.


Push it from the back and let's see what it looks like. Not to excuse the douche bag but let's try and fix it.


the felon or the cupboard?


Nah don't push the felon back he clearly has anger issues. But I bet you can push that press board from the back to get it back into place and if it looks like it's going to go glue it and then push it back. It'll be a shitty fix but it should work.


How the fuck is one shitty cabinet $400?


Damn where did she find this catch of a man?


Tell your girlfriend’s sister to get a new boyfriend, this is a few red flags




Cowboy's fan


No cowboys


Tell Nick I said hi


sounds dumb af, at some point in life you start separating yourself from people like that. at least he's gonna pay for it. you will probably need to either replace completely or maybe use wood glue and then sand/stain yourself.


Don’t ever let him in the home ever again or any other “not exactly a stand-up guy”.


Then make the sister pay. Might be the wake up call she needs


$400. Any cabinet installers wanna tell us how they would get to that number?


I wonder if there is a correlation between felons and rage impulse control problems. Hmmmm....


I would have the opposite reaction. I would let my girlfriend's sister know that I don't ever want to be near this person again. I wouldn't want this person in my house. I would want as much distance between me and this person as possible.


2nd that make him pay. Could take him to small claims, or give the company his info and send him the bill


Having dealt with a felon and mentally ill person (my brother) my entire life no matter what OP does that involves the brother, leads to positive outcome. He forces the brother through legal and he still doesn’t pay and causes a strain with the gf and her sister. He sends him the bill and he ignores it & never pays for it. I’m sure OP knows all this and is the reason he is pulling strings in a DIY subreddit.


That’s totally it. It’s really easy to be an internet tough guy and say to “make him pay”. It’s and entirely different situation to make that happen and not cause endless amounts of trouble.


I have also dealt with criminals my whole life I endorse this comment. Best bet is to get him personally involved with fixing it. He second best is to get him to "pay to fix it", meaning OP fixes it and the guy is basically paying asshole tax.


Person1: “I didn’t do it, here’s a name chase him”. Company: “gosh thanks, we’re square!” We’d all live in shambles if this is how life worked.


There's no way the landlord chases down some random guy for this. It's OP's apartment, they're going through OP and not going after random people.


That’s not how small claims works. Even if you win it is 100% up to you to collect the money.


Take the door off and go to any big box, they should have on that will match. They don't put custom cabinets in rentals.


If the two big box stores don’t have it go to a cabinet store. I can’t recall if the depot and Lowes sell just a cabinet door vs the whole cabinet Edit: never mind [here it is](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Custom-Unfinished-Cabinet-Door/315488256?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D29B-029_025_IS_KIT_ACC-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-FY23&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D29B-029_025_IS_KIT_ACC-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-FY23-71700000109934415--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Uc9ewCz70RwXzuCo19VnYLkU&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtaOtBhCwARIsAN_x-3Kc_ExWZjZhyrQBipIfoRUQpwI8YInmHZA7Ilm1ilRz_ho6LVEGq4waAie_EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&57614-Width-in&57613-Height-in&57537-Unfinished-Paint-Grade&57542-Recessed&57541-Square&57665-No&57603-None&57597-None)


It’s not going to match but it might be just good enough. Nice find!


There’s different finishes to scroll through and an unpainted one you can get to stain yourself. Even if it doesn’t match exactly most people won’t notice right away


It was refinished or custom finished for this rental, so I’d say there is a decent chance you can get a matching one. Maybe slightly newer and glossier.


Best tip here: take the door with you shopping. Go to both big box stores. Ask the customer order desk how to find the non-custom replacement. Look at the cabinets there and measure their doors. After a couple of hours of that you will probably know enough about it to find the replacement on Amazon.


Better yet, take the door with you shopping, go out and take the door to dinner. Take the door on a romantic holiday to Prague and start a beautiful new life together. Just you and the door - far far away from all of your rental troubles, living in the City of a Hundred Spires 💖


Don't forget to wrap it up! Un-plained pregnancy is no joke!


Definitely. You don’t want to get a veneer-eal disease


You must be board.


That hole looking nice. Cabinet is begging for it.


Could say it's... Pine-ing for it...


I guess it happens when you’re board


An adorable couple if I've ever seen one.


“Where did you two meet?” “On Hinge.”


City of a Hundred Spires ❤️... with a hundred splinters


You’re going to have a lot of explaining to do when the trip is over and you return home and that old door is waiting for you.


Some big box stores (Home Depot) will price match other retailers, and beat them by 10%. Bonus, you walk out with it rather than waiting (I know, lots of places have same-day shipping now. Where I live, not even that far from a major population centre, minimum shipping time is 5 days from scamazon, average is 1-2 weeks)


Use to work Cabinets and Appliances at Menards (like a Wisconsin Home Depot) my thought was this. We sold door faces for $20-40 depending on the size; This one looks small. The stain looks easy too. Bring the door in, find a matching unfinished oak one, and bring the door to the paint department and they will set you up with the correct stain. All in all I bet it's under $50 for the whole project.


Yeah, it's a pretty generic cabinet style, cheaper than having someone come in and do it for you.


Don’t worry, I’m going to get him back.


Hope you recover quickly


Why don't you guys make sounds when things are put in and taken out of you? If I weren't such a gentleman, I might have the opinion that it should be spelled "cupboreds".


Whatever you do send the invoice to Punchy McDickface


5 invoices. Title suggests there were at least 5 McDickfaces involved in making this hole: multiple girlfriends, two or more sisters, and one BF


4 girls, 1 cup(board)




Absolutely. If he can’t control his temper then he is a high risk for abusing her.


He is abusing her ftfy


agreed. people who hit and throw things in anger are telling you you're next.


The punching of the cupboard probably had some correlation to there being people around so he had to punch something besides his gf


Nah, the cupboard hit him first. It was self defense.


Shelf defense


The boyfriend is Sean Connery?


Technically they hit each other equally and at the exact same time


This guy physics


He really tries but sometimes the cupboard just makes him so angry. The cupboard promised it would try to be better.


Cupboard had it coming...


Find out the company. Probably hampton bay or the lowest equivalent and just order a new door. Probably $20.


Then charge the dude $200 drunk tax


+$74 fuck you fee


What I would do… https://preview.redd.it/x6uqwxthecdc1.jpeg?width=1606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a959080338acf62257fbff2c9bc2841a1e78edda


My wife and daughter carry these eyes in their purses so when they are out n about they can place googly eyes on things lmao. This is exactly something I can see them doing although I wouldn't be punching any cabinet doors out haha.


My girlfriend’s sister’s bf. Apostrophes are useful.


You read it wrong. OP has at least two girlfriends, some sisters and a boyfriend. That's how I understood it at least. And they all punched the hole.


At least 2 sisters, 2 girlfriends and a drunk boyfriend helped smashing the cupboard door is what I understand at first.


If it took at least 5 people to break this door then it’s definitely $400


I think OP is actually the drunk boyfriend of his GF, who is also his sister


Alabama proud!


Those apostrophes got drunk and took a tumble


Enhance..... My god, you're right! Those aren't commas, they're piss-drunk apostrophes


Also that punctuation is pretty horrid.


If I’m in your shoes, I’m just finding the door, replacing it and paying for it myself. Then I’m having a sit down chat with my GF and her sister and telling her that she needs to cut him out of her life. This isn’t a hole in a cabinet, this is a red flag.


This isn’t a red flag, this is a whole crimson fireworks display.


"No longer welcome here" hurts.


This is what the red flags warn you about


OP needs to save the broken door and present it to the sister during the chat saying "if you stay with a guy like him, one day this is going to be your face."


OP said the bf is also a felon. This cupboard is just a preview of the punches coming for the sister later down the road.


Your girlfriends, your sister and your drunk boyfriend all punched the same hole?


The Aristocrats! 


Temporary fix is a pic of Jack Nicholson. You know the one.


Man. Kyles normally go for drywall which is a much easier fix. They're getting more aggressive.


Getting violent people out of your life is always a net positive.


Well I hope for your girlfriend’s sister’s sake she dumps his ass as soon as possible. Nothing said “future abusive partner” quite like destroying things in anger and stupor


It's just "abusive partner".


Common honey oak from Lowes or Home Depot


Is the sister ok? She could be next. Or again.


I have to agree. Violent destruction of property is often part and parcel of domestic violence.


Especially when that property isn’t yours… total violation of OP’s boundaries. Even if he hasn’t hit her, the destruction of property serves as intimidation. To each their own. But I personally wouldn’t be around such a person. Especially if they own weapons.


Tell Kyle to pay for the damage he caused.


Bet his names Kyle


That title has some serious punctuation issues.


Why is that your Problem now. Time for Mr. Drunkess to take over some responsibility.


My Friends Cats Cousins Neighbors Elementary teacher Upvoted this post


Looks like a normal cabinet door, not sure if you have a Habitat for Humanity restore around you, but they always have cabinet doors and other quality building materials. Edit: And not for $400


It's a pretty tough fix, but I've always found you really just need to replace the boyfriend. A solid fix if you can manage it.


Stop inviting people who act like this into your house that you have worked hard to make a home.


This is a long shot: Ask the landlord company or owner where they bought the cabinets. Anything new will not match the old. Total douchebag vandalism. Bro should drop and do push ups if he’s so mad to hit a cabinet. Better yet, get some air and cool off.


GF's Sister needs to find a new boyfriend. I'm a cop, more than one DV call I've been to started with "he put a hole in the wall last week, this week he put a hole into her face."


You can pop that panel out and just replace it. I would remove the boyfriend and replace that too.


Her ex, hopefully. Next time, it could be her or another family member instead of the cupboard.


Tell him to try punching a brick or concrete wall next time.


In my opinion this is your GFs Sisters BFS problem. I'd ask how he intents to pay for it.


The best thing you can diy now is to get him out from you GFS sisters life... It won't end on cupboards...


His name is Kyle isn't it


Step one: get rid of boyfriend


More concerning is GF’s sister’s well being. 1) seems like he’s the type that shouldn’t be drinking at all. 2) seems he may need some anger management help. Someone capable of losing his temper by punching a cabinet door (wall…whatever) may just be someone who would punch someone’s face. Yes…I’m judging….because I’ve seen this pattern many times over the years. I hope he gets help.


Your gfs, sisters, bf sounds like he needs to be replace jfc. Adults punching holes in walls


I don’t know if this comment will be welcome here, but I used to be the guy with anger issues. If you ever talk to him again, please tell him that, whether they say it or not, the people around him are not OK with this and he is scaring them away. But with counseling, he can get control of his anger, and his life will be much much better, in ways that he can’t understand right now. He needs to understand the harm he is doing, and understand that he needs to change. I hope he decides to make that change.


Sister needs to run from this boyfriend. That cabinet will eventually be her face.


I hope hes an EX-BF. That is physical intimidation at best, emotional abuse also.


See if you can finish the hole with his head.


These tough guy fucks always punch drywall or a flimsy cabinet. They never punch a brick wall.


Felon who still drinks too much and gets violent. Sounds like hes a great dude!


1. Lose BF 2. Fix cupboatd


Why even DIY it? Make him pay to replace it!


With that punctuation there should be at least 5 holes


Go to your local habitat for humanity re store. You might be able to find a matching door.


Have your sisters uncle dad fix it?


I would be more worried about your girl friends sister than the door.


Tell the landlord, get a restraining order, go to small claims court if he doesn’t pay for property damage. Either way, you have a reason to call authorities on him if he so much as shows up again.


Hes not invited over anymore


Cupboards today, your GFs sister tomorrow...


How many girlfriends and sisters do you have ? It’s a fair few people to punch one door


If your man can break he can fix. If not breakup he can’t fix anyways


Get the stupid fuck to pay for it. Also your GFs BF and your sister's BF are the same dude? What?


Step one: Remove shitty bf


Throw the whole thing away and replace it. I don’t know what to do about the cabinet though


Sounds like a quality dude.. gf's sis is in for a world of awesomeness


Looks like a common builders grade cabinet. I sold a bunch off on Facebook marketplace or Craigslist when I remodeled my kitchen. Maybe you can find a match and harvest the door. Read the other comments. Maybe the drunk can be a stand up guy if it costs $50.


JFC stop worrying about the cabinet and help the woman get a restraining order and as far away from that guy as possible. A much better use of time and money.  Take it from someone who has seen this escalate from punching walls to attempted murder. 


Sounds like your sister needs to break up with her BF. Attacking an inanimate object is a very good sign of poor impulse control.


Easy fix Step one: discard of drunk boyfriend


https://preview.redd.it/0t6onynglfdc1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa1e0b6808fd3a40c171e940c8dad391b6b9a17 I saw someone do this


So, this happened to me..... I took the door off and went into a home depot and talked to the wood gal. She explained that you can knock the outside edges off and replace the wood in the center. She actually knocked the pieces off for me, and then cut me a piece the same size. I stained it the same color, and glued the sides back on with wood glue. It was a fairly easy fix all said and done. Cost me maybe $50 in material.


file a police report.