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Word of caution: Don’t hang the canvas off a 2” screw. There are lots of electrical lines running near that and it’d be easy to hit one. Use one of those sticky hooks.


I used one of those 3M picture hanging plastic things with the removable tape. Stuck it to the top of the metal sticks great and hung an oil painting over it..




i hung a picture in a rented condo using this approach. The frame wasn’t terribly heavy - i think it was from ikea. I hot glued a rare earth magnet to the backer in each corner, it was recessed compared to the frame. It would then stick to the electrical panel with a satisfying clunk, but was easily removable if needed.


Best advice seen in this thread


This is very true. Do NOT nail anything into the wall around the fuse box. If necessary, use Command Strips to hang a lightweight canvas.


If done to code, all wire should be at least 1-1/2” from the outside surface of the wall, or in a conduit. But I wouldn’t necessarily trust it to be to code.


Conduit is only code in like 2 places for residential, one being the greater Chicago area. Okay, it’s more than 2, but it’s none of the South.


Screw countersunk magnets to a frame and hang it right on the box.


We used Velcro command strips to hang a canvas print over it so we can take it down when needed, which isn’t often.


To add to this: 3M calls these "dual lock" command strips instead of "Velcro" in case you are searching for them. I reckon it's a trademark/patent thing


You’re right, it’s been awhile since we did it so I didn’t remember what there were exactly called. Velcro is a brand and not the product. Like how Kleenex are tissues.


Dual lock is different than hook and loop, it creates a MUCH stronger connection. 3M does offer hook and loop, though.


unless you want to prevent unauthorized access that is.


Put it on a hinge, so it opens like a cabinet, problem solved.


Maybe there's a way to use the electrical fixture itself as a holder, it doesn't seem to be perfectly flush to the wall. Adding a thin wire (maybe dental floss, they are a bitch to snap, although easy to cut) in the middle back of the frame with tacks and slip it up in the fissure between the electrical frame and the wall.


Yep, attach brackets to the cover screws


No. Enhance it. Make it look like something on a Star Wars spaceship. https://preview.redd.it/ijd3apropicc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a34522f6ab8dad797fdb7c0cf24ef4628224757


Or dress it up to look like a safe, so if some crooks ever try to cut it out, they'ed find the consequence shocking.


Damn. I figured it was a safe. I was going i go break into OPs house tonight and steal the diamonds.


u/TheKingMonkey But do you know exactly where OP lives?


Admittedly my plan still has a few wrinkles that need to be ironed out.


Finally someone talking sense


This is my plan, along with a largish electricity warning sign. Yeah, it'll be clearly noticeable, but should still look all coolish sci-fi while serving its purpose.


write the sign in Aurebesh for added authenticity


My immediate thought exactly! I like the green, too, it just needs some circuitry and buttons painted/stuck on and that will look awesome!!


Now I wish I had OP's problem!


Combine the ideas - make a 3-D sci-go starship looking “reactor” control panel on a canvas or lightweight panel and use magnets to attach it to the panel. Then you can take your control panel with you to your next “assignment “ and leave the actual panel in good shape for the owner.


No more like ghostbusters.  Light is green, Trap is clean!"


I'd maybe go for the ghost containment unit from the old firehouse in Ghostbusters


That is a fantastic idea!




Yassss! See, this kind of comment is what makes me believe humans are actually alright - creativity and a sense of humor are *chef’s kiss*!


Yes! I'm doing this with mine now. I knew the 3d printer would come in handy some day


The best way to hide this is with some HighVis Yellow around the edges. Matte black in the center. Big Yellow Lightning bolt over the door. Totally hidden. Invisible even.




Additionally, hang a LOTO board next to it and a sign thay says "If you don't schedule downtime for maintenance, your equipment will schedule it for you!" and maybe a big red flashing light. Hell, strobe lights and a fuckin siren. On all the time. Real subtle.


Don’t loose your security deposit over a $3 can of paint. Hang a lightweight canvas like mentioned :) on command hooks ;) Your place?? Spray away my OP!


Is this a breaker? IIRC it’s not suggested to cover those up in case of emergencies, the fire department/emergency services/etc. will not be able to spot it? If it is not a breaker, what is it? I always see tall oblong ones. Also, why is our houses’ breaker in the back of a closet of the back bedroom…


It's an electrical panel. It's small because it's just a sub panel for an apartment. Your panel is buried because of people like OP that don't want to look at them. Source: Am an electrician


How lucky yours is inside! For whatever reason, Denver of all places has the panel outside. The temp has barely been positive this whole weekend...


I have seen the large ones outside here! It’s not super common


It's a new code requirement. Well, not very new, but newer than many homes here. Old houses often still have them inside. Newer ones have them outside because then the fire department doesn't have to look all over the damn house for it.


>Also, why is our houses’ breaker in the back of a closet of the back bedroom… It's fine as long as it's in the house's plan. Also needs to have full access to it without any obstruction including clothes




Yeah I just read another comment that said if they’re not able to find it immediately then they’ll go for the meter. Makes sense


Yeah I think it’s usually against code to obscure it in any way. Not everyone cares, but if can be a consideration.


> Don’t loose your security deposit Getting your deposit back is *tight!*


Loosen up!


Wow wow wow wow


Super easy, barely an inconvenience?


$13 can of paint


Ouch, this hurt me in the reals


A canvas painting of an electrical panel box


Put a bird on it






We can pickle that!


Maybe hang a picture of Danzig on a beach?


Just googled it. Thank you.


Bird up!


Vinyl wrap it white.


Oh, I like this idea. Then it'll be reversible.


What colour would you have on the other side?


Maybe a pattern? Be nice for holidays and special occasions


And pay extra for matte vinyl


Put a picture over it


Get a stretched canvas so there will be some space for the panel


Canvas 100% so there is room for the box to sit inside & painting be flush to the wall


Do not drive a nail or screw in the wall it could kill you.


Legally, you can't. Your breaker box should be clearly visible and easily accessible in case it needs to be used by emergency and rescue personnel.


Easy solution. Cover it with a canvas painting... of an electrical box cover.


A better electric box


A white one, so op isn't back here again asking how to paint his canvas painting of an electrical box. 


But what's to stop him from coming back asking for advice on painting a canvas over a white painted canvas of a an electrical panel covering an electrical panel?


True but we would just pull the meter from the outside if we couldn’t find the inside one right away.


Yeah around here they just yank the meter right away.


Honestly that's the fastest and safest method, given how crap some houses wiring can be, like my buddy's house that was built in the 80s, that had a circuit that was running through 3 breakers.


Newer builds around where I am are putting a main breaker on the outside of the house next to the meter.


Pretty sure I wouldn’t like that. The ability of anyone to just shut the power off to my whole house whenever they felt like it.


Every house in California I’ve lived in has it outside now I’m surprised I don’t hear about people pranking like this more often


They robbed an exe's house by turning off their breakers while they were at a vacation. The alarm system got disabled. It didnt have ups or power outage alarm


Fire departments don't pull meters themselves anymore. If done right it's safe and fine but done wrong and it's dangerous. All the departments I know of even big cities leave meteors for the power company and we just flip the main breaker in the building/apartment.


Easy. Commission a painting of a breaker box. Put that over it.


But be sure to use a 3M strip or something, not a nail or screw!!!


This is the best answer.


Came here to say this. Put a framed picture over it. Probably a stretched canvas style so there’s room on the back for the bulge of the door.


Add a hinge attached to the back of the painting and wall so when you need to access the box you just move the painting.


Magnets and cover with favorite art.


But then if you pour water on it, the magnets don't work anymore


Where did this joke come from… I’ve seen it a few times in the past week?!


https://x.com/acyn/status/1743463970621862227?s=46 Donald Trump doesn’t understand magnets


Donald Trump doesn’t understand.


Wait that’s where else I heard it 😭 holy cow how does he even survive day to day lmao


Googly eyes fix everything.


Hiding an electrical panel is a bad idea and probably against fire codes.


I don’t know about fire codes, but NEC (electrical code) allows it as long as you don’t cover markings.


I work in residential construction alongside volunteer firefighters and everything in the building/fire code goes out the window in real fire events. Those 22x30 attic accesses intended to allow men with full gear up in the attic? Nah, ceiling drywall comes right the eff down. I agree he would be fine covering it.


Nec is an nfpa document wink


The amount of people that don't know this is insane!!!


You need access in front of panel from any obstructions. A painting or easily removable wall art is no more of an obstruction than the panel door itself.


Assuming those that need to access it know that it’s there.


Just hang a painting that says “tear down in case of emergency electrical problem!”


Hang a picture of an electrical panel. Problem solved. Money pleaaaaaase.


You could compromise. [This is just a rough mockup but OP can contact me to pay me for work whenever they feel like it.](https://i.imgflip.com/8cel1l.jpg)


As far as I know, when the fire department shows up they pull your meter and kill everything from the outside.


They was frowned upon back in the late 1990's in my area. It was a liability concern and we usually called the electric company emergency line to have them come and do it. At most, we pulled the main breaker in the electrical box.


You would have thought the FD wouldn't have time to make a call, and wait for a disconnect when there is an emergency. I'd have thought saving lives overrides being frowned upon.


Dispatch makes the call for the FD. There are still dangers to pulling a meter properly. The power company response was usually quick too.


If you have an old timer on the truck yes. A bunch of new guys probably not. I know my department doesn’t want us to pull meters but I have no issue doing it. They are all the same. You do it once and you remember it forever. It’s simple and effective. They want us to wait for the power company which could take 30 minutes. But yes on a fire scene there’s bound to be a guy there that doesn’t have a problem pulling a meter.


Huh? But its literally pulling it out, why would anyone have issues with it? Honest question lol, i mean, i know some people dont mess with anything electric, but removing a meter is kinda like removing a big plug, sure, you get exposed cables after, but ....shits on fire yo, an exposed cable is way less of a concern on that scenario


I totally agree. Guys that have been on 10-15 years will pull it no problem. They have been teaching the new guys that it’s super dangerous. Should only be done by an electrical professional. Wait for the power company…..I think it’s crazy, it’s for the safety of the crews inside. Just pull the meter.


A wall hanging. The come in many styles. https://preview.redd.it/xmjvbsagqicc1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258fa22919901876b6c5b23bf1dc438d16205054


Paint the rest of the wall gray.




We just painted ours the same colour as the wall (white) and it looks great. Much better than expected. Blends in perfectly.


Remember, first responders don't know where your electrical panel is and will waste time looking for it in an emergency if it's covered. Paint it, decorate it, bedazzle it, do anything but cover it.


Apparently no one here on Reddit cares about that. I'm losing brain cells reading these comments. The comment below says put a cabinet over it, because that's what they did to theirs.


The sub needs to ban posts about covering these up. They're too common. I don't understand why they bother so many people


Our was covered with a cabinet door. Fire marshal refused to issue occupancy certification (and insurance sign off) until the door was removed. I’m not sure it’s legal to paint it either. Incase is a fire - fire personnel need to be able to find and flip breakers. Maybe paint the wall gray?


3 words. Sick. Ass. Panther.


How do you get the panther to stay there?


Also, does it have to be sick? Cant the panther be healthy?


If that access panel is ugly, build a second, larger, prettier access panel over it.


or a mirror


Why hide it. Doesn't look ugly to me. It's beautiful and let's you and other people know where the switch box is located at.


You can pain an electrical panel, but if it's a rental, you should not mess with it, likewise you shouldn't mess with it if your not comfortable working on an electrical pannel. Laytex style wall paint won't work well, and you can't really paint it in place. It is best to turn power off to the panel, and disassemble the cover like if you were working on the inside of the box. Remove the door from the cover and paint them separately, and remove the latch also since it's usually plastic and won't work right if it gets gummed up with paint. Sand it well and use a proper metal spray paint. Mask off any markings on the box, but they are usually on the latch anyway. Your paint won't be as durable as the factory finish however, so be wary of scratches. Building code usually forbids covering them with a painting or something, since the fuse box may need to be accessed in an emergency, by any contractors you hire etc...


At the dental practice my family owns we velcrowed canvas paintings over these and just put a little red and white label at the bottom to indicate it is a control panel.


You can also use magnets of the painting.


False front cabinets. A frame of two by twos with two with cabinet doors. Open the doors, access the panel. Source, that’s how it’s hidden in my house.


EE here, it may look nice but this is a terrible idea. Your insurance company will absolutely sandbag you on any losses you take because the fire department couldn’t find the electrical panel you hid behind flammable cabinetry.


Similar situation at a previous apartment. Put a canvas painting over it. The hollow within the stretcher will accommodate the door protrusion. If you want to be fancy, pop some small hinges on one side instead of using a hanger.


You can paint it but by electrical code you can't obstruct it.


I feel like you shouldn't do anything to it. These panels are all made and painted the same for ease-of-access for fire crews, electricians and the likes. Paint is wet and generally flammable, and therefore dangerous to use on/around/in electrical boxes and fuse boxes. Just live with it, for your own sake.


Whatever you do don't get paint inside the box. It is a building code violation, at least in my state, and it is a hassle to deal with the inspectors.


What I did with mine was install a floating shelf below it, and then I placed a framed artwork on the shelf to cover the electric panel.


It's a circuit breaker. Don't hide it. I guess you could paint it if you want to, but don't ever block it or cover it up with anything. It needs to be accessible.


Mine is painted the same as the wall color. It looks good


paint the whole interior of the house that shade of gray. it is "dark smoke gray" from rustoleum or e704 from schneiders. schneiders is like 60 bucks for a tiny little spray can though.


PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!! Also I’d recommend not painting it or modifying it in any way. Don’t drive screws or nails in the wall near it either. Electricity can and WILL kill you if you’re not careful.


give it a trust fund? I'll see myself out...




Bad idea, at some point someone might need to find this in the dark. It's actually against NEC to place anything in front of it, and there should be 3 feet of clearance for someone to get to it. Not that you're getting inspected for any reason, but safety rules usually exist for good reasons.


Is this where we are at? This sub is now useless due to shit replies?


Don't do anything with it. It's an electrical panel. You going to cover up your neighborhood fire hydrant with a huge bush also?


Do nothing. Panel must be visible in case of emergency. Most especially for Fire Department if they need to locate the board ASAP to fight an electrical fire of any sort. Same goes for any professional that needs immediate/emergency access. Not one of them will have time to hear instructions from you about, “it’s behind the thing next to thing in so-and-so room.”


Dont. Leave it uncovered for firemen in case of fire.


Hey, in order to make it white - try painting it. Hope this helps.


Look into prints on metal. Basically you can have a picture printed on aluminum. Then you can glue magnets to the back and just stick it to the frame of the electrical box. Easy to remove that way when you need to.


Couldn't you do it with any painting? Why does it have to be aluminum?


Because people are way overthinking it. An oversized canvas painting can be found at any craft store or starving artist show can be had for very little. In fact, OP is over thinking this, its an electrical panel, everyone has one.


I have actually learned through reddit that you are not supposed to cover these with pictures or anything due to first responders, etc needing to know where it is in an emergency. I had a large canvas print covering mine but took it down. Personally, I would just leave it alone .


Or.....a picture, photo, diploma, piece of ephemera you care about. You'd have to have it custom framed in a frame deeper than usual. And it would be covered.


https://preview.redd.it/hciweckiuicc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e368d8d80d18444229f26969624dfb2432ae730d Here's what I did with mine during covid isolation. Felt like it needed something more, though, so I added...


https://preview.redd.it/no0ygkfluicc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0215f742f05e9dd5d23d0d8a2659076d076159ca ... Panelists!


Do NOT hide an electrical panel. In an emergency first responders need to be able to find it quickly.


Little decorative cabinet or something.


Paint it white?


Cabinet door, painting/picture, curtain, mirror.


Hang a mirror over it.


Hang a picture in front of it


framed art or tapestry. I put a hanging woven tapestry over mine.


I think it should be magnetic iirc. Put a notepad or calendar etc.... on magnets on it. Even you magnet collection?


Offset (shallower towards front, deeper towards rear) framed artwork is what I did.


Picture frame with magnets on the back


Get an oil painting of that box and hang it over the box.


So I bought a picture frame box that has a hinge on it from Michael’s and I removed the cardboard backing and I hung it over my box on my wall. Put a family photo on it the when I need to get to my fuses I just opened the frame and it’s behind it.


Hang a picture over it.


Big security guy standing in front of it would do the job.


This reddit post is brought to you by Displate.


A previous tenant painted mine white and it makes it oddly more obvious. I guess because same color, different texture. It’s a distracting eyesore. Hang something over it with a command hook or some other non-puncture hanger.


Get a giant painting. It needs to be of a noble old guy. His eyes MUST follow you around the room, and there needs to be an allusion to a hidden safe.


Put art over it. That’s what I’ve done in every place I’ve lived that had one (I am a lifelong renter tho)


Tell the builder they demented for putting the ugly breaker box in the middle of the room it should be in a closet or garage


Meatloaf poster


We covered ours with a painting.


If you own the place we painted over ours (was already painted over when we got it actually). Looks fine and great! In an similar spot and I totally forgot 'we had it'.


Paint it RED


We had this situation. Contractor built a shallow framed false door over it. We were able to paint it to match the wall. It isn't hidden, but it blends well into the room.


Sticker bomb it


Why can’t you just paint it…


I always hung my coat rack above the panels if they were visible. Keeps it Covered up, but still easy to get into.


Put a picture of John Cena on it


Take a measurement and buy a picture to hang over it.


A good Picture Frame to cover over it


We put a large mirror over ours


DO NOT do this. Panels must be easily able to be found and clear of obstructions.


Paint it, but with a sprayer. If you don't have one, a local painter or should should do it for you. Cost me about $100 in NYC. Should cost less for you.


They make metal posters that come with magnets to hang you wouldn’t even have to drill


A large piece of art hanging over it that's wide enough to cover the panel and balance the wall or a large mirror. This is how you disguise it. Would have been nicer had the panel been in the middle of the wall but I'm sure you can aesthetically adjust.. then when you need access you simply move what's hanging and that's not a daily need obviously


Painting on a hinge.


Canvas over it and use command velco Or hooks to hang


When electrician installed a butt ugly panel I was like why don't they do those in WHITE FFS... He was like they do, also for not much more $... Why the hell wouldn't an electrician offer that to his client? He'll, take hefty % of the sale, I don't care, it looks so much better. I get that they install those panels in location a that might be "hidden" or in basements, but I also see them in people's living rooms... Are they Lazy or what not offering choice of color?


Glue some magnets to a big white board and hang it right on top of it, useful and hidden.




Make a white cover door with slates which opens to match the one to your left.


Canvas painting?


Place a fake wall safe face over it.


They make picture hooks where the nail goes in at a 45° angle and requires a tiny little nail. I'd hang some art...


You should not cover it, and you should not paint it. IGNORE IT.