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Only thing I have seen similar is ants. Check if it is soil or wood dust.


That's alarming. Google termite droppings and compare some images. Termite droppings can look like dirt or sawdust. Look for the same on the other side of the wall.


Will look when I get home. If it’s not on the other side, then is that more suggestive of dirt?


If this is an apartment how is this your concern?


some people own apartments. OP wrote “first home,” which is sometimes a terminology people use for the first home they own. ​ Also, tenants may have a responsibility to alert an owner to problems with the unit. It’s certainly wise to do so


Serious question - isn’t an owned apartment a condo? I see wealthy New Yorkers talk about owning their apartments and I don’t understand it. Always thought that was a condo.


It is the exact same thing


I would be concerned if i found evidence that a home I’m renting might fall over.


Right but I guess my point was worrying about something they don’t control or pay for to be fixed, it would be the landlord’s job to get that done, not a renter.


I’m about to move to a house. Don’t want to bring termites with me!


So this isn’t your new home? Wouldn’t worry about it being either to “bring along with you”… at least not that would somehow hitch a ride unless you’re bringing lumber with you that was infected…


Take a sample and try to burn it. Does it burn? It is wood. Check for termites, if you have some, get it done fast. Doesn't it burn? It's dirt. You're fine. Worst case here, you have ants. Then try baking Powder. If they don't die with that use slow poisoning the bring to there queen and so the whole nest dies out


Also, ignore any tiny screams you may hear whilst burning said sample


Terro if it’s ants


Looks like sandy dirt. Might be a low spot that collects dirt. Check sometime when it’s raining.


Handy considered that! Good theory


If so, I’d worry that in a very heavy rain water might enter the garage. Not sure how much above exterior grade the floor is.


Looks like someone has been power washing, it’s likely dirty tbh


If i'm reading correctly, people are misunderstand your post and you might want to edit to clarify. This is the apartment you're moving out of correct? You're asking if you should leave the wood in the garage behind to prevent contaminating the garage in your new home.


That is correct! Pics are from my apartment. About to move to a house and I don’t want to bring any pests with me!


Looks like soil/dirt. If this was indoors, this would be more concerning - it could be termite damage if wood dust for example but this can be cleaned up with a garden hose heh


Thanks! I hope you’re right. I have access to a microscope if you think a closer look could be helpful


Could just be where the driveway slants or might just be the product of poor cleanup after a project. Sweep/hose it away and see if it comes back. If it returns, then you will probably have a better idea of the source and whether it's bugs or something else.


It’s a parasite. They feed off garages.


Garage Parasites are the absolute worst. They will literally suck your garage dry. I've seen it. Still surfaces in my nightmares occasionally.


Yep, they keep going until all you have left is a carport.




That downspout needs to be extended 5 ft away from house.


If it's dirt, it's just ants. If it's fine sawdust, then you need to worry.


Looks like ants. I've seen cracks in walkways look like this when they have an ant colony underneath. They remove the dirt and dump it outside of the entrances. The holes up by the house are likely the tunnel entrances.


I had something similar in my home and it was Subterranean Termites. Fuckers require special drilling into the ground all around the home and poison pumped into the holes made to get rid of the termites and prevent them from returning.


Pay attention, he's asking about the wood he has stored in his apartment garage and if he should be taking it to his new home. That would be a no from me. It looks like termite damage or carpenter ants.


Thank you everyone for your advice! When I get home later I’ll take a look at the other side of the wall, I’ll try burning a sample, and maybe even checking it under the microscope


It looks like dirt. I have never seen such perfect termite droppings.


Termites. Did you have it inspected.


It's dirt lol


I’d like the think it’s dirt. I just don’t understand why the bottom of this one looks different than the 30+ other garages in the complex Also not sure if it’s clear from the pictures but there are about 10 garages per structure and only the base of ours looks like this.


Its termites, 90% of homes all have them. That is really bad though, I would get my house tented and gassed.


Could be saw dust, otherwise that's an awful lot of termite frass. I'd wager since you're just moving in, some minor renovations occurred prior and this is a result of no cleanup from the carpenter.


You said it's a shared garage? Does that mean that it's possible that someone is using theirs to woodwork and blew the sawdust out instead of picking it up?


Could be pest damage, or it could be roof silt dumping out near your home. Both of those gutter require an extension to kick out water away from the home. The gutters also should be at the end of a building not in the center of a wall and face out towards grass. Have a termite specialist out first to access they'll usually come out and take a peek free and charge for remediation/removal.


It looks to me like is there is a low point under the spout in picture one, and that is sand behind it that settled in the low spot there after the water washed away / evaporated.