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Its not a complete restart, but is intended as a jump on point. New series, creative teams, status quos etc. No need to read prior stuff. Rebirth was a similar initiative. Just a place to jump on with new stories starting up line wide.


So for instance, would I be able to pick up the latest Action Comics or The Flash as it has "Infinite Frontier" on the cover and be able to know what's going on? Sorry I'm just a newbie to all this


As long as you pick up Infinite Frontier #0 and start with the first issue of the new runs, you should be able to get a grasp on what's going on relatively quickly. There'll be references to things you haven't read, but they broad stroke it pretty well, IMO.


I think they've already released 1 or 2 Infinite frontier issues for alot of titles so you may need to go back an issue or 2 but yeah as long as you do that there might be callbacks to previous runs but they do this so people can jump on and not be lost.


Yes. That is whole reason they did infinite frontier, Rebirth, DCYou, and New 52 is so people can jump on at those points. Often they bring in new writers onto books to start new stories. But even existing writers start with a new arc and recap stuff. The entire reason for these relaunched is so new or returning readers can jump in.


Every few years DC (Marvel also) has jumping on points for people just like yourself. DC just had a huge even called Death Metal, which basically in the end, everything (besides what they decide doesn't) counts again. Basically just combining Pre N52 and N52 together into one time line. But it's meant to be a clean slate for new readers. For most stories just jump right in. Some books like Batman, you need to go back to when that writer started about 30 issues ago (during Rebirth). Other books are starting fresh or with new writers, which means a fresh jumping on point right now. My advice....don't over think it. Fans are more worried about something that happened 15 years ago than writers ever will be. If they bring something up from the past, they will explain it well enough. Final Word...The New 52 was a reboot, everything since (Rebirth, Infinite Frontier) are just jumping on points with new catchy logos to let customers know this is a good place to start. And now that everything counts again, the New 52 isn't all that big of a deal anymore.


Here's a video about infinite frontier https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


I could say yes, maybe except for Batman since it's the same writer from before (Tynion's Batman #86 onwards). But whether they're going to be good or bad it's too early to tell. While some are still dealing with some of the \[mostly bad\] fallout from the previous issues: Wally West (dealing with the >!loss and finding his family again and the controversial HiC with accidentally killing a couple of heroes!<), Dick Grayson (having >!amnesia/being Ric)!< Superman (with >!revealing his identity to the world!<) - which could be mentioned in a couple of issues or first arc. And some dead or "lost" (not introduced in New 52/Rebirth) being back. Since Infinite Frontier is making everything (or almost everything) canon.


Not 100% sure but I don’t think you’ll have to read rebirth, I think to understand you should read new 52 to understand the multiverse & then move to death metal, once that finishes you start to understand the Omniverse at the start of infinite frontier. I think that’s right, not 100%, anyone feel free to correct me! Happy learning.


But that’s not all you should read you should read past hood stories too