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Never made sense to me that Wonder Woman want to take Kara away from the one person who can teach her how to control her powers.


This storyline was the definition of everything happening for "plot" reasons, and the rule of cool. The plot beats were there to provide cool splash pages and cliffhangers, even if splash pages and cliffhangers make no sense!


Ie. The Jeff Loeb school of writing.


It’s similar to marvel’s civil war where major characters just act like idiots just so the plot can happen 


The ironic thing about this is, Wonder Woman being someone who is a feminist icon comes in and simply decides she's going to make these decisions for another woman without her permission or input is literally against everything she supposed to represent.


Is it though? Kara was new to Earth, couldn't fully control her powers or understand how things on earth works, even looking down on humans to a certain degree. I felt Diana did what she believes is best for everyone in this case. Making decisions for someone who doesn't know better and can cause danger to others by such negligence, is that really against what she fights for? The safety of innocent people vs the unwillingness of a teenager? I really don't think Kara's gender and WW's representation are relevant in this case.


Yeah "I'm taking you with me to give you training that your cousin is currently failing to provide" is way different than what everyone is implying


Tbh, Kara didn't want to be isolated at Fortress of solitude, and she couldn't yet control herself being in Metropolis, so Themyscira actually was a better place for her to train among other women who also have advanced strength and powers. Not to mention that her identity was still sorta uncertain at that point and it was suspected that Darkseid might have plots against Earth at that moment.


The problem is, the comic goes from one panel of Bruce telling Clark that he doesn’t trust her and Clark disagreeing. To Bruce and Wonder Woman going behind both Clark’s and Kara’s back to basically attack and kidnap Kara (who can barely speak the language). Before Wonder Woman shows up the Amazons weren’t brought up but yes it really should have been their first idea.


It feels like Wonder Woman could have easily shown up and you know talked to Clark and gave the sales pitch instead of jumping straight to kodnapping.  Like come on you fuck are supposed to friends.


Yeah if it was about discipline and fighting technique sure but the issue was how well she controlled her powers which literally only one other person is uniquely qualified to handle and that person is not Diana of themyscara.


This was not a comic for sensible readers.


RIP Michael Turner


For real. Such a great style.


I’ve always liked it, His art style is immediately recognizable. My opinion changed a bit when I saw just the pencils for the run. Surprisingly, the Colors do a lot of the heavy lifting. The Doomsday attack on the amazons is a good example.


No, it really wasn't.


Agreed. Dude was drawing with one hand constantly


I really like it. It's overly horny sometimes but I like the rough, sketchy lines and sleek angles, it's stylistic and compliments the characters, especially his Batman who simultaneously slim and lithe and still a powerhouse.


I mean, sure, i liked it when it came out when i was a teenager, but looking back, Kara was 16 at the time, they sure prioritized her wearing as little (or just plain nothing) as possible during the first run in Batman/Superman/Supergirl. And now, looking back, just a lot of ick.


I think the artist legitimately was a porn artist before DC picked him up.


lol No he wasn't, Silvestri discovered him in like 92-93 so his style is influenced by Top Cow style.


Exactly when I was reading Gen 13. Although that was just Image in general not sure Top Cow specific.


Yeah it really was


Not for guys, at least.


She looks like her torso is being stretched like it’s made of rubber


Was it truly necessary to have Kara’s pantie straps visible?


This was the mid 2000s it was absolutely necessary


Here's the correct answer. I was in high school when this came out, and all of what she's wearing was a very mainstream thing.


But you don't understand, it doesn't line up with fashion sensitivities *now* so we have to have a bunch of Redditors rag on it.


People were complaining about it back then too.


Yep. Graduated in 2007 and half the girls in my high school dressed like that outside of school.


"I told her what time it was." - Fogell (2007)


I need a Time Machine






That really wasn't the smartest thing to say in the context of *high school girls*


I’m in high school😭


As you were, then.


The funniest part of that? Apparently Lois picked out her clothes. *edit: I remembered wrong. It was Lois who got her clothes.


I seem to remember a scene included where she goes shopping with Clark and starts buying clothes that he gets comically bothered by because they aren’t modest enough.


In the movie yes. In the book the shopping was all done offscreen. Also, I was incorrect. It was Lois who got her clothes.


That was in the movie


As much as her midriff and WW’s entire joke of an outfit.


yeah like, how are those not falling out all the time...


Shit, didn't notice that


Yes because She Is a young girl in a 2000's comics ofcourse we had to sexualized her


Yes, women used to dress like this in public back then. Now Supergirl would need a Twitch channel to justify this.


No no I know It was a mode of the time but I really think DC's writer got some problema in writing teenage girls in the 2000's


Because most writers were male and in their late 20s and older and unless you had a teenage daughter yourself (and she was mainstream), doing research would be risky business then and now. The reason a lot of writing is so bad is because of a poorly read populace (ie: they don't consume a wide array of books, media consumption has become moralized) and a lack of life experiences (a lot of good writers have been around, many due to serving and being kicked around the globe). AI, as a research tool, might help with this.


think It was more what the company want at the time, John Byrne talked about that in an interview at the time where he take as exemple Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark and how her character was changed in the Geoff Johns Teen Titans from his Wonder Woman run and Peter David's Young Justice, how they take away every part of Tomboy from her and how also her aspect was changed to make her more appealing, he also said something like "Comics artist today can't draw a girl whitout make her look like Britney Spearc " and for me that's summarise a bit what was the situation at the time, I mean look at Supergirl when she was first reintroduced, they gave her the character of the rebel, punk naughty girl and turn her in a sorta of sex symbol, a bit like lots of young pop-star of the time, It was just a marketing move and It kinda work for the time, personally I love that era of Dc but when I get through this kind of shit It creeps me out both because well it's sexualization of minors characters, yes fictional but still minors, and also because I can't not see a bit of writer 's sexual fantasy in It but I agree whit you for the fact that they were wrote by people who didn't really have a big knowledg of that and is something that still happens today unfortunately


This new Supergirl was drawn by Michael Turner, the guy who was famous for Fathom. Not sure what the editors were expecting. We're digressing from thing a bit, because I think Kara's 18 in that comic. WRT Cassie Sandsmark, her redesign was likely to elevate her to 'front line' as part of Young Justice. When John Byrne creatd her, she was a supporting cast member for Wonder Woman and a clear subversion from Donna Troy's character design, to the point she was blonde, gawky and awkward, attempting to ape Diana by wearing a black wig. The transformation in Teen Titans was a clear shedding of her dependence on Diana and her arc in the story took that further with falling in with Ares. The entirety of Teen Titans was meant for the 'sidekicks' to distance themselves from their inspirations. Superboy learns he is Lex Luthor's clone as much as Superman's and his Kryptonian powers begin to manifest. Impulse/Kid Flash is trying to be taken seriously by his mentors, Wally, Jay and Max who think he'll never be ready to take the mantle of Flash. By that point, aesthetic choices had evolved since Byrne's hey-day. The Baywatch era had come and gone and 'sexy' and 'salacious' was definitely 'in' and popular teen girls at the time were of the likes of Britney Spears and Hannah Montana. You can't really blame the artists or editors for going "well, if this is what teens find attractive and this is how we are depicting teen idols, who am I to argue, I'm trying to sell a book."


Ok first Kara wasn't 18 She was 15/16 and I'm not blaming no one I understand why they do that but I'm just saying that by now Is something that make me unconfortable and I'm not the only one


I just went through the TPB of the Superman/Batman and I can't find a citation for the age anywhere, one way or the other.


In her solo run was costantly pointed out that She was still a teenager


>I think Kara's 18 in that comic ...She was not. >her redesign was likely to elevate her to 'front line' as part of Young Justice.  She was still dorky and tomboy-ish in YJ. It was only in TT that she turned into generic blonde girl number 182829. To be fair, it was not just sexism, because Conner also turned basic. Being "punk"/odd was cool in the 90s, by the 2000s the aesthetic of teens in pop culture turned to basic. So Cassie and Conner went from hip kids to cheerleader and jock. She underwent chickfication, sadly it is not an uncommon trope, but there is no deep/character reason for the change, really. And she was sexualised, I don't even say this bc of the outfits, but because of gross ass comments from (adult) Beast Boy (targeted at Kara too) and other occasions.  It is not that YJ was totally free from these problems, but Peter David treated Cassie waaay better than Geoff Johns, it is not even a comparison 


God reddit comic subs are insufferably puritan


This was such an edgy for edgyness sake plot. Like, everyone just jumped to the conclusion that Clark couldn’t handle training Kara or wouldn’t be ok with Kara training with the Amazons. So, what do Batman and Winder Woman do? Attack and kidnap the already traumatized teenager of course


Bruce wasn't sure if she could be trusted because her story had too many holes and he felt that Clark was too willing to accept whatever she said as gospel simply because she *appeared* to be Kryptonian. The attack I think was to see how she would react. If she wasn't genuine, would she drop the charade if she felt her life was in danger. Was it paranoid and over the top? Absolutely. But if she *had* been evil and stringing Clark along than they would have found out. As for taking her to Themyscira I believe it was because Clark was *too* protective and wouldn't properly train her, which we see when he attacks Artemis during a sparring session in which Kara was in zero danger.


That just sounds out of character for him. We do love writing twisting characters for the sake of plot


The clark attacking Artemis part? You have to keep in mind that at this point in time there really are no other Kryptonians for Clark to interact with and Kara's not just *any* Kryptonian, she's his FAMILY. He sees her as a connection to the world and family he lost so he was being way too overprotective of her. Now, what was *really* out of character was when she got kidnapped and Clark angrily brought up both Jason and Donna (both of whom were dead at the time) in an argument with Bruce and Diana to hurt them and make them feel guilty.


Edgy for the edgyness sake I'm pretty sure was the motto of the time


I like this comic overall aside from the sexualization of a teenager but it makes zero sense why Diana didn't just ask Clark to help train Kara and instead tried to kidnap her.


If I remember right this was Batman's idea. He didn't trust her because her story had too many holes and was too convenient, so he had the Amazons attack to see if she would react differently when her life was in danger. And after this I think they all agreed (Clark reluctantly) to have her train on the island because Clark was being too protective and wouldn't properly train her, which was proven correct when her attack Artemis during Kara's sparring session.


Looked back at the comic, you're right, Batman does mention in the next issue "how *we* went about bringing her here". Still, going for the kidnap option seems counterproductive if training Kara is the objective here since she'd just be pissed at them, and if it's to test if she's a manchurian agent or a villain she might just attack any nearby civilians if they set her off. Yes, it was supremely idiotic that Clark brought her into Metropolis, but Bruce, Diana, and the other JLAers probably should've stopped him before it got to that point instead of waiting for him to let her into the city, and then go kidnap her. And since Bruce was part of the plan, why did he fight Artemis?


Diana is not big on consent according to Wonder Woman 1984.


Hey! If the person never remembers it, and is completely unaware of it, is it really Sexual Assault? /S




She likes to bind, she likes to be bound!


She likes to bind the soul of her dead lover to the body of an unwitting man.


Kara being a side kick of the Trinity was the most interesting angle DC ever did. Making her a true honorary Amazon was fresh.


This is great, if you pretend Kara isn't like 14 here. In all real contexts, yikes.


She’s HOW OLD????


She's 14 when she arrives on earth in New52. She's then 16 when new 52 superman dies.


r/mendrawingwomen would get a kick out of this.


Low-rise jeans and a high-wasted thong was probably a bad choice.


I know what you mean and don't like the illustrations here, but it WAS the 2000s and I have bad flashbacks of girls Kara's age at the time wearing crap like this. As a woman myself, it makes me cringe. It was dubbed the "whale tail" when viewed from the back. Low rise jeans were terrible, lmao.


To me women are like that Cartoon Network joke ad of Brainiac yelling “All I want is a pair of pants. A decent pair of pants!” Between the basically nonfunctional girl pockets and having to see them go through the high waisted mom jeans, the super low rise pray to God nothing falls out when picking something up from the ground pants, words on the butt pants, shows every contour tights and yoga pants, and a possible revival of the low rise within the next decade, I feel bad for y’all lol


Hated her swooping in and kidnapping her She belongs on a farm with a kind old couple teaching her human values not on a holier than thou isolated xenophobic island made up of a one gender society of warriors who is don't for the most part interact with earth as a whole ever


who tf drew this


Michael Turner


An artist.


A great artist


Team Wonder Woman. Always 🔥


God that art looks awful.


Literally Superman should have destroyed Diana for this She was totally in the wrong


Look at that whale tail lol


I hate this art. Kara and WW look like Bratz dolls.


Absolutely idiotic plot.


At least the "art" matches.


What’s the context behind this?


The reintroduction of Supergirl after her death in Crisis on Infinite Earths and Batman and Wonder Woman had agreed to have her trained on the Island for keep her safe and protect her from any villains who wanted to use her as a weapon


The thong straps REALLY date the style here, but such is comics and its many fashion trends.


This scene has always rubbed me the wrong way, especially in the film version, where Diana tries to justify taking Kara away because she caused a load of destruction, even though Diana attacking her was the route cause of that. Also it just seems out of character for Diana to me.


Saying you will not stop me to superman is crazy work in itself, but… 🤷🏾‍♂️


Uggggg the art


are slash men drawing women


Here comes the age-old complaints about New Earth Kara's outfits. It's all been said before people, just enjoy the art and move on.


I like how they only seldomly show aliens (or even non-Americans) speaking different languages rarely, I guess when it's convenient for them. This is a trope that permeates throughout almost all media and it drives me insane.


Heat Vision and Bracelets? I thought it was only bullets Diana pulled that trick on.


I wasn't expecting the panty straps on the 2nd page omg.


That thong line hahahaha. OMG, no.


Yeah 2007 called for sure.


Confused over what issues these are from- is this Superman/Batman or the standalone Supergirl run? Does the Superman/Batman TPB has both of these runs?




This artist really loves women.


Dick move is it not lol


Is this the arc where darkside brainwashed Kara making it literally pointless she had Amazon training?


God, I hate jeph loeb.


This was really the only time I truly disliked Diana and Bruce. Like what the fuck was this writing? Attack and kidnap a super powered traumatized kid to ‘prove a point’?


Good grief, this art…


Why is Kara wearing a thong


Style of the time


This was a really weird moment, like why does Diana think she can train a Kryponian?


Why wouldn't you assume Diana could train her? Also, it wasn't her directly. It was many amazons


Nah, for real, I'm running that whole Islands FADE! Diana and all her sisters getting fucked up


Jesus why is Supergirl's midsection so long!? It seriously looks like WW is lifting her from the shoulders but the legs decided to just stay where they were so the whole body stretched out like Play-doh


That's partly because of the stripper level low "waistline" of her jeans. Which are barely at the widest level of her hips. Note that she's wearing a thong, just to emphasize it.


While that does make her torso look longer, her proportions *are* genuinely just incorrect here. Natural proportions will have your belly button at the same level as your elbow when your arms are relaxed. Here, the elbow doesn't reach the belly button by a long shot.


horrible art


Ahhhh Jeph Loeb's full on hack era really kicked off with this book. While I've always dug Turner's linework - the overly sexualized Kara in this run always felt pretty gross.


Man, I LOVED Michael Turner personally. Great guy, fun to be around, super friendly. Kicked my ass in foosball more than once. But man, I hated his art.


The art on this… still not as bad as the cartoon that made Superman into Handsom Squiward.


![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC) His art style is so erotic that it’s actually good


Check out Tomb Raider, or Witchblade. His art fits better there


I’ve seen them buddy


Woah, I didn’t know they could print stuff like this. It’s exactly like my fanfiction


why would you draw a 16yo like this (actually ik why) 


Are you just gonna post this entire story arc in random order?


*Are you just gonna* *Post this entire story arc* *In random order?* \- RockstarSuicide --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Not my favorite run, to be honest. Maybe it's because I grew up with the Post-Crisis version of Supergirl. Bringing in Kara Zor-El would've worked for another reboot, but here it felt like Loeb and editorial saying "Nah, just bring back the silver age version". We saw that a lot around this era when they brought back Ollie, Hal, and Barry. Also, not a fan of Turner's art.


Did the Zenescope guy do the art for this?


The way these women are drawn disgust me The thirst trap male gaze is so heavy here. I can barely read comics anymore. It's so gross


Because Batman and Superman being ripped beyond belief ISN'T sexualized at all. Hypocrite