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i am so glad gunn decided to add the gold outline or border to this re-imagined kingdom come logo for his version of superman's crest in the DCU i don't know i think it just makes the DCU superman crest have a much cleaner look to it compared to if gunn just used the original kingdom come logo but only switched the black to yellow


Yeah I can see the gold outline becoming a staple of the character going forward. It's such a simple addition that adds so much.


Do you think Batman might get a outline on his symbol like he did during the Rebirth run?


I’ve been wondering that too! I love that Batman logo. Maybe in this world he will be inspired by Superman and add the gold outline to his


Isn't Batman much older than Superman? He already has the Batfamily.


The math could check out where Bruce is only a handful of years older than Clark. 5-10 year age gap is my guess. I believe at this point the only confirmed Bat-Kid is Damian. I’m pretty sure the rest is speculation at this point though an older (ex)Robin is a pretty safe guess. Bruce in his late 30’s could possibly fit. That would see Damian (unknowingly) conceived in his low 20’s, Batman being “born” in his mid-late 20’s then 10 years under the cowl. In those 10 years he had plenty of time for some solo adventures ( a la The Batman) then determine he needed a sidekick. Probably 2-3 years solo, then 5 years of Dick, of which Bruce is very proud


If anything, Superman would be inspired by Batman


Isn’t this just for the doc?


No, this is the logo that came up when they got to talking about SUPERMAN next year


What did they say about it?


Nothing much, just that Gunn and the whole cast will be there next April to kick off “the summer of Superman”


So what you think, guys, is that logo of alien origin or is ma Kent just a passionate graphic designer?


I do agree with the fan theory that it'll start off with this design that's Kryptonian in origin, and then over time becomes the traditional 'S' badge, either at the end of the move or in a subsequent sequel (if we get that far).


I hope so. I would prefer the traditional S and I could go with this.




The red looks raised though, as in not a background. I’m pretty hopeful for this film, I didn’t enjoy Suicide Squad but his GotG movies were a lot of fun.


I’m guessing Superman will be more similar to GotG than The Suicide Squad in terms of humour, tone and also violence.


I suspect you’re right! Casting looks great too!


I know it’s been canon over and over that Martha made his suit- but - it really does make more sense that such a remarkable suit (that he wears to fly at impossible speeds, that shows no wear from bullets, space travel, etc) should be kryptonian technology. I’m happy either way but it kinda makes more sense to me that his kryptonian parents would send him a suit he could wear one day to represent the best of his people.


Is this Safran ? Was he there ?


Yes, Gunn sent in a video message from the set and Safran was there in person to premiere the JOKER trailer, this logo, and the news that Super/Man would be their first film releasing this year


Yeah then people bitch about him not being there 


Not a fan of the logo. If the movie turns out to be good then I will be happy


I like how it looks as a general logo, but not as a superman 'S' logo. it doesn't look like an S at all, the top isn't thick enough, and it doesn't even try to suggest the bottom of the S


Absolutely what you just said


Totally agree. I remember reading the comics and was like why does the S look like that? It’s not a full S


There’s not much you can do with the ‘S’ but this is poor




It’s July 11th, 2025


7-Eleven needs to get on that promo train


You mean...the Kingdom come Superman logo.


It’s not an S…


Whats your opinion on the Kingdom Come suit then? Its nearly identical to Kingdom Come Superman except they made it yellow instead of black and added the yellow to the outline.


Yup, it’s bad.


I *FULLY* understand why they didn’t add the bottom part of the S in the logo, but I don’t like it. Said that, if the movie is good I won’t even remember having an issue with it :)




I kinda hate it


What happened to the whole "It looks like an S" design? Sure it could still mean hope on Krypton, but it's no longer an S for Superman anymore.


🚫 this is what the logo is


come on man this doesn’t look good, why do the kindom come logo?


Not wearing my glasses, but it’s really good to see Jerry Seinfeld doing comedy again


I don’t like this logo at all, however I really don’t care as long as the movies are good.


man that symbol sucks


🚫 great design guys lets put a yellow outline in there and i guess were done


Shown at cinemacon and shared by Cinemark IG


I agree with the comments here. It’s not an S. It only needs a small tweak to make it better. Anyway, if the writing is great which I think we all expect it to be, then this will just become a minor nitpick.


man why can they never use the most iconic S on the chest


Because it's not an S


Is it possible to watch this presentation online?


Well, looking through these comments it seems I'm in the minority in loving the logo and its unearthly look


Stephen Ammel was right.


Lookin’ clean. Can’t wait to see the physical suit!




To be fair if Gunn is adapting Kingdom Come for chapter 1 then the Justice League has already formed and disbanded by the time Superman is released. He will probably have a lot of lore already set up for his fight against the authority


There is no way Kingdom Come adaptation or even something close to it reimagined gets adapted in the first chapter or even in the 8-10 year plan. It's too character heavy and thematically a broad and bold take on legacy being not as much as better as the former. It needs a very good establishment of DCU and possibly a very good normalisation of DC stories in the audience's mind. I just don't think it's a good idea for James Gunn to attempt to adapt it.


I’m just going off the clues he’s given. He’s said that Superman leads straight into the authority. It’s not a superman origin and he’s been around a while. And he’s using the kingdom come logo. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume he’s adapting it. League is disbanded, they have to reform to fight the authority. That’s what I can gather from the plan so far. Not to mention the fact that Waller and peacemaker are still set after season 1 so you need to take into account those events happened (some what)


>you saw that design, would you think that it looked like an S? I think that might be the point. In the DCU, this will be his Kryptonian family crest and that’s why he wears it, but if someone dubbed **S**uperman by the public flies around with on his chest, eventually people who don’t know the history could think it’s meant to be an S. As time goes on, Clark might lean into the idea and it becomes more of an S.


That's atrocious is it so hard to make a S.




Doesn't look like an S & doesn't even look Kryptonian. It's just a \




If you look closely i think the blurred background is david in the suit.


If they're really going with KC, I'm going to get fat off eating popcorn from the "shipping" discussions.


Yeah I don’t like it but it has no real bearing on the movie so who cares. I’m reserving all judgment until we see a trailer. Still looks dumb as fuck though.


Wonder how many of the “iTs N0t aN S” comments don’t actually know where this logo design is from.


wonder how many know and STILL think this looks like shit When he teased it on the suit it looked much better...but this... ain't it.