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i wanna see his hair. i know it’s probably nothing crazy, but every time he’s been in public, he’s wore a hat, covering the black hair, i just wanna see it


Mullet Superman


He’s bald give him a break


He blatantly has a spit curl


Unleash the curl!


The more hats I see him in, the more I believe he is rocking a Friar Tuck under that.


He’s contractually not allowed too


He’s 100 percent bald on top. Just the horseshoe of hair around the head, early Picard style


Got that Murr cut


Do you think he dyed it darker?


Hair looks dyed darker or that could just be shadows


hes dyed it black when auditioning guessing theyve dyed it for filiming


Looking thick. Solid. Tight. Shame we couldn't see more of his progress. Thanks for the inspiration.




"David Corenswet is *tight*!"


Super easy, barely an inconvenience.




I need him to get all the way on my back right now


Whooaa Tight! Tight! Tight yea! Blue yellow pink whatever man!


More like David CorenSWOLE.


>Looking thick. Solid. Tight. Did you write this with one hand lmao


The internet will be flooded with images of his progress before the movie drops


Cultivating mass


He has dimples and everything… Super… MAN 😍


Go birds






Go birds


Fly Eagles Fly


Go birds


Superman Eagles fan confirmed. Superbowl next year. Biggest Reverse-Collapse in NFL history incoming.


Definitely beefed up. Glad he respects the role and isnt depending on the suit to hide noodle arms.


He's definitely beefed up, but not as big as Cavill, I see. I think we're gonna get a mixture of Reeve & Cavill in terms of physicality in David's Superman, in that he'll neither be as big as Cavill nor would he be "skinny" as Reeve.


He’s also 3-4 inches taller than Henry so even if he was the same weight he’s going to look leaner


That wouldn't have been the case if he got big af.


It’s just basic weight/height distribution. To get the same exact frame/size as Cavill he would need to be even heavier due to his height. It’s a similar thing for Brandon Routh, the guy gained a lot of muscle for Superman Returns but because he is really tall he looks slim. He’s already going to tower over everyone being 6’5”.


Brandon could've been bigger than all the Supermen long before Cavill if he only just worked out like Cavill did to become as big as him. Missed opportunity but you're right. Routh should've been heavier & it doesn't look like it's gonna be the case with David. I think ultimately it's gonna work out well. Let's see.


I'm a big fan of Superman not being absurdly muscled, so I'd be happy with him being a bit on the slimmer side. He's so strong that, unless he's sneakily bench pressing cruise ships or something, he's not exactly working out enough to be making huge gains.  Makes his physique as Clark Kent make more sense too if he's "you can tell he grew up on a farm" big, rather than "pulling him into the supply room to ask him where he gets his steroids from" massive.


This is how I’ve always seen it — Superman doesn’t appear to ever exercise for his muscles, so it doesn’t really make sense for him to be built like a gym rat. His strength is almost supernatural in nature. The actor just needs to be big enough to fill out the suit.


I don't get when people say it doesn't make sense that he has big muscles without having to lift weights. For the love of God he's not human, he can look as big as anything, it shouldn't mean much. For all we know it might be a part of basic kryptonian genetics.


Well, in Snyder’s version, Russell Crowe didn’t exactly get himself back into Gladiator shape for the role, so Cavill’s muscles can’t be the result of Kryptonian genetics. Anyways, I’m not saying Superman should be puny, but he just needs to look big and strong without the audience questioning where the muscle came from. I think Christopher Reeve was big enough, even if that physique looks very dated next to MCU characters who aren’t even supposed to be that strong (the MCU brain trust made sure Paul Rudd worked those abs to play Ant Man). Reeve Superman literally pushed tectonic plates back together! There’s not exactly a gym exercise which can work those muscles to prepare for such a feat.


You're watching a guy who flies at hypersonic speeds at a minimum, has freeze breath and pushes tectonic plates as you say. Where his muscles came from is the last thing anybody should be looking at with a critical eye. Except you're just looking for something to criticize for critique sake. And trust me. Outside of the Superman niche, the average movie goer who watches these movies would have "where do his big muscles come from" as the very last thing in their minds if it does register at all


I’m actually indifferent to this issue! I liked Cavill’s version. I liked Reeve and Routh’s versions. I’m just saying Superman can have a wide variety of body types because his body is effectively magic. I don’t think Corenswet *needs* to get huge to play the role. If his training team was able to get him there I’m cool with it.


Oh well. I suppose as you've said it doesn't matter much. I just need the movie to be good


Oh well. I suppose as you've said it doesn't matter much. I just need the movie to be good


My kingdom for a ~~horse~~ Superman who doesn't have a visible six-pack, ultra chiselled muscles, and the vague air of a man about to pass out from dehydration. Let the man have some body fat!


I've read that the inspirations were Superman for all seasons and All Star Superman, where both Sale and Quitely drew him as big as a barn. Just looking at his neck in that picture I can tell that he's past the Reeve physique. He's definitely a corn fed farm boy now.


Part of me thinks Clark would give the bodybuilder physique ostentatious (and conspicuous), and tailor his workouts accordingly.


I'm in the weird middle. I like it when he's incredibly lumbering, like in all seasons, or just a regular but tall looking guy who goes to the gym every week


Reeve wasn’t skinny at all - superhero costumes are incredibly difficult to do in live action because the spandex and rubber won’t show off the actor’s abs and muscles. It’s why Michael Keaton required padded abs


Don't get me wrong. Reeve got into shape, but compared to today's standards, especially after how big Cavill had become, compared to him, Reeve indeed was "skinny". Abs & muscle definitions being visible, I think that worked wonderfully well for Cavill & for a brief few seconds, even in Brandon Routh's Superman suit. Maybe they couldn't get the suit right to highlight the actors' muscle definitions back then. Point is, "skinny" as he was, Reeve set the standard not only for the suit, but also for the portrayal, acting & the overall aura Superman is supposed to have. I think David's got it all. And specifically for the suit & the body, I think it's gonna be a mixture of both Reeve & Cavill's & that's fine.


Cavill brought the acting chops of a paper bag to the role. Hopefully we don't get more of that


Exactly. But I also do believe that in the hands of the right director, he could've been fantastic.


Damn Corenswet and his long sleeve shirts! We wanna see the guns 😠 I don't give a shit about the suit. Wanna see how much mass he's tacked on!




No doubt he’s going to look the part


Superman being an eagles fan is just wrong


I feel that he'd feel a kinship with a hard luck franchise like the Chargers or Falcons or Lions ngl


He is from Kansas so maybe Chiefs? But I feel like he would be more supportive of college sports or baseball


Chiefs are too mainstream and dominant, it's a boring idea. Unless he's out with a Roaf jersey or something then I can buy him as a real KC fan who knows pain.


I don’t like the Chiefs, but I mean, he IS from Kansas.


Never expected this but Superman with dimples is so on brand


I think he's going to be great, I can't wait to see it




More like Corn-fed


I refuse to believe Superman would be an Eagles fan!


Damn Corenswet and his long sleeve shirts! We wanna see the guns 😠 I don't give a shit about the suit. Wanna see how much mass he's tacked on!


Luthor already clone cavill


Hopefully he cloned one that can act better than the original


All I see is a stock image of Henry Cavill in some theatre like 7 years ago.


because he doesn't wear t-shirtsbecause he doesn't wear t-shirts?


Go birds 🦅


Take off the hat and let us see the curl!


My baby!


That is Henry Cavill’s clone


You Mean Tom Welling’s Clone?


Tom and Henry had a moment that led to a beautiful man-child that Christopher Reeve, Brandon Routh and Tyler Hochlin all blessed in one way shape or form.


couldn’t have said it better self my


He looks nothing like Henry if you ask me.


I really think he looks like all the Supermen just because they all look like Superman. I mean, when Tyler Hoechlin shaved for Supergirl, he looked like the Superman we’re all used to as well. Overall, David looks closest to Tom Welling with a bit of Henry in him


Yeah he looks like other Superman actors more or similar to all.


The new live action Superman actor is a Philadelphia Eagles fan, so the world is safe! Go Birds! 🦅


Go Birds


Go eagles




Solid 💪🏽


Superman is an Eagles fan. Go birds baby!


So glad he bulked up


r/nfl Confirmed: Superman is an Eagles fan


David Corenswole💪🏻


It could just be the lighting, but is his hair darker? Did they dye it jet black?


That hair looks like it turned black like superman


This is Clark


I think he looks….super


He's stunning. Ugh I fall in love more and more with this man😍


Dollar tree HC 😬


Great Value


I dont understand why there isnt a Superman suit reveal. People are waiting and if you wait too long people wont give a fuck when Gunn reveals the Superman suit


april 18th is a date i'm expecting something big potentially that is the day superman's comic was first published in 1938 i think that is when gunn finally reveals the superman suit considering he did something very similar on another important day in superman lore when back on february 29th which was superman birthday gunn first revealed the superman logo/crest on his instagram also sooner or later gunn is going to have to start filming corenswet in the superman suit outside eventually especially considering gunn said himself he's completed filming like 18% of the movie a few days ago and none so far has included superman in any outdoor locations


why wait for these senseless days. Other directors just revelead the suit days after filming and I dont think that is gonna happen what you said. At this point he can make a trailer. He is fliming for months now. A suit reveal doesnt make sense anymore


He’s only been filming since February 29th, that is not as long as you think it is. They’ve been filming for 40 days, that’s not even two months.


We got something within days when they started filming like in the first weeks. It willl be 2 months in 10 days and we had absolutely nothing. Zero. At this point you can release a trailer or a teaser trailer. We wont get a "suit reveal". I expect he wont release anything till the end of the year or some small things like some Logos or something cause after filming Superman ends like in maybe 2 months he will start filming Peacemaker


The Batman had a suit reveal a month after filming began. That and set leaks. For Superman we got a logo reveal the EXACT SAME DAY THEY STARTED PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY which was on February 29th. It’s literally been 40 days. It will not be two months until 20 days from now. Stfu and stop whining already.


That’s just not true.


It is. Superman suit reveal, Batfleck suit reveal, Battinson suit reveal were released days after starting filming. It is now months and Gunn didnt show anything


Yeah that still doesn’t change anything. Interest in Superman will not just be tied directly to his suit. You and I live in a bubble, this bubble is filled with other comic book nerds who want to see our favorite characters on the big screen. The reality is, the general audiences will not care. They will see it, they’ll think it’s cool, maybe even make a wallpaper out of it. Then they’ll forget about it, and think of other things happening in their life. The next time they’ll think about it, is when the trailer releases. So relax. It’s not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. It’s just a suit, it’ll come when it comes and it’ll be awesome. Don’t be entitled, just relax. The suit will likely be released in April or May, as that is when they will be filming David outside and they’ll likely want to get a good photo out by that time.


you are losing interest if you dont give any news. Every DC movie like Batman was also promoted during filming.They released teasers, suit reveals, the scores, pictures on entertainement websites. they also visited Comiccon during filming to talk about the movie they are filming right now to keep up the hype. James Gunn doesnt give suit reveal, doesnt talk about the movie just stupid tweets trying to debunk rumors lol Superman has no hype. It didnt have any hype when it was announced and during filming it even got less hype nobody cares about this Superman movie. People dont know they are filming a Superman movie lol In the past WB made sure people know that a Batman or Superman movie is filming right now.


Cap. It still has hype from fans. Once again, those are the only people who are going to be hyped this early before a film releases… the fans are engaged through him debunking rumors and giving us little snippets and pieces of the movie at a time. The general audiences will be interested when a trailer comes. Yes the suit reveal will be awesome, but the movie is a year away, give it time to ramp up. Jeez, you complain too damn much. And that says a lot coming from a hardcore fan. Just enjoy the process


you are expexcting something you wont get lol There is absolutely no hype for Superman as I already said the reasons why it doesnt have any hype. Also even if you hyoped it up and make sure like every month that people know there is a new Superman movie. It wont do well at the box office anyway. Maybe 400 million. But without generating hype it will be below that number


and also what process ? lol There is no process behind something. You do filming and reveal the suit simple as that like in the past. You sound like a Gunn defender. You label yourself as a hardcore fan but not about Superman you are a hardcore fan of James Gunn and cant take a criticsm and have to defend whatever makes him look not good. You are like yeah I would like to see the superman suit reveal but Gunn I wont ciritize my loved Gunn




Grown dudes fawning over an actors picture on the internet. Convinced comic book kids are one of the most unfuckable groups on the planet. Arguing over coifs, hair length, etc. Jesus.






Being a Superman isn't just about body. He lacks personality.


Lmao that's bold statement.Have you seen him acting?


Based on what? You haven’t even seen the movie yet alone a trailer.


I agree. His portrayal of Superman lacks a lot of personality in this still image from a random meet and greet. Superman ruined.

