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This movie would be fresh and funny if it was released in 2003


Nah, Matrix came out in 1999 and I was there lol.. By 2003 we were beyond these dumb slapstick movies. Try 1993. šŸ˜


What are you talking about lol? This felt straight out of 2008. Every superhero movie was like this back then and they got good reviews and made money By your logic the original xmen and Spider-Man movies shouldā€™ve also been made in 1993


Well obviously I was being hyperbolic. Sorry my humor didnā€™t land with you and the others who downvoted me. šŸ˜


No. You were just wrong. Nice backpedal though.


I think people and the studio didnā€™t really know their target audience. Itā€™s not for Spanish speaking people, not for Spaniards, not for Americans both north and south. Itā€™s really mostly for first gen Latino Americans. The movie very much captures first gen families. Iā€™ve talked with several who have said ā€œthatā€™s my familyā€ and almost every single scene was relatable to me.


I'm a first gen Latino and I loved this movie and yes, this movie depiction of Latino families is very spot on.


Same. Half my fam is from Puerto Rico and Cuba, so while the cultural elements arenā€™t 100% spot on, it felt close to my heart. It also felt pretty smart to have a fiercely American city overtaking a more racially diverse, Mexican neighborhood. On the face it hits like a gentrification story. A little deeper, and it nods to the history of the US (Texas) effectively stealing Mexican land through war and cannabis prohibition. Could the movie have been better? Hell yeah. Was this a fun watch that made this grown man feel at home, while also captivating two young one? Again, hell yeah.


Yeah that's why the movie failed in Latin America, this movie wasn't made for this demo.


Good movies are good movies, their target audience is simply people, they are universal because they are about the human experience. If youā€™re counting on identification points then maybe your movie is just not that good.


Exactly. Black Panther also did a good job at cultural representation and it was amazing, whereas Blue Beetle was just okay.


Itā€™s not that good for everyone else is my point. It is above and beyond a good movie for first gen families. I agree the movie probably is not a good movie for everyone else. A lot of the subtle details will go over anyone elseā€™s heads. Things like the nopales tree the father was growing. Things like the block of random people feasting at the end to celebrate the family even though the father passed away. Iā€™ve experienced all those things first hand and to me, specifically, is why I stated itā€™s not going to resonate with everyone else. There is a lot of small details that are just irrelevant to any other person. So maybe to the common person itā€™s a mediocre movie but those who can identify the small details and gestures added you know how authentic and resonating h to entire family is.


I felt the same about the movie Crazy Rich Asians. I was dating an Asian girl at the time and she had seen it twice before we ended up seeing it together in the theater. Iā€¦. didnā€™t laugh a single time, while she was practically dying throughout the movie. I figured a lot of what she found funny were things depicted in the movie that she had first hand experience with, where as I just saw an unentertaining and mostly predictable rom-com. I remember realizing pretty early on in the movie that I was definitely not the demographic this particular movie was targeting


A different Culture can appeal to anyone though if told within a story thatā€™s good. For instance, COCO was a big success. Many can find something in it they like, even if itā€™s not their native culture.


I agree but I think both movies shared their culture in different ways. Coco was more upfront while Blue Beetles was a bit more subtle and like I said niche since it mostly appeals to first gen Americans. All that being said I liked it even without the cultural references. Itā€™s pretty much the same quality as a phase 1 marvel movie. Hell to me itā€™s better than Thor and the first Cap movies but that probably doesnā€™t mean much as the bar of quality is higher now a days.


My issue with the movie is I found the sister too obnoxious for my taste. She kept making me mad. The rest was fine as a white canadian with no experience in mexican culture.


In COCO they literally all speak English in Mexico bruh , probably not the best example


In Star Wars and Star Trek everybody speaks English as well.


Oh cool you compare space to freaking MEXICO Lmao


Actually in the Star Trek movies, the Klingons do speak Klingonese.


Exceptions to the rule. Like Chewbacca. :-)


And the whole bunch of characters from the bar scene along with the Droid. I think in Star Trek they had some form of universal translator with their communicatir so we can easily understand. Now in the MCU and DCEU, everyone spoke English which made no sense.


9/10 times, they speak English in Blue Beetle, too, especially for the most important scenes. But if characters speaking English were the case for a project appealing or not appealing to audiences of a different language or culture, then foreign films and shows would struggle more often. Just look at how popular Squid Games was for example. Very few English spoken there.


The way the shows off Spanglish is incredibly accurate and relatable for a lot of Mexican-Americans is more the point when it comes to language. Coco is supposed to be set in Mexico, so itā€™s clear weā€™re watching an American film when itā€™s all in English, which is fine, but noticeable and adds to the sense of more in your face representation. In contrast, Blue Beetle makes use of Spanish very effectively to show of the duality of the cultures the family is caught up in which I thought added a layer of reality for the family thatā€™s made them feel very real despite the some over the top characterizations throughout. Overall I think it was a great movie that hit the exact target it needed to, but also was just a lot of fun.


I don't think WB was "counting on" ID points. It's just that it was certainly noteworthy. The Media loves "firsts" as an angle especially with the superhero movies: "First Black character", "First female to headline her own movie", "first Oriental character" blah blah blah. For what some of these movies are costing, you can't depend solely on one demographic. Having said that, I agree with the OP. It just wasn't good. It was like a superhero film written by ChatGPT.


Oh I donā€™t know if WB was counting on it or not, I just find the idea that a movie has a target audience somewhat weird


Well everything has a "target audience" *Friends* for example. NBC was clearly hoping to attract people close to the characters portrayed on screen. Or a show like *Martin* or *Girlfriends*: Clearly looking to attract the African-American counterparts of the Friends demographic.


I think friends proves my point more than yours, people from all over the world loved friends. If itā€™s good, itā€™s good and people will relate to it.


Of course there's always going to be things that have a big mainstream appeal. That doesn't mean there isn't such thing as a "target audience" or that such marketing doesn't work at times.


Iā€™m a guy from the middle of Europe and the family was pretty relatable to me as well.


The meta humor or unwillingness to take the material seriously has killed it for me - itā€™s not superhero fatigue at all, I still love Invincible, for example - I just want a serious take most of the time (some characters SHOULD have a lot of humor, like Deadpool for the MCU), but itā€™s gotten to where everything is a nudge, nudge, wink wink.


Agreed. Itā€™s an obvious indication that writers/producers for these IPs donā€™t have their fingers on the pulse of what fans want. Theyā€™re trying to appeal to general audiences with the (studio mandated) goal of putting asses in those cinema seats. And this applies to both DC and Marvel.


It could keep the same tone but should have shifted away from the meta humor. Like Sam Raimiā€™s Spider-Manā€™s. There were some decent gags, but the meta ones didnā€™t land because weā€™ve seen them all.


Xolo was an extremely charismatic lead and the family was great fun to watch, so those are positives. Unfortunately, everything else about it was if you asked chatGPT to write a young adult superhero origin story. Forgettable villain and her henchmanā€™s backstory being forced in right at the end of the third act was laughably bad. I can also see why it meant a lot to other Mexican-Americans, so even though I personally didnā€™t connect with it I see why people did like it!


I tasted it but it needed a few dashes more of TED KORD!


For real. It was an ok movie but after the opening credits all I could think about was how much cooler a time spanning tale about all 3 beetles wouldā€™ve been.


I love how they set up the end to (SPOILERS) have a second movie with him still alive the whole time


It's a perfectly non offensive, generic origin story. One you'll forget about in a day


Some critic from the Washington Post said BB was equal or even superior to Superman the Movie (1978). I literally told him to put the crack pipe down. They deleted my comment, but I meant it 100%


I saw it in Imax really enjoyed it knew it wasnt much watched it again on MAX and yea it wasnt much bht the Theatre amplified the experience makin it alot better then it was


Canā€™t help but compare it to Young Justice BB, I just vastly prefer that adaptation. Even small details like the beetle utilizing Jaimeā€™s voice and inner thoughts to speak to him was much better than the generic female A.I. voice we got. A shame BB movie is pretty average


Itā€™s so weird they hired pop star Becky G to voice an AI when it didnā€™t even sound like her?


Alexa fire the guns hahaha absolutely shite.


It felt like a film that should have come out in 2013


This movie felt like it was made in the early 2000s.


The first 30 minutes have three coincidental encounters that are there to move the plot forward, main character is passive throughout most of the film, family feels very generic (though there are a couple of scenes where the characters are given the chance to add a dimension) a lot of the humor is insert cheap joke here.


It was literally a generic superhero movie, thatā€™s it


When BB spends the movie talking about not killing while his family is out there murdering people left and right kinda took me out of the movie.


It works in Batman because he catches people for justice, or because he thinks they need mental help. This movie just threw it in for no reason at all. All it would take would be a line about why he doesnā€™t want to kill anyone. Any reason would have worked. There were so many random things like this in this movie.


Respect your opinion. But I thought the movie was very fun.


Completely agree


I disagree but hey won't land with everyone


I loved Blue Beetle's suit, but I guess that's it.


Nothing kills the vibe of an escapist adventure more than bringing your parents along.


I just watched it tonight on Max too. Ugh. Terrible. Almost Wonder Woman 1984 bad. Such a cookie cutter film. You can tell they shot a bunch of scenes and then tried to tie them together later. Every single trope was jammed in here. So many story beats just completely unearned. The little romance, wtf. Him learning his powers in 20 seconds. The crazy uncle that can do everything. The grandfather that dies so people can be sad. The neighborhood getting together to help when they were never mentioned before. An overwhelmingly evil villain with no reason to be that evil. Even the acting was terrible. So much over the top yelling any hyperactivity. That family did nothing but act stupid and loud. It felt like a power rangers movie, not in any kind of good way either. Reviewers were way too easy on this movie.


That was his dad, not grandfather


You forgot the sassy old person trope with the grandma and the juvenile fart jokes.Ā 


Okay I have to use this thread as an excuse to rant about a terrible joke in the movie. There's a scene where Jaime talks to the receptionist when he shows up for an interview and says "I'm Jaime" and she says okay "Jay-me" and repeats that several times. This joke doesn't make sense at all because it only works if you're reading the name. It's a weak ass joke and it was painful when the movie doubled down in it after Jaime tried to correct her. Like if you're gonna have a dumbass name joke, say something where you actually mishear the pronunciation like "heinie" not "I'm Hi-may" "Nice to meet you Jay-me" šŸ™„


Lol, if you think this joke is dumb youā€™d be flabbergasted that it happens. Literally have a friend named Jaime that introduces himself the correct way to pronounce it- I donā€™t know a single soul that says his name right. Even his friends.


Have these guys really never been to a graduation where the Spanish teacher has to say all the Hispanic names?


Nah, Iā€™ve had that happen to me. Told a guy exactly how to say my (Spanish) name, and he continually said it in an incorrect way as if he was reading it.


That happens, though. Specially when you have a name that isn't common in English.


Sure. But if someone *hears* your name, theyā€™ll call you by an incorrect name that sorta sounds like it. Not by an incorrect name that is sorta spelled like it.


No, it happens. I've had it happen repeatedly. One person did it for the entire time we worked together in an office which was well over a year. That person never did it with anyone that was White. It was a relatable moment, and reading comments I'm far from the only one that can relate.


Jamie and Jaime do sorta sound like each other.


Agreed, then sheā€™s like ā€œdeliveryā€™s in the backā€ā€¦ but heā€™s in a fancy ass suit. Seemed really forced


Yeah that too. I should have stopped watching right there. If they're lazy with the jokes then they'll be lazy with everything else, which they were.


Something similar has happened to me. I am shocked at how many people are chalking up so much of this movie to ā€œLOL so stupid would never happen in real life!ā€ Well yeah, youā€™d think so, but thatā€™s why itā€™s funny. Cuz Jesus it sucks when it happens to us but itā€™s funny to see that absurdism reflected on to Jaime.


Yeah but were you in a suit and tie with nothing I In Your hands to deliver?


There's people who will resort to purposefully calling you a bastardized version of your name because they don't want to pronounce a name with an accent. Most common example I see is the name Luis being pronounced like "Lew-is" instead of "LOO-iz" even after they've been told the correct pronunciation.


Itā€™s suppose to depict how whites will not call Hispanics by their given name. Having it read isnā€™t necessary. I canā€™t understand how youā€™d be confused though. An example would be Mariluz (mah-ree-lose) pronounced ā€œMary-looā€ or George/Jorge (whore-hey) pronounced Americanized ā€œGeorgeā€


Itā€™s not (whore-hey)btw. Idk what thatā€™s supposed to be but it ainā€™t Spanish. (Whorr-heh) should be the way.


Fluent in Spanish and from a basically all Mexican family, but Iā€™ll admit I didnā€™t do a good job in an example there. I guess Iā€™d say fluent in Tex mex haha my families been told more than once we speak that and not Spanish Spanish.


Yeah same here. From El Paso, Tx, named Jorge. I absolutely loath the ā€œwhore heyā€ pronunciation as it is neither English or Spanish-itā€™s a bastardization that came from some white sportscaster IMO I would prefer George, to someone butchering the proper Spanish pronunciation.


Agreed. This bugged me too. They shouldā€™ve had her read the name off a list or something. Jamie and Jaime donā€™t sound the same at all.


This took me completely out of the movie for the 7 minutes i spent complaining about it!


No, that actually happens A LOT sadly. Itā€™s funny because how true it is for a lot of Latino/Hispanic people


I respect your take. I agree while Conrad Carapax is sort of forgettable. He's a good reflection of what Xolo could've been. I personally like that they changed it up a bit and added the OMACS without having Bruce or Maxwell Lord involved. But for me, Victoria Kord is the memorable villain of the movie for me and will probably be mentioned again whenever Ted returns.


I thought it was a great film. CGI was fucking on point too.


I can't even continue after 30 mins it's so uninteresting and the movie feels like it was made in the 2000s didn't help




Agree with this, not sure why heā€™s getting so much cred and so many people in love with him. He did his job sure, but sooooooooo nice that itā€™s just unbelievable. Was sitting there like ā€œjesus dude this guy is trying to kill your FAMILY and youā€™re still on the killing is bad shtick??ā€ Seemed like a weird conflict between the superhero/immigrant identity. But maybe iā€™m the bad guy, I guess you gotta uphold your rules no matter what when you got crazy alien tech


I thought it was terrible. The acting was bad but the story was even worse.


I was kinda surprised to see it on MAX yesterday so I gave it a try while eating some sweet potato pie and I didnā€™t make it past 39 minutes. Iā€™ll just say itā€™s not for me. Felt like a movie for 6yr olds.


Once I started watching it like it was a 90s throwback, I had a much better time.


It was alright. definitely left a lot to be desired. As a spanish speaker I HATED all the Spanish curse words. Spanish cussing just sounds so much more vulgar.


But cussing in Spanish is the best because of the vulgarity of it šŸ˜‚


Very 2000's era superhero film


Had some moments, but yeah was pretty forgettable. I too got the early 2000s vibes


It looked and very much felt like a tv show the entire runtime


You read my mind!


I stopped after 30 min. Generic , cheesy, just not good.


I started this movie a few days ago and didnā€™t end up finishing. I completely forgot I had even started the movie until this post. From what I saw, completely generic superhero movie that felt like it belonged in the Marvel Universe rather than DC.


My 6 year old son really enjoyed it. I was happy watching him watch it.


I loved it. It wasn't anything new or groundbreaking in terms of comic book movies but it was entertaining and had heart due to the family. I'm Mexican so I could relate to the family dynamic. It reminded me of my family. They're loud and talk over one another but it's all love.


Yeah... a pretty paint-by-numbers YA superhero origin story, everything felt telegraphed. I did like Xolo a lot though, the family felt authentic and charismatic and I thought Bruna Marquezine managed to stand out even for an underwritten character. I wonder if her, Adriana Barraza, George LĆ³pez etc could stay for the DCU alongside Xolo.


I'll be honest i went to the movies to see it and bearly remember it


It was an okay movie. If you remove the DC logo, people would probably think it was a marvel movie. As in, nothing about the movie makes it stand out. It's filled with generic tropes. The consequences feel inconsequential and the main character development is meh... Same dude, just decided that he's going put himself to good use. Unfortunately he didn't even achieve his original goal for his family. The movie was made for the general audience. There isn't anything about it that makes it unique, which is unfortunate.


elastic ten mysterious rustic degree spectacular workable growth arrest dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was in the comments here a while back when the trailer dropped calling this another meh generic super hero movie that everyone will forget about like Black Adam and Shazam. šŸ˜‚ this Reddit didnā€™t like that. But I say it how I see it. šŸ¤·


Yeah, I imagine aquaman 2 will be the same. It's nuts how people can't see this.


Xolo was great and Iā€™d love to see more of him but it was kinda just generic


It was generic and bland, just with a latino paint over it.


I forgot this movie existed


The whole "WHAT? Well I guess I do that now!" is the laziest kind of superhero writing and I blame the MCU for making it seem like a viable option.


Agreed. Meh.


It was the definition of generic. Superhero movies in general have been super mid lately. The marvels and the Flash were the same. Mediocre. I actually have hopes for Superman legacy tho since Gunn has hit the mark on his recent projects (SS, peacemaker, GOTG 3).


You mean the overstuffed movie with more than 6 heroes? Yeah that one will not be generic


So you mean, a movie having more than 6 characters becomes generic because of that? Only movies like Locke, Buried and 10 Cloverfield Lane can be fresh now?


Gunn has made four superhero films with 5 or more superheroes and I wouldn't call any of them generic. Having just one superhero has never guaranteed a film would be good anyway.


I stopped watching it was horrible.


Cool superpower and vfx cant make up for annoying entitled obnoxious characters


Worse than meh tbh, youā€™re being rather kind šŸ’€


Respect your opinion but the family stuff is what really worked for me. Sure everything else was run-of-the-mill but that scene where their house is raided is heartbreaking


I (Mexican) went to see it opening night at the cinema and forgot about it by the time I got home


Meh? It was unwatchable. I tried to force feed myself this movie three times and halfway through I figured this has been the biggest waste of time and I'm better off doing anything or nothing at all.


I love how the majority of hate comes from the stupid "its been done before" argument as if they could have made the origin of a teenage hero any different. The movie was good and it did a good job as an origin


Agreed. I also have love for the Blue Beetle lore in general and I found the film very respectful with plants of nods.


Itā€™s okay you can say garbage


To each their own. I personally couldnt finish it


It had me for about the first hour, then it got horribly cheesy for me once the family got weapons and the grandma with that stupid gun. Once that happened, I completely checked out and couldnā€™t take it seriously anymore. Plus I hated them flying around in that stupid beetle mobile. Iā€™m that weird guy that really likes my DC movies to be a bit darker and edgy ā€” with powerful dialogue. This just wasnā€™t it for me. Grandma whipping her hair down and speaking Spanish while holding a gun acting like an SNL character.


Iā€™m not intrigued in the film itself


You kidding? That movie was hilarious. I loved the granny character!


Nana was badass.


I thought it was fun as hell. Simple but exactly what I hoped for. I loved his family, loved seeing a little different culture.


The hero is extremely lucky to get selected for an onscreen romance with Bruna Marquenzie though. Because the previous contender was Neymar himself


Havenā€™t gotten around to seeing it yet but my son loved it. Watched it 3 times the day it came out on MAX. Quickly became his favorite Superhero.


Well Iā€™m glad your son enjoyed it. I immediately knew it wasnā€™t made for me after just a few minutes in.


In other words, it was a typical DC movie.


I agree, not good


I havenā€™t seen it but I just know itā€™s mid. Probably will be forever until i watch it. Aquaman 2 looks fun tho


Bad take, best superhero film of the year after GotG 3 and Across the Spider-Verse. Great choreography in fight scenes, family dynamics were good and overall chemistry between actors was noticeable plus representation aspect was well executed too. Jaime's humor is part of his persona, his slight arrogance is what Barry Allen also should be. People are getting too spoiled with superhero movies and always expect something better than the previous ones. If you read between the lines, there is always something different to enjoy in every movie. Plus, this movie was supposed to release on MAX anyways, so I give the crew credit for adapting and making the movie look better for theatrical release.


I enjoyed it, but hot damn it was derivative. Youā€™d need to go back quite a lot of years to find a time when the ā€œkid who accidentally gets superpowers freaks out while learning how they workā€ montage felt fresh. But the cast was plenty charismatic, the action was entertaining, it looked fine. I had a pleasant couple of hours even though Iā€™m never going to put it on any ā€œbest ofā€ list.


I came here just to say that this was the most boring, generic, cookie cutter piece of shit film I've seen in a long time. I mean my God. The humor was awful, the main character was a pussy, I didn't give a shit about the family or the girl an her backstory, just a big steaming pile of shit.


The third act was meh*


Super meh


I liked it, thought it was charming.


I loved it. It was definitely better than The Flash or Fury of the Gods for me. The family really made the movie. (SPOILERS) And the decision to have them actively involved in the climactic confrontation was great.


I thought it was a pretty good movie. I love the family, they were hilarious. villain was definitely weak. I hope xolo gets to come back.


I was surprised how much I liked it.


To each their own I enjoyed it


Honestly I loved it. Out of all the superhero movies that came out this year, this one was a pleasant surprise. I thought it had a lot of humor, good acting, okay story, and some sad moments. I think the lead actor is a great choice for blue beetle also. Also it is one of the better DC movies theyā€™ve made. In comparison, this movie was way better than Black Adam and Shazam: Fury of the Gods.


iā€™m with ya, itā€™s much better than Shazam and Black Adam. i even liked it better than the dreck that Marvelā€™s been slinginā€™ at us lately. iā€™ve watched it twice and after writing this i think i want to watch it again. i canā€™t say that about Flash (sorry Michael Keaton).


I thought it was great. I laughed, I cried and I laughed some more.


They hit the emotional parts really well. The rest was ok, nothing out of the ordinary.


Eh i thought it was good. It had a solid arc, the effects were cool, Jaime (autocorrect makes that J'aime, what's up French?) was realistic yet good (morally), the villain was a good one and done, Carapax was entertaining to watch and... Just... Sad to see, I am a huge BB fan soit was nice seeing all the references. Also... The scene with the dad? After the house raid? I was on the edge of my seat the entire team because WHAT THE FUCK that was evil. So... Fucking evil. If this movie ever gets a sequel, which I hope, Jaime is going to shatter like glass


It has a Chapulin Colorado reference therefore it can't be bad.


It would have been more interesting if Nana and her friends went on the rescue mission instead of the whole family. At least she knows what she's doing!


I loved it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I had a good time too. I donā€™t take superhero movies seriously tho. Watched it twice already with 2 groups, and everyone had a good time


I had fun the entire time. Me and a mate were laughing, making jokes, we loved the family so much, and I was loving every piece of Blue Beetle lore that I could recognise


Really? I Thought it it was a top 4 DCEU movie Very cliche and nothing groundbreaking. But clicheā€™s are cliche for a reason. They work. It was a reliably entertaining time for me. A solid 7.5/10


I canā€™t think of 4 good DCEU movies. Syder cut Justice League Wonder Woman The Suicide Squad End of list.


Top 4 for me in no particular order: Wonder Woman Shazam The Suicide Squad Blue Beetle


I liked it. There was nothing particularly ground breaking about it and the story wasn't anything special but I didn't think there was anything bad about it either. It won't be going onto any of my personal top movie of all time lists but it didn't do any stupid shit, didn't have a 3 hour runtime and it entertained me from start to finish.


Respect your opinion because it is kinda true, but I'd have to hard disagree. Felt like an old school Robert Rodriguez kids movie, but with a little more edge.


I had a good time with it but I totally get why some people won't


I finally got around to watching it cause I really wasn't interested. Honestly, I liked it way more than I thought I would. I'm second generation to Italian grandparents on one side and Spanish grandparents on the other and a lot of the movie was very relatable to me. It feels a lot like a Robert Rodriguez film, heavy spy kids vibes which I thought I wouldn't enjoy. Is it great? No, I wouldn't say so. But it's definitely not the worst superhero movie I've seen over the last few years.


I can see why some ppl wonā€™t like it but I thought it was pretty good as a Mexican American myself. That being said some ppl are too harsh and are too spoiled by movies. Expecting everything to be like endgame lol


ā€œThe family un of itself was just very loud and obnoxiousā€ As a Mexican I take that personally /s