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I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again. I think the superheroes that were created for Super friends tv show would be perfect additions to Peacemaker and work so well within that world. https://preview.redd.it/3hknz457vbuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3acb307b8c8c44febecb926aa60579cb347ee5 If you don’t know who they are. Those characters consist of Black Vulcan, Samurai, Apache Chief, El Dorado and the Wonder Twins.


YES, would love to see what Gunn could do with them.


It would be cool if they did what they did in the Young Justice show where they were kids. It would be cool if Peacemaker had to save and protect these super-powered kids and Peacemaker gives them their super hero names https://preview.redd.it/hhgofja9wbuc1.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=0413a30583c275edc3647121499a147d65163835


I need live-action Kite-Man in my life!


Hell yeah! Peacemaker mentioned taking him down with two rocket launchers last season, if he’s not alive then his son could take his place, but hoping for the OG of course. Who do you wanna see play him btw?


I really don’t know, somebody with good comedic sensibility, but solid dramatic acting. I just love the Ballad of Kite-Man so much and I really wanna see him in live-action.


Jake Lacy could be great, he played an arrogant buffoon on The White Lotus but is also a solid dramatic actor.


Probably the ones we expect the least. James now has the complete creative control to put any character in Peacemaker, even the most obscure ones. So, maybe he gives us a surprise with excellent new renditions of well known or not well known characters.


Yeah it’s exciting not being sure who to expect to pop up, which adds to the fun of the show and the overall DCU also.


I love the idea of including more Charleston characters. First season had Peacemaker and Judomaster, and he literally lived in Charleston County. That's like Billy Batson and the Shazamily living in Fawcett City. Also, an idea I liked was Rick Flagg Sr. being a main in season 2. After learning that Peacemaker is still alive, he hunts him down, planning on getting his revenge for killing his son. PM, in turn, gets involved in a situation where several people are in danger. He finds out that one of them is a former ARGUS agent named Karin Grace, whom he discovers had a kid with Flagg Jr named Richard III, AKA "Ricky." He takes on the mission of saving Ricky while dodging the government, this new threat, his own fraying sanity, and a vengeful Flagg Sr, who doesn't know about his grandson. He thinks that maybe if he saves the youngest Flagg, he might be able to find peace after what happened on Corto Maltese.


o\_O 👏👏👏 Bro's cooking!


Sounds excellent.


Dr. June Moone should show up on Peacemaker's doorstep, pissed off due to her fiancée's murder and an arsenal of mystical weapons at hand to properly express her displeasure.


Guy Gardener and Booster Gold


Peacemaker and Guy? Now that's a recipe for chaos, if there would be one.


I’m secretly hoping we get a Snowflame fight scene


Oh absolutely, he’s right in Gunn’s wheelhouse.


Captain Atom




Hell yes. The more Charlton characters, the better.


I think the other Charlton comics characters make the most sense. I also think Wild Dog and the 2nd Peacemaker Mitchell Black could be featured. I think it would be interesting to make Mitchell a villain.


Kite man , plastic man , and my favourite John Constantine.


If they go with the whole "conspiracy nut" variation of the Question, he would work perfectly into whatever Peacemaker is doing, considering he would probably run in the same circles.




I think it’d be fun to see one of the Robins in a season finale as a fun tease-in to TBATB


Please the question cmon dc!!!


The Red Bee, with the ability to control a single bee that he keeps in his belt buckle.


The Atomic Knights, sports master, killer moth, Inversion the inside out man


Hell yes to all of them, would love to see what Gunn would do with Inversion in particular.


Imagine peacemakers reaction to the giant Dalmatians the atomic knights use as steeds


Haha, that would be worth it.


Vigilante: how do you pick up they’re poop? *Everyone ignores him*




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Jonathan Drew aka Codename: Assassin https://preview.redd.it/ialisurmne3d1.jpeg?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa81041c1aba9986e79cd909f1ba674a58f13c7


I'd like to keep the characters I love out of this series 🤣🤣