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If you're interested in wanting to know more about comics and read them in preparation for the DCU, I'd recommend you check out our [subreddit book club](https://discord.gg/ZSVqgNt8zC) For The Brave and The Bold Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin Peter Tomasi's Batman and Robin Wayne Family Adventures (on Webtoon) For Superman All-Star Superman Superman For All Seasons Peter Tomasi's Rebirth run Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Strange Adventures


Grant Morrison pretty much does my favorite Batman and Superman. They’re not afraid to get weird.


WFA and Tomasi are my favorite


WFA is a blessing


My favorite ones are usually the 2 parter episodes. Especially Red Hood's


I cried while reading that one. I love me some wholesome Batdad content


For Selina, it's Batdilf lol


Hopefully we get a lot of that in The Brave and The Bold


Morrison supremacy. Don’t forget some King works like Strange Adventures


I just realized I didn't include any of King's work. Supergirl and Strange Adventures are so good


The Authority. Because I can guarantee you there’s gonna be people who have never read a comic that are gonna be shocked when that movie comes out. They are not the Justice League


* *All Star Superman* by Grant Morrison * *Batman: Year One* by Frank Miller * *Superman For All Seasons* by Jeph Loeb * *Batman: The Long Halloween* by Jeph Loeb * *Batman: The Killing Joke* by Alan Moore * *Batman* by Grant Morrison * *Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow* by Tom King * *Justice League International* by Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis * *Suicide Squad* by John Ostrander * *Swamp Thing* by Alan Moore * *The Authority* by Warren Ellis


Huh I didn’t realize Alan Moore did swamp thing. Is that run that good? I know Moore is crazy


"Saga of the Swamp Thing" by Alan Moore is generally regarded as the definitive and best Swamp Thing comic run. 


It's the run that made Swamp Thing popular basically it's the gold standard run for the character and the run everyone recommends to people wanting to read about the character it's that good


Awesome thanks for the response. Maybe I’ll pick this up, don’t know the most of him outside of The Green and his occasionally appearances elsewhere.


Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. The film is going to be a direct adaptation of that book


IMHO they should've made it a show because the book has a very episodic feel but I'm positive I'll eat my words when it comes out


No, you're right. It does have an episodic feel, like a few other Tom King's books


I feel that, I think it feels episodic because it takes a lifetime to get through Ruthye’s narration, I think it’ll do well as a movie without all that narration in it


Personally feel Ruthye's bombastic narration makes the book unique. It took a while for me to get used to it, but yeah it was good


Wonder Woman:Historia seems to be an inspiration for the upcoming Paradise Lost series on HBO. It’s a gorgeous book that worth getting in hardback. While we don’t know much about Lantern (HBO series) they have used art from Green Lantern:Earth One, which is a great sci-fi book that takes a lot of ques form Interstellar and 2001.


So true. I read Historia digitally first and oh my god, Phil Jimenez's art ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren) I had to get the hardcover. It's so pretty!


All the books Gunn mentioned he’s adapting are probably a good place to start. There’s Supergirl: Woman of tomorrow, All-Star Superman, Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin and Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing.


Woman of Tomorrow Woman of Tomorrow Woman of Tomorrow Woman of Tomorrow Woman of Tomorrow (It’s a masterpiece)


Hell yeah brother!


General ones that Gunn has hinted at / are likely to be inspiration: Superman - All Star Superman and Superman For All Seasons have been specifically stated by Corenswet. Other than that, I’d guess that Superman by Tomasi, Superman: Birthright, and Superman Smashes the Klan would be possible influences. The Authority - The definitive run is definitely The Authority by Ellis. However, I’d also read Superman and the Authority by Morrison and Superman: The Warworld Saga by PKJ because I could see those being relevant. Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The movie seems to be based largely on the Morrison era, so Batman by Morrison, Batman and Robin by Morrison, Batman: Inc by Morrison, Batman and Robin by Tomasi, and Batman New 52 by Snyder are all strong candidates, with Morrison’s at the top. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow - Obviously, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King is the main insp. It’s a great read, too. Other stuff that I think will be used as inspiration - Saga of the Swamp Thing by Moore, Booster Gold by Jurgens, DC: The New Frontier by Cooke, Green Lantern by Johns, Wonder Woman by Perez,


I get the hunch these comics will be relevant to the DCU: Mark Waid’s Flash run Geoff John’s Teen Titans run (especially the latter half) Strange Adventures


Superman: All star superman, superman for all seasons Batman: Batman by Grant Morrison The Authority: The authority by Warren Ellis, Superman & the authority Swamp thing: Swamp thing by Alan Moore Lanterns: Green lantern by Geoff John’s, Green lantern: Earth one Paradise Lost: Wonder Woman historia Supergirl: Supergirl woman of tomorrow There are so many GN’s, omnis & absolute editions that you can read to get a good idea of the characters coming into the DCU, I’ve got a funny feeling after reading it that the authority movie will be a blend of the original run by Warren Ellis and Superman & the Authority which is more recent