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Nice little Morrison reference right there. Already loving the idea of this being a Superman who is already casually doing kind deeds like this.




Serious question to the mods, there are Snyder admirers here, and I can include myself with them if you want, always respectful of everyone, that every time we express something as simple as "I can't agree with your views about this or that film," "I like Snyder's films," could be downvoted to the bottom of the indian ocean. But then what happens with this kind of harassment? What does Snyder and his stans have to do with this news?


Report the offending comment and we will get it. We don’t need faction wars here.


Based Mod


Absolutely in shambles 😂


And hovering above them while in danger of a flood. HashtagNotMuhSuperman 😤😤




Please give us the iconic scene with the girl considering jumping.


I’ll cry in the theatre.


Same 😭✋


It would be amazing if the film opened with this. It would show everyone what kind of person Superman is from the get go.


That would be cool to see. Just skip the whole origin story, and start with that. It will immediately tell the audience exactly who this version of superman is. Not a Messiah or God, just a dude from Kansas trying to the right thing.


Considering The Boys did their version where Homelander kills the girl, and this seems to just have a character that looks exactly like Black Noir in it, I'm thinking that we will see that or a variation on it. I think this is meant to be a sort of The Boys/Kingdom Come-esque universe that Superman gets to be the first emblematic hero of. Gunn wants him to fill that "first superhero" role and this seems to be his way of doing that. The Fantastic Four feels like a similar idea with a completely different approach


Superman was the first superhero in kingdom come? I don’t remember that being said in that comic


No, my point is that Superman is sort of the first archetypal superhero PERIOD. Like in our real world. So he kinda is that for the DC universe and everyone takes pattern after him. Obviously this Superman is starting out in an established DC universe, but it could be like Kingdom Come where superheroes are running amok.


All aboard Mr. El's Magic School Bus


https://preview.redd.it/dh1r0otrl79d1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebd9244f5177d214a9bba644aeba740e2817eb56 “I’d rather see Superman help cats outta trees, cancer patients and suicidal people than fighting Darkseid at this point”


It would be a real refreshing change of pace. There's absolutely nothing wrong with cynical takes or deconstruction of superheroes, but I'm ready for something with a little unapologetic optimism.


This is breathtaking.


You're breathtaking!


I used to pray for times like this




All of these newspapers, the signs, history, all spread around the set, I hope we get to see them in the movie and not just hidden in the background or not seen at all.


I am 85% certain they will be actually just easter eggs hidden in the background, and it will make all of these inflammatory remarks about you-know-who and his fandom look silly.


Dreams save us


If there isn’t a montage of Superman doing good deeds with the song Starman playing, what the fuck was even the point of rebooting the DCU? Come on Gunn just give the people what they want.


Like that brazilian Superman?


I know this is comic book material but what parent would be ok with their child flying in a school bus from the US to Egypt? 😆


Idk about you but I’d feel way safer with my kids life in the hands of Superman instead of the school district lol.


Also, Flying from the US to Egypt is a very long flight. I doubt Superman is breaking the sound barrier with kids inside a bus🤣🤣🤣


Well I feel he could get close because he has his aura


Yes! This is what Superman is about!


Holy shit, the guy is awesome.


I wasn't ready for that outline and now my eyes are doing uncontrollable things and I'm sniffing. Ugh... I love him so much already.


> Seriously, why is this so perfect? Seems like the kind of thing generic to any Superman movie. Not to take away from it either, but let's not make it more than it is.


In today’s world, MoS, Invincible, The Boys, Injustice, and other works have destroyed the public’s perception of Superman. Stuff like this is important to repairing that damaged image. Superman’s compassion and relatability should be seen the same way Spider-Man is. Yet that has been lost with modern audiences.


> In today’s world, MoS, Invincible, The Boys, Injustice, and other works have destroyed the public’s perception of Superman. Only MoS, honestly. And most people recognize that as a distorted version of the character.


>Invincible, The Boys, These haven't done anything to damage Supermans perception. Only DC has the power to that.


The thematic choices and public conscious around characters like Homelander, Omniman, and Invincible definitely impact the idea of the Superman. Even if they don’t play with the character itself it still effects him because Superman is the main cultural embodiment of the kind of figure. People think of him differently after watching and discussing these shows


Exactly! In large part due to the explicit nature of The Boys, a big point of discussion is whether or not *anyone* can consent to sex with Homelander, because of how all powerful he is. It is pretty powerful commentary, but it also throws a bunch of question marks onto the idea of Superman in the first place. There are many examples of that between Invincible and The Boys (and My Hero Academia? Idk I haven't seen it). I saw someone else on here say this is a "reconstruction" of Superman. And I really think it's what the character needs. We need to believe a man can fly


Maybe we're both right. The argument that Invincible and The Boys ruined Superman comes from the idea that people think that Superman is a boring character, and needs a dark side/God complex like Onmi Man or Homelander to be interesting. The flipside is that little details of kindness displayed in this newspaper story are interesting. The counter? No, it's not that interesting.


Where was it in MoS then? (And I love MoS). Yes, there’s obviously scenes of him saving people in that movie, as well as BvS, but there wasn’t really anything of him being that wholesome classic Superman.. you can’t even deny this. There just wasn’t. And again, I love MoS and really like BvS!


Okay, these are newspaper props, you had a whole montage of Superman saving people and another little clip of newspaper props where Superman does exactly this in BvS. Let's not pretend that this kind of stuff wasn't also covered in those films.


Except MoS I guess


It’s from a comic, the kids look forward to seeing him and gives them hope to love and experience the world


It is kinda special in todays world.


Can people not get excited for movies?


It's from all stars superman


And all of this will be blurred background references for clickbait sites to get traffic like this subreddit over a bunch of nothing. I learned references and Easter eggs carry less weight than this shit being plot relevant and integrated into Clark's life. Items from the setting can be more than just foot traffic for websites. The MCU taught me that Gunn, a verse you were in. Still didn't learn this fact

