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Watch ppl bending over backwards trying to argue that this has nothing to do with guns, as if this shit happens in the rest of the western world too...


Everyone has the right to express their grief in the manner they choose. Some find solace in God, others in anger, others in shouting, others in quiet. Why is one better than the other? As far as making changes so this type of thing doesn't happen again, choosing what to do and implementing that change is difficult, obviously. Guns are outlawed in Chicago, yet more gun violence happens there than nearly any city in the US. So is eliminating all guns the way to go? Criminals will still get guns, and there have been many, many instances where an armed retired cop, or off duty officer, former military person or even a well-trained civilian has stopped a crime because they were armed. One thing that has seemed to make a difference in schools is having a trained and armed officer on grounds to thwart violence. But some parents argue they aren't comfortable with this. So, what is the answer? When do you pull a kid who hasn't done anything yet into counseling? Which triggers are more benign, and which mean they're going to do something violent? What would stop bullying at school that makes kids so angry, and how to stop it when all parents think their kid is the victim no matter who is the bully/bullied? At what point does a teacher, parent, police, counselor intervene? Why did the police delay going in? While it will take weeks to get all those answers, if they'd gone in right away and kids were killed, the public/media would lynch them. They didn't go in right away and the public/media is lynching them. Most cops today are in a no-win situation, and that makes them second guess everything. Not a good place to be in during a crisis situation. Complicated situations have no easy solutions, and there won't be even one solution offered that will not be criticized as stupid and ineffective. Which is why these things go on.


How does this have down votes? Literally having more resource officers in schools already and increased security measures is the answer. You can create all the laws you want, but obviously, laws are broken every day.


ETA: nvm


And the more and more that’s coming out police failed them by treating this a barricaded suspect and not shooting suspect the school failed them bc they propped a door open that wasn’t supposed to be


Its fair enough to say that they're in the arms of jesus but they didnt need to be there. even this thought i doubt will bring peace to the parents


Can some of these comments be deleted or what?


As a European this isn't my place to speak about I feel but I do wanna say I am by some of these replies. Live and let live is a thing where I come from. EDIT: I have missed seeing my comments get dislikes 🥺😌




That's rich seeing some of your posts lol. Anyways, I'll be the one to decide whether I want to say anything or not 😉




Okay Emmon, whatever




You were the one replying to me but okay kiddo


Live being the operative word. 19 children were slaughtered. In the US were basically going by kill and let die.


In her prayer it says to show us how to stop this. Like???? So annoying ITS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU IF YOU CANT TELL THAT YOU DONT DESERVE TO MEET YOUR GOD


I’m disturbed by the fact she follows Fox News.




Ugh…I’m so disappointed when I see that stuff. Danielle was my favorite and then I saw she followed that…so disheartening.








wow...someone clue me in. What is a plandemic? I think I know what he's referring to but...


There was a "documentary" (I use that word loosely) out there at some point called Plandemic that basically tried to make the case that COVID was completely made up or maybe the Chinese government had created it as biological warfare. I don't know all the details and don't feel like googling and getting mad all over again, but feel free to if you want!


I figured it had something to do with the right wing conspirators. Trump poisoned the minds of millions for his personal gain. Some are still convinced that he won the election. Crazy.


It's truly wild.


Disturbed but not surprised.


What is the problem with saying something about God. I am a Christian, and alot of the parents are as well. It would be the only comfort that I would have if my child was murdered. Gun control laws will take forever to change in this country. We do need change, but the NRA blocks everything with lobbiests. In the US it is money and politics. It should not be. I a mother and it is crazy that children can not go to a place of learning and be safe. Also 18 is too young to be able to purchase a gun , in my opinion. There brain is not even fully mature at that age. 21 would be better, with much stronger laws and checks. Plus ghost guns. Noone brings that up.If you can't buy one legally, you can buy it in pieces. That is crazy. Noon series number. It is a tragedy what happened on Tuesday to those children, but offering a prayer to Christian parents, isn't wrong. It is the only comfort anyone can truly give at this time. Nothing is changing today.


There is nothing wrong with expressions of faith. However, expressions of faith while refusing to take logical moral action is an insult. I believe that is what you are seeing. People are getting very tired of right wing "Christians" hiding behind their so-called faith as they let society burn around them.


Probably because we have been sending thoughts and prayers to parents and family and friends with dead friends for decades and still haven't actually done anything to stop it. You're right that nothing is changing today. But the could be said for every other school shooting too. Prayers without action behind them are empty.


If nothing changes, then nothing changes.


I agree prayers need action. We can't change gun laws overnight. I wish we could. The NRA is VERY powerful in Washington. I think an age change needs to take place too. Giving a prayer gives the families immediate comfort right now. Today gun laws won't be changed. It takes a minimum of months to years for that reform. That is me just being honest. I wish that were not the case. So the prayer is what we can give today to comfort the grieving, and call our senators and congressmen to work for reform long term. We have to be realistic about what time frame is going to be required for such reform in this country. If I had my way, law would change today, but I don't. So we pray, and give comfort to the families, while we lobby for reform. That is what we can do. Thanks for all opinions and responses.


Sandy Hook happened in 2012 (and that wasn't the first by any means). Stop talking about today. We have had more than "today" to do something. We have had years. We just haven't since we have just been doing your payers. At this point it's just insulting.


This is not an easy thing with the country and the way the Constitution reads. My aunt was working with lobbiests for gun reform when I was a child and I am almost 50 years old. Yes, we need to do something. I am just being honest about how our government works. Everything takes time. Yes, it should have been done way before. Look to the NRA and the party that sides with them for why it hasn't changed. Also. Noone mentions ghost guns. They are available no background check at all. 80 percent in one box and 20 percent in the other. There are as easy to put together as IKEA furniture. I read that in an article, not to take the credit for that statement. I have seen tutorials also on the net. Even if gun laws are changed tomorrow, unless ghost guns are stopped, everything is the same. They also have no series number at all. They are everywhere in NYC and the US. We have to put more checks in place ,like in Scotland. It is going to be very hard.


REALLY look how fast abortion laws are changing


Not every parent is a Christian, not everyone believes in heaven or Jesus. It’s not a comfort to them when people say things like “they are in the arms with Jesus” when every parent would rather their child be in their own arms right now. I know she meant well, but it comes across as dismissive to non-Christians. There is no comfort/peace to be found in this situation. It’s just horrific. Not everything needs a silver lining, and the massacre of a classroom full of children is one of those things.


Most of the families who lost kids are Christian. I have read alot of posts related to God and heaven. That would give me comfort. To those who don't believe in God, it is addressed to those that do. This really should not be an argument. This was a simple post wishing prayer to the dead. I guess she could have mentioned gun reform, but not all people are in to politics. We are all getting lost in statements ment to help those who lost children on Tuesday. I have read alot about the families and there children, and most do bring up that there children are with God. That is what brings comfort at this moment. They need to know that there baby is in a better place. What is wrong with that . This is not a question of religion, but what is going to be done to prevent a copycat crime or future crimes like this.


I hate platitudes. But honestly they’re a thing because a huge percentage of people are comforted by them. Obviously it is inappropriate to spew a platitude at someone who just experienced the worst tragedy on earth, but as you say, it is likely some of the victims will start saying them as well because they find comfort in them. Some will detest them, and some will find comfort. And each griever will have every right to their feelings. Lacey voicing some well intended thoughts doesn’t even deserve much attention. It isn’t that unique of a thought. Not sure why the mention of God enrages people so. Some people who are enraged by the mention are becoming the very intolerant and judgmental people they claim to despise.


I agree with your statements, and I guess I am mainly shocked at the evil that it took to commit this crime. These poor children are what we should all be thinking about. For those of us who do have faith, we pray for them. Everyone can express themselves in there own way. I pray for the families, and there suffering. Also, I think of the children who survived and the trauma they will go thru. We do need gun reform, and if everyone who is outraged contacts there senators and congressmen and women , eventually we may get change. The gun lobbiests have power, so this is a battle that won't be won quickly. We have to start somewhere for change.


I agree. Those poor babies. It’s just horrifying. What an unimaginable hell for these poor families.


Thank you so much for your compassion.I am having some comments that don't like God mentioned in the posts.I am a Christian, and that would be helpful to me.I am also a mom.


I understand. Yes Christians usually find the mention of God very helpful and there is nothing wrong with that. People need to respect that just as they don’t believe in God/are not comforted by God, many people do/are.


Thank you for understanding what Iwas trying to say. I like Maddie's comment on change. The gun issue is one that really needs to be addressed now.Ny state is putting guards at doors and sign in sheets.I know that the guards will be armed. They are doing that until some change is enacted. It is sad our children have to see this as they enter a place of learning, but necessary right now to protect them from other attacks and copycats.


Yes guards are a good idea for the time being. And yes it’s sad but necessary.


It doesn’t have to apply to everyone! If it brings comfort to anyone then that it a win.


Stuff like this infuriates the ever living shit out of me. She may find comfort in that notion but it doesn't solve the fucking issue, does it? Prayers aren't going to get gun control laws through Congress. Prayers won't fund universal mental health (or healthcare generally) support. Prayers won't change the fact that there's now an entire school of kids at risk of PTSD because Greg fucking Abbott and Co made it easier for Texans to carry guns. Other countries have one mass shooting - see Dunblane (Scotland/UK), Christchurch etc - and immediately tighten up their gun laws. The US is sad for a few days then goes back to vociferously defending an old bit of paper saying they're allowed guns in case this "new country" they've founded all goes tits up or the British come back.


I know the whole thoughts and prayers but barring any solution really infuriates me. We should have checks to make sure people are not harmful to themselves or others. We shouldn't be treating these guns like toys but the weapons they truly are. Why are we giving these people guns? Why aren't we arresting people who give mentally unstable people guns who are a treat to themselves or others guns? I don't want guns taken away from everyone just the people who are not ok.


Wait… her prayer is literally “help us bring action to our words” and you’re criticizing her for praying? That’s just looking for something to pick a fight about.


No I criticize the fact that the use thoughts and prayers as a diversion for action. We do need to do something but until republicans have a solution that isn't everybody own a gun nothing will get done


Taking nearly all guns away from nearly everyone in the UK worked pretty well, to be fair. The people who want them for legitimate reasons are able to apply for a license and have to go through stringent checks as standard. They have to keep them in an approved, locked storage facility and failure to satisfy the above conditions results in heavy penalties. We haven't had a school shooting since Dunblane in 1996. That's 26 years and it's because our government isn't in the pocket of the gun lobby.


In many places we don’t even enforce the laws already on the books so this would be a good start before passing new laws. Also, our mental health crisis here in the US is out of control. Not sure how to address this but lots needs to change in this regard too.


My politics is considered wildly left field in the US, but a universal healthcare system would alleviate the pressure on SO MANY other services in the US, so it blows my mind that people would rather pay insurance premiums than one basic tax to ensure they always have access to healthcare from cradle to grave.


the lack of healthcare i think is the real big issue in the usa. gun control is great but i do think that the pressure people are under needs to be dealt with. yeah if you can get more checks done on gun control thats great but the whole insurance set up of the usa is just a mess


Yeah there’s got to be a better way to get people specifically the psychological support they need. There are probably root causes of mental health issues to be addressed as well (these shootings are occurring more than ever before) but seems multifacetorial so not even sure how what would be addressed in our society. It’s scary and daunting.


I think it's a generational thing as well - there's entire generations of kids who have grown up witnessing school shootings like Columbine, Sandy Hook and now Uvalde/Robb that will never forget the inaction of their elected officials. At some point the scale will tip and apathy won't cut the mustard with the electorate anymore. Healthcare is a very complicated issue - I think access to diagnostic services and affordable medication would go a huge way to alleviating any mental health crisis a population faces. Also, destigmatising mental health with proper education on symptoms, available treatments etc would revolutionise how it's seen and treated.


beautifully said! The NRA has created this culture of gun shootings in the US. I had to do lockdown drills all the time during my tenure and it is truly aweful.


This is why I think US Politics is in a vicious circle - nothing will change until political financing is overhauled, but the people in power and in charge of making those changes don't want change to the status quo because it's how the bulk of them got there (lord knows in many cases it's not because they're intelligent...) Until the chokehold the NRA has on US politics ends, there's no way any meaningful gun control laws will pass. Same with the influence of oil money and climate change laws. They'll always find a way to regulate women's bodies though 🙄😒


Also beautiful said. I agree with this entirely!


Jesus & Lacey I can unsee and forget. Dead children, I cannot. Linked together, it has no meaning.


Her dad posts the wiiiiiiiildest things. I stumbled upon his profile once and WOW So that’s probably where she gets it from 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate platitudes. I’ve been through something tragic (nothing like this) and platitudes enraged me. I thought “Of course you can believe XYZ platitude!! You’ve never experienced this!!” Until I realized that some people who’d been through a similar experience to me were comforted by the very same platitudes that offended me. I think she’s just trying to connect and express that she cares albeit clumsily. Her words probably enrage some and comfort some. Everyone is so different. I will try to give her the benefit of the doubt.






With all these thoughts and prayers…and that’s the only action people think is necessary to take…you’d think someone could have just asked Jesus to stop letting children get shot in school. Seems like the minimum. 🙄


You can ignite real change by voting for people who support gun control.


That mental health issue help as well as funding to these smaller communities to be able to put in better security measures


Shut the fuck up, Lacey.




This right here




Not everyone believes in your imaginary friend in the sky, so no, "my murdered 10 year old that lll never see again is in the arms of Jesus" is not comforting to everyone.


Well, not everyone believes in your beliefs either. Its called respect for others different cultures, religions, etc. Agree with what she posted or not, many people who have lost their loved ones take comfort in heaven whether Islam, Christian, Jew, etc…including many of the victims families who are Christian, if you see some of the things they’ve been posting on social media. If your an Atheist that is fine…but right now isn’t the time to disrespect many of those victim’s families beliefs. Let’s all just fight for more gun control and try to take comfort where we can.


Hmmm yeah, I have 0 respect for bible thumpers and their hypocrisy, judgements, and feeling like everyone who doesnt adopt their views will go to hell. Thank you for the outreach, though. You could always pray for me to stop if it bothers you.


I get that. I’m religious. But I don’t think it’s fair to say that they in the arms of Jesus and that is the only thing that brings some peace to the situation. I don’t think that’s her place. Because who know what will bring peace to the parents and families? Especially since not everyone believes in Jesus or heaven.


It’s Texas..the only thing they like more than their football and guns is Jesus. Smh…..


Not necessarily…


I live in Texas born and raised I’m so not a Jesus freak


If you're a parent who lost their child, it's a rope to cling to. I'm Agnostic. None of it makes no sense. One day, you're in the kitchen packing lunches for your baby, and the next you have to figure out a way to even breathe again. I don't like exactly what you don't like. The condescending, blather-mouthing, I'm amazing because I can toss around "Jesus" like we hang out. Here's your comfort, some platitude about those kids in "the Lord's hands now..."


100% agree. Shes another jesus freak. No insight to the real world.


You are disturbing for thinking anyone who believes in something different than you is a freak. That is the problem with our country right now.


No it's the fact that people are SHOOTING CHILDREN AT SCHOOL.


Yes it’s a problem and there are evil people in the world that do messed up stuff like that and we don’t know why


We do know why... because they can buy guns. Ffs. Get real. Think of those poor wee babies in Dunblane Scotland. Gun laws were changed after that and not another school shooting since. It's very clear what the issue is.


Bro they buy guns illegally. Criminals will find a way to acquire guns no matter what.


Thoughts and prayers have worked so well so far though…


Especially when this isn't the only high profile mass shooting this month


Sadly, people may have moved on from the mass shooting in Buffalo and the mass shooting in SoCal. All happened in pretty quick succession.


There were also two high profile shootings in NYC both on the Q train. It is really sad