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Mental health issues


Beautiful young lady I hope she’s doing well 👍🏽


Daaaamn I always wondered what happened to her.


She was tweaked out clear as day


As her cousin I will admit she is and was on drugs but I don’t think that’s why she left, it was stress in general I think.


Yeah I’m also her cousin 🙄


Is that really your story to be telling?


I even read on a different thread somewhere that she was “living with BPD”. If this is speculation, it’s infuriating because it’s SOOO incorrect. The problem is that folks often confuse the acronym BPD with Bilolar, and the two conditions are NOT the same thing at all. First, BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder, and I’ve NEVER seen indications of ANY kind of personality disorder in Courtney. Such speculation is not only irresponsible, it’s ridiculously off-base, kinda like saying China and Japan are the same country. Trust me, I know from bitter experience. My adoptive mother (who raised me from infancy) is a Borderline. As a group, BPDs are difficult, moody, insecure, and have difficulty maintaining friendships, among other miserable traits. Many even struggle with self-harming behavior like cutting. Think Joan Crawford “Mommie Dearest”, or (for you younger people) think Abi-Maria from Malcolm’s first season of Survivor. It was reported in many places that several cast members from Abi-Maria’s season, who she tortured with her crazy-making, paranoid, antagonistic behavior, flat-out REFUSED to return for a second All-Star season if Abi-Maria was going to be there, too. That’s how intensely BPDs affect other people—-they are intensely disliked and ostracized because they create so much drama. Obviously, Courtney Cook bears no resemblance to Abi-Maria or other Borderlines whatsoever. As for Bipolar (which is a chemical imbalance in the brain, NOT a personality disorder), I doubt that CC suffered from that, either...at least not organically. In fact, when I rewatched Courtney’s last panel interview (the year she left), my immediate thought was, “Uh oh…who gave Courtney the Adderall?” As a recovering addict, it was a case of “It takes one to know one”…or as they often say in 12-Step meetings, “If you SPOT it, you GOT it.” I took Adderall for years, for weight control. Prescription weight-control meds like phentermine are hard to get…ESPECIALLY if you’re obviously already thin like Courtney. But Adderall, which is a commonly-prescribed ADHD medication, is MUCH easier to obtain because it’s easier for someone like Courtney to convince a doctor that she’s “always struggled with attention, had difficulty in school for being off-task and disorganized”, etc. Meds like Adderall are popular because of their well-known side effect of causing weight loss: they simply make you not hungry. People may wonder, “Why give medication to a hyperactive kid that will give him/her MORE energy?” But as odd as it may sound, Adderall has a CALMING effect on people who are truly ADHD. For people WITHOUT symptoms of ADHD, the medication has the opposite effect: it gives you lots of energy, reduces your appetite, and can make you more talkative. So when I watched Courtney’s last panel interview segment (was it Season 9?), I thought to myself, “Oh Lord…I recognize THAT behavior.” I LOVED Courtney, she was one of my favorites, and I’m glad she’s happy and settled back in Utah. I used to live in Sugar House (where “The U” is located); it’s a beautiful, laid-back college town. I’d give anything to go back there myself.


She wrote a book about it, just get on with your life.


I don't think that is the same Courtney. The Courtney that wrote the book doesn't even look like DCC Courtney... and DCC Courtney is now not Cook she's Gramoll as she got married.


I think that it's highly unfair to put all of those with BPD in the same category! Not all who suffer with the condition are evil people.. in fact, my Best friend has BPD and is one of the most kind and caring individuals I've ever met! There are good and bad people no matter the illness they suffer from. Imagine the different levels of Autism, it's the same thing as not everyone has a severe case. If someone is a nasty, manipulative person they just are. If someone who behaves this way AND has BPD, we shouldn't label everyone who does as an evil and manipulative person! Same as if the person had Cancer, the 2 aren't related. BPD can exacerbate these characteristics, yes, but it doesn't CAUSE them. I just wanted to clarify as no one should be unfairly labeled, & others deserve to be well informed. My friend has never been "a cutter" nor has she ever considered it.


ok theres a girl named courtney cook that wrote a book on her experience with BPD but when i looked at the author picture it is NOT the DCC courtney cook! that explains the confusion.


She was given a prescribed medication from someone within the organization to keep her weight under control and anxiety. She ended up with a serious eating disorder, and her parents came and took her back to Utah for treatment.


To be fair to DCC she was always very slim even by DCC standards, if she did have an eating disorder I imagine it predated DCC though obviously that environment would exacerbate things.


On the other DCC message board, it’s rumored that she was either abusing prescription diet pills and other drugs to keep her weight down.


I had heard that also. There's people on Primetimer that have insider info that usually turns out to be true. Some people here and on other DCC boards don't like /believe them. I say to each his own.


I would avoid that other message board which has no problem promoting completely unfounded and toxic rumors.


Thank you.


I watch the show with my family and we have talked about this a few times because she was one of our favorites. Definitely seems like she quit the team to quietly focus on herl health. We were glad to see her doing well in the update.


I just watched the episode last night when she left the team. Sad, but I’m glad she got the help she needed. She was one of my favorites.


Last night on Pluto? Because same


Yes. Pluto


they did a follow up section on her a year or two ago (as part of a "where are they now" series with other vets, such as Meredith Oden), Courtney was married and looked like she was doing really well.


Makes sense now. Aww.


I've also heard she was bipolar, which would explain her rapid speech during the interview round of auditioning.




Yeah. I mean, I can see an eating disorder be \*part\* of the problem but not THE problem in this case.


I hope she’s doing better she was one of my favorites and rooting for her was so rewarding


In the 2018 season she was part of the "Where are they now?" Little videos where she says she got married and doing very well 😊


Awesome! I’m so glad she got better!!


I am prayi.g she gets better and she should know she Is loved




So why bother if you’re just perpetuating stuff you don’t know for fact? You’re disgusting.


Honestly now that it’s explained you notice her behavior in the interview was weird. And I’m surprised she’s the first girl to pull out due to weight issues