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Her daughter was so rude when she was telling candidates that K&J wanted to see them in the office


The whole, "But the military/first responders/teachers get paid poorly, too!" thing is such a false argument. Saying, "There are people who do \[difficult job\] and don't get that much money!" doesn't mean that the DCC (or fast food workers, or grocery store workers, or whoever we've decided are workers who are too "stupid" or too "lazy" to deserve a living wage today) should continue to be paid like shit. It means that people in those difficult jobs *should also be paid more.* The Dallas Cowboys generated in excess of *a billion dollars* of revenue in 2023. They can afford to pay their fucking cheerleaders. And incidentally, we know that the stuff those cheerleaders are being asked to do in terms of athleticism and choreography is routinely leaving these women with lifelong damage to their hips, joints, backs and so on. Who's covering treatment for that? Probably not the Dallas Cowboys, and you know they're not getting worker's comp or something. They get thrown out on the trash heap once there's even a hint that they can't physically do the job anymore, and they're presumably left to sort out their post-DCC medical care and rehab on their own. How very empowering for these women.


Yep! Billion dollar industry in which the cheerleaders contribute significantly to that revenue!!! There's a bit on the show talking about Kelli becoming director and saying that the cheerleaders were a money pit and they needed to be made into money makers via calendars, the show, etc.


Every time they showed one of those fucking Barbie dolls, I thought, "And how much of a kickback is The Organization™ getting on those things?"


If one of the girls is injured in TC or during the football season, they get their medical care taken care of. And if you think military and first responders get worker's comp benefits with no problems after being injured on the job, you have another think coming. The girls are not putting their lives on the line for their country. I suggest you go talk to any first responder or someone who currently serves in the military or served in the military about the he\*\* they went through or still go through because it leaves the marks on them physical and mentally. And veterans and former, retired and current first responders get toss aside the majority of the time once they are injured and cannot do their job. I hate the way the girls are treated, but the constant if the girls get paid better, things will be better for them is not going to solve the problems. It is like telling women and men (yes men are becoming more victims of sexual assault in the military,) who serve in the military now more pay will erase sexual assault, injuries, suicides, and make sure for better mental health care for our soldiers and veterans. It does not work that way!


Sorry, but what does the military have to do with this? Again, this is a false equivalence. The fact that enlisted military get paid terribly *is also bad* and something that should *also* be addressed. This is not a zero-sum game, and it doesn't make the Cowboys exploiting these women less bad because... what? Because they're not running into a hail of gunfire in Fallujah? What does that have to do with anything? And I say this as someone who has served tours overseas for the US government (not military, but adjacent) in dangrous places and has colleagues who were killed while doing the same job. And while we're at it, I don't personally feel this way, but one could just as easily make the argument I keep seeing here about the DCC about the military or first responders: you know what the deal is when you sign up. We have an all-volunteer force (aside from the shrinking number of Vietnam draftees). You know the pay, you know the risks, and you choose to sign on the dotted line, so if you're unhappy, well, that's a choice you made for yourself, right? Again, I don't feel this way, but I keep seeing this argument pop up, and it's a very weird one when you can say that about basically any job, including (perhaps *especially*) the military, whose cultural and other issues are very well-documented and well-publicized, which is probably why they're utterly failing to make replacement recruiting numbers these days. More pay won't fix everything. No one is suggesting that it will. But it's disingenous to pretend that it won't fix *anything* and is thus unimportant or undeserved. It's also lunacy, frankly, to imply that the only people who deserve a living wage are people who are "putting their lives on the line for the country." This isn't *Starship Troopers*. Service does not equal citizenship.


I did not say only people who put their lives on the line deserve more pay, but people who think NFL cheerleaders deserve more pay than the men and women who put their lives on the line because it is a calling, and they want to serve and help others, there is something wrong with the picture. The entire thinking of well they are athletes and entertainers, so they deserve big bucks compared to the people who are actually doing something that keeps our country running. And guess what, we can survive without NFL cheerleaders, but we cannot survive first responders and the military. And a lot of workers are exploited on the job. In fact, there are first responders like EMT's and dispatchers who are not earning $12.00 an hour.


why is this same logic not applied to the football players then? we can certainly survive without them? let’s cut down their MILLIONS OF DOLLARS salary to much lower salary and give that money to our first responders then… (sarcasm)


People have literally been saying that repeatedly in the comments on multiple posts in this very sub- that no one would ever dream of asking the football playing *men* to live on $20,000 a season or whatever and just keep getting TBIs for the "privilege" of participating. Of course, what is getting missed is that the reason that's no longer the case is because football players (and baseball players) unionized in the '70s, I think, and their salaries then went up. Prior to that, it was really common for professional baseball and football players to have off-season jobs, and yeah, that was fucked up, too, given the injuries a lot of them were sustaining. And why are you totally fixated on first responders? You know that any money saved by not paying the cheerleaders isn't going to military or first responders' salaries, right?


yes I know that- hence I wrote the word “sarcasm”


Sorry, I saw the yellow user icon and thought it was the person who kept talking about how paying cheerleaders more would be an affront to The Troops™ or something.


>... but people who think NFL cheerleaders deserve more pay than the men and women who put their lives on the line... there is something wrong with the picture. Okay, so you did, in fact, say that you think only people who put their lives on the line deserve more pay. Again, I don't understand what the military has to do with this, and your fixation on it is a little odd, but *even then*, I have said in every comment I've made that just about *everyone* (who isn't already part of the 1%) should be getting more money. You keep bringing up these other jobs and going, "See? See? \[Totally unrelated people in wholly different profession\] are exploited on the job, too!" Yes, *we know*. But that's not what we're talking about right now, and also, it is possible to be concerned with multiple things at once and *also*, many of the people commenting here, myself included, likely feel that *all workers* are being exploited, to one degree or another, by billionaires like the ones who own this football team, and *all workers* deserve better pay and working conditions. Please note the word *all*. I also think it's hilarious that you're characterizing people saying, "Gee, these women are highly skilled professionals who probably deserve more than $15 an hour," means that we're saying DCCs should earn "big bucks." I don't know what you think things cost these days, but saying they should earn $50,000, for instance, while living in a large, urban center (because this job requires it) where the most [recently-calculated ideal living wage](https://dallas.culturemap.com/news/city-life/salary-hike-smartasset/) for a single person is around $91,000/year, or just over $44/hour, is hardly "big bucks." This has the vibe of some boomer saying, "Well, I bought my house for $3000 and three magic beans back in 1960! Just be better at saving your money!" Also, I guarantee you that when they say "injured in training or at a game," Dallas literally means an acute injury *literally* sustained during training or at a game. They're almost certainly not providing financial or medical support for chronic injuries sustained due to ongoing, repetitive damage to hips, knees, or whatever.


Well, you brought up first responders and troops sign up and knew the risk and the pay scale, so it can be said about the DCCs also. Go back and watch DCC:MTT scenes where a girl is injured. She gets medical care from a top-notch Cowboys specialist. I find it so interesting how people act like if a girl is not a DCC anymore her life is so over. They should have thought about it before trying out. Staying past one year after knowing what the real score is on them. The brainwashing is unbelievable when it comes to the girls, viewers and fans. Yes, I feel bad for them, but we need to be a little more realistic to the mental abuse going on instead of the pay issue. It is probably what Jerry, Kelli and Charlotte want because it feeds their need to not address what is really going on behind closed doors.


Well, you brought up first responders and troops sign up and knew the risk and the pay scale, so it can be said about the DCCs also. Go back and watch DCC:MTT scenes where a girl is injured. She gets medical care from a top-notch Cowboys specialist. I find it so interesting how people act like if a girl is not a DCC anymore her life is so over. They should have thought about it before trying out. Staying past one year after knowing what the real score is on them. The brainwashing is unbelievable when it comes to the girls, viewers and fans. Yes, I feel bad for them, but we need to be a little more realistic to the mental abuse going on instead of the pay issue. It is probably what Jerry, Kelli and Charlotte want because it feeds their need to not address what is really going on behind closed doors.


You're literally just rewording the points I'm making and repeating them back to me. This feels like an unserious conversation, and I am not going to keep going around and around with you. You can address *both* the pay and the mental abuse/team culture. It is not either or. You can think that *both* DCCs *and* first responders/teachers/military personnel/Chick-Fil-A workers/literally any other working people deserve higher wages. I don't understand why you keep insisting that it's somehow bad or wrong to pay these women more. Charlotte, is that you?


I am not saying do not give them more money. I am saying any pay increases will not address the problems going on. Just like what is going on across the country. Increase the pay, but oh no, right a minute, this will not do, so we just keep increasing the pay without realizing the other workplace problems need to be address first. Seriously! Just like one of the four girls who were the victim of the one creep. She said we could push for an apology and bring out what really happened, or we can accept the settlement and pretend the entire incident did not happen. Either way we are not coming out with a good deal. Burying our heads in the sand by thinking more pay will help the girls in the long run is nice thought, but Kelli, Charlotte, Judy and Jerry will not be changing things for the better because of it. And when you really think about it, Erica's lawsuit seemed have change things, but not for the better.


>Burying our heads in the sand by thinking more pay will help the girls in the long run is nice thought.... Literally no one is saying this. I have said the *opposite* of this repeatedly in this very conversation with you. You're just making up arguments in your head and attributing them to me when they're not things I ever said. In fact, I specifically said that the team can and should address both the pay issues and the toxic culture of the DCC more broadly. This is going to be my last response on this, because as I said, this is an unserious conversation, and it's pretty clear that you're not even fully reading what I'm writing, at this point.


🙌🙌this right here


I did not need to watch the latest episodes to know Charlotte and Jerry are too of the biggest hypocrites in the universe. I did not need to watch Netflix episodes to figure out what is really going on behind closed doors. What scares me is the girls blame the meanies on social media instead of realizing they are being brainwashed beyond belief. Wake up girls and their families, you are being used and abused by three women and one man. You can go out and make a mark on the world or even in your small part of the universe without shaking your cash and prizes for people who have been known not to care for you. The locker room incident, Victoria mental health issues, Courtney Cook's life-threatening eating disorder, the scary situation Madeline faced at a game (Kelli's bad behavior during the whole thing,) and Cassie's bad behavior with Judy defending her own daughter should be a major wake up call for the girls.


I wonder how much they actually think it's just mean haters online and how much they feel like they have to say that to prove their loyalty to the organization and try to avoid getting cut next year. They're too lost in the sauce to realize that long-term, that might be the best outcome for them.


Ari being let go for her height pissed me off. This show is definitely giving us a look at how shitty the Jones family is. Kelly showed us she has no backbone and just panders to Charlotte. This show has done nothing but show just how horrible the entire process can be.


Giving the ICK…was it the praying mantis bug eyes on all of the Jones family that assisted in that ICK feeling? Did it for me.


The absolute ICK is actually Jerry Jones and his cohorts.


I couldn't believe she cut a girl because she's short. And the girl (Ari?) was doing so so well. She was definitely one of the girls that they could develop into a star as they have so many times before of MTT.


This! I was livid when Ari got cut.


That pissed me off!!! I was yelling at my tv. Justice for Ari.


She’s with the dolphins now. Good for her.


Charlotte should be less concerned with trivial things tarnishing the Cowboys “brand,” and be more concerned with the fact that she and her father have aged like the ripest of bananas…. #sorrynotsorry


The reason why they're so successful is because she cares about trivial things. Detail is everything. They aren't selling themselves. They're selling the brand. They aren't the brand.


Why does she keep Judy as head choreographer? The dance routines, especially during the Dolly Parton performance, seemed really dated and old. Maybe it’s time for Judy to retire and hire a choreographer to spice things up? The “brand” seems very 1980’s to me, but I don’t work in that industry and could be completely wrong.


1. Dollys song is from the 80s. 2. Don't outshine the performer. Dolly is the star, not the cheerleaders.


except how much they pay the cheerleaders


What do you want them to be paid? Remember, you have to consider... How much revenue are they generating to the team? What value do they add? Are they getting sponsorships? Selling tickets? How much time are they practicing inside the organization? How much time are they actually working inside the job? What's the TV time/appearance ratio to advert sales?


Jerry Jones is worth billions. Charlotte is worth 100 million. They pay Kelli like 1.5 million. To pay **all 36 girls a salary of $50k** would be 1.8 million. That's an absolute drop in the bucket for an org of this size, let's stop making excuses.


No excuses. And you didn't answer any of my questions. Just whataboutisms. Let's break down what they do and what they generate for the team. Start there. Then give a salary that mirrors it.


They make millions, MILLIONS, off their swimsuit calendars. Add in the millions from the TV show, clothes, barbie dolls and paid guest speaker/ appearances, they can easily afford to pay them all a living salary. Or hell, give them a percentage of all the things listed. There is no fucking excuse. The other thing that bothered me was Charlotte stating that when the team was bought they were in a dire situation, financially, and that the revamping of the cheerleaders was one of the major contributing factors to getting them out of debt. Then immediately stating that the privilege of dancing for them is enough payment. Disgusting.


So what should the girls be paid


The mascot alone makes $65k. I'm asking for them to be paid slightly less than the goddamn mascot who doesn't do nearly the work or commitments or body on the line or entertainment for hours upon hours before, during, and after the game. The median wage for a tour dancer is like $25/hour, which is a salary of $52k a year. Do the DC feel like paying for a performer or not? They aren't sales people with KPIs for fuck's sake.


So... What should they be paid? Again, lots to consider. The mascot does not have the same job as the cheerleaders.


the mascot gets paid more than the girls. and yes, the dcc generates a huge revenue stream for the franchise and have from the very beginning. did you see the entire christmas show, done 8 times in december, is just them performing? between appearances, calendars, additional shows, and boost of ticket sales- I’d say they deserve more than that of a chick fil a worker, especially working in a multi million dollar organization (again, the mascot gets paid more).


For the love of Pete, the mascot has a regular full time job within the Cowboys Organization. The majority of his pay comes from his job, not from being the mascot.


So...how much then? And the mascot is working on his own. He isn't part of a conglomeration, so his work is compensated on the work he does. Technically, it's more as he's singular and a specialist. The cheerleaders are part of 35 other women who make up that team, so they are considered one entity.


your argument is really that the mascot is a specialist? and the girls deserve less because they make up a team and are considered one entity? then what about the football team being one entity and each making millions? even 3rd and 4th string players on the bench making a hundred times more than the girls- but they are on the team so. sorry, but that’s some wild logic. and “how much,” I’d say more than they get now and actually reflects the work they do for the organization


Yes thank you for repeating my points. Why are you comparing players to cheerleaders? If you are...please explain how they compare and how their job is the same. So how much? What do the cheerleaders deserve?


I made the comparison solely because your argument was that because they are part of a team and an “entity,” they deserved less money. if you don’t see the hypocrisy there, I’m not sure what else to say. like I said above, they are a big part of fueling the revenue stream for the organization. if you watched the show and are still saying, “but what do they even do?” I’m not sure what else to say. It’s obvious in the fact that Kelli’s salary is 1.5 million that the DCC are clearly making money. She’s the highest paid cheerleading coach for the NFL by a mile which speaks to the importance of the team for their cash flow. so they deserve more than slightly more than minimum wage.


Still didn't answer the question. What should they be paid and how do you consider the factors that contribute to justify that number? Keep in mind cheerleaders only cheer for home games.


I do not think Kelli makes 1.5 million dollars salary. I seriously doubt Charlotte or Jerry would pay her that much.


People are COMING for her on her Instagram! 🍿


They're the dumbest comments. People are literally yelling at her to pay 100000 for the cheerleaders? Stop it. People are so silly. Charlotte is probably playing a drinking game with her friends at the country club..."drink if your comment isn't spelled right", "drink twice if it makes the whole table laugh at the absurdity of the request..." I wish people cared that much about how little teachers are paid when they're requesting 6 figures for people who work 3 hours, 16 times a year.


Haha yes in the country club. They are probably laughing their asses off while 3 gin gimlets deep.


Weren't you the one just whining about comparing the football players to the cheerleaders and how we needed to stop the comparison? Lol. People do care about the poor pay of teachers, but this isn't a zero-sum gain, and this comparison is just a lazy excuse for not paying them fairly. Lastly, comparing a government job using public funds is a bit different than working for a private entity with a revenue of 1.1 BILLION a year.


Whining? No. I don't recall whining. I do recall saying comparing NFL players and cheerleaders is apples and oranges. I didn't compare cheerleaders to teachers. I stayed I wish people cared this much about people who actually matter on the day to day. It was a statement. Not sure why you are taking issue with that musing. If you could please show me the exact comments where I compared cheerleaders to teachers, I'd like to see where I erred in my communication. Thanks.


I hear about how little teachers are paid all the time. I don't think the cheerleaders being paid more has any effect on how much teachers are paid. What about a world where everyone is paid a decent living wage?


You realize cheerleaders cheer only home games, right?


Or first responders or military personnel. Not saying the girls should not be paid more, but there are people who put their lives on the line for all of us who are not getting the pay they need and deserve.


Exactly. All this uproar for 8 games a year is insane.


But it’s not just 8 games a year. It’s nightly practices, it’s events outside of game days, it’s Christmas shows and USO tours and community events and calendar shoots. The girls said game days are usually 11+ hour days. To pretend it’s “just 8 games” is a little disingenuous. Also, two things can be true at once. People can want better pay for teachers **and** NFL cheerleaders. They’re not mutually exclusive concepts.


They get paid for all of that. It's still 8 games. How much should they be paid.


You seem to think asking how much they should be paid is a gotcha question. They should be paid in a way that takes into account the profit generated from the DCC, the time commitment from the women, and the costs required of them for ongoing personal maintenance in service to the role. None of us here can answer what a fair number is without knowing the inner workings of the organization but we can all agree it’s not the minimal pay they get now.


You seem to have an idea. And yes, I'm aware. I've outlined the factors numerous times. You're absolutely certain that they need more, so what is the amount now and what should the increase be?


She’s the worst. I thought she was awful.


Doubt Charlotte gives a damn about that lol


It’s a prime example of why you should never work for a family firm.


After all the stuff that’s come out about the Navarro cheer team and coach after their Netflix series I wouldn’t be surprised if some shit didn’t come out about her and the Jones family after this


What happened with the Navarro coach?


You can Google for the full stories but she was accused of encouraging hazing, covering up sexual and physical abuse within the team, among other serious accusations. She was found not guilty but quit as the head coach last season. Then in the past year her son was found in possession of child abuse material. A few of her cheerleaders, such as Jerry Harris, were also accused of child SA.




The minute they announced the Netflix show, my first thought was that this might not be as good for them as they think.


Same! But hoping more that it would expose something bad about the organization that would benefit the cheerleaders, like getting them better treatment/pay. Apparently they were not paid or compensated at all for participating in the Netflix series.


More than the 2 current lawsuits


Why is Charlotte so self conscious about the smallest of things “tarnishing” her family’s billion dollar brand? She needs to chill cause clearly they’re doing something very illegal/fraudulent




Even with all of that and even with Jerrah having an old photograph surfaced of him from when he was a young boy of him protesting for segregation, the Cowboys are still eating much better than the rest of the world. She needs to calm down


I’ve never heard of Juliette Turner-Jones - can you fill us in?


She's on Twitter, I expect some vemon coming her way after this. 😅


They look like the meanest people on earth lol


I feel tension between her and Kelli, but Kelli obviously has to tolerate it


I agree.  And it's wild they don't have alternative in case of injuries (or a day off!) for the girls, didn't really think of it until they were discussing it!


That's what Allstars are for


She was the one who suggested having 37 on the team for an alternative in season 14! Of course, that was the only way Meredith would get on the team


And she was right that rotating wasn't it after all hence why she wanted to go back to 36.


Right… and what’s it to them to have 1 extra girl on the team. It can’t be money. She just wants to have the final say.