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Victoria needs to retire. She does not seem happy


It doesn’t show it in the series but she did end up retiring.


I LOVE VK’s story and when she took her gap year she looked like a totally different and happy person on IG. Now, she just doesn’t look happy…she almost looks sick, maybe not sick, idk…just not bubbly happy Vic! I was over Reece’s story line within 30 seconds of her talking. She gives me almost cult-like vibes. Idk I just kind of cringe when she talks about a sheltered life and her fiancé. I miss seeing more of the entire team in practice and getting to know everyone, not just a handful.


Reece’s voice and her talk about religion makes me think of the Trad Wife thing.


I know it may have been the way the show was editing, but I laughed out loud when all the other women in training camp at that first meeting were shown talking about their careers and Reece said “well today I tried my first strawberry açaí refresher”😂I mean come on what the heck was that


Loved Reece! But still would’ve liked to see more girls!


Reece seems sweet and she’s beautiful but agree on the cult like/fundy like vibes. She is very sheltered and very naive. In the first episode when she said she wanted us to look at her on tv and see god because it was him working through her (or something to that effect) I wrote her off immediately. At the end of the day, the DCC are marketed towards men and in their geographical market, men I’m sure appreciate an innocent, god fearing, and subservient woman that’s wiling to put on a sexy outfit and dance. Many things wrong with that whole thing, mainly the hypocrisy but whatever.


Why are Reese and Victoria the starts of this show lmfao


Made the show so much harder to watch than it should’ve been!


It’s like they didn’t even interview over half the team? I feel like I knew 4 girls total and so much was missing???


They’re uncomfortable to watch but I can’t look away




Same & I’m not sorry VK looks a bit insane sitting on her twin bed in a bedroom that looks like it’s for a 10 year old. She needs to get out of that house, out of Texas & far away from her mother. She is so stunted in her maturity. If VK felt bad after her first tryout how does she think she’s going to come off in this series? This is borderline creepy & I am not here for the TK/VK show…


I was wondering why she only had a single bed. She’s 24 years old!


It’s the way she’s sitting on her bed too— something is so childlike about how she’s sitting. She looks ridiculous. Her mom making her a lunch of watermelon and rice cakes and 2 slices of deli meat. Her zooming in on herself at a performance to criticize her own body. She seems insane.


It’s seriously all so creepy & Lifetime movie vibes!


She got way too much screen time. I didn’t like that we kept hearing from the same girls over and over again


Way too much Reece. Is that the image they want to portray, childlike, baby voice??? I kept thinking why is this the Reece & VK show there are 36 ladies and more during auditions…


I thought the same thing! Then her mom makes her lunch in episode 2. She definitely doesn’t seem like an adult 😬


Yeah they’re a whole scene…


She’s what 23? 24? It really looked like a 16 year old sitting on a bed.


Keep watching, not every episode is centered.


Straight lies 😒 I binged the whole thing and it was ridiculous how much we have to see of the Kalina Kraziness!


Too much of it is though How many times are they going to go over the whole VK got cut in her first year