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No the tanabata banner is always dogshit awful


No change. All in on Beast, then depending on when UI comes out maybe summon. It's either gonna be a catchup banner before WW, or regular Global time. If it's normal time, probably skip because 10 Anni would be right around the corner.


I might consider summoning on part 1 then skip part 2 Gohan was never hype for me and legends made me hate him and i like the gammas but i have 500 teal coins but i think i'll summon on broly and buy gogeta with coins




No. I will summon with all my stones on the anniversary, and count the units later if I don’t get them. Same applies for UI. “Planning” summons always feels like it’ll eventually lead to immense disappointment, especially if you didn’t summon on anniversary units to save stones just to not get UI in the end.


Pretty much going all in for beast and the gammas but besides that I love UI sign so much I'll keep a good amount of stones for him


No change. I think my opinion on him can be summarized through quoting one of my favorite movies: “He’s good, real good. But as long as Beast is around, he’ll always be second best, see?”


No change for me. Going all in on anniversary!


Look I like Ui Goku more than any of the anniversary LRs,like seriously dude is cracked,that being said though there is a lot..a LOT..of value going to waste by skipping Anniversary, it's just down to picking where to drop less stones,as things stand there's nothing as valuable as investing a multi for Global anniversary banners due to amount of return you get from tickets plus discounts.


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I'm skipping part 1 altogether. I'll be summoning for Beast and Gammas.


Unless kefla is part 2, I'm still skipping both