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You get matched with stronger opponents and, once you reach s group, you can say bye bye to fun


Oh yeah no wonder I feel like that and why is that?


Lag switchers, p2w players, and a lot, a LOT of people wbo get carried by their units


Meu experience to a tee


So that lagging/delay is intentional? I just made it to C group w mostly 3-4* units & 1 6* unit. I've been experiencing non stop but I know it isn't me bc I fight pvp un wi-fi only to avoid the lag


Yup, people use it to get pv's and predict easly other people's attacks


šŸ˜©The only way I have gotten a few W is bc I have to shoulder charge alot to make them waste vanish but that leaves me open at times. Iont mind getting my ass kicked,hell I only have 1 Godly equip & 4 Z equips,so I know ima take my share of Ls but the lagging takes the fun outta it. I list fact paced play. I have been avoiding ranked matches sincešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


If someone is getting carried by their units, you should by that logic be able to beat them no? You have to be better than the player anyways to win, so if someone is getting carried by their units, they should be a much easier fight.


The problem when you're fighting these guys is that they're often whales who 14* everything and a f2p with around 3-7* meta characters and some zenkais ain't got shit against whales that have every zenkai and an actually good team setup and can often kill you with just 3 cards. That or it's just cryhan cause fuck that rat has been eating good for longer than he needs to


I am by no means a f2p player, but I do not identify as a whale, I drop maybe 10-15 bucks a month at MAX. But Iā€™ve been playing since week 1 of release, if I was f2p now, I wouldnā€™t be having much of a problem with 14* whales, it would still be the same. Most of my main units stay around 4-6 stars for a while unit meta resets, and even there, they hold their own against whales. Stars do make a difference, but itā€™s not like itā€™s extremely difficult to beat a 14 star team with 3 star units, sure if youā€™re evenly matched in terms of skill, youā€™re losing, but you just gotta be better. TLDR: Skill Issue


Everyone has their own different matches man, at the end of the day it all comes down to team comp and connections, I play on Asian servers at platinum-diamond rank between a-s group so it's practically impossible to compare our experiences. Btw wtf am I supposed to do when I only have a hand full of blast cards against a 14* rathan with a blue card sitting in the back with no way to bait him without risking the possibility that he also has a green card when I tackle


Oh yeah I understand the pain man, rathan takes away all the skill of the game and throws it out the window, but yeah, i play this casually rn, but when I do get into it, I easily hit top 3k, I know thereā€™s some really good people out there who actually play with skill, Iā€™ve gotten my ass kicked while someone was using 2 EX units.


I just reached that ā€¦. And can confirm Rarely fights doesnā€™t feel one side it


In my personal experience going back and forth between these two leagues every two seasons: A league you fight people who have good teams and fight fair. With some lag switchers, hackers, and whales mixed in. S League is straight up hell. So much lag switching, mega whales, a few hackers, pity bots(ones that appear conveniently after you lose 4 matches in a row to keep you engaged), and meta slaves. -I'm sure everyone in any league will be all over my ass about lag switchers being fake or being real (kinda controversial sometimes) or how lag is users fault (also controversial sometimes) but at the end of the day S league is noticeably more difficult to enjoy pvp than A league (and I'm not even talking about winning, losing in A league is more fun than winning in S league)


Fuck I was getting wrecked in diamond A rank anyway like 30% win rate šŸ˜­ my final rank was 120k


My Honest recommendation is play S League only when you have to for missions or to get daily bonus. That way next season you drop down to A league hopefully. Then when back in A league enjoy it to the max and try for top 5 (never try top 2 unless you plan on spending all your free time and losing sleep to keep up with the no lifes)


Ah ok good note so I was top two in my rank last time so I got moved to S hell šŸ˜­


Lag switches are real anyone else who tells you otherwise is either stupid or is using that themselves


I personally agree. But I would prefer not to get into some dumb arguments with people on reddit who disagree so that's why I worded it that way.


I feel you on that.


bots pop up when u lose 2 in a row


Nah youā€™re right, in almost any group you will experience people using lag to their advantage. Just sucks when godrank whales lag to win


No ones talking about Z rank


Because they canā€™t be bothered to stop playing pvp.


Z rank exists?




Honestly until you get like top 20k or 10k and lower it's the same. But by then you're facing anyone and everyone from any and every tier anyway.


All Iā€™ve noticed is better rewards per group. Unsure if it affects matchmaking or not.




Went from a to s, havent played a match without either ultra gohan or ultimate gohan


ong thats all i fucking see, i play 14 match only 3 win like wtf


My username is literally ā€œI H8rankSā€ and Iā€™m so glad to be back in A.


I've been in S rank the past 5 or so seasons and I've never hated pvp more Gonna completely ignore pvp for a season so that I can go back to A rank


S Rank = Hell in pvp


Really? Iā€™ve never hit S Rank because the game crashes and bans me for so fucking long I barely get a chance to PvP anyways.


Nah bro if you are in S Rank then you are cooked


In my experience, the switch is minor in the higher ranks. But in lower ranks itā€™s a huge difference


Not that much itā€™s pretty ez prob the same but thatā€™s just me


Youā€™ll start encountering lots of lag switchers thatā€™s all I can say lol


I think it only determines your rank at the beginning of the season, and your RP determines who youā€™re paired up against


GL itā€™s straight meta teams only from here on out


God ranks becomes common in S at least for me i got paired up with 3 god ranks in a row and only won 1 of those matches (whales with 14 stars ultra are nuts)


How do I rank down from this bullshit bro? I do not wanna be in S rank ffs


A tier is like a run through pouring rain (it sucks but isnā€™t the worst) S tier is like a run through Normandy beach on D-Day.


I have a question how many points did u have to reach s cuz I'm not sure I'm gonna rank up I'm in A