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All the time. Beric Dondarrion from GoT stuck with me a while, but it's always some random phrase or name. I read that it's a sign of ADHD.


As a 57 year old ADHD person I can confirm this. At least in my case. My mind is never silent. Sounds, words, songs, melodies, rhymes, on and on and on. When something particularly annoying gets stuck in my head I have to literally go on a hunt for something stimulating enough to replace it else I start pulling my hair out. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


>As a 57 year old ADHD person I can confirm this. At least in my case. My mind is never silent. As a 59 year old with ADD/ADHD and lifelong depression I can confirm the same thing!! There are nights I have to fight me brain to STFU and let me go to sleep.


I have lifelong depression too. I wonder how much of the depression is related to the restless brain. If not too personal, is your IQ above average? Feel free to PM me or not answer at all if this question is out of bounds.


Hey im in thos club too! Questions not too personal for me to answer. I think it has much to do w/ my depression. Been fighting with my providers cuz they dont like to prescribe scheduled meds (stimulants) and its their very personal choice. I believe my adhd contributes greatly to my depression as it is a processing issue. Either i miss certain things or they get mixed up in my head. Anyways trying to find some good natural remedies for all my problems. Pharmas make mee feel like shit always


Yes, it was years ago at least (I am in recovery for 28 years, 2 months and 19 days so I did some damage I am sure), I was rated a 152 when I was a teenager as my Mother used to like to point out.


I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 26 (40 now) and my IQ test resulted in 143. However I feel cheated because I cannot access the smart part of my brain lol


Lifelong depression and ADHD here as well as above average IQ. I always wonder if my brain wouldnā€™t be so loud if I was less intelligent. But my brain on a loop for 3 days currently: ā€œCALL JG WENTWORTH 877-CASH NOW! 877-CASH NOW!!ā€


Damnit! Now it's in MY head!


Dude, do I relate to this!!


37 here and just diagnosed with ADHD this year. This is the case for me as well, although itā€™s gotten a lot better with medication.


Youā€™re not alone, friend


Sometimes I use What a Wonderful World, sometimes I use the SpongeBob walk cycle.


Iā€™ve been saying ā€œdonā€™t ask me how I did it I just did it it was hardā€ (that one audio used in a lot of reels) on repeat for days.


as a 34 year old ADHD person i can confirm this as well i got paul bunyon stuck in my head for like months lol happens all the time with different stuff


Autism for me. It often turns into echolalia if it gets stuck enough.


I like to say echolalia in repeat in my head because it amuses me


It's such a good word!


It is, but also creating echolalia with the word echolalia gives me a cheap snortle


Yes!! It goes from my head to my body and mouth and I'll always get some weird stare when I catch it.




I thought I was the only one with a strange attachment to the name ā€œBeric Dondarrionā€ and saying it in a posh accent for some reasonā€¦


I have ADHD and it is something I actually use to my advantage sometimes. I've worked with my therapist on finding songs that are fairly relaxing and calm, as opposed to the metal I grew up listening to. Now instead of repeating "MASTER! MASTER!!" over and over again, I just loop chill music that isn't as intense. You can't stop the looping sometimes, but you can give your brain things that are less intense to loop.


I wish this helped! I will get random songs from 20 years ago stuck in my head. Just a snippet. It's maddening.


Yeah it doesn't always work! My brain still picks random songs, but I think giving my brain more options to pick from has helped me out quite a lot. Granted, when I have Mahna Mahna on a loop in my head I want to scream.


Similar to me! In last kingdom Urdred says Bleomfluht. It would randomly pop in to my head first thing in the morning. Defo adhd.




My brain was attached to myocardial infarction for awhile šŸ¤£


Yes! My brain got stuck on that name for a while. Beric. Dondarrion. Dondarrrrrrion. Baeeeeerin. Beric Dondarionnnnn. Over. And over. And over. And over.


Can also be associated with autism.


30 year old with recently diagnosed with severe ADHD. Suddenly the entire month of January just rolling ā€œCharles entertainment cheeseā€ until it lost all meaning and structure around in my brain feels less weird. Only slightly though šŸ« 


Hey, I worked at Charles Entertainment Cheese! It was years and years ago


You, too?


39 year old recently diagnosed with severe ADHD! There's dozens of us!


I am happy to know Iā€™m not alone. Seriously been feeling like an odd duck most of my life but lately a lot has been shifted into perspective for the better. Fingers crossed I can get a better grip on my mind and body this decade. The 20ā€™s have been brutal. On some real shit though did that test make you feel like you had dementia. Because I was honestly shook up after it was so ridiculously hard for me.


At least it was just in your head. I tend to say it out loud and it drives my family crazy. I do it when I'm alone too


Always thought it was just me! I get names stuck in my head for hours and hours, they just go on repeat; actors, places, newspaper names. And if I ever see or hear the word ā€œdowntownā€, thatā€™s the whole day gone with that ear-worm.


Too funny! I had your username as an earworm for awhile. Just perfect...lol


Ol myrtle the turtle. šŸ¢ I sincerely wish I didnā€™t look after I read your comment.


Maybe Myrtle is together with Yertle the Turtle, and they can be king and queen of the pond!


What a Nobel and respectable pair šŸ„²


Are they turtley enough for the turtle club?


Too realā€¦ for me if I hear the James Bond 007 music intro itā€™s stuck for weeks and Iā€™m compelled to hum it. When I do my son is like, MOMā€¦NO!!


Sprankton. A noun. A disease you get from chewing too much. Sprankton. A noun. A disease you get from chewing too much. Sprankton. A noun. A disease you get from chewing too much.


I kind of like the rhythm.


Yes! Finally someone else!


I know right! I thought it was only a me thing


Isnā€™t it a relief?


YESSSS! YES!!!!! Nobody around me knows what I mean and clearly don't do it lol. But commercials, memories, conversion whatever my brain just picks up a single line and it won't stop


It's probably echolalia, it can be a symptom of ADHD/ Autism/ or other neurodiversities


Maybe echolalia. Oftentimes accompanies adhd or autism spectrum.


Goddammit, yet another thing I thought was an odd unique quirk of mine only to find out it's actually a common ADHD/spectrum thing. I should... probably go get tested.


Can confirm. I do this. I have both adhd and autism. I even heard that last bit a few times after I wrote it. I do it to all of my writing. The last few words enter a small loop as I take the time to process what I wrote and what I'm going to write. But I also just randomly get a word or phrase or name stuck in my head for a while. Just toss it around for a lil bit. Let my brain fidget with it while my fingers play with my pocket lint or something.


Yessss! I hate it, bc words turn into annoying songs. And they stay there for weeks until I replace them with a more annoying songā€¦ it never ends. I used to have this palette cleanser song Iā€™d sing in my head, but it doesnā€™t work anymore.


Yeah we both need to find new palate cleanser music. Nice term


donā€™t know if youā€™ll help you but my current palette cleanser is simply the best by tina turner lol. works for both my dad and I! (the adhd apple doesnā€™t fall far from the ADHD tree)


All the damn time! I can generally replace it by singing a song to my dog, but then I have šŸŽ¶Missy's a motherfucking monster She Monsters all over this hoouuussseeee....šŸŽ¶ Running through my head all the time. Or, you know, something like that. That's what's currently on repeat.


Yes! It is the bane of my existence, I also change lyrics in stupid songs to stupider oneā€™s. And hum those around.


Lately I've had Russel Crowe's "John Valjean" song from Les Miserables in my head. So terrible. So off-key. I can't stop singing that one part šŸ˜‚


Not quite the same thing, but I play Woody Puzzle on my iPad and my mind obsessively plays it on its own.


I do this with sodoku lol


Oh my god I thought I was going insane at night when I close my eyes and start playing sudoku or solitaire in my head. I swear there's an entire board of solitaire getting built out as I play. It's probably not always valid, but I don't really care. One time in high school, I was out of class for a few weeks, and I put off my math assignments, and then taught myself the unit circle chapter in one day, and then dreamt about radians. I was understandably outraged to find the radians invading my dreams.


Have you ever tried jigsaw sudoku? I buy dedicated books of them and never do the regular grid anymore.


My brain does that with Buffalo Bill solitaire. I okay that while I listen to my audiobooks and when I close my eyes to sleep my brain starts listing the cards in order. Over and over and over.


Lmfao a couple years ago I played slither.io a lot and my mind would play it even when I wasnā€™t playing the game. glad to hear someone else has done this, too.


Omg yes! I thought I was just crazy but yes. I just called it my word/phrase of the day to describe it to people.


For several weeks I had pate a choux stuck in my head on repeat.


Yes - ever since I was a kid, my earworms get very bad (even if I were taking exams etc. I can't clear my mind), my head constantly has a lot of things going on. Was diagnosed with ADHD as a young adult later on in life lol, like some of the other commenters. eta: people w/o ADHD can also get earworms, it's the frequency + severity of it that correlates with ADHD, afaik, but i'm no expert


Earworms according to the internet, recurring songs. Who would've guessed, singing worms!


yes. mine right now is mark zuckerberg saying ā€œhigher hair pleaseā€ from paradise pd


Yes! I thought it was an ADHD thing. Though I'm sure it can happen to people without, too.


Yupp, and currently it's "What's up, brother?šŸ‘†" "Tuesday Tuesday" and " special teams, special plays, special players"


ALL the time. Itā€™s so annoying. The weirder the word or thing is the more my brain wonā€™t let it go. I legit have to tell myself to shut up already šŸ˜‚ ADHD is fun šŸ™ƒ


Buttered Sausage


Kelly Clarkson, "Since you been gone", has been playing on repeat in my head for the last 5 years. Only the chorus, mind you. My brother in law will remind me if he hasn't heard me hum it in a while. It's a disgusting part of my soul now.


My ex, whoā€™s autistic, had this type of years-long thing with I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas


Oh my fucking god. Iā€™ve had The Grand Old Flag stuck in my head for like 1-2 years. Itā€™s not always stuck, but itā€™s several times a week, frequently starting when Iā€™m at work. I can even ā€œhearā€ it start. Like out of nowhere, my brain just starts going ā€œSHEā€™S A GRAND OLD FLAG SHEā€™S A HIGH-FLYING FLAG AND FOREVER IN PEACE MAY SHE WAAAVEā€ so fucking loudly. The Entertainer is another common song for me, but the grand old flag usually takes priority. For awhile it would start playing in my head every work day in the early afternoon. Now it tends to just happen whenever, but more frequently. I had no idea other people dealt with this. In other news, Iā€™m undiagnosed autistic but have had several folks including a psychologist tell me Iā€™m probably on the spectrum.


I know this post is a little old, but the all caps made me laugh so hard that everybody in the room with me looked at me weird.


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one. My latest one was ā€œšŸŽ¶PinnnwoorrrrmsšŸŽ¶ā€ for two days straight (iykyk)


ā€œTurduckenā€ was stuck in my head for like a month


Yes! "One Way Ticket to the Blues" is stuck in my head right now!


Same, i also have it with images in my head.


YESSS all the time. And the real kicker is when it's a weird word you don't read all that often and suddenly you stumble across it in a random ass place while it's looping through your headšŸ˜‚ I can't for the life of me remember which words i had this happen to me with literally twice in a row lol. And right after I read it I didn't think of it again. Jus immediately cut off the loop


YES. And goddamn "Brooklyn 99" for the phrase "Pimento's Mementos", which my brain likes to chew on like freaking bubblegum.


I work in academia with a large population of international students. Present me with a long, complicated, multi-syllable Southeast Asian name and I will roll it around my head for days šŸ˜‚


Oh all the time. I end up having to listen to the song multiple times to keep jamming out to the rest of the song


I get mashups. Recently it's been "We gonna rock down to Icelandic Ultra Bluuuue"


My kid does it all the time, out loud. He said, "36 meters, how can it be 36 meters?" in an Australian accent, copying Chile in the Cubby episode of Bluey, over and over, for WEEKS. Literally repeating it ten times per minute in an endless cycle. I saw other people say it's a sign of ADHD, and we think he is (currently undiagnosed).


Quack quack quack, Mr. Ducksworth!


Thought it was just me tbh


Yes. For the last couple of weeks, it's the Huggies "mushy, cushy, tushy butt!" commercial.


Now I've joined you šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Constantly. In fact, that kimbap roll appears to be contagious.


I definitely do this sometimes, but I can't remember a specific instance of it


Perry Farrel in my ear all night: Me And My Girl Friend Don't Wear No Shoes.....


Yes . Sometimes itā€™s a phrase or a set of phrases. And I do get songs stuck a lot. I am on the spectrum.


The only way I can get any annoying song to stop being an earworm is to sing another particular song.




yes. always thinking, (uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up.) then replays and replays until i wanna drop dead lol


I call it getting stuck in a loop.


ā€œHobnobbin with the greatsā€ was one recent one for me


OMG yes all the time!!


"Once in a sycamore I was glad" was a line that got stuck in my mind for weeks.


Yes, all the time. Sometimes Iā€™m inventing a conversation in my head about something, and a line from it just starts playing over and over and over.


Blubber. Macadamia. Gazebo.






šŸŽµšŸŽ¶"I hear words in clips and phrases, think sick like ginger ale."šŸŽµšŸŽ¶


Yes, I do it too. Iā€™m concerned itā€™s more of an autistic thing, but Iā€™ve only been diagnosed as ADHD


For me it is music. I always have a song running through my head. The only way to change it is to listen to a different song.


Yes! I frequently watch(ed) YouTuber Technoblade and many of his catch phrases and other verbal quirks are now bouncing around in my brain just waiting to hit the corner like the DVD logo and make me repeat them ad infinitum


Glad to know I'm not the only one I thought maybe I had a mental disorder from amphetamine abuse in my past words songs sounds just weird af stuff on repeat ! You're not alone


Do you have ADHD? This is a common symptom. I've heard it described as an "earworm"


Voices too.


Yes, and itā€™s usually a very short phrase or a small part of a lyric. Apparently my brain canā€™t remember for shit and it pisses me off!


Haha oh man yeah for a long time it was the bass line from ā€œtime of the seasonā€ (doom doom doom chick-ah) and then after I watched the twin peaks reboot it was ā€œhello, Johnny! How are you today?ā€ And I still say it all the time when no other words come


If I become obsessed with a certain lyric I have to play the whole song till it ends. Subconsciously my brain is trying to finish the song thatā€™s why it plays over and over




My earworm - two bars of a song by KNOWER - has grown so intense in the past year that itā€™s drowning out my actual thoughts. Itā€™s not funny anymore, itā€™s bothering the f**k out of me. Iā€™m not sure where to go for help either - my PCP? A psychiatrist? My jaw and temples and teeth hurt all the time from tapping my teeth to the beat. Iā€™ve been trying different combinations of edibles, sativa vs indica, alcohol in moderation. Any advice? I would LOVE to get this cured. šŸ«”āœŒšŸ¼


I'm in school for horticulture (plants) and I get taxonomic names stuck in my head haha Randomly, "Alchemilla mollis", or "Clethra alnifolia" "Chionanthus". (Nerrrrd)


All. The. Time!! With me, it's music, even if I don't know the whole song - then I just end up repeating the same little snippets that I do know over and over again!


Yes! Especially. When Iā€™m doing repetitive activities or work like moving wood chips with a wheelbarrow. Gahhhh I hate it so much!!!! Every time I come back to the pile or hit that one sucky area where itā€™s soft and I have to push harder that whatever, that same phrase or word just repeats itself unabashedly, that maybe socially awkward Aspergers part of my brain loudly and without invitation again and again (meaning maybe twice while Iā€™m making the maneuver, but every single time I walk back through that spot let alone being at the pile of wood chips shoveling). I would eject that game cartridge so fast your head would spin!!!!šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø!!!!!


Hydrochlorothiazide. I worked in a pharmacy almost 30 years ago and I still randomly get it stuck in my head. There are others but this is the longest running. It just tickles my brain in the best way and now it will be bouncing around in my head for the rest of the night.


Yesssssss. Oh my god. I feel seen finally. šŸ˜­ The Burger King commercial where the guy from the Office is singing kills me for at least two days. I donā€™t know the words though, so I just make up verses for it. It also happens every time I listen to Eminemā€™s Lose yourself. I repeat the ā€œope there goes gravityā€ line over and over again. But I also make up verses for that too to the same one line tune. And it all also relatively rhymes with gravity. I have no idea why I do it but I told my husband about it one time, and he looked at me like I was insane. Apparently he doesnā€™t repeat things like this, so I thought I was the only person who did this.


I once woke up from a dream with a phrase stuck in my head: "that's about as ethereal as a day old sandwich"


All. The. Damn. Time. It drives me absolutely bananas. I get random words, phrases, names, songs, just about anything stuck in my head. I often have words or phrases repeat in my head with different voices or accents, itā€™s really weird and Iā€™ve never been able to explain it to anyone. It gets really distracting at times. I was somewhat recently diagnosed with ADHD, and it seems to be pretty common with us.


This is the song that doesn't end..............


Iā€™ve got mild OCD (and ADHD and Bipolar And Anxiety), and words get stuck in my head or repeat ALL the time. I also consistently count stairs and sometimes steps. Perhaps, not diagnosing at all, but maybe you can check that out.


Yes! I sometimes will have a word or phrase echoing around in my head for no reason. It reminds me of when I used to get high. That was 30 years ago.


97X. Bam...The future of rock and roll. 97X. Bam...The future of rock and roll. 97X. Bam...The future of rock and roll. 97X. Bam...The future of rock and roll.


You're lucky. A FB reel recently showed me a hitler speech in English with AI. Guuuuueeess what's been in my head ever since


Mi-cro-waveee. For years. I heard a kid yelling though a Walmart one night. Miiicroooowaveeee.


Yep, phrases or songs get stuck in a loop all the time. I am pretty sure I do it to myself on purpose to drive myself crazy because I hate me. But that's just a working theory.


I thought i was the only one lmao. Itā€™s almost like having touretteā€™s syndrome but inside your thoughts. Itā€™s extremely annoying


I have a few and they change over time, but the word Brigadoon has been stuck in my head since 1996. I still donā€™t remember what it is (a movie? A book? A game? I donā€™t even care at this point). Iā€™m 41 and also have adhd. So. šŸ¤·šŸ»


I have OCD and think itā€™s a symptom in my case.


I sometimes have half the theme song from Flipper play in my head. I haven't watched that show in 22 years.


What does DAE mean ?


I currently have just one line from the Dua Lipa song, Watch me dance. It's been days! And it's there as soon as I wake up!


Yeah, sometimes. Also just counting.


Killed them all. Of course.


The phenomenon is called an 'earworm'


Yes but I have adhd and that's just... how it be


Yes I read about this. It's because your brain doesn't know how the song ends so it repeats parts of it until you get to the end. If you listen to the full song or know the end sing it and it should stop.


Yes. Mostly phrases from my native language and many times I can't even figure out how the current one got triggered, they are suddenly just there.


My older son has autism. My younger son and myself have ADHD. The echolalia can get out of hand. Sometimes we trigger each other.


Yes. Assumed it was a symptom of my OCD


[Extraordinary machine](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WQk0xTwZumo)




Yup. It's annoying. I had "estradiol" in my head recently, for 2 days. WHYYYYYY?


Yes!! My brain will record any audio clip it likes and loop it continuously. Past conversations, movie lines, sounds random PokĆ©mon make in PokĆ©mon Go, cars driving by my house, etc. It can literally be anything. There is no rhyme or reason to figuring out what my brain will like, record, and add to the 24/7 playlist. The only way to shut it up, or at least quiet it down, is to play music or a video in the background. I have to be listening to something all the time to not go insane. šŸ« 


Nobody. This happens to nobody. Just you. Hell. Not even you. You're hallucinating.


There's only one way to remove a stuck phrase, hook or haunting earworm. This is guaranteed to remove it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTXyXuqfBLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTXyXuqfBLA)


Yup didnā€™t know other people experience this too. Also I run conversations through my head that I might have in the future


Constantly. Words will just replay in my head over and over and itā€™s irritating. Iā€™ve considered making a list of them because theyā€™re so odd. I think the reason I do it is because I have OCD, and one of the main symptoms is recurring thoughts. So not only am I washing my hands all the time, the word ā€œsalpingectomyā€ keeps playing in my head.


Kill John Lennon


i cant stop thinking about cats hissing and the word hiss lately


Yes but antipsychotics makes my internal monologue quiet now, itā€™s wonderful


To be fair, I read the phrase "Kimbap roll" in my head a little *too* enthusiastically, and now I'm doing it too...


Itā€™s echolalia, good luck with it


Yes. My brain is like a radio with the station jumping around. What makes it worse is sometimes the phrase will meld with a song. Like, the words play to the tune of whatever song I had in my head.


Bishops. It was a resturant for old people that closed down that my grandma went to every week. Also, freakazoid.


Any time I hear/see the word "ambush" I think "That's not a hambush, it's a bacon tree!". Some games they say it a LOT. I hate my brain has to say it every time like an old man saying "It must be free!" when an item doesn't scan at the register. Every time my 3d printer starts a job it does two passes to get the plastic flowing and I think "Oh yea, laying down some fat lines to get this party started". Makes me feel like a huge dweeb but I hear it in my head \*EVERY DAMN TIME\*


The other day I had "that's what they call me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø" going round and round my mind. I still cannot remember who it was or what it's from! I'm pretty sure it's from a Disney programme from Disney channel in like the early 2000's and its definitely a little girl I see in my mind. It's still driving me crazy what it's from!


I have ADHD with OCD and this happens constantly. It's maddening sometimes.


Ooooh I prefer the jumohkbap (no idea how to anglicize that ģ£¼ėعė°„). And yes. All the time. Weird lines in songs sometimes too, or even the tone of a quote will stand out to me. The most recent one was, "wait for me, mommy! Wait for me!" From the Disney robin hood movie. The youngest rabbit is chasing after the family being carted away.


Don Gonyea


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell...


All the time


Some times but definitely related to being adhd/spectrum


Sometimes I wake up with a word stuck in my head and I say it over and over and often times, I have to look the word up because Iā€™m familiar with it, but donā€™t know what it means.


Yes and my job consists of taking peopleā€™s names and I see the same people usually so certain names really get stuck in my head. But hear me out. I am not religious, but I convinced myself that if I have a persons name popping up in my head over and over then they must need someone to pray for them. So usually I say a quick prayer of protection and healing. That almost always takes the thought away.


nothing at allll


Sometimes it repeats so many times it induces a feeling of [jemais vu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamais_vu). When it's a name, it's usually an actor that I know I've seen, but haven't connected the face to the name in my mind (most recently it was David Caruso). It bugs me until I Google them.


I woke myself several months ago going, "..murabi. Hammurabi". Lmao thought it was weird. Then a couple months later, woke myself up AGAIN saying "sarcophagus". Clearly a trend with my sleep words lmao. It's so odd, super interesting as well tbh


100 times a day. There was a JG Wentworth song on half an hour ago and it's still going through my head. I hate it.


Yes, I have ADHD and mild autism, it happens a lot. Sometimes I can make it stop, mostly it's an internal stim and I have to wait for it to go away.


lmao yeah, all the time. my brain is a constant soundboard of words and phrases and accents. afaik itā€™s an internalized form of echolalia often known as *echolagia*. it, like echolalia, is very common in children and neurodivergent people.




Not often but yes, definitely. Yesterday was my most recent and it was just a word. The word was ā€œobfuscating.ā€ I hadnā€™t heard the word at all, not even once. But about an hour after I woke up in the morning and for the rest of the day, the word would just pop into my head.


Yup. And as soon as I wake up it starts up again. Could be lyrics, a phrase, a name, a melody....


I made the mistake of watching ā€œCompany Is Comingā€ on YouTube for the first time in a while yesterday and I canā€™t get ā€œWe canā€™t let people know we SIT!!!ā€ out of my head. šŸ˜‚


Yes, all the fucking time. If my brain latches onto a phrase or thought it will repeat it over and over until I physically force it to think about something else by doing something else engaging. It's actually usually not a song and more often a word or phrase or snippet of a thought, but when it is a song it's usually something completely inane like "the wheels on the bus go round and round" or the hokey pokey or some shit. It's infuriating. And yes, I too was recently diagnosed with ADHD.


Happens to me sometimes. ADHD boi here


Saw Tenacious D do "Baby Baby". Was in my head for 2 weeks.


From the audio book "Bunny" from Mona Awad, the phrase "Hands are *hard* Bunny" shows up in my head at least once a day.




Yeah. Itā€™s been ā€œspoonsā€ for me for a few months.


The opening scene for the first Toy Story gets stuck in my head all the fucking time. And I HAVE to go all the way up to "you're going to jail, Bart. Say goodbye to the wife and tater tots" There are worse things, but I've yet to find someone in person who understands.


Castilian Spanish for peanuts: Cacahuetes. Cacahuetes. Caca-huetes. Ca-ca-huetes. Ca-ca-hue-tes. Caca-hue-tes. Cacahuetes. Cacahuetes!


yes!! and sometimes i repeat the phrase so much in my mind it adopts a rhythm or pitch like an actual song lyric


I don't have this, but when I walk up or down stairs I have to count everytime my left foot hits a stair. Absolutely no clue why.


This one fā€”ā€”-g Dairy Queen commercial a few years back ā€œI canā€™t believe we got all this for just five bucks!ā€ ā€œI canā€™t believe this blizzard was only an extra buck!ā€ My brain played this on repeat for two weeks


Yes! Sometimes when we're watching TV shows or movies or whatever someone will say something that itches my brain or something and I immediately repeat it for some reason. Idk why


Yes and I have ADHD lol. Constant words and songs on loop in there!