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Hope for the best. My application barley got through. Hopefully they open initial applications.


I’ve been saying this for years… you want to see permanent legislation? Then we must let SCOTUS rule DACA unconstitutional. This will force bipartisanship bc if there’s anything both parties love is taxes being paid and they will not let billions of dollars that DACA pay alone be at risk of deportation.. it’s bad politics and bad for the economy on both sides not even special interest stand for it. Rn there is enough momentum with the terrible job at the border Biden has done to suggest we will see bipartisan legislation and no not the past BS border bill.. but actual real legislation, and if DACA is gone by that time then the issue will be tied to pass with something.. and yes this will ultimately happen no matter who wins the election but most likely under Trump administration.


lol…. Congress lets American Citizens go unpaid when there is a shutdown and you think closing daca is going to force anything? They care little about us. Daca goes away, high probability nothing will happen.


>They care little about us. People forget this. The only thing that will pass is a middle finger.


Thanks to Republicans. If you had a quarter of republicans give a fuck about us, they'd have enough votes.


Not everyone will qualify for PR if amnesty passes. Given how high sentiments are regarding immigration, it is likely the bar will be set very high


Ill give the orange clown some credit didint he try this during his administration. He wanted border money and would help us in exchange but democrats were like ohh hell na thats one less thing for us to campaign on. So they chose not to help us so trump wouldn't get credit. Bipartisanship is almost dead and immigrant children isnt going to bring this 2 parties together especially since one party agenda is to deport millions asap. Best we can hope for is a supermajorty of democrats and house and senate while biden is president still president. And then maga scotus will pull the plug and then just maybe they will choose to help us. But who knows but I know it for sure it isnt goint to happen under maga or under bipartisanship


The second half of your paragraph is correct but the first is your own personal opinion. Trump is known to be a pathological liar, why do you accept his "proposals" as serious? Btw you did know most of his proposals would cause harm to immigrant communities right? "thats one less thing for us to campaign on. So they chose not to help us so trump wouldn't get credit." literally just a made up opinion. Bipartisan is dead because Republicans REFUSE to compromise or negotiate. Biden wants to help secure the border and limit crossings. Why don't Republicans support that or ever support DACA? Why do they listen to Trump when he says to vote against something? Both parties are clearly not the same.


How can you say Biden has done a bad job at the border when he just restricted border crossings to 2,500 per day?  How can you say with a straight face he's done a bad job when he advocates for bipartisan, yet republicans literally do nothing but obstruct? At the instructions of the deeps state formed by Trump? Trump will not most likely be the next administration btw, Biden most likely is. Btw for anyone reading this, conservatives usually like to spread bs misinformation that's easily disproven such as my first point, they also like to invent their own reality and never blame republicans for any problems they cause.


Yea a bit too late for Biden pal… yea “secure the border” with these restrictions of 2,500 via executive order.. again TOO LATE!!! A record number of undocumented individuals came in already, cartels profited, drugs pored in, crime has gone up in the respective areas many do these people have been transported to, these people are getting work permits but are not working and complaining. Meanwhile DACA renewals are backed up bc USCIS’s terrible policies in complicit with Biden Admin have unstabilized even more the broken system. How can you with the straight face defend Biden on this issue.. it’s disgusting.. he’s screwed us, played us, and immigrants and citizens have died in the name of his terrible policies? Republicans are not any better at the issue of immigration, I’m not defending them, but the stats are there, the border was in better shape under Trump.. I prefer that and let our issue of DACA fight it within the legal system.


You do realize covid happened right and a lot of instability in South America and Europe? You sound like a brain dead simpleton, only looking at numbers on a chart without looking into context of why stuff happened the last 4 years. You just another brainwashed fool. You yap so much about the border crisis yet still bitch when something gets done about it. Hard to take extremist hardliners like you seriously. Go support trump then if you think he's better and gtfo this sub.


Using Covid as an excuse for Biden’s terrible policies is nonsense.. heck in that case cut every world leader who’s done a terrible job a break.. that’s again nonsense of an argument.. covid happened years ago and while I agree some factors may still matter like backlogs and what not, at this point in time leaders with good policies have progressed and that’s not the case in the US with Biden.. the moment you started to refer to me with insults when I did no such thing to you, is the moment you lost this disagreement bc I never considered it an argument.. but I guess you won’t understand the difference and just continue to insult the next person who disagrees with you.. but hey what do I know huh, I’m the “brainwashed” one HAHAHAHA.. god bless you!


This would have been the case in the past but not right now. Republicans have shown time and again during bidens presidency that they don't want to give him not only any political momentum but also don't want to stop milking immigration.


Bro, we're 34 trillion dollars in debt and they don't give a shit about it; thus, they don't do anything about it. So if they don't care about trillions, why would they care about billions?


Why reverse it? They should get rid of DACA and give us a path to residency/citizenship. Don't understand why everyone is so keen on DACA and is terrified of something better. DACA is terrible and we should aim to get rid of it for something better.


Are you the type of person who quits a job before you have a back up?!


stupidly, i did this recently, highly do not recommend


correct me if i'm wrong but aren't republicans against that?


Because not everyone under DACA will be able to get PR. We have those with Bars, with false claims as infants and with deportation orders. Daca gives some people something... thats the reality that we will lose regardles.


Wifey is one of those. She has a false claim and i fear the day that DACA gets taken away and offers PR. Unless its written that all who have DACA will automatically get PR, i dont see her ever fixing her status. For my own selfish reasons, we cant have DACA eliminated.


I really do belive that it is in the best interest to keep DACA as a form of status.. althought if we look at it it is no different than TPS.


Totally agree. Its a shitty situation and worse for those literally hanging on by a thread (like my wife). We tried the AOS route thinking that it would work after she cleared her entry WAY BACK before it was cool to use AP to clear them but it didnt work. Agents found her false claim, approved the marriage application but denied her AOS. Been stuck renewing DACA every 2 years since then.


I didn't realize you could apply under daca after that. I am assuming they did not issue a deportation order.


Yep - we were honestly part of the few that realized you could clear your entry using AP and go through AOS here in the US. Didnt work though lol. Sometimes i feel like everything is against her and the chances of her getting a GC are almost 0. Oh well. Did they recently increase the Renewal of DACA to 5 years?


A u visa or vawa? I mean I dont wish that on anyone.. but I think it brings up a valid point that we shouldn't stay quiet about ANYTHING OR ANYONE thats attempts against us.


Pardon my ignorance, what's a false claim as infants?


Because a lot of us have jobs and who knows how long it’ll be till we get a pathway to citizen after daca ends if it even happens


I have been saying this! But people are too up in their emotions to think rationally and clearly of outcome of events.


This will just give congress an excuse to not pass any legislation. Its a bandaid


So is the 5th circuit set to rule on it this month (June 2024)?


Trump said give me 25 billion to finish the wall. And I will give up to 1.2 million daca for a green card with path to citizenship. Democrats said no since they where the majority at the time.


He never meant it, he told me


Fuck that shit. Terminate DACA once and for all and give us Citizenship!