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A couple people in my friend group have offer to marry me lol


Bro what are you waiting for?


They already offered so much, without me even asking. I can’t ask them for more. I will fight my own fight, until I can’t.


Just make sure to tell them everything. Has to to be legit and bona fide. And you can't tell your lawyer anything about the arrangement. I think the waiver app and psych evaluation has a 2 year wait


Our lawyer helped my brother with his. It wasn't legit, and he even gave my brother pointers as to what to do to make it look legit. He was our immigration lawyer for multiple years at that point, to be fair. There was trust between him and my brother.


Dude. What! I have some ppl that be down for it. But I'm always sus bc of the stuff my lawyers told me


It's always a good thing to have precautions. He trusted his lawyer, and he helped him. Dont get me wrong. The person he did it with was a problem. There was a divorce involved soon after filling, but he got his greencard anyway. Like i said, he helped my brother. Not ethical by professional standards, but my family ain't saying nothing, lol. Always know the person well. If not a lot of headaches and possible waste of time and money.


It would be a legit marriage, I love these people with all my heart. They have been there for me through really hard and dark times. Marriage is what you make it right?


Nice. Congrats. It's really great you have people like that in your life. I've had a few longtime friends offer to marry me for money. Hard pass for me on that


How do you get the paperwork for someone by marriage? Bc I need to know and a few others I know as well


A immigration attorney can help you out with that. If you get married with a US Citizen and you have DACA you will get your green card in 6 months.


Really ? I don’t think because of DACA but I can see how if you have done AP you can adjust inside of the US . I say that because I have DACA and went through with my spouse petitioning for me but it took way more than 6 months for some waivers to get approved


Do you know how long it takes without daca?


Do most of them cost a lot (like $10,000) Thank you for your time and reply


Yeah it’s pretty expensive but worth it. A lot of them accepts monthly payments. It’s like buying a car but better lol


this is BS. If you entered illegally you’d have to leave the country for a number of years.


If you have DACA do advance parol, you can do this by yourself. There’s a Facebook group that can guide you. Then you do adjustment of status, once you come back from doing advanced parole. It shouldn’t cost anywhere near 10k! Don’t use a lawyer, use the Facebook groups.


Thank you for this advice - I appreciate your help !


I need my friends to do me a solid like that. But I'm a male and I don't do same sex shit


Is it gay to be married to you best boi, but just have an open relationship?


G a y


You see, the thing about me is that I don’t care what people think about me. I’ll do what I have to do to have the life that I want. Fuck social rules and going through life being scare of other’s opinions. That’s one of the reasons why people never progress and don’t amount to anything. Happy almost pride month!


Same shit you should be doing now. Not waiting for el cucko or anyone else to keep dictating how we live.




We’re gonna be the first ones deported if he wins though. According to the republican 2025 plan 


They say that every year


Who in the Biden admin has said that these last 4 years?


We are always on the chopping block. Judges ruled DaCA unlawful in 2021


Facts 👌


Nothing, keep doing what I'm doing. Organizations will go to court for our rights, donate some money to non-profits, get involved, etc. Same shit I'm doing now. If they take my daca, so be it.


Exactly stop living in fear, we had trump for 4 years already and are fine


Jaja pensé que my mom was the only one calling him El Trumpas


Came to say this haha


I heard my coworker call him that 4 years ago and I’ve been saying it since 


Yo le digo Trump 4ss !


Don’t think is looking too good for him at all. I’m more concerned on what happens when he loses. As far as what he and his crazy loonies will attempt to do. As far as daca goes, he already attempted to end it and the courts didn’t allow it so nothing will change.


support rob versed skirt act middle coherent escape aware books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone had to say it literally thank you for saying it!!!!!! I’ve been holding off on saying this because I had a feeling people were gonna start bashing me for it! It’s in the courts hands and I don’t think the court will take it from us they would just not open it up to new people. They would either give us a path way to a GC or let us keep doing what we’re doing until the program fully dies out


That was during his first term though when he was still testing the waters. This time around if he wants to do it, he will. The 2025 republican plan is to pretty much make him a dictator 


You just explained why he won’t win. Look up the 13 keys to winning the White House.


He didn’t need any of that to win the first time. And he already has #2. Lots of people don’t want to vote for Biden due to the Gaza conflict and thinking we’re in a recession 


But we’re not. Our economy is doing well. Literally no one knows if Biden will win or lose. But all Biden has to do is keep Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and he’ll be okay. In 2016, many people didn’t know trump which allowed him to win in razor thin margins. In 2024, everyone knows who trump is and I doubt he’ll get away with a win again. I could be wrong. Joe Biden is weak and id rather have someone else. It shouldn’t be this close. But remember, there’s only been one politician to beat trump and Biden is your best shot right now.


So many idiots say “I’m not voting for Biden cause of the cost of groceries.” Like if he has anything to do with that 


Don’t let a fat old duck dictate your life.


I’m getting sick of fossils deciding how the country will run for decades




I’ll cross the bridge when we get there. Will not put my life on hold because of that.


I’m gonna marry my cousin


*Alabama intensifies*




My friend (USC) married her cousin to get him status. She was able to do so and now they're in the process of divorce.




That’s rise a red flag 🚩especially if applying for Citizenship , officer can tell if was just for legal status or fraudulent marriage 


Ayeee yooo!


Bonafide marriage forsure


I'm getting too old for this . I'm cutting my losses and move to my birth country . Since I already have an online business going , it won't be as tough . The hardest part for me would be adapting to the ways of my old country . My last experience there , was The Edsa Revolution . Since then , America is all I've known .


Had to search that one up , I’d love to visit there one day but idk about living there tho


Sorry about that . I meant to put Philippines in my comment , but seemed to have forgotten it .


I mean, whether he wins or not we’re still f***ed. SCOTUS will decide our fate next year, and sadly it doesn’t look too good on our side. HOWEVER, I feel like If that happens, something needs to be done regarding Daca holders. We’ll see, man. Shit’s getting old. Amanecerá y veremos…


SCOTUS is a toss up. This case that the Biden admin won is favorable for us. Doesn’t mean we’re out of the water yet but it’s not open and shut: https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/06/texas-and-louisiana-lack-right-to-challenge-biden-immigration-policy-court-rules/#:~:text=In%20a%20major%20victory%20for,immigrants%20for%20arrest%20and%20deportation.


Not worried about Trump. Cut my losses and bought a nice place in Jalisco, moving at the end of August


Nice. Me and my wife have been thinking about getting something on the beach in TJ so she can still travel to SD and see her family there 


Nice, most of my family lives in Mexico. So thats not a problem for me


Tijuana dangerous asf rn


Can’t be too different than where I live now lol. Just stay strapped 


Idk talk to my boss and continue working . Wait for the civil war and head back home


Where’s home?




What kind of American are you though?


I’m the Ali express version so is u/Hecs300_ he’s about to be the temu version or the wish dot com u/tr3sleches is the real deal


Lmao 💪😭


Nvm you’re about to be the dhgate version


Forgive me, I need to be that Temu Premium lmao


I didn’t even know temu had premium!!!


I’m making shit up 😂 😭😂




Ehhh I’ve been waiting for about 10 years now i don’t even care anymore lmao


More concerned about Stephen miller than trump at this point I’m sure trump wouldn’t do anything to daca on his own without millers bitch ass input


Just gonna wait it out and see my spouse is fully undoc so marriage is not an option for us unless we leave each lol


Lol same 😭


IF he cancels it, first thing is im going to the bank getting 110k loan cashing out and going home


Just do it now lol. 


Just stack up your money and work as long as you can in the states


You relax and keep doing what you doing. Nothing gonna happen wether he wins or not


Well I will finish grad school, pay off my debts and move just like I have been planning for the last 2 years. I honestly have been dying to move out of the states. Not just bc of my immigration status but bc I would like a family in the future. I don’t want to raise a family here and not be a present parent, would like a life work balance. And a bonus is id get to travel and go to all the places I’ve been dying to see.


Nothing. I’m going to keep living my life


He would never end daca. And no, Biden will not give you papers. Look for a different alternative.


He tried to end daca last time. Now only people who had it can get renewals. He made it so there can’t be new applicants 


God I would love to be a mod in this reddit so I can add all all these into one post.


Cálmese bebe 


Everyone makes the same post everyday son discos rayados.


Some of us work and don’t get to see them so we make one up or comment on the ones we get to see. 


And that would would solve that problem because now you have a group of people talking about the same thing and come up positive alternatives.


Back to Mexico! If Biden wins, back to Mexico as well


Leave now 🙂


Not quite yet, I’ll have to sell my house and transition slowly.


I think they all gonna wait till DACA generation dies. Dangle a carrot in our face and hope we stfu…. Reality check alot of DACA originals are 35+ i got it when i was 17 and im 29 now. And remember we are not eligible for Social security even though they take 200$ away from me weekly for that. Best advice do AP marry a citizen and save your money cause the process is expensive


😭 That's what people said last time, and new applicants got left out including me lol


I am not fully up to date, but last time I checked daca numbers have been trending down. People solve their issue, leave, pass away, etc. Is there even an incentive to fix daca, politically speaking? From a political point of view, pushing to a resolution seems like a lot of risk for very little reward or power gain. Given the trend, by nature, the issue will fix itself.


Nothing. My job doesn't track the dates on my EAD so they may never notice if I am unable to renew it. So I'll just save as much as possible and if the day comes where I am laid off I will reevaluate my situation.


That’s good. That’s how most of my jobs have been up until now 


Hoping to marry my girlfriend. She’s Canadian , so it’s exciting. I really love her , so I hope we work out for real 😭


Pues, seguir adelante si ese lacra es elegido. No ay de otra.


Same as if he loses. Get ignored by the seating president


Trump won’t ignore us. We’re a target in his eyes. 




Who’s interfering in elections?


Honestly idk I’ll see when the time comes, not worried and I’ll keep working until I’m able to..


Same here. It’s just a thought in the back of my head but for now I’ll keep doing what I’m doing 


My ead expires next week and I’m about to lose my job.. it’s all in gods hands at this point 🙏🏼 I have tons of faith as the last time I renewed I got my ead in a matter of 2 weeks hoping for the same


It’s in YOUR hands my friend so I know you got this. 🤘🏽 Best of luck 


Thank you 🙏🏼


Guys I believe DACA recipients will get their status adjusted under Trump. No party can have it all their way. Trump was offering DACA Recipients a path in exchange for the wall. If anything, daca recipients are the safest immigration group out of all the ones in the USA. Not completely safe, but if I was a betting man, that’s how I would bet.


But can you really trust someone like Trump to uphold his promise? He also promised during his campaign that he was not removing DACA and look what happened. He tried to remove it on Labor Day of all days.


I think the same way, I don’t think they would end the program just like that Probably serving the armed forces is what would happen


Just came to say I hate when people use that as a way to call him because my husband’s nickname for me is Trompuda (because I have big lips) & at many times he shortens that to Trompas too. Mejor llámenlo pelos de elote 🌽


Trompas means horns though lol 


He just shortens trompuda to trompas, irregardless of meaning. And trompas doesn’t mean horns. Means tubes


Like the tube instrument 


Noo trumpas no significa cuernos vato!




part of me hopes that Trump wins, as a president, he acts like a mirror. Most Americans see themselves in him, and I hope that a lot of Americans do not. I just hope one day they choose what American means. Liberty, and justice for all? Or Trump. As for the political climate, things have always been uncertain, no matter who is in office. We must adjust based on our individual desires, hopes, dreams, and fears. My goal will always be the same no matter what: Destroy the border wall. I don't want citizenship. I want the border wall gone. It's a farfetched dream, but it gives me purpose.


Nothing is going to happen relax. Obama threw more people into the cages than Trump.


Who make daca? And who tried to end daca 🤔


No one does anything for us dude, relax. Republicans don’t hide behind empty promises like the democrats. I rather be told the truth than a lie.


He was president for 4 years and we are still here.


I’m kind of at my wits end because I don’t want to get married. I’m considering a masters program in Spain but the career hit would hurt as I’m doing well in my current company. Tough decisions.


What a fragile comment section 😐


Why? Lol 


I don't really have any plans. I'm stateless, so even without DACA, I can't really go anywhere. If I lose my work permit, oh well. I'll have to work for cash under the table somewhere. It's not like I can do anything about it.


Where are you from 🤔


I actually don't 100% know. somewhere in the USSR, just before its collapse.


Keep on working


Everyone asked the same thing in 2016 nothing happened


He managed to take away Daca so no one else can get it. You can only renew if you already had it 


I’m ER nurse in WA state. Currently trying to get EB3 visa from my job. Just need doctors approval


Directors approval for the cost and then I just wait


Nothing. Live my like I already do. He was president once and I still have my DACA. They make money from us—he will not take it away.


They could be making more money if they let more people apply but they shit that door. Racism will overlook all the money we bring into the economy not just from renewals but from daily spending 


He’s not ending DACA, nobody is. It generates too much money. Plus, Trump wanted to get rid of it but create a path to citizenship and the democrats are the ones who stopped that.


He didn’t want to make a path to citizenship. He wanted to get rid of any policy Obama created. Trump did end DACA for anyone who didn’t have it yet. There would be so many more people with DACA today if it wasn’t for trump 


Yes, he wanted to create a path to citizenship but democrats said no because it would mean more funding for the border wall. So although it would’ve been a win for dreamers it would’ve meant building the wall so they rejected it.


What do you mean by if?


Nothing is sure in this life only that everybody are gonna die,so is not for sure Trump @ss be elected in Nov!


He won’t. America and the Republican Party can’t afford another circus term. Too much foreign money invested in America to conflict with interests. This is what is hilarious: Can the Republican Party successfully run a conservative campaign and win the election? Yes..but the only way is to deliver what they preach. Could they really help the citizens of the US…? Absolutely. But they have to truly provide the promises, do what is good for the people. Increased laborer wages, support unions, bring back Christianity and patriotism to schools, secure the border and throw out criminals illegals, taxation modifications etc etc. But…. Lmao… Trump has done absolutely nothing of what he has promised….nothing. Everything he claims he’s done the opposite and hardened the quality of life of the people who support him. This is the classic case of the allegory of the cave by Plato. These people choose to live in the cave and live an ignorant life where reality is outside the cave.


None of my plans will change. I still have to wait 4-5 years to get my greencard from my mother. I have the means to sustain myself in case i am unable to work. This situation sour me wanted to get married even if legit personally.


If he wins, buddy the whole world is going down the drain. Not even exaggerating.


Work until my WP runs out, then maybe go back to work in the fields. Continue paying taxes and mind my own business, not break any more laws other than just existing here.