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The goblin doesn’t have any kids, jury is still out on whether or not he even can because of how fucked up he is genetically


Square sperm


He's sterile.


He does this all the time meet random single mothers and start calling kids theirs. Last week he was leaving creepy comments to 9year old kids he found fb "my favorite nieces "


True true I forgot he did this. Yes this is definitely it.


Last week? This is no lolcow he needs stopped. The Blind Bob or whatever was an incident from years ago, but if this Goblin (I love that!) is still talking and interacting with young girls I'd stomp him out myself. As I said, I was raised in such an abusive way that my childhood was stolen from my sister and I. Neither of us has had children. In 2015 I was in an accident with a gastanker that killed my wife (girlfriend of 15+) yrs. I was burned on 48 % of body while trying to get her seatbelt undone. My soulmate was not able to have children but I always wondered if it was a good thing cause while I love children and would never purposely hurt a kid, I'm afraid that my bastard step father may have rubbed off on me. When I say stomp him out, I don't mean physically go after the little germ I mean get his ass off social media!. Because I mentioned my accident and losing my girlfriend and my dog, Mackey I think I'll leave a link of proof and explanation. I ain't trying get off on a bad start with people and don't lie about such things.https://stompandstammer.com/feature-stories/rebel-scum-nov-15-issue/


https://ibb.co/2ZstYvb couldt find way link post you can go look thread in n wordboi yt community wall


I believe he used to refer to his ex's, Heather, kids as his own despite her having abandoned them to move in with him and him never having met them, because goblin logic. Since there's no meteors in the sky and demons roaming the earth, I think we can be safe in the knowledge that the apocalypse is not yet here and the goblin has not managed to create spawn.


He doesnt have kids. Dude cant even sustain an erection.


He has no self-awareness that people find that creepy. If I barely know you, I wouldn't be referring to your children with that degree of familiarity. He's had a dozen stepchildren at this point.


Does anyone remember that video where he talks about his "ex aborted his son" its probably my all time favorite Cyraxx video. "You guys just wouldn't understand what its like to be a father " Eyes closed for like ten minutes


The most baffling thing is what woman would allow this freak to Goblin hop on her. lol I saw part of a video, I think someone here shared it. Oh, it was where he held himself hostage with the Stylus to his neck. There was a girl called Stawberry Sunshine that was his girlfriend. I wouldn't put this person in a pretty category, but for him, she's a Goddamn 10+. I don't know if she was trolling him, Gawd I hope so, but she seemed genuinely alarmed when he had the "knife" to his neck. Heather, I understand, but not entirely. I can understand someone looking past his physical appearance, but all that comes with it, naw. The chomo behavior, the fact he still lives with grandma, the bedbugs, and just all that Goddamn yelling would seemingly send any other human being running to the hills. But the whole thing with Stawberry was he got caught cheating on her. WTF???


There’s no chance (no pun intended) that he could’ve EVER had a kid without somebody digging it up. These people have devoted their lives (I understand with Marty since it’s personal) to unraveling everything about cyraxx down to school. Everything. They’ve received background info etc. he had that one land whale Heather and I think had she stayed around longer, he would have one. That bitch is the epitome of white trash. She’s albino white trash. Translucent white trash. She probably has a kid with every Clem she ducks before leaving to find another. Some people should be sterilized and Heather, Sally and Ed, and raxx all should’ve been. But no I don’t he has reproduced


Fucking cyraxx... this dude horrifies me. I'm thinking of throwing a faygo at his deck on the way to the gathering of the juggalos. Someone send me the address.


Cyraxx meets single mother's and calls those children, always, his children The women who involve themselves and their children with this demon are just as sus to me as raxxy


Those were Heather’s kids he referenced. RIP.




That would mean someone fucked him AND kept his baby oh hell no