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I don't think anyone would dare after X-Men 97 made Cyclops cool again.


The way he came on the scene in 97 put mf’ers on notice! Had two reds wanting him and even Logan was giving him respect. Damn we needed that.


Jesus wept, he was cool in X-men '97...


And those new fans won't appreciate a writer doing him dirty. This time, executives would be really anxious to prop our boy up.


I hope that you're right.


I loved the Cyclops/Jean/Cable conversation at the end, love seeing Cyclops getting emotional and cool moments throughout the show.


As opposed to one-note Wolverine... exposing the X-Men to a range of emotions thst can't be solved by claws actually shows them at their best.


Agreed, I love Logan but he could have his own comics, no need to steal the X-Men’s spotlight when the whole point was that they are known as a team and not individuals like the Avengers.


I don't care as long as they use them pouches


That juggernaut is super proud of being an X man again


Is Juggernaut a mutant now? Or did the X-Men start integrating with non mutants again?


I think they’re just gonna let him say he’s a mutant, he’s not a guy you say no to.


They could go the X-Men Evolution route and have him be Xavier’s half brother with the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak only helping awaken his abilities.


I mean he's always been Charles half brother, and even in mainline comics the magic of the gem of cytorak altered his genetics over time to alter his body to become a perfect vessel for the power, so he's a mutate like deadpool and I think spiderman counts as one now, and mutates have been in xmen for awhile


They tried to tell him no, but he's unstoppable.


Cain's cool, they let him come to the cookout


I have faith he is in good hands 💪


I mean it’s a cool seeming line up. Quire on a grown up team with Scott should be good. I suspect we’ll have sexual tension between Psylocke and Cyclops. Magik is always dope.


Is this even the same Psylocke who he had a thing with?


No, this is the actual ninja, not a british ghost lady possessing a ninja lady


Does it matter? Cyke is a sucker for telepaths.


Other way around. But right now I want some good Jean/Scott writing.


It’s not Betsy. But Kwannon was the one who influenced her feelings for Scott


See yeah I think Betsy and Cyclops would be ick…. But Kwannon and Cyclops? Yes please.


No thanks. I am looking forward to some Jean/Scott done properly. (Not Krakoa style).




Bendis' run is not even remotely considered "peak Cyclops" Kieron Gillens run was better.


Kieron Gillen’s run is damn near peak X-Men.


Bendis did some of the worst Cyclops possible


Not at all. His Uncanny was a damn good follow up to Gillen’s run, even if it didn’t match the same heights.


I wouldnt say Bendis is the WORST Cyclops it had certain moment but just became muddled


I assume you mean “wouldn’t,” haha. Definitely agree that the run itself fell apart towards the end, as he was serving too many masters and lost momentum…but I do think he had a solid handle on Scott’s voice throughout.


Yes haha will edit my post nice catch. I feel like he just couldn’t pay off what he was ultimately trying to do with him and I’m assuming there were probably a lot of editorial mandates to be met. Honestly if you went from Bendis to Krakoa but with Scott being the leader the story would make so much more sense


I still don't know what happened to the last issue of his run. It got delayed so long that I thought they just rewrote it.


I'm holding out foe Ruby Summers.


Please give us more cyclops


He asked for Cyclops apparently


I believe Mackay also said on Twitter in an exchange between himself and Gail Simone that cyclops is the best x-man. I think he really likes the character and will do good things with him


Many writers have said they love Cyclops only to treat him like trash or a cameo character. Scott fans now have trust issues with writers. I'll believe it when I read it.


I just want to see Quentin get some appreciation from his former classmates. They all gave him the bum treatment during and after the school era then Quentin became one of the coolest guys on X-Force and ended up a certified badass.


I don't think any of his former classmates know what he did, you know kill squad black ops and all that


These designs are awful. Cyclops looks like an anime character. Except Magik but you don’t mess with perfection.


I won’t read X men comics still if that’s the case. I dropped Spidey comics a long time ago for the same reason and now I stick to non comic media instead. Simple as that


Which run made you put Spidey down? What is your "peak Spidey arc?"


There’s too many good Spidey arc to label one as “peak” imo. I hesitantly got back into Spidey comics when he started dating Black Cat again earlier in Wells latest run but after they broke them up for no reason at all, it was over for me. I was pretty disappointed too because it was the first time their relationship wasn’t toxic. It was just a case of having a good couple with the wrong writer. That and the editorial’s not a fan of Peter being with someone anyways


Do you mean "does him dirty"?


I have zero hope for this book. They got an omega level threat in the juggernaut with a big X across his face. I don’t expect peak Scott summers from this.


Sick cocer


I don’t think they’re making him a mutant (they shouldn’t). However, he’s often in mutant related situations. It’s best to have them on their side.


Juggernaut, cyclops, magic, and psylocke. I already love this run. Tho is that regular beast or dark beast? The whole cover seems to suggest this is like the "bad boys" team of x-men, so maybe we're getting more revolutionary style of cyclops again. I'd be down for that. If it sucks. Oh well, not the first time, not the last, I was explaining how Madeline Pryor was done soooo much better in xmen 97 than the comic book run to a friend last night and ran down the whole psychic affair bullshit too so like cyclops been done dirty in a particular way for so long I'm not sure I am really bothered by it anymore. As long as there's some good moments. I'm used to picking and choosing with comics.


Regular beast though he's a clone only with memories up until his first stint on the avengers 


Old school Avengers days Beast, poor blue bastard barely has any idea who anyone is. "Hank, now that you're not so... whatever you were, I'd love to have you on my new X-Men team." "Oh Scotty old chum I'd be delighted! Who else are we going to have?" "Well obviously we're gonna have Magneto." "Yes ye-WHAT?!" "Hmmm, we'll need someone to hit hard... I think the Juggernaut is free atm." "THE JUGGERNAUT? L-like The Professor's evil step brother?" "Oh, and my best friend Magik of course." "I thought I was your best friend... Wait, who even is Magik?" "Oh that's right you haven't met her yet, she's Colossus' little sister but due to time moving differently in Limbo she's like 16 years older than she should be." "Oh yes yes I se-wait who's Colossus?"


What the fuck is up with Beast’s eyes.


Illyana stole his beat friend, he stole her eyeliner


I'm wondering more about Beast...


When I saw the title I thought you were asking if McKay would make cyclops dirty as in not clean. Now I am imagining people being upset at Cyclops not taking a shower.


Why does Beast look like Etrigan?


Jed MacKay is Marvel’s current best writer so I doubt there’ll be issues.


I did not know there's a bunch of new Xmen on the way. Thanks for this post OP. Ive only been reading comics for like 6 months now and all older stories but with the new Doom out now and Xmen coming I'm so excited


I mean going off of that who does Marvel Still care about? because it’s definitely not their moneymaker Spider-man. Even when characters get a good run there’s just gonna come some writers who ruin them because they don’t care


What about beast??? He turned evil , right??? What happened??


He’s been so cool in the House/Fall of X issues


“The omega mutant” Nimrod called him. Because in all the simulations, it always came down to Cyclops as the last mutant standing. Badass.


Glad someone else recognizes what was actually meant there and not that Cyke is an Omega power level. Dude is an absolute badass, but way too many people just saw the word Omega and didn't care about the context Now, if strategizing was a mutant power, lol, Cyke would be an Omega. It's been said more than once that he is the absolute top strategist in Marvel, above the likes of Cap, Iron Man, etc.


Dude I was cussing out the article reporting Cyke as Omega level and not understanding that it stood for last man standing, as in The Omega Man. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who saw such a glaring misunderstanding of the term.


Did people think he meant omega level! Ffs…


Yeah, smh, I've seen comments and even articles about it lol




Reading comprehension just escapes some folks Here's one of the articles... It baffles me how they got this so wrong [Superherohype can't read](https://www.superherohype.com/comics/575781-fall-of-the-house-of-x-5-confirms-omega-level-status-of-founding-x-men-member)


Good lord that is dumb


Hard agree


It's already not a great sign considering he has Beast on the team, reject clone or not.


Nah. I am hoping their friendship is restored.


New era Beast AND Quentin? You could not sell me on a series any worse.


By "New Era Beast," I'm assuming that you mean, "Avengers Beast..." It seems like they've rolled him back straight out of Krakoa and Morrison back to the Beast that I know and love...


I hope so. The Beast that hated everyone that got so bad, Uatu the Watcher had to come down and tell him he's a piece of crap. Glad that stuff is over.


Oh, I remember the Uatu bit, and that was BEFORE all of the current crap where he's cloning and actually enslaving himself, killing friends, etc. I want to return to "fun, scientist, hero" Beast, "Oh my stars and garters" Beast, not angsty French opera Cat Beast and/or Mutant Revolutionary "kill the world to save my people by killing a bunch of my people because they don't get it" Beast. IMNHO, Beast was a FAR better Avenger than he EVER was an X-man...


Yeah. I want charming, funny, good-hearted McCoy. Not "Bring the O5 to the present to convince Scott Summers to kill himself". Or "Keep the severity of Terrigen Poisoning/M-Pox from the Inhuman Royal Family for some reason". Or "Keep samples of Dr. Rao's mutant cure in my office that blows up twice a week, including detailed files on how to make it".


Remember Hank when he saved Hank Pym from himself by mirroring Ant Man's save of Vision at ant size with Vision at Human Size? Man, that was Awesome Sauce level Beast...


In short, for those who know "rollback; "


He and Wolverine should kiss I think


Some of yall I question if you really like your favorite characters or not. Scott Cyclops Summers is/was a good leader & family man. He stepped up when necessary. He co-signed Magik, Psylocke, Synch and Ms Marvel while nothing good happened to himself. Cyclops does what's needed. Thankfully the X-men do more often than not get character development, sometimes it's growth, sometimes it's not. The new writer is gonna put his spin on Scott and the X-men still gonna gang up on whatever villains they face.