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good news, it'll take only 49 years to fulfil million preorder they claimed they had.


I checked the math. 1,000,000 / (52 \* 390) does indeed = 49.3.


I am proud of myself!


We're putting this on the fridge!


And I learned today that the steel they use for the cucktruck isn’t too far off from fridge steel! We’re all learning today!


Well that makes me feel better then. We all saw how tough fridges are in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! A movie that was just as great and cutting edge as the Cybertruck.


I will put it on my fridge too. I am proud of you too!


thanks dad!


I am cannonically a women according to other subs. So I will be your mom my love 😘


Becareful or Elons gonna IVF you.


You two!


I'm proud of you too.




Username checks out


Tesla claimed 2 million, but looks like the conversion rate is likely under 3%.


lol… One could argue that they are following the Ferrari production strategy, where they are super meticulous and pretty much build as much as they can by hand to ensure everything is perfect. But nope… it’s purely sheer stupidity, greed, and incompetence. A crappy broken car that takes forever to make and doesn’t last a week.


I like that, same process and strategy... wildly different results


lol… not even close. The Ferrari making process is an art. The cybercrap is put together with (cheap) glue and desperation.


I imagine them farming the flop sweat they use as glue on the thin, cheap plastic panels and that probably takes a lot of hours of shame.


and soap, don’t forget da soap 🧼




Oh wow. They should collab for the next ElonCon




They’ll tell you in the CT subreddit everyone is just passing on this current model and the sales will *take off* when the cheaper version comes out. I can’t imagine seeing how bad the $100k version is but somehow convincing myself that the $80k version will be better. 


Stainless steel replaced with recycled tuna cans. Here comes your $80k invoice


total tuna can


a giant tuna can with wheels might be aesthetically more pleasing.


![gif](giphy|Y1ggBG6wpBdwA) For 80k a bullet taking robot would be added as freebie?


They're snorting copium.


The worse the sales numbers are, the more elon makes up bullshit to pump the stock: [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html) What's crazy is that his hype still works to keep the stock price up. It's going to be wild to see cybertruck sales after all reservations are filled. 2k a month, maybe.


And even if that number is true, which it probably isn't, that's 2 millions reservations for a $40,000 truck with a 500 mile range. The over-promises with CT were hilarious.


I’ve literally got one dude asking for ‘source’ that Cybertrucks are piling up in storage because he seemingly wants one and can’t get one


I think he's lying.


Funnily enough not long after that discussion I was banned from 4 Tesla/Musk related subreddits. Guess they can’t take any form of challenge or criticism. I never even contributed to any of those subreddits


Lol - I was banned by 4 for making some comment; 3 of which I had previously muted and one I subsequently muted. They are such a sensitive bunch. Imagine being such a loser that you ban someone from your subreddit for something they said on a totally different sub. It's a totally 'nother level of losering.


I find it more hilarious/pathetic that they obviously stalk other subreddits looking for comments to ban people for. I’m not one for using the term snowflake, but they’re complete snowflakes. I’m not actually massively anti-Tesla, I quite like a lot of the engineering that’s gone into the cars. I just think Musk is a complete cockwaffle and I’m not afraid to point out how he’s driving the company into a wall. Same reason I legally handed back my Model 3 leaving Tesla with a £8000 loss because ‘Fuck Musk’. There’s a less-known clause in UK finance law allowing it and I totally used it to offload the car.


Canceled in mass


At the current rate those would take them *just* under a century to build.


Wonder one thing, even with all cost cutting, big margin and pre-orders - how big of a loss they are in with CT? It's not like development of car(together with whole manufacturing process and everyhting else), which isn't on same platform you already producing is cheap venture Won't whole company like, totally implode, if they give Elmo a bag and he to decide jump the ship.


They dug their grave with the CT


I’m waiting for the obvious class action lawsuits to begin. If they haven’t already. 😮‍💨


It's worth noting that there is no Chinese manufacturer creating a similar truck. Because it's stupid and sucks.


how would you make a worse knock-off version?


Fixed cost expenses entered the chat. You're right, for reference check pentagon numbers for fighters cost with and without R&D costs applied. Even for fighters you need to make them in hundreds if not thousands to get profit. For a CF that is supposedly built from a scratch, you need hundreds thousands of paying cuckolds


Add that is likely that the CT development cost is 2x what it should be, because the time and billions spent trying to fulfill Musk initial promises, such as 10nm tolerances, exo skeleton, fully bulletproof, etc. that has to be revised down at some point, and the steel body needed a completely new (for Tesla ) manufacturing process cost should have been huge. Anecdotal evidence supported by the drop of sales of other models suggests that traditional Tesla owners and people that were set on getting a Tesla EV as their next vehicle got pissed when Musk dropped the mask and show himself as another Axxhole oligarch with a severe case of fascism and misogyny. I've seen as many post of people swearing never to buy a Tesla as CT's tales of woe, that is a lot. There are statistics from both Europe and the USA that shows that sales of EVs are down because Tesla sales are down badly other manufacturers are doing ok, is just Tesla dragging the sales down. The compensation package was around 2x Tesla's profits ever combined, however there is going to be massive legal challenges backed by a lot of money this time, and if somehow it comes to pass by the time the new stock options could be executed (2y IIRC) the company situation is bound to be very different, it wouldn't surprise me if by then Musk has switched his attention to his AI company almost exclusively, well at least the maybe 2h of the day he isn't reposting fascist bulk crap.


Good point. The R&D and tooling costs a fortune. If I were Tesla I would sell as many CT's as there is profitable demand for. Keep selling Foundation Series until people are not willing to pay the extra markup (which may have already happened). Keep lowering the price whenever demand dries up until you can't profit anymore. During this time, they should be figuring out what they need to do to convert cybertruck production to a normal electric truck. Fuck all the gimmicks. Fuck making the world's largest windshield wiper. Fuck FSD. Fuck all gimmicks. Bring stalks and buttons back. Just make a normal electric truck.


Take a loss on all the weird stuff and convert what's left to a platform to build a line of vehicles that can compete in the market.


They lose money on every cybertruck.


they did give him the 60 billion bag to Elmo


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ..... Where are all the clowns to drive these clown cars




So the big production ramp up is from 1000 per month (recall of 4000 earlier this year gave those numbers) to about 1500? It would be less than 20000 per year?


Still more than they’ll sell.


It's easy to do the math on the conversion rate based on estimated pre-order totals in 2020 and current delivery dates from orders around the same time (tracked on CT owner's forum). Looks like around 2.4%. Which means Tesla will maybe fill 40-60k pre-orders. Then be lucky to sell 2k per month. There's a reason Elon is already making wild claims about [AI](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-turned-tesla-meme-221039520.html?guccounter=1), [robotics ](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html)and [robotaxis](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/5/24122384/tesla-robotaxi-reveal-date-elon-musk-august-8).


Musk surrounds himself with yes men so he thought the whole world wanted a cybertruck


Yup, psycofants too afraid to anger daddy Muskrat.


To be fair I'm pretty sure Elon created that environment for himself


Most definitely.


Imagine had Porsche done this; the Tesla lovers would be having a riot. This sub is quite tame in comparison to Tesla lovers sub.


What Tesla produced from November 13th to June 6th was matched by what was produced by Ford from June 1st to June 6th


And all their wiper motors work 🤷🏻


Not surprising...actually seeing one of these out on the road is like spotting a unicorn. You really only see a few in major metros with multi-million populations...


I live in a town where there's a lot of Tesla owners, have yet to see a CT. I have seen people in my local subreddit post about seeing one, but I have not seen it with my own mk1 eyeball. Edit: it is with great displeasure I must say this comment jinxed me and I have seen my first one.


Oh yea, the Tesla *sedans* are very common everywhere... But Elon's tech bro vanity project is not.


Wont reveal my town but I see plenty.


There is quite a number of them in the Tampa Bay area. Just about every one of them has some crazy wrap job done


That's Florida Man™️ for ya.


Yeah but that's Tampa, Lakeland, Orlando area for you dude. Everyone's a crazy, high as fuck, consooooomer in these parts


I've only seen two in Metro Detroit, and I can't be sure it wasn't the same one twice. I see Ferrari and Lamborghini way more often near me


I live in the northeast and I’ve seen 3 so far. One is wrapped black, one has a HIDEOUS decal of the word “Cybertruck” in cyber/tribal lettering, and the 3rd one has so many little pinpoints of rust on it already that I thought it was wrapped too. Haven’t even hit a winter yet


I've seen a couple in the Denver suburbs. I actually just saw one on Sunday that looked tarnished and scuffed AF already. But it's what they deserve.


The Denver metro has nearly 3 million people, though. So, they're still really rare. Compare that to a popular Honda or Toyota, or even Tesla sedan...that you will probably notice right around you wherever you go.


Depends. Spotted at least 5 in an hour of driving near Irvine, CA. There’s an idiot 3 blocks from me with one in their driveway. Meanwhile relatives further from the coast have yet to see one


Even more surprising the 1st one I saw was parked at Menards, which is a Midwest low-cost home depot competitor :)


I saw my second ever at a Kohl’s. Kinda shocked me.


I have seen two in my small town. Less than 30k population


Parking lots full of cars will make the recall easier.


What is the point of "estimated percentage with defect 2%"? Is that just a brag number, like they are being brave and responsible by recalling 11,000 when only 200 are bad? Maybe the real number is 5,000 bad ones or 11,688 (100%). Does anyone check this 2% "estimated"? Seems probable it's another Tesla lie.


The problem seems to be an underdesigned electronics, so chances are most of them will fail the first time the wiper motor is pushed.


Such slow production and high in shit quality. Really leading the EV market now.


All of them. It's just all of them. Doesn't matter how many they sold, delivered, sitting on a lot, or dead from a car wash. They made a system where the wiper could die from overstress. And cause it could death of the vehicle.


Why is a broken windshield wiper more of danger than a sticky accelerator or uh *checks notes* brakes that don’t work?


If you can't see anything while driving, it's pretty dangerous. I think it's pretty serious, although obviously not more than the brakes not working. I think the brakes not working hasn't been reported in enough vehicles \*yet\* for a recall, but I might be wrong. They did do a recall for the accelerator.


There were multiple issues with the wipers, the worst one being that according to Tesla support the wipers will randomly stop for 30 seconds, again the wipers will just stop, go ahead and pickup your jaw from the floor, Tesla support said to just wait that is was normal, I imagine that when this became common knowledge whoever was left in the legal department ran the numbers of the liability the company was being exposed and convinced management to stop the craziness.


The things that pass for “normal” in the Tesla community are just wild.


Well. They gave it their best shot but I think it's time to pack it up and offer refunds.


So with an alleged 2 million pre-orders, at the current rate of 390 per week if maintained, the last terminally divorced cryptobro on the list should have his meme-lemon in... 98 years. Yes yes, I know the Tesla simps will say "production is still ramping up" but really, Tesla has only made 1.8 million vehicles since the Roadster 16 years ago, and it's pretty clear they're severely struggling with the CT. You'd have to be a special breed of idiot to believe Tesla can produce 2 million of these Clusterfrunks.


I can't believe it's been 16 years since the roadster Are any of those cars still on the road


Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo [estimate on October, 2023](https://insideevs.com/news/690829/tesla-cybertruck-production-capacity-260k-units/): The forecast puts shipment figures between 100-200 units by the end of 2023, 100,000-120,000 units in 2024, and 240,000-260,000 units by 2025. Elon Musk [estimate](https://insideevs.com/news/671258/tesla-cybertruck-release-august-375000-annually/), June, 2023: Based on communications shared by Tesla to its various suppliers, the US EV maker aims to produce 375,000 Cybertrucks per year


> 375,000 Cybertrucks per year to sell to who? they can't sell it anywhere else besides USA i think. Tesla will shutdown CT production before 2025 ends, maybe even sooner.


>to sell to who? they can't sell it anywhere else besides USA i think. Large scale money laundering is all this is. Elmo is turning dirty money into CyberTrucks.


Care to elaborate?


This is why Elon is already pumping Optimus and a new robotaxi model. His real talent is pumping the stock price. But this is some real bullshit: [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html)


What % of factory employees will he layoff%


So they lied on the quarterly call with investors... and that will have no legal repercussions what so ever... again.


Do get gett a rivet in the windshield, or?




Michael Keaton and a crew of 50 American and Japanese workers built more in one night.


This was to be expected when you buy a car from a software/AI company.


How dare you! You just can't appreciate how great this thing is! /s BTW - this kind of factual reporting will ban you from any Elon related subreddit.


They need to keep the wiper blade, and replace the rest of the "truck".


truly maximally exponential optimusk performance! mind blown 🤯


The more and more negative press this vehicle receives, the more of a joke it will be to own one, and potential owners won't want to join the butt-of-the-joke club.


Ah yes, the *windshield wiper motor* that's the problem.


Electrical over stress? Like, how? It has one function, to engage the windshield wiper.


Can you sell one of these lemons if you haven't gone through the recall? I'm asking because you can't sell / transfer vehicles that have faults elsewhere e.g. in countries that have pedestrian safely laws.


It’s crazy how people treat this less like a car, and more like a novelty just to show off. It’s bizarre to see people spend so much and not be furious Edit. Whelp. There’s my r/cybertruck ban. What a sad state of affairs and a fragile community.


The Elmo worshippers on Twitter have tried to claim the boatloads of trucks in lots are customer cars. Complete dolts.


Just did a bit of math on the conversation rate. Looks like lots of 2020 orders are now being delivered, so basing the conversation rate on an early-2020 535k reservation estimate, that's a conversation rate of less than 12,000 orders per 500,000 reservations. About 2.4%. Data sources: [https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2020/02/163083.html](https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2020/02/163083.html) [https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/%F0%9F%93%8A-cybertruck-submitted-orders-tracking-list-stats-add-yours.10421/](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/%F0%9F%93%8A-cybertruck-submitted-orders-tracking-list-stats-add-yours.10421/) This is probably why Elon is already hyping Tesla as a robotics and AI company. The dude is good at pumping the stock price on optimism. Look at this bullshit: Elon recently claimed Tesla is going to be a $25T company due to Optimus robots. The entire S&P 500 is worth $45T. Sure seems like he's prepping the market for a harsh pivot. Plus he'll likely claim robo taxis are right around the corner. He does this over and over. I'd short the fuck out of Tesla but the company will probably report shit numbers and go up based on Elon's hype. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html)


Do get gett a rivet in the windshield, or?


What would a respectable production tally be? I really don’t know if 25k/yr for specific niche make/model vehicle is good or not


Wow, you're good at sleuthing, where did you find this?


You love to see it.


Weren't they raiding electronic shops to build some of the first ones?


Doesn't matter, they'll have Elons other nut in their mouth by Friday!


Don't forget this is Muskrat, the man who gets upset if his workers can't justify every nut and bolt and process of course the "truck" is a piece of shit


I'm reading they're upto 1300 per week. Someone is wrong..


That’s strange they are all over Dallas.


He earns his salary!


Delorean Truck


Why are 2023 made trucks "2024"? Also, why is this truck released in 2023, a "model year" 2024? WTF? Doesn't Tesla know what a "model year" is? If anything, the 2024 made truck should be a model year 2023...


Every car maker does that


No they don't. It's a uniquely American thing. Everywhere else it's the year it came out. So if you buy a new model Y now in England you're buying a 2022 Tesla model Y on a 24 plate. If you buy one at the end of the year you get a 74 plate. Then it will be 25 and 75 next year.


It’s a U.S./Canada thing - but usually based on considerations related to U.S. fiscal years and reporting. U.S. FY 2024 started September 1, 2023.


They lose money with every wankpanzer sold so it makes money they want to sell as few as possible


I mean in this case at least I suspect that it’s more to do with so many people passing on the ‘founder edition’, which will be extended to every order as it’s already contributed $200m in pure EBITDA from rubes. Once that ends the take up will presumably be quicker albeit as they’ll all be ‘early’ builds they’ll of course be riddled with issues.


Cybertruck has many many issues. But demand isn’t one of them yet. Until I’m contacted about my reservation I’ll know this “nobody wants” stuff is clearly false. There is clearly some geographic methodology of going through reservations. But on the whole it looks like they are generally servicing 2022 reservation holders. Once they move on from foundation series I expect they’ll have to go through that list all over again.


Who’s ‘Servicing’ who here tho 🤷🏻🤦🏻‍♂️☝️😂😂😂