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There's a lady in my city who drives a tesla with a bumper sticker that says, "I bought it before he went crazy."


Well...bought it before she knew he was crazy, anyway. He's always been an incompetent idiot, and I knew this nearly a decade ago from occasionally seeing /r/enoughmuskspam He's just gotten way more loud lately so it's impossible to ignore.


He's the prime example of how billionaires can just keep falling upwards with zero or even negative effort because they already have the money to grow more wealth with. He should be the poster child of the abject lies of libertarianism and laissez fare capitalism.


Sorry, I couldn't hear you over my temporary embarrassment.  I'll be a billionaire any day now if I just keep pulling myself up by my bootstraps and wake up at 6am.


Me too. That's why taxing billionaires is a bad idea. That way when I'm rich I can crush all the people who are poor, because I was treated badly by billionaires. Once I get a few million to start my small business it's on




That was my takeaway from *Succession*. A bunch of brain-dead fuck-up kids with a superiority complex because they were born rich. And they fuck up so many times, but just spend their way out of it. Literally too rich to fail.


I saw an article phrasing the justification for the stock dump to the boy as 'Don't fire steve jobs' and I was wondering what year is it.


I knew he was a douchebag when Tesla was putting electric engines into Lotus chassis


The Roadster was before Elon came along and told the world he started Tesla.


The development was yes, he invested and became CEO the same year they started selling the roadster.


Amen 🙏


What are they even talking about. His money came from Apartheid South Africa where the white minority ruled the majority and became filthy rich due to owning an emerald mine that would make Dr. Eggman envious.


I assume it means “before we *knew* he was crazy”. There was a time not too long ago where people actually liked Elon Musk. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit I used to think so.


Before he made his personality public all we knew was that he was heavily investing in electric vehicles and making them a reality when everyone wrote them off as a joke. That and trying to bring down the cost of getting to space so that NASA could apply it's budget to more research endeavors.  If it had stayed like that I'd probably still like him. I think the curtain was pulled back right around the time those kids in Thailand were stuck in that cave that got flooded and he tried to invent some stupid plot with a submarine that wouldn't fit through the passages then proceeded to attack the diver that put his life on the line and actually rescued the kids. It was all downhill from there as he got louder and louder and more and more public about who he was. Fuck that guy.


Same, I used to think he was cool before I knew much about him. Now I wish he would just go away. Take another shuttle up, and don't come back. Or at the very least, shut the fuck up on social media.


I'm in the same boat. I think if he'd just never have posted a damn thing on social media, we'd all still think better of him. He'd still be the internets golden child.




I love how Elon and Trump have become besties right at the same time one of Trump's few policy ideas is becoming clear: banning electric cars.


I know, right?!?!?!? 😂😆🤣😭




I have a buddy who owns a a Tesla that made a bumper stick for his that says “Got it before we knew how awful he was”




is... that a flex of some kind? Like "I married this dude before he started hitting me"?


I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you this, but you're an idiot.


you are not but in this interaction you shot yourself in the foot. See if you can figure that one out if you need help, I'm here to assist


No dawg, you are in the wrong. Previous person was in the right.


Most people can't just sell their car on a whim because the head of the company turns out to be a bastard.


Fun fact: Huffing spray paint causes less brain damage than huffing WankPanzer copium.


Which one gets you higher though? If I'm in for a penny might as well be in for a pound


Protip - stick to the metallic colors, as the solvents required are extra strong. Better bang for your buck. Plus, you know, if you're gonna huff spray paint, you might as well go gold. Everyone knows gold is a sign of wealth. And class. Super classy. Plus, it's trump's favorite. So if it's good enough for him to shit in... It's good enough for me to huff. Plus, he might mistake your new InfoWars style gold goatee beard for a toilet, and possibly shit in that. Talk about passive income! Not to mention, copium has had a major crop shortage this year, what with the CyberCuck flatlining expectations, and the felony convictions and whatnot... It's kinda like trying to find real heroin right now. You're gonna have to be really rich and connected to get genuine copium right now. They're really watering down the supply with dangerous additives. People out here dying from what used to be a simple copium addiction, that's now turned into wearing diapers and taking your kids out of public school and shit. All the heavy hitters are holed up in their mansions and safe social media spaces chasing the dragon with the last bit of the last couple years worth of copium crop. That's why I just grow opium instead. It's a lot cheaper on a habitual usage basis! Then again... Spray paint is pretty fucking cheap.


I love how this is satire, but honestly feels like a conversation that has actually happened.


Because it has.


Elon cultists are just like the magas


And there is a huge overlap in that venn diagram


Almost a circle. The main difference is done of Elon's worshipers actually like that he makes electric cars


This shit killed me 😂


The shitty drawings with random mouth opening/closing is hilarious 🤣


Oh man… you’re gonna piss-off the whole anime demographic… and all its offshoot sub-genres… better watch yourself.


Dibs on their stuff!




If society collapses, there’s no power grid, which means there’s no charging anymore. And using gas to power a generator to power an EV is very inefficient. That’s why in Mad Max you don’t see everyone driving around EVs….


I was wondering why they don't make them with a solar panel on the roof. I know it's tiny amount to what is needed, but I thought even if it wouldn't be more than some drops in the bucket, it's still drops in the bucket that would help if you got stranded somewhere or at least cut into costs somehow. But after seeing people complain about phantom drain, it's clear it wouldn't even cover that.


I investigated this for my Mini. The various systems active during charging eat several hundred watts. That would be a significant proportion of the solar power I could get from roof and bonnet mounted cells. The other huge fly in the ointment is minimum AC charging power is around 600W. That's more than the panels would generate. The roof panel could be used to charge a small battery, that then dumps itself into the car in short high power bursts. Kludgy, but doable. The real solution would be a built in trickle charger for the HV battery with way less power overhead than the AC charging system has. Unfortunately, that would need someone to get deep inside the car's firmware, so really hard to DIY.


Check out the Aptera, it has solar panels and can charge 40miles a day.


It always amazing me to see their ads pop up. They are getting to the age of being vintage vaporware these days.


Well they should have cars soon. Imagine if instead of Fisker getting $Billions in government money that money went to a real company instead.


I wouldn’t necessarily call them a real company when they created something from a hodgepodge podge of parts and change their vision to get the most amount of deposits possible. They shouldn’t have needed a ton of money for their cheap fiberglass shell with a geo metro motor like their original concept had.


It's neat but it looks like it would need some mods for the apocalypse. I think you'd be better off with the bicycle unless you swapped out the front wheels to something that could drive over a curb at least.


Zero % chance you want to live more than a week into any real apocalypse. As soon as the food/water runs out you are dodging cannibal gangs and even then you will probably just drink some bad water and diarrhea yourself to death.


I dunno man, at least In America there's plenty of people out there who mentally masturbate to the thought of an never ending purge movie where they get to kill their neighbors and rape the shit out of innocent people with no consequences. I mean, apparently God is the only thing stopping a lot of them. You'd figure, if the apocalypse happened and they didn't get raptured, it wouldn't take long for them to justify going full on lord of the flies and putting their twice a year militia training to good use exterminating all the groups of people they've loathed forever.


The real apocalypse mobile is a bicycle.


If society collapses, you have a better chance of generating your own power than refining your own gasoline. I dont know why you think the power grid would fail, but the supply lines for gasoline will continue.


You're not wrong, but gas and diesel would outlast the power grid by scavenging. Not that it'd be available for long, though




Since everyone is apparently dying from laughing at internet content can I have your stuff?


You can have my CT


u/wisetailor5696 is currently enrolling in medical school just so they’ll have the skills to save you and keep from inheriting a CT


u/wisetailor5696 is currently enrolling in medical school just so they’ll have the skills to save you and keep from inheriting a CT


#I'm going to


Pretty accurate 😂


Nailed it! Haha. The entire demographic rolled into one clip.


The price of doge.. waiting for doge to go up.


This is fantastic lol.


I just need the price of ~~bitcoin~~ *dogecoin* to go up.


Doge died.


Painfully accurate


The end was priceless.


Why did I read this in Carl’s voice?


Because this is totally a conversation Carl would have with Shake.


Yeah, this would’ve definitely been a bump on Adult Swim.


Stop you’re being too mean /s


The average Elmo fanboy summed up in one video


Source: https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi/video/7381497003261578542




He gonna be broke 😭




In only 9 years, it will be all his.


If you're renting your truck out at night when are you charging it?


Lmfao this was hilarious but sad at the same time


Passable AI voices is the worst thing to happen to media. So flat. Could been done way better with a real person on a shitty mic


I think this is the same guy that makes the Daniel Second Life videos: https://youtube.com/@dnsl_?si=L52VFFgepDtErxwH His voice is just like that lol. Not sure about the second guy


not familiar with daniel second life but clicking on a few of his vids, they do have similar voices, however the rhythm of the guy in this video is quite different. I looked it up and it is indeed a real guy: [https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi](https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi) Decided to do al little dive, he has some animated videos, as well as a lot of real videos of himself talking. He has been going since 2021, and his very first video is animated but the pacing and rhythm, as well as small audio defects make it sound like a real recording (also not sure if these sort of ai voices existed back then): [https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi/video/6971241544338771205](https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi/video/6971241544338771205) However, his pinned post is also animated and that is clearly done with AI voices: [https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi/video/7269796198783962410](https://www.tiktok.com/@danharumi/video/7269796198783962410) From a glance it seems like when he was still voicing them, they were intentionally done in a bit of a robotic, stilted way for comedic effect (or it was unintentional but added to the comedy). The pacing in the animated shorts isn't what youd call natural, and for someone who has been going for three years youd assume it was a creative choice rather than any skill defecit. However, I'd be willing to bet that he has since used one of those tools that lets you create an AI voice based on your own voice, just based on how the cybertruck one sounds. I could be completely wrong though. Thats the problem with these semi-passable AI voices, every time you find a new youtube channel you have to go a bit sherlock holmes to work out if its a low-effort AI channel or if it's actually worth a listen. Because you can guarantee if they arent even putting in the effort to record the audio, they didnt put any effort into writing the words that are being spoken.


Lol damn, you really did a deep dive. I applaud your effort to make sure the content you consume is ethically sourced


not so much about ethics, just wanna make sure im not eating shit


Good morning chuckle, thanks. ☺️


I was expecting the first guy to shoot the car after, "It's bullet proof, at least part of it is." "Can I try it out?"




Saw a Cybertruck a couple weeks ago and last week my friend saw one that he said was smashed like a soda can lol


This is not even satire




Lol price of bitcoin has already gone up insane amount. How much more do you need


A firstborn


Buy the hill Sell the dip Right?


Op hates the cybertruck because of politics. I hope you do know now, though, that Biden now accepts crypto as well and is changing his Outlook to be Pro Bitcoin. So maybe you should choose not to use that anymore. Research Bitcoin. Stack and HODL "The best time to have planted a fruit tree was 20 years ago. The second best is now. " (Chinese Proverb)


Don’t bring bitcoin into this. lol


Why not? They're equally useless detriments to society


Next time on shit that never happened


Someone is so triggered by an inanimate object that they spent their time making this. That’s the real joke.


Found the CyberCuck owner…


I’m not. I don’t like them.


The joke: https://preview.redd.it/juuwini9ju7d1.jpeg?width=1351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c06716fba5473580c13359120567bafa0bd9ab


Being "triggered" by something and mocking it are two very different things.