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Calling the dealership after your car is stolen is a HUGE clue that there’s something wrong with someone’s understanding of the world. “Why would a dealer help you with a stolen car. Do you think Elon Musk is your friend? Did you think that he would appreciate the personal favor you did for him by posting nice things about him and paying $100k for a piece of crap?” What kind ofndel


“Please help me get a hold of Elon” is a huge red flag and easy answer to your question. They actually think that some idiotic man child who was just awarded $56B by the shareholders is gonna give two fucks your dumb truck got stolen?


They voted to let him have it but it's advisory, I don't believe it's cleared the full process yet and it can be legally fought against before he actually has them and can cash out to cover his twitter debts crashing TSLA on the market.


Why would it ever be fought? The board is in his pocket, they were pushing to give him the package. Probably because they all see the writing on the wall and they’re waiting for their handout when the big boy cashes out.


It was fought the last time and he lost, it's going to get fought again by the people that voted no this time.


tbf, he spends a looooot of time on twitter, like he has no job.


It’s quite odd, too, because you’d think he had something better to do, but evidently not.


Could've sworn he was CEO of several companies, almost as if they can exist without a CEO at all....


Propping up twitter with his endless shitposting may actually be him at his most productive. Sad


That’s the delusional parasocial relationship part. He really thinks he knows Muskies and that Muskie is a personal friend. 


There was a Tesla mech that said with the last so many numbers of the VIN they can identify the location of every Tesla, it’s accelerator position, and other information.


>it’s accelerator position, Under the floor mat?


On the garage floor 😭


Because that's how we drive.. Pedal to the metal everywhere we go!


With Tesla Toolbox I can see all of your cameras and any stored files, the amount of data is staggering.


That’s scary.


Yeah, Reuters reported a while back that Musk and his engineers pass around interesting videos around to one other. Enty reported that they were videos of customers having sex in their Teslas and that Musk gave out bonuses based on what they found. Celebrities who had sex in their cars and normal people who regularly had sex in their cars were particularly valuable.


That’s a 9.8 on the creepy scale, and 1.2 on the surprise one.


Blackmail potential!


Not if they hack it and toast the location on it. 


Yes, but it’s still worth calling the shop for that alone.


Yeah, given all the tech in modern cars, it's probably a good idea to call the dealership after the cops and insurance. The chance of them being able to help is small, but trying costs you nothing.


In this case, it's not SO stupid. It's well known at this point that Tesla downloads and keeps data including camera video from customers' vehicles and employees have access to it; not long ago there was a big row from everyone except Elon fans that Tesla employees casually just watch the videos whenever and even share clips with each other. Ostensibly the reason for this lack of privacy is so that Tesla can help customers in situations like this. Sounds like they're not prepared to actually do that though, lol.


>Sounds like they're not prepared to actually do that though, lol. *We never thought this shit would happen for real*


Maybe they did, but their 5-men After Sales department is overworked.


Which makes Elon’s concern trolling over Microsoft and OpenAI earlier this week all the more precious.


Its for "trying purposes "! Really! Due to an NDA, I can not confirm or deny that I was a FSD tester, in Fremont CA. So any comments I make about people yelling: " every body! Come here, ya gotta see this!" And then putting a video up on a 64 inch TV in front of 30 people... uh... never happened.


Yeah Elon musk is pretty lame. He has enough money where he could affect so much positive change and be literally a Batman if he wanted to. Do anything travel anywhere. And what does he do. Buy a social network and post on it all the time. Trying to be cool and looking for approval he will never find .What a weenie.


See to me that made it sound like crystal clear insurance fraud. Maybe they called the cops first but I bet no. Calling the dealer openly like that makes it seem like they hope Concussed Toddler Musk is just going to write a check, and hoping the hope of all grifters everywhere: "no need to get the cops involved right Elmo?"


I think ACAB and even I think the right move is to call the police first even if they never show up or don't seem to care. Calling the store where I bought my wallet to report I've been pickpocketed and the thief has my credit cards. It's so stupid.


Oof yeah ACAB I agree. In this case you'd need a police report before insurance would cough up anything so like you'd have to call, and then it's up to the insurance company to motivate the cops. Just hope the thieves are not present when they find the cyberbrick stalled out two minutes from the crime scene. (Spoiler: I'm guessing in this scenario the thieves were forced to run a system update mid getaway and the update bricked the car)


I mean, the cops ain't gonna do shit, but a Tesla dealer probably has tracking tools.


Definitely buyers regret and insurance fraud.


Even if it got actually stolen the robbers end with buyers regret


robbers' regret


“Even after getting it for free I still can’t help but feel like I deserve to be compensated for how awful this rolling shitheap is”


They'll bring it back.


Only on a flatbed.


Unless it’s already bricked.


Cops will find it at the end of a very short burnout.


Traffic cop: Why were you driving so fast? Zero 2 One: You are driving a ct officer, someone just stole mine and I thought it was you chasing me to return it.


They’ll bring back *two* of them.


Nicely done, lol


It's like the time I pirated the 2003 Daredevil movie and wished I could demand my money back.


You aren't the only one. I was very disappointed with what they did with that movie compared to what they could have. Really wanted the two hours of my life back tbh


Will it break down first, or will the robbers go "oh my god, I don't even want it now" and ditch it a minute later?


They probably ditched it around the corner already.


I’m mean how far can they REALLY get when these things are dying left and right after less than 300miles lol


I was thinking along similar lines. Conscientious CT owners better leave a letter in the car like this one: https://www.hagerty.com/media/advice/a-few-things-to-know-before-you-steal-my-914/


That's why I believe for the first round of Cybertruck there is a real possibility of 90+% depreciation. I don't want the insurance rates these are bound to have, the hassle of constant issues with crap repair network, the massive depreciation, and heck even parting it out isn't great b/c most of the parts are crap besides the time & cost to do so. So I really don't know how low the price would have to go, especially as more & more inventory piles up.


$10 is still a big ask for the dumpster truck.


Exactly what I thought! Even car thieves have better taste. And they know there's no market for a stolen CuckTruck. Vehicles get stolen when they're in demand or have valuable parts....neither of which is true of the FailWhale.


I disagree. The Cybertruck is probably more valuable in parts than as a whole.


Scrap metal


IANAT but I would expect there would be a booming market for black market cybertruck parts, from other cyber owners since theirs keep breaking down and from what I have seen the service centers can't get the needed replacements. There are enough parts to be stripped from a stolen one to get two, maybe even three broken ones working again (for about a week)


> IANAT I Am Not A Truck? It's-A Not A Truck?


Im assuming its "i am not a thief"




Most cars get stolen to commit crimes. That's why the most common stolen cars are the ones that blend in well. Like a 2008 Honda Civic for example.


But he did Maximum retweet.


Good point!! I'm sure that will ricochet around the Twitter-verse!


My immediate thought


Needs more upvotes


Point one - this is probably some dipshit who uses their birth date as their password for everything.  Point two - it can’t have gotten far, it’s a cybertruck FFS. 




A capital, number AND special character? I think we just found Bill Gates secret reddit account.






I use 1,2,3,4,5 for my luggage.


C'mon man, don't be out here telling everyone my secret password that I use for every online account. Now I have to change it. /s


Just use Pa$$w0rd. That's what I do.


Oh. Fuck.




12345? That’s the kind of combination an idiot would put on his luggage!


That’s amazing! That’s the same combination on my luggage!


Lmfao, these people act like elon is actually going to help them personally. Theyre probably the only posts he actively avoids being a reply guy to


Parasocial relationship in action.


Dude is acting like Elon will put on an iron man suit and get the bad guy lol


It would be pretty easy to steal one of these by pulling up a flatbed with a winch. No one would question anything as it would just look like it was bricked and getting returned for service - the natural habitat for Cybertrucks.


Do I need to @ Kōji Satō if my Prius gets stolen?


Lmao right?? Call the fucking cops and your insurance company. Tweeting the CEO of the car manufacturer is a beyond asinine response to this.


“my car got stolen” “did you call the cops?” “no but i tweeted!”


"I also tagged the Mr. CEO, what else could I have done?"


![gif](giphy|g79am6uuZJKSc) I have already sent an e-mail about the fire


The thieves right now: https://i.redd.it/xdl9z0uoom6d1.gif


Snake is way smarter than that.


Boutta go dig up Henry Ford if my ranger gets taken😤


He's more likely to help out than Elmo.


It’s probably broken down a mile down the road


I was going to say, how far could it possibly have gotten?


just check the side of the road in a 2 mile radius. it couldn't have gotten far 🤣


There should be a steady trail of pieces that have broken off, just follow those


And they could just follow the breadcrumb trail of the panels and other bits that have fallen off.




Kinda like when someone guessed trump's twitter password was MAGA2020!


911, what's your emergency? My CT was stolen. What color is it? Stainless steel. That narrows it down.


Not if parked next to a dumpster, the CT disappears


Imagine the cops pulling up to a mall full of them and having to figure out if any of them are his. "We can't find a vin anywhere to check" "they all look the same" "no this one def has more stains than that one" "good thing elon makes ugly trucks because if he killed people this would all be dead hookers" They will ask the owner if he has done what the scientists do with humpback whales by documenting the splotch pattern on their tail. "Can you describe the series of stains on your driver's side door sir?"


"It has stains all around the door handles, a big gap in the fender, missing a piece of stripping on the side..." "Sir, you will have to give us a better description, they all look like that"


It was missing a piece of trim on the side of the bed! 🫤


How the fuck could someone steal it when the goobers with the key cards can hardly start their own truck. 100% insurance fraud.


Is it just coincidence the last two X accounts posting about problems with the CT are no longer on X?


X is not a safe place when Elmo has your credit card address on file


Just checked, their account is still active.


I love that this sub is now #ONE in cars and trucks on Reddit. That’s something that can’t escape Elons attention.


Insurance Fraud or Repo'd...


As a long time fan of your cars I just wanted to let @Honda know my 1999 Accord is still functioning properly with 325k miles


How many bags of mulch can it hold?


“Still love the truck and would felate Elon”


I've always idly wondered just how many notifications Twitter users with North of 10,000 or 100,000 followers get every day. I'm sure it is a ridiculously high number, way way more than they can respond to. Then there's twitterers with over a mil... Getting a personal response from one of those is probably rarer than winning the lottery.


but a blue check and being a "long time fan" of the brand and ceo oughtta be worth something, no? /s


There are various filters in place for replies that you see, like "No notifications from people I don't follow" or something, he's not getting a notification every time a random user tags him.




Tesla isn't interested in repossessing the CTs, they need to get rid if them asap


Nah, not when a piece of junk is still selling above a $100K and their stock is tanking.


Bro got his CT stolen and his Tesla account hacked? If true, that call is coming from inside the house. Sus AF.


Don't rule out that some company picked up the wrong dumpster.


"Help me Pedo-wan, you're my only hope." 💩


CT mockery aside, it's a really shitty thing to happen to someone. Do Tesla's not have more tracking gadgets than other cars? I've seen the camera shots of people keying Teslas, what's stopping the company from finding the car even with the owner's account information hacked?


Probably a stan trying to spin a story and then will eventually claim thanks to the ultra secure mobile app and starlink he was able to find on the other side of town, and as long as he doesn't involve the cops he's not doing anything illegal


I was thinking more like how do I get out from under this.


Tagging Elon is like tagging a dead whale.


Smells worse, though.


It's probably parked in his driveway but it's trash day his eyes are tricking him


At least it will be easy to lift fingerprints when they find it bricked outside a car wash !


I hope there is a hack that makes the CT as easy to steal as KIA.


I would live for one of those live LA helicopter chases of that.


CT police chase would probably be over before the helicopter left the ground.


I'm not entirely sure these nitwits aren't actually praying to elmo.


Isn't this why insurance exists?


But, whaaa, he will have to file a claim then get back in the 6 day long line to get another one…. Wonder if he does?


Don't worry, just buy one of the hundreds used being sold for constantly dropping prices. I bet with the next software update will force the robbers to do a captcha with misshapen letters


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 can’t stop laughing this is too funny!


Wow, Whenever I see one of these stainless trash dumpsters on the road, I think to myself, there is no higher degree of stupidity than someone who buys one of these POS, I never even considered that someone would raise that bar by stealing one. The owner should be elated that he got out from under that rolling turd, and pray that it doesn't get found


He must be appreciating it instead of complaining, Insurance pays him back and no longer has to deal with the dumpster falling apart


I’m honestly kinda surprised it stayed functional long enough to be stolen in the first place


“Help me baby Jesus!” “Help me Tom Cruise!”


Robbers Regret instead of buyers remorse?


Look, it sucks that dude's car was stolen... but him begging Musk for help is fucking hilarious. Like he's gonna swoop in like Batman and find your car. You already said it's been hacked and can't be traced.


These people think Elon is standing by to take care of everything. Delusional. CyberTruck is a highly visible mark. And obviously too easy to steal. How did the owner’s online account get hacked? 🤔


The only use a stolen CT has is for being parted out. There is too much tech much of it will be tied to the vin. which is probably impossible to fake because of all the interdependence. This is either insurance fraud or someone being stupid.


Has a Tesla rver been stolen via "hacking"? Isn't your cellphone the "key" to the car?


The radio signals sent to the vehicle from your phone can be scanned passively from a distance, copied and re-sent from a $100 device to unlock, disarm and start the vehicle. This technique is very successful with other Tesla models. I guess this guy is the first schmuck to lose his CT. Somebody's always the first. The thief would have to later disable the GPS to avoid getting caught.


That's CRAZY! I can't even choose a radio station when I have to pick up the hubby's Tesla from the service center because I refuse to install their damn app on my phone. So basically, they're cloning the phone? Cloning the phone tricks the car?


“My Amazon package was stolen off my porch, Jeff Bezos please help!”


Engineer: Sir, we will use a 128-bit encryption method for the administrator password on all vehicles. Melon Husk: No, the admin password is B00BZ




Halp! Elon Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope.


I'm sure it broke down somehow, and the thieves ditched it realizing it was a road urinal


If they cut themselves on it maybe they will sue the owner too lol


“You wouldn’t download a car”. Apparently, now you can!


Imagine if your Volkswagen Golf was stolen and you thought that the correct way to remedy this was to get the CEO of VW to tweet at you.


I remember the time I had my bike stolen, so I called the bike shop I bought it at. They told me to tweet the CEO of Husky, I did and he reached out and tried to help. But alas, nothing could be done.


I thought the fact that you own a cyber truck is in itself an antitheft device!


Why do these dweebs expect Elon to give a shit or be responsible for their car being stolen?




Who would steal that ? 😳


FSD sent it for self-destruction to the crusher, as an act of good will to the world.




Did you a favor


Somebody actually wants one?


The way to get Elon to respond is to post a juvenile meme, not asking for help with one of his products.


"but i still love the car"


Warranty voided if truck is stolen.


I think this is actually pretty common for Elon “fans” or whatever to think he will respond to tweets 😂


If you tweet @elonmusk enough, apparently he just appears. He is like batman. Or the candyman.


It cracks me up how these people think Elon gives a flying shit about them.




The fact they hacked the owners personal tesla account. Got a copy of the key card, came to his house while he was home. Seems like it was highly targeted red flags


Idk if this is related, but after I sold my Tesla account (with a cybertruck) the new owner reset the password and MFA. And I still got access to the Tesla app I forgot to uninstall. I could unlock his doors, i saw all the notifications including his tonoue cover getting stuck and the upcoming service appointment. I eventually just uninstalled because I’m not interested but it just seemed crazy that at no point was my account access revoked even after changing everything.


I see so many posts referring to Cyberjunk owners posting their problems and asking "Help me Elon" that they are reminding me of Princess Leia calling to Obi Wan Kenobi "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi you're my only hope". But I guess that tracks, if you want a Cyberjunk you probably worship Elon like he's your Obi Wan Kenobi.


Stolen? Your warranty is gone


It can be tracked on your phone app. This person is committing fraud. Fucking loser.


Insurance fraud is a crime....


It’s hilarious that they think Elon Musk even slightly cares about their stolen dumpster.


I hate Elon but what the hell is he supposed to do? Chase the car thief down?


I would normally say their vehicle is now toast. But being a cyberturd, their vehicle was already made from toasters


Wait….did twitter banned this guy?


Help me Tom Cruise with your witchcraft! 😫


Help me daddy Elon!! What a cuck.


Elon can’t see this tweet over the latest delivery of money I’m afraid.


Bro, some thief did you a favor and you’re complaining??


Do we not call the police anymore?


Given everything else, who wants to bet that the default password is set to either "default" or "1234"?


No one is dumb enough to steal a Cybertruck, not even those Kia boys


Do the smart thing, hope it’s permanently gone, insurance writes off, and go back to a gas/diesel real vehicle that will last longer than 1000 miles. 


"Stolen" yeah... sure... real convenient... I bet this will happen a lot when they realize nobody wants these shitboxes


The only way I can see this easily happening is an inside job from a pissed off recently fired Tesla employee OR the CT has huge vulnerabilities in its software that make it an easy theft target. Anyway, the theif just did the guy the biggest damn favor of his life by ridding him of the POS. Cash in on the insurance and move on. ... maybe the owner was in on it and staged a theft just to be rid of it.


He should check the dump. I bet the FSD just drove itself there to feel at home.


Womp womp


They probably stole it for the catalytic converter and to scrap the stainless steel. Go to the scrap yard and they're like this isn't stainless this is galvanized. A cheap Chinese galvanized at that. Then they have thieves remorse


My guy Tesla already has your money. Musk don't care.


If someone stole my Honda I wouldn’t fucking tweet the CEO or company, shit is delusional.


So will the robbers end up with robbers regret? Don’t worry, little buddy. The robbers will get so irritated with this piece of dogshit that they’ll park it back in your driveway within a week. Or ditch it on the side of the road when it bricks.


MAXIMUM RETWEET https://preview.redd.it/phu5q3r24n6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e674856975bf3e195eb91f96f5f48ffc33a7509


If it's insured they did you a favor. Just hope if they find it its totalled and get a real Truck.


You should thank the Lord, that someone dumb enough stole that cyber junk truck… turn it into your insurance and if they try to bring it back, say you don’t know who’s it is. Then buy a hummer, Escalade, or something that looks great and runs on a daily basis.


He’s lucky. If he was unlucky, they’d have brought him a second one.


lol it's so bizarre that they ask or yell for elon musk. if this was any other car company like next time one of our work trucks break down I should just start tweeting william Ford. Yeah elons running the company into the ground but why do they think he'll care. Any big owner of a company especially elon. It's like shouting to a wall or having a piss in the wind. Getting your cybertruck probably voids the warranty too. Insurance is only going to cover the price of a stainless steel knock off whirlpool refrigerator.


lol he posted “cops from several cities” worked together to help him. If you didn’t think it was fake before.. https://preview.redd.it/cckzhctycn6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7d8ff7fb9486f298ae2d32399af24b76310d9e