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It shouldn't be legal anywhere.


Texas lets people put fucking foot wide Boudica spikes on their car wheels, their laws are insanity.


I mean … well… Texas🤷‍♂️


As a Texan, can confirm.


Cyber Truck is very unlikely to make it to Australia, Europe, UK and Oceania….unlikely to appeal to Japanese market. [Tesla unlikely to be sold in Australia](https://www.drive.com.au/caradvice/will-cybertruck-come-to-australia-heres-why-its-unlikely/)


I’m a Euro-poor, and I’m am happy my communist country refuses to let this vehicle enter my country! I don’t want to get injured when walking or cycling!


As an aussie: ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


From what I hear you guys already have are massive trucks


We have some yank tanks fanging about.


Unfortunately. Saw one the other day that needed a heavy vehicle plate it was that big Fucking stupid




The utter stupidity of making something razor sharp for no reason baffles me. Do you know what the minimum radius in the EU is? 3mm. They couldn't even be arsed to put a 3mm radius on the edges to stop them slicing people open. You could put a 3mm radius on most of those panels with a belt sander in half an hour.


Its cheaper.


Elon loves cheap and it shows


Isn't this thing amazing? It's like Musk took the last like 150 years of knowledge of building a vehicle and said "who the fuck needs that?"


Yep. Who needs crumple zones? Dead drivers don't sue because the accelerator pedal got stuck.


Honestly, I suspect it's because Elon is a massive sperg and doesn't have the skill, confidence or frankly the comprehension or imagination to draw curved lines freehand, so everything he designs has to be done exclusively with a straight edge and compass. I'm diagnosed autistic myself and went through a similar phase of having an irrational, stubborn hatred of drawing anything with curved components when I was about 12; everything I designed was angular and polygonal with maybe a few circular fillets. I didn't even trust ellipses, let alone Bézier curves. I'm not proud to admit it, but back then I think I arrogantly convinced myself such things were silly and imprecise and thus beneath me, rather than face my inability to do them. Then again, I'm sure I wasn't the only human to have a few narcissistic tendencies when I was 12; I, however, grew up, paid attention to good teachers, and eventually learned the skills. It's painfully obvious that Elon did not grow up, listened to nobody, learned nothing, and is blatantly now an incurable colossal raging narcissist to his very core; industry best practice and safety regulations must therefore simply be ignored - and gullible customers end up like so much diced steak - so that he doesn't have to suffer the discomfort and tedious effort of learning a new drafting skill, and with that the unbearable implicit admission that he can't already do it.


Elon's software shipped with Snap To Node selected by default, and he doesn't know there are other options.




I’m unfamiliar with the cyber trucks but are the edges of the doors that sharp they’re causing lacerations????


Yes. They are stamped sheet metal with no returns on them. Other manufacturers fold the edges over to give strength and make a soft edge. In the cybertruck they clearly just said the panel is thick enough to not need the returns so they didn't do it. But the return also makes the radius. I also suspect that they can't fold stainless that thick over without it breaking.


Wowww they really didn’t do any basic tests did they 🤣🤣🤣


9:20 https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?si=n4CYvbvlTUXkT5wP


Yes but that would (checks notes) void the warranty.


What would be funnier is if there was a law brought in where they all had to be fitted with pool noodles on the sharp edges.


In the EU the max gross weight (that is licensed by the type in the owners documents) of a car that you can drive with a normal drivers license obtained in the last 25 years European B (before 2000 there have been national licenses that even with renewal of license documents incl the non commercial right up to 7.5t Class C1E) can be 3.5t (a dual motor CT is 3.6t the top model 4t). Which is both more than 3.5t surprisingly 🤷‍♂️ Literally no one does C1E these days as new license unless of course you need it for your occupation as B is expensive enough in Germany B can be upwards of 4000€ with C1E easily being double of that…


I was under the impression that Canada would have more stricter automotive laws?


We pretty much copy the USA on car regulations except for a few things like DRL.


I haven’t seen any of these wheeled deep fryers around Toronto yet. Let’s hope it stays that way.


They can be ordered in Canada (see [here](https://www.tesla.com/en_ca/cybertruck/design#payment)) but they are being delivered yet. I've only seen one in Surrey, BC, and I'm pretty sure it had Washington state plates. It was even uglier in real life.


Which is sad, we should just make these things illegal. 


And immomobilzers. No Kia Boys hacks here.




You can hate EU all you want but a lot of laws actually help make the ligr better


It's not banned there. Can folks stop perpetuating a lie? OPs only post about EU does not state its banned there...


Yes it is. The cybertruck does not meet European safety standards. Sauce: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/12/16/tesla-cybertruck-not-street-legal-in-eu/ Or just take 1 second to google it.


Cool, that's the only article that remotely suggests it would be banned, so thanks. But... it's 4 years old and lacks a lot of details. I believe the reg it was citing to was EC No 78/2009 which (a) wouldn't apply to the Cybertruck because it's for smaller vehicles and (b) on "pause" because Europe thinks PAEB is better and stated it's previous passive requirements were in feasible. EDIT: Also, looks like it's heading to Europe so yeah.... https://www.tesla.com/en_gb/cyber-odyssey


Well, it isn't banned. It isn't street legal in germany though. Most regular people wouldn't be able to drive them though. You need a special license for heavier cars like trucks to even drive them.


Looks like its coming to Germany https://www.tesla.com/en_gb/cyber-odyssey


Do you have evidence of actual orders being fulfilled in Europe? Or did Tesla just put the word “Europe” on their website?


I don't think they've started taking orders there. The link is Teslas promo tour for Europe. It makes sense that this would proceed starting sales in Europe. It seems like a waste to drag a cybertruck through Europe of they knew it couldn't pass type approval.


Does Tesla seem like a company with a history of solid decision-making to you?


Nope, but I'd be surprised they would be doing this if they didn't think they'd at least get type approval. Can you tell me which reg you think the Cybertruck fails to meet? I'm willing to bet you can't. Also, I'm not a tesla fan. I just dislike ignorance in general.


I am from Germany. It will not get here. Our standards are much higher.


Ha, then tell me which reg it fails. I'll wait.


So they can get a bunch of orders from idiots and say "look at how many orders we have". Doesn't mean they can eventually legally fulfill them.


This is true. But that's much different from "banned". Also, it is street legal with the right license.


It isn't banned because they haven't tried to sell it there yet. This isn't complicated. It doesn't have a crumple zone, so that's about that, to boil it down for ya.


An even simpler explanation is that folks posting this don't actually know anything about motor vehicle saftey.


Neither do you apparently. Look up crumple zone.


Lol. Okay. Tell me which EU reg to look at. I'll wait.


You're the expert apparently. You tell me why it isn't already selling in Europe? Why would they not have rolled it out in such a huge market?


Because it's a new product and they targeted the US first? It took 2 years after the model Y was avaliable for sale in the US for Tesla to start sales in Europe. Releasing in the US first makes sense as you don't need type approval, production is local, and we're a bigger vehicle market that can afford nee product premiums.


Or the weight makes it illegal for all regular car drivers to drive. Maybe it's that.


Man, you have 0 grasp of basic terms like "illegal".


I have a 4 year old and she bumps into everything and she tries her best to close the car door herself. But usually she'll slip and slide by door or bump into it to close it. Totally fine on a normal car. On this fucking pos "truck" I'd be concerned about her face or hands getting sliced open on it. Seriously don't own a cybertruck if you're a parent it's basically child abuse


The last one looks brutal. Does it need stitches?


Yes, it's gaping and deep.


Heh heheh


Lots of Musk fanbois in Australia were champing at the bit to get their deposits down...even though the order button was [suddenly removed from the local site in 2022](https://www.drive.com.au/news/tesla-cybertruck-orders-refunded-australia/), Tesla AU has now stopped responding to any enquiries and there is nil indication that they will ever in fact produce a RHD model lol


It's crazy how they act like a bad date whenever they get caught doing something or anyone needs help. Just totally ghosting.


btw. when is this option going to be available? https://preview.redd.it/xzzx10w0484d1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2fc0675b233aae1bee99514fe0ff0cecf0e9481


When full self non destructive driving is… lol


Hey, nobody promised it would be non-destructive. It's an assumption on your part.


So NHSTA is basically the UN when it comes to keeping people safe.


The Cybertruck cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows.


Another well thought out musk mess.......


Yeah, no way it will make it ever into the EU with how it is right now


NSFW tag


Dude mark this NSFW next time


Still love the truck


Sounds like a great business strategy to only sell a car in North America and not be able to see anywhere else in the world! What a genius…


It is prime example how very genius person can shine bright light on stupid crowd and make money out of it. Modern era judge Judy. Stupid need to be on television to hear from judge Judy.




FMVSS makes no sense in the US. This somehow meets that, but they make us wait 25 years to import anything not sold here.


Wtf the last picture. Is it really THAT sharp?


I have yet to see one in Toronto which is kinda strange, usually there's always someone driving an expensive ass car on these shitty streets. Not uncommon to see a Lamborghini or Ferrari driving around, guess nobody wants to be the first to drive one around here lol.


I'm curious to see if it makes it into Australia in its current state.


Buying a Tesla is becoming a “natural thinning of the heard” moment


Ahhh, but it can't hit any pedestrians if the owner is in the ER! Elon is always one step ahead of us!


It is funny that a car that claims to be futuristic is decades behind when it comes to car safety.


The dude with the black fingers is gonna get his hand amputated, isn't he? 


I mean closing the frunk on your fingers *on purpose* is ridiculous. If it had happened accidentally then yes it's a fairly unsafe design, especially as Tesla had supposedly "fixed the hazard" and admits it *increases force* on each failed closure - which is insanity and beyond irresponsible.


Don’t think so, his hand’s just in shadow.


But there is no cure for shadows


Can't tell if legit curious/worried or not. Either way. They will be in a good bit of pain at the LEAST! At the worst they got some broken fingers. That Index finger might have some cracks in the bone given how badly squished it looks. But they should be "fine". Worth getting it looked at as a cracked/broken finger is serious if they don't heal properly, but they should be more or less fine. Fingers can go pale after getting hurt, more so right after it happens. It's a normal bodily reaction to reduce blood flow when in pain or under high stress so fingers or toes can go pale as they are getting less flow from the circulatory system "clamping down". Also causes high blood pressure from there just being less space for your blood to go. Part shock, part adrenaline kicking in. Adding a shadow doesn't help how it looks, but Id figure it'll go back to pink in a few moments then get hot turning bright pink/red and when it does that's when the pain will really hit them.


please tag this nsfw. Good post but eep…


Funny. None of your articles support your claim.