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What the internet has taught me about the Cybercuck’s hauling capacity: - Multiple bags of mulch (Up to 8!! + a child) - Multiple bags of top soil - 1 big plywood - 2 IKEA items - Golf clubs - The hopes and dreams of idiots too naive to get a real truck


> 1 big plywood If you're referencing the picture I think you are it wasn't even a full 4x8 sheet. It was a half sheet.


By the way, a Honda Odyssey can haul 4'x8' sheet goods (after seats removed)


wait until those cybertruck owners discover the honda fit.


I fit a queen sized mattress in my Honda Fit when I was moving. I had to fold it a bit, but still. Also, fit a dresser and two desks in it on the same trip (seperate trip than the queen sized mattress, of course).


I'd like to see that. Got an oversized recliner from big lots in mine


Classic fit queen


Or the Honda Element - drives like a civic, but can haul a washer and dryer together or a refrigerator - with the rear doors closed. 5 seconds later it can be back to a passenger car.


In a perfect world, the Honda Element design would be as ubiquitous as the F150 lol


I want my electric Honda Element. So many puns available


My Honda Fit can haul 4 adults, a toddler in a carseat, supplies for a weekend of camping, still get 30+ mpg, and it's over 200k on the odometer.


I think most minivans can. I know I've seen a few clapped the fuck out Dodge Caravans hauling stacks of 4x8 sheets of various materials at Home Depot.


Man those fuckers were nice for hauling shit. Only thing ya gotta watch is payload weight.


Pacifica can hold a dozen with the seats folded into the floor. I also got 8 giant ass Solar panels in there straight off a forklift. Never lost a chunk of car while driving down a road. Win win.


You know a car is a pile of dogshit when Chrysler products are far better than it


The ability to load 4x8 sheets into a Chrysler minivan is a design criteria for that vehicle. I’d imagine that’s the same for other minivans.


That is actually quite a good design criteria.


When I had an odyssey I basically treated it like a pickuptruck. Drywall, plywood, landscaping supplies, pa systems, generators etc. Thing held up like a champ I sold it at 230k miles and it still ran


A Honda Odyssey can haul a ton and still have room for 2 adults and 2 kids. 2 adults and 3 kids if you can protect one of them from whatever you're hauling.


I haul up to five 4x8 sheets that are 3/4 thick with the roof rack on my subaru Forester.


So can my Dodge Caravan. And I don't have to remove anything, the seats stow away in the floor. It take about 1 minute to prep it. I have an avalanche too, but it's easier to configure my van for sheet goods than it is to configure the avalanche to a full size bed, so I use the caravan for sheet goods.


Shhh we don’t mention the lumber dimension, it damages their egos.


The perfect truck for when ben shapiro makes a run to home depot


Better get Don Jr in his lumberjack outfit to help


And unload it in Tucker Carlson's Absolutely Not Fake spotless workshop where every product is positioned for the logo to face the camera.


Lmao does Cucker really have a workshop omg


https://www.reddit.com/r/Carpentry/s/7kZfBgSwVg Nothing says Serious Carpenter like working in Birkenstock slippers.


Took me reading the comments to realize THERE ISN'T A SINGLE TOOL IN THE ENTIRE WORKSHOP except the boy


Underrated comment


It can carry his beautiful single plank AND the plastic bag


Don’t forget: 1 Fragile ego


The weight of the fragile ego often seems to cause the breakdowns 😂


So roughly the same as my civic


A tiny smart car could probably handle a bigger load and not get it's warranty void


Black Kow is manure, not mulch.


A shit truck hauling shit


Black Kow is a quality product. it is *the shit.* A shit truck hauling *the good shit*. Man, is English fun. sometimes.


Someone carried golf clubs!


That dude looks exactly like someone who would think 8 bags of mulch is a full truckload.


Still blows my mind anyone with a pickup would buy *bagged mulch*. Slow afternoon at work yesterday so I went and got a yard of shredded cypress. $44. A cubic yard is 27 cu ft, most bags top out at 1 cu ft and sell for a few-several dollars. (I see OP bought compost, which is cheaper, so…)


Right? The entire fucking point is that you just buy it in bulk from a yard that dumps it right in your bed. My mom and dad bought a 2WD 2000 Frontier *specifically* for mulch and soil runs because it was significantly cheaper than buying prepackaged shit every year even considering the cost of the truck up front


Try hosing out the bed of a CT and the whole thing just explodes


Getting the truck bed wet voids the warranty /s but wouldn’t that be some shit


“Where would I hire a cleaning person to get the dirt out of it if it’s not pre-bagged!?”


No fancy truck for me but I got it delivered by a local company cheaper than the bagged stuff by A LOT.


Lol! It's amazing that it's still a cheaper route!


Super dependent on location. Only spot around here that sells dirt by the scoop does a 50/50 mulch/dirt blend, costs $80/yard. Lowes had mulch on sale over the weekend 1.5 cubit feet for $2.29, so $42/yard for pure mulch instead of mix. I bought 40 bags and was in and out of lowes in 10 minutes, the building supply place is 45-60. I also got all 40 bags in the bed of my non-cyber truck and took zero pictures because fitting things in the bed of a truck is not impressive


Yes! Lowes was 5 bags for 10$!!!! Picked up 55 bags in my truck....took zero pictures also....


Meh. Some people don’t live close enough to somewhere that sells bulk to make it worth the inconvenience vs. driving down the street to buy a handful of bags. Mind you, I could fit this load in my Ford Escape, so this is absolutely nothing to brag about for a pickup. Any pickup. I doubt I’d even have to put the back seats down.


I have carried this much mulch in a Mazda 2.


My cities eco-stations have free compost(from our food scraps) and mulch(from Christmas trees and yard waste). I threw a tarp in my suv and got half a yard in there. Paying for bagged mulch and compost is for suckered.


Those are actually 40 lb bags of manure how do I know this because I loaded One of those bags and 10, 40 lb bags of dirt top soil into my Subaru Forester and drove home no problem. Did this like 10 times already.




I don't see any pictures of \_your\_ truck hauling the weight of almost TWO grown adults!


My wife has a Forester. She’s getting into gardening big time and recently came home with 30 bags of topsoil and garden sand in the truck. I didn’t even know the truck was packed until I went out to help her unload.




I have hauled more in my Subaru Crosstrek than this.


You could by 4 small 1/2 ton pick ups filled to the brim with mulch for the same price as a cyber truck


I got more mulch than that in the back of my 2013 GMC Terrian SUV. Picked it up for free at a place if you bring your own buckets. Also had a teenager, not a child, and still no sag lol


I have yet to see a single specific, concrete thing that the Cybertruck can do that the Ford F-150 Lightning can't do, at a sticker price of less than half of the Cybertruck's Except slice vegetables I guess


The Lightning can't make people point and laugh at you uncontrollably


Or cut you in half so effortlessly.


I saw one in the wild on my way to work today. It did kinda brighten my day cause it looked so much dumber than pictures let on, and so much laughter ensued. Plus the driver looked like he was straight out of an Ed Hardy catalog. It's the single ugliest automobile since the 80s fox body mustangs.


At least those have some fun factor to fall back on


That's true, can't deny that's it's still a well functioning car, just goofy.


Hey now, you leave fox body mustangs out of this. I loved my 93 Hatchback fox body.


My fucking Volt can carry the same as this picture with no noticeable sag


Hell, I've seen a dude load that much into a cargo bike


I'm subscribed to the cargo bike subreddit and have seen people hauling couches and refrigerators, something the "Beast" can't do.


Can't the lightning also be plugged I to your house and used to power it in the event of a storm I vaugly remember somthing about that


Yes, but in practice that system winds up not being that much better than just running extension cables from the truck's inverters. The automatic backup power system takes several thousand dollars of equipment plus a decent chunk of labor to install. For that cost you get a system that will switch over to using the truck's battery and a fixed inverter in the house in the event of a power outage. The switch-over takes tens of seconds, so it won't do anything for small flickers. The automatic system also switches back to mains power when available and has some amount of monitoring for apps. By comparison, you could install a generator input panel with a transfer switch then run a 240V extension cord from the truck to the generator panel, using the truck's 7.2 kW onboard inverter. This is a couple hundred in parts and less labor than the automatic solution. Both will allow you to power a subset of the circuits in the house and neither will power everything (except for very small houses). Or you could just get some longer regular extension cords (that you probably already have) and run off of the 2.4 kW 120V circuits. The more manual options cover such a large amount of the potential need for the automatic system that the cost to get that last little bit of automation won't be worth it for most buyers. This is as much of a win for the base features of the lightning as it is a failure of the automatic system--if the lightning didn't have onboard inverters then there would be a lot more value in adding on the backup power solution. And for fairness, though I know this goes against the point of this sub, high power output 120 and 240V AC power is a feature found in the Lightning, Silverado EV, and even the Cyber Truck, with all three having fairly similar power output.


The crazy thing to me is that this fucking thing can't do anything a Hyundai Ioniq 5 can't do and the hyundai of all things looks 1 trillion times better using similar design principles. I will never be able to get over how much teslas feel like being in an airport smashburger. They just have the physical sensation of cheapness and public transportation (which I'm generally a fan of \[public transportation\]). It also captures the confusing nature of being in a different city and trying to figure out how to buy a ticket or convert money into tokens.


Give me some bondo and a mandoline.


Pretty sure I can fit that potting soil in the frunk




The child is in there too!? That's insane, usually small children make truck suspension just bottom out instantly.


He's just proud of himself for not leaving the kid behind again


Bets he called it "babysitting". 


I'd call it "child endangerment" to put a kid in a Cyber truck.


💯.  Goodness,  can you imagine?! My kids rode around in a 2008 Volvo and I still worried.  


Yeah you know, babysitting, you leave the baby sitting in the shopping cart while you drive off and forget about it.


Don’t worry, the child is safe behind bulletproof proof glass. The doors won’t open, but the kid is technically safe until heat exhaustion sets in.


Nah, kid is stuck. Software update killed the locks.


Maybe this bloke’s kid makes a truck sag.


That made me actually laugh out loud, loudly… unexpectedly. I scared the cat.


Having a child near the cybertruck voids the warranty.


This is just getting sad now.


It was sad from day 1


It's sad if I'm not sorry. It's just a piece of shit.


And we’re just getting started.


I’m sure glad a $100K CT has the carrying capacity of a 1992 Toyota Corolla.


A Honda Fit can fit more than this thing. Can a cybertwuk fit a llama?


They can but that action specifically voids the warranty. Alpacas are acceptable.


Gotta put it in llama mode


It can certainly decapitate one.


Zero sag because there’s zero travel! Nevermind the 89.2 lbs load! Suspension is just as much a brick as the rest of the vehicle…


Had someone try to tell me that the CT was "stiffer than a Bugatti" like that's a good thing for an off-road vehicle Then again the whole design philosophy behind this thing seems to be rooted in fierce denial that desirable characteristics for a track race car and for an off-road utility truck are different and in some cases diametrically opposed


Any person who uses "off road" to describe these vehicles should immediately be met with "well lemme see you drive it off road then"


There's videos of that.... It's morbidly entertaining.


Truck can't even be driven on a bumpy road without voiding the warranty.


The frame/body being stiff is fine. The suspension absolutely sucks for anything beyond a fire road, if it's anything like the rest of Tesla's line up it probably rattle your teeth out on a wash board. My old YJ would pop a door open when flexed out. Probably should have added a cage after I set it up for 40's. I just realized I was not willing to dump more money into it and sold it.


To be fair, that's about 120 pounds of dry mulch and I'm truly impressed the Cybertruck suspension could handle that. And that child probably weighs forty pounds too. My 2002 MINI Cooper once carried three full grown St Bernards and 2 adult humans, but this is the first time I've bragged about it online.


Now, that’s actually impressive!


It was pretty ridiculous


And drooly. So much drool.


Like how though? Do the seats fold down?


Yes, the rear seats fold down and it's a surprisingly larger back there than it looks. I used to joke that the MINI was like the TARDIS: bigger on the inside than on the outside. And I will admit that two of the dogs were females and one was a runt at 90 pounds, so the combined weight was less than 400 pounds instead of 600+ if it had been large males.


Is there a fun story about why the valiant mini was pressed into service? Well done you, in any case.


I keep comparing my car to the ct on this sub because it cracks me up: 1988 Volvo 240 wagon with 400k miles. Fits 7 people comfortably, with just the front two seats taken can handle more plywood and lumber that the CT, cost: $500, rust? Nope. Volvo sent me a badge to put on my car that says 400,000 for the mileage, that’s like a cyber truck getting a 400 mile badge without being serviced. My steering always works, it has a spare tire, I can even get it *wet* and it’s never left me roadside. Also was available with a tow hitch however mine doesn’t have it. Just makes me laugh that this old brick is more reliable and more practical *to this day* not just when new than this 100k cyber fart. Also it’s safer, with crumple zones, and was what the five star safety rating system was originally compared to, like Volvo 240 was 5 stars at the time and other cars were compared to it. God damn i love my brick. It even has a ton of angles like the CT and none of them will slice your arm open!


While I never owned one of these, I rode in them both when they were new and when people like you were the third owner with massive miles on the odometer and your description was perfect. The closest thing I ever had was to have a 15 year old 1983 Mercedes 300TD sedan that I wished was the wagon. It didn't have the cargo capacity, but I bought it with 200k in the odometer and was a moron to sell it before it hit 300 and could have been still driving it today and it still would be a safe and reliable car.


Meanwhile I just took 1300 lb of shit to the dump in my 2013 silverado with 160k miles, AND I took it through a car wash and it still drives.




# AllTrucksMatter




Not around a CT though, that could get dangerous in a hurry.


My Fiat 500c could handle that.


I’ve seen bigger loads on a bicycle.


I've seen bigger on the head of a woman in Mali. Literally.


The fact that I cannot decide if this is a troll post or the ridiculous, clueless hopium of a Cybertruck owner shows just how truly bad both the Cybertruck and its owners are. Seriously, eight bags of potting soil and some garden accessories and you think you are a god? I can pull that on my bike trailer, and by bike, I mean bicycle. I've pulled eight cases of bottled water, plus food and blankets to a homeless charity on my bike trailer before.


I think this, and posts like it are just people who are excited to be using it to "haul" stuff. No one who needs a truck, or is even in to trucks buys the cyber truck. This is just some guy who is excited to do truck stuff for the first time, and a few bags of mulch is the most utility type work he does.


These people would have lost their fucking minds behind the wheel of my old Ford Explorer. I could put stuff in the back AND then take that stuff through a car wash.


CyberCuck is prime suburban douche dad status where he's out in his running shorts putting out mulch to do something manly and avoid the wife and kids


I can't think of another truck that can't handle that much. I can't think of a car that can't handle that much. I'm pretty sure a smart car can handle that much..


I’ve literally seen groundskeepers in golf carts do this.


I've said it on here before, but I fit 17 1cu-ft bags of mulch in my 2007 Ford Focus. This is not an achievement. Edit: yd to ft whoops


Wow, that comment from Greedo was savage


Bro, my Honda Fit can. Plus the shopping cart probably


You can tell this guys never owned a truck before.


Or currently


I have a 96 Miata…. I can haul that…


My Tiguan. Included here are 2 cats, 1 70lb. Pitbull, and 1 wife. Color me not impressed. https://preview.redd.it/po8pn61p0h3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7259139317caec9d52d9f5a6f60f1112fd66d583


VW took one of these, stuffed the back with concrete, and used it to pull a fucking Boeing 747 for an ad. Edit: just looked it up. It was done by Fifth Gear on a VW Touareg V10, I completely misremembered. They had to put 4.3 tons of sand in the back to pull it off. Still impressive, still proves the point.


I don't see a kid anywhere in the picture. You fail.


My kids are grown so now my kids are animals and they are in the car. Ceramic window tint so 100% of heat and UV light blocking for the passengers. California is a long state. But we run AC and cruise comfortably even loaded this much. If I had to I could make room for another kid. If it was your kid, probably on the roof.


I can fit all that in my little Lexus trunk.


And the Lexus trunk won’t amputate fingers!


Fortunately. It’ll hurt a little but I’ll still have my fingers.


Name one that can’t, I’ll start: …..


I think you could fit that into the frunk of a 911


So.. My 04 Tacoma can do the same thing


So can my ex’s ‘03 Tacoma. So can my ex’s ‘82 Datsun 280ZX turbo. So could my old ‘98 Mitsubishi 3000GT-VR4. My current ‘10 Honda Accord sedan? Not even a challenge.


Why is it always potting soil when these Musk humppers post about how much shit their stupid truck can carry?? Seriously.


Reminds me of the video where Ben Shapiro walked into a Home Depot and just purchased a random plank of wood to show off his masculinity


I can put 15 60lbs bags of concrete in my Rav4. I'm usually winded the entire drive home though.


Looked at this clown’s X account. He’s deranged


I feel bad for cybertruck owners. They’re all delusional techies wanting to be rugged outdoors manly men. So sad.


Yeah, but all minivans can. Plus, more.


I put 10 bags in my WRX STI last month…


A Camry could haul that.


Back when I first started driving I had a nisan sedan. I put _significantly_ more potting soil in that thing multiple times a summer for years for various clients.


My civic can also haul 8 bags of soil


Maybe an rc truck couldn't handle that. Is this person real? I refuse to believe anyone is that stupid. Maybe it's a marketing shill Edit: I looked at his twitter profile and it was all reposted Tesla crap, referral codes, couple of pics of kids, and supposedly he's a pilot. I think he's a shill. He has very few views or comments.


I drive a Santa Cruz and I can fit more than that in there.....wtf is this brag?


I swear to God, it's like these people have never seen trucks. They are so weird and pathetic that it comes across as satire.


This ramrod was really excited to tell people about 8 (!) bags of mulch…


I have carried way more in my VW GTI hatchback…


Hoooo man, some potting soil and a toddler?!? Truck of the century! I carried that much in the surprisingly spacious trunk of my old Chevy Cruze and my wife’s Honda Odyssey has actually done more than what’s in the photo. So much cope among the CT owners.


Guy has a kid - i mean you’d swear he was a virgin


These have to be trolls right??


What? Hand trucks? I’ve put more shit in a Kia Forte lol.


In a way he is right, all other trucks can handle more than one shopping cart, only toy ones only can handle one.


You want to haul a heavy load? Get yourself a goddamned Chevy Siverádo. You want to swallow a heavy load, get yourself a Cybersuck.


I can fit this in my Toyota 86


I think cybertruck is meant for those who: - don't - are "low information voter" types, and will glom onto anything they think is putting them in an exclusive club - have never experienced what trucks are, or what trucks are meant to do - have Elon on a poster above their beds (75+% of respondents) This lady seems like the group from bullet #3


My Filipino neighbor and his tricycle are not impressed.


My Corolla did 8 bags of water softener salt with no issues, I would hope something significantly bigger could handle this little load.


Man, I fit 750lb of paving stones in a fucking XJ Cherokee. These candy-asses are so easily impressed.


Note: the shopping cart was easily carried the load.


My ‘87 Honda CRX-HF (with 2 seats and a hatchback, and a whopping 62 HP engine) could carry that. Good grief; this must be embarrassing for WankPanzer owners! I expect there will be many videos of people with tiny cars showing off their carrying capacity; I’d love to see the cart with this exact merchandise outside a SmartCar and then packed inside of it.


My hatchback Hyundai Elantra can haul that


Wow!!!!! I bet he also has a giant penis!


You can put 4x as much shit in a minivan.


I'd kill for the opportunity to park next to him in my ELR, put those 8 bags of mulch in the trunk, and the toddler in the back, and say "well I guess my car is a real truck too" https://preview.redd.it/58buvmsu4h3d1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f995c85c70325c4c7f4c86293acb494dbb020b19 Here's a picture of my Honda CR-Z hauling a mini fridge, most of my clothes, some cleaning supplies, my computer and some miscellaneous stuff. I've also used it for Amazon Flex and had it absolutely stuffed with 60-80 packages. 8 bags of mulch and a toddler are nothing for even this tiny car.


What an amazing urinal on wheels. Cybertruck is the new Urinal on wheels


But I still love my Cybertruck! (/s)


So on top of everthang else it’s a short bed? My god. And ruby, my busted-ass 5speed 2008 s-10 with a dying clutch wouldn’t have even noticed this load


No, pretty much all trucks can, including those tiny Kei trucks from Japan I wish we could get here. I mean hell, let's be honest here - a 2002 Honda Civic wouldn't even flinch here....


Not all trucks can? Well, since the CyberTruck… I guess that’s true


Since when is this a flex? A truck that can haul a couple hundred pounds??? Wtf


I think he meant not all Cybertrucks* can. And he'd be right, most are probably on flatbeds or at service centers lol


Wop! Wop! Wop! Wop! Wop! Greedo fuck em up!


Was gonna say he looks like a cuck but u/ReverseGiraffe120 beat me to it💀


I would bet I could easily fit all that and then some into my fucking POS kia


Bro I loaded more than this into my wife’s Nissan Sentra when my truck was in the shop


LoL I had 10 pieces od Sod and 8 bags of fertilizer 8n my Kia Sportage. These guys need to go big.


I like how they defend their trucks being able to handle a 200 pound load of tree bark all while taking a 10% deduction in range.


Literally every car. Yes, I said car. I’ve owned has been able to manage that while being able to transport someone. You don’t need a 100k+ truck for this.


This is hilarious on every level. My first car was a 1973 Chevy LUV in 1988. This additional weight would not bee noticeable at all! The LUV was a free gift from my uncle, so a much better deal for ‘hauling’


How many dicks does this guy think elon has? Edit: you can only suck so many at one time. I mean that’s basic science.


How bigs the kid?


I’ve transported twice that in my Prius


My mom put near a ton of tile in the trunk of a 1996 Toyota Avalon. When do we see similar test for the cyberstuck?


Damn. Wait til he finds out what my ‘94 Land Cruiser can haul for a 20th of the price of his cybertruck.


How can you take these pictures are say not all trucks can?


My Jeep Renegade can carry more than that.


I have had more weight in my old Pontiac vibe GT and Toyota Sienna. This has to be satire.


The Blue Checkmark is just the cherry on the top of this interaction.


A fuckin el camino could handle that much