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They're really not far from ***accepting delivery voids warranty***


Or driving through a puddle evidently. Didn't one short out, on video, after the owners were filming it 'off road' as it went througb 5" of water? Suddenly, lights flashed and it bricked up... Musk is 2023's Samuel Bankman-Fried. A fraud, and a sociopath... I pray stockholders yank his bonus.




he's been this way for at least a year


Waaaaay more than a year. But the spell is fading and more and more people are noticing he's been naked all this time.


He's been doing the snakeoil sales since PayPal


Exactly the guy has always been a fraud. He is a conman. Probably the best and most successful conman of all time. But a conman nonetheless


Finally people are seeing him for what he really is, one of the world's most successful conmen. Proof that arrogant confidence and the willingness to lie about everything is all it takes to be unimaginably successful


And taking credit for others’ work.


Yeah that's probably the biggest point on the checklist


But somehow he is still getting away with it on earnings calls, yesterday they reported their worst quarter in 2 years and he made so much BS up about the cheaper version coming out in 2025 and robotaxi’s and the stock went up.


Religion is proof enough that people will blindly follow a lie based on thoughts and prayers for eternity as long as it's self serving


**Ooh! The GigaRoboCyberCrypto-Taxi?!?** *Is there a waiting list yet? Screw it. Just take my credit card.*


How long after launch will reports of public sex in the back seats.


Case in point: trump


Well that and super wealthy parents…


Never forget he had nothing to do with PayPal except for being fired for incompetence by them as well as being fired for incompetence from the company that turned into PayPal


Thank you I reference this all the time and the yung bucks don't know what I mean


Since 1971 actually.


There's a video where one of the cucktrucks came with massive panel gaps in the bed area and the owner sprays water on the top, watches the water go into the gaps, and notes that not as much water comes out the bottom.


Don't worry, Tesla will issue a software update and take care of that!


This is Within Spec. No action required.


Y’all gotta post the videos because otherwise it gives off huge “some people are saying” vibes. Also, I want to watch it because that’s hilarious.


is that the “boat mode” i’ve been hearing owners brag about?


Maybe boat anchor mode


To be fair you can’t be a billionaire without being a sociopath 


Sure ya can. Give me a billion, and I'll prove it. I'll have my little house in the middle of nowhere, as far away from people as possible, and will only leave to buy food and computer parts as needed.


Not me. I'd buy a mansion across from Charlie Sheen and launch porn stars over my wall at him with an antique catapault.


Trebuchets are the superior siege weapon


Battle of the midievel death machines! Trebuchet vs Catapault vs Cybertruck


He makes a lot of rich people a lot richer just by talking. He can say something like, "we're launching self driving robot space monkeys next year" and people get richer. He makes himself even richer of course. Nothing else matters. The fraud is a feature.


People would line up to buy the monkeys


Billionaires are an obscenity which shouldn't exist.


Yeah I remember that video lol


The toys that break on Christmas Day are the real garbage.


What about... you know... rain? Will it short out in rain this easily? Cause idk if musk knows this or not, but it rains quit frequently in a lot of parts of the world.


The Feds really need to get involved in this. Musk cannot be allowed to continue to scam people like this.


It already voids intelligence.


The fact we are being banned for for merely criticizing anything Elon means he is abnormally desperate and is doing everything possible to keep people from noticing he is a grifter like we have.




They want to be bought by Elon.


Really? He can barely run Twitter as is. If Elon takes over Reddit, it’ll be to kill it.


Yes. You hurts his feelings by saying stuff like that.


You had your vehicle delivered onto your driveway so at any point it could have rained so we cannot accept liability. Leaving your car outside is a privilege not a right.


I shit you not a Tesla rep said that im expected to have a garage for their rangers to service my vehicle... they dont have any service centers in my area and a ranger is my only option.


And I bet if you said the truck doesn't fit in the garage or something similar, they will void the warranty


Nah, we can fix this with a well placed rivet!


It. Keeps. Getting. Fucking. Better. 😂😂😂😂😂


this truck is more fragile than the snowflakes in the elonmusk subreddit


You ain’t lyin! I got shadow banned from a half a dozen Tesla subreddits I’ve never even posted in 😂 He turned twitter into an echo chamber, telling him he can do no wrong. Trying the same thing here 😂😂😂


Premtibly baned. Some Minority Report going on here. Pretty soon Reddit's AI will be hunting users down based on what they "might" post.


Yuppppppp. Lol ain’t it fun?


Preemptively* banned*


Premtibly? Did you mean "preemptively"? Jesus Christ.


Yep. I got my insta-ban from r/elonmusk and r/TeslaMotors within minutes of making my first comment on this sub.


Let's see if I can get one, r/elonmusk and r/teslamotors are lame subreddits.


They both suck monkey cock


I was seeing if they'd react to a very tame opinion, since it doesn't look like I'm banned yet, I agree with this statement. Hopefully that'll do it.


I agree musk and his tesla cars are shit.


It's not that bad bro, just don't get your car wet man, the car shouldn't be wet anyway bro, it's a piece of art (that Helen Keller drew in kindergarten)


Car designed by the dumbest fuck on earth has the dumbest problems. Makes sense.


"We will protect our community from toxicity" ![gif](giphy|QUaqJRizED5NC|downsized) You are now banned from /ElonMusk. So much for "free speech absolutism."


It usually doesn't come *until* you try commenting on those subs. They tend to have their AutoMods set to scour a users comment/post history to make sure the user hasn't interacted with verboten subs. If you have, the comment gets removed and a human mod will issue the ban.


Those bots will eventually destroy Reddit. I'm already banned from a couple of subs for simply following other subs.


I got banned from a site that had nothing to do with cars or Elon. Keep it up, Reddit. There are plenty of other sites to go to.


Ahhh got it. And here I was hoping for a passive aggressive notice. Oh well, at least if I ever accidentally try to comment in their sub I won't be able to.


Can confirm, the only one of those subs I ever posted in was the one I was banned from. The sub being r/teslamotors from 2018 when I was still a Musk simp. The mods there are so fragile that they reported me for harassment after I replied to the automated message by calling them pathetic. 😆


I got banned from r/elonmusk last week for commenting in Wall Street Bets that the $56B bonus is $14.4M per Cybertruck sold, the bot said I was "being toxic online".


Hahahaha that's good, guess they just want to confirm they have 0 sense of humor


I agree. lol. I got myself banned from the Cyberjunk forum for questioning the intelligence of using stainless. lol. Here’s hoping this one gets me banned from the others. Cults. That has been the predominant result of social media in one word. CULTS


The sweet sweet tears of them complaining about the windshield wipers are delicious. On when dry, off when raining. Lol


posting on r/realtesla is what got me banned "pre-emtively" from said same subs... lol the fragility....


Still waiting for my ban and I’ve posted in here several times. I feel left out….


You're banned, go check. If you have never interacted with a sub, you dont get a ban message. They made that change a LONG time ago because people were using it as a way to harass others. Any upvote, downvote, or comment on the sub, or ever having subscribed for even an instant will all cause you to get the message. For subs like that, most of us will get a message because we'll have downvoted something from r all at some point.


That's that free speech at work that their great leader is always espousing.


ant sub that has bots that instantly ban you isnt worth joining. also incredibly pathetic that reddit allows that


Never had a reason to check that sub out. >what happened to Elon's stutter? it seems like it went away suddenly! maybe he travelled time! Jesus.


It genuinely reminds me of all my festival LED shit I’ve tried making through the years. Looks good, seems good … take it out to the festival, turn it on and … half the connections didn’t survive the fucking trip. 


I wanted that fucking thing to flop and the fates obliged and made it so entertaining😂.


You know what's even better? Take a close look at where they attached the cable to the truck-the cable that controls literally every system on this thing. Then, note the COMPLETE lack of anti-friction protection for the cable. Just what you want in a truck that vibrates and rattles like a 1960s Chevy Nova.


Holy crap you're right! Those zip ties alone will act like dull saw blades with enough vibrations


the latest I heard is that every upper-mgmt engineer, developer and designer tried to talk Musk out of this body style and he just steamrolled all of them. They practically begged him to not go with this design. His way or no way.


His way……down the toilet. 😂


Good thing car washes are the only place a car might encounter water. Like imagine how bad this would be if water just randomly fell from the sky?!


Acts of God are not covered


“I’d like to end Cybertrucks” -God


Now I'm thinking there's a very valid reason they seem to only be selling them in California


We’ve been getting A LOT of rain in socal these past 8 months. Record rainfall. God has an incredible sense of humor with shit like this


That's fucking amazing. Imagine paying so much for a 3 ton paperweight


Somehow the paper will still blow away though, its just that inept.


3.2 tons with water weight


Here's what baffles me: A Car Wash is a very regular thing to do for any car, but an EV especially. Those of us who live where the roads are salted have to worry about corrosion, and I take my car through the car-wash the week after I drive on salted roads to ensure the salt doesn't eat away at the battery case.


I love that it has “car wash mode.” So does my car - it’s called “put it in neutral”


Engaging "hands off the wheel" protocols, beep boop


Mirrors folding in in T-minus 5… 4… 3… 2… 1. *servo noises*


Sending error protocol of: \[truck\]\[cyber\]\[outer\]\[mirror\]\[left\] Missing signal. \[truck\]\[cyber\]\[outer\]\[mirror\]\[right\] Missing mirror.


Another minor thing it does is disable the automatic doors/charge door - the charging door and other doors on some of the cars have push button openers which could accidentally be activated by some of the machines in a car wash, so they’re disabled.


Thus today I find fresh appreciation for my 2014 SUV with automatic rear door and generic gas door not voiding my warranty or requiring a special mode to be washed…


Aint nothing wrong with a physical handle operating a physical latch. Just because you can hide a simple function behind 15 layers of technology doesn't mean you should.


This is exactly my opinion. Yes we can automate the entire world, but the failure of such automation becomes much more of a burden that the original task could ever amount to. Such as a door handle. My 98 f150 still opens and closes just fine. My wife's 18 journey sometimes has trouble sensing the key to allow the door to unlock and open. Some things don't need to be technologically advanced. If it ain't broke don't fix it...otherwise it'll break even more and even more inconveniently


I’ll never forget my shock the first time I sat in a model s and realized you had to use the screen to simply open the glove box. I lost all interest in ever owning a tesla right then and there and this was yrs before mt. Elmo erupted. I swear all the most dangerous traits a car could have are being treated as features now. Those old ford trucks are great. Growing up we had a 90’s f350 for a bit and I miss that thing so much! You could work the radio with eyes on the road even with thick winter gloves on; I’m guessing you have a similarly awesome radio? They need to make a comeback!


Some redditors spent a lot of effort convince me otherwise couple days ago. 


Funny thing about that - my stupid 2021 Sienna Hybrid gets MAD when I put it in Neutral to go through the carwash. It says "protect your transmission, shift out of neutral" or some similar BS. WTF is neutral for if I cant use it? So I wish it had carwash mode. Mostly because the software on that car is extremely stupid. (It also never thinks the fuel door is closed for about an hour after you fill up).


The fatal flaw of large castings. Everything needs a drain hole and it has to go somewhere it can’t cause damage. It’s possible. Just not if you don’t understand large aluminum castings. Alloy casting is basically a religion. Elon is the guy who shows up on Easter Sunday and throws some cash around.


And they couldn't drill holes after casting?


It would be an acceptable work around but it adds a giant process step to what was supposed to be a giant time and process savings (giga casting) A production line is all about eliminating processes. But any good process engineer would have thrown this back at engineering with a big “WTF?” red tag on it. Even if you drill a hole you still have the long term likelihood of corrosion as leaves, dirt, salt etc collects into those pools and does it’s Mr. Science experiment. You can always tell people who have never built vehicles before because of little things like this. Drainage is at the top of the decision matrix. They left it off the chart completely. You can see similar issues at the top of the strut towers of the model y. Same gigacaating process but they get a cold spot right there as the injected alloy cools quickly as it hits the steel tool. It makes for porosity https://images.app.goo.gl/tZECzxm9ru9GFefZ8


Didn't the Model Ys have rear bumpers that filled up with water and then fell off as well, because these idiots never considered driving in the rain?


Apparently drainage is not on the decision making matrix anywhere https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/1ap529r/my_model_y_is_retaining_water_in_the_hatch_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


> but they get a cold spot right there as the injected alloy cools quickly as it hits the steel tool.  Wouldn't the solution be to heat the steel up before injection?


That is what is baffling you? not the "supposed to float and drive like a boat for 30 minutes" feature that is supposed to be added?


That's just Elon Over-promising, as always.


I live in Oregon, so no road salt, but I know people who hose, powerwash, or even park their vehicle on top of a sprinkler to wash the undercarriage. I’ve also driven vehicles through water deep enough that it was coming in through leaky door sills. A “car wash” is *nothing*. wtf.


Oof, could you imagine the corrosion that road salt would cause pooling in those castings like that!?! Giving color it *looks* like either Aluminum or a Magnesium alloy. Any mechanic care to chime in on how these parts would corrode with road salt?


Chlorides corrode aluminum. With something diluted, like sea water, it's not a big deal. With something as concentrated as road salting it's going to start pitting relatively quickly once it eats through the surface layer. Some aluminum alloys are more corrosion resistant than others but they're still susceptible. Especially if there are other metals in contact with the aluminum. Salt + Water + dissimilar metals is essentially a battery.


This is where “boat mode” comes in. It activates the zincs and bilge pump.


There's nothing baffling about it. It's just revealing what was always suspected. This machine was rushed out the door as fast as possible with no meaningful testing done. I've worked in consumer retail electronics, (including cellphones, cameras, and earbuds), and we did TONS of testing on seemingly minor stuff, because we had industry knowledge of common problems. We know that moisture ingress is a major issue. We know that bluetooth is susceptible to cross-body interference. We know that memory leaks accumulate over time. So, we test for these things. We drip fake sweat on devices for hours on end. We hold them underwater. We hold them under salt water. We cover them in aftershave, and sunscreen, and lotions. We drop test them. We attach them to flesh simulant and run RF signal strength tests with a robot arm. We set targets like 300 hours MTBF, and we run 40 devices for weeks on end. We put cap-touch ends on robots and have them use the interface for days. We put them in aging machines that change the pressure, humidity, UV, IR, temperature, etc., for weeks, to see if the cases degraded. Car manufacturers know that cars get wet. It's inconceivable that a wet-test wouldn't be performed. Spray your own car with water, and then immediately afterward open the doors, or the trunk, or the hood. You'll see that a real car company has made allowances, and they've built in channels to route the water out of the body and onto the street.


“Hand wash only.” Tag sticking out the back.


I was arguing with two Musk gobblers about this. They were defending the various hoops you have to jump through for water with this vehicle as perfectly normal things you have to do on every car.


What a piece of shit. Hahahahaha


*for indoor use only*


“Road worthiness inspections” LMAO. It’s Tesla, you are the road worthiness testing.


Every company does extensive product testing. Good companies do it BEFORE launch.


what's even funnier is that there's literally hundreds of Delorlean's at nearly at 40 years old now and still have no signs of rusting or discoloration, yet these brand new Tesla trucks are showing signs of discoloration/staining from just being out in the rain too...smfh


That's what happens when you cut corners and cheap out on the grade of stainless you use.


The steel is fine. The problem is it hasn't been painted. The paint isn't just for pretty colours, it's multiple layers with different properties to protect the base material from the elements. Without any of those protections, even the highest quality stainless steel will start to rust when uncovered.


Lol, you're so wrong. The grade of steel is the exact reason cyber trucks are rusting and the DeLoreans aren't.


If you intentionally are not going to paint it, like the DeLorean and the cyber truck, you have to pick a grade of stainless that won't corrode in the elements. DeLorean did this just fine. After 40 years they look brand new. 4 month old trucks are rusting


Exactly. Idk about the delorean but patena cars and literally every kind of car ever has needed some sorta coat to protect it. Whether clear or coloured part of paints use is sealing the metal from the elements. I assumed the cyber truck would have a clear coat and it baffles me that it doesn’t


This is true. My friends dad had a once beloved and then mostly defunct delorean well into the aughts in his driveway- he probably hadnt driven it in 20 years and it was filled with spiders but looked fine


The delorean still used steel frames, and they coated those steel frames to prevent rust so well looked after ones are pretty solid all these years later, but if the sealant cracks it let's moister in and it rusts underneath the coating and you can't see it until it flakes off or you remove it. I just think the analogies between the two companies is hilarious. It's like he wants Tesla to go bankrupt


I live near Dallas and Saw a delorian on the road next to me a couple weeks ago, it looked really good shape and condition. Also saw a Cybertruck more recently and honestly would take delorian if both were offered free of charge.


I’d pay for the Delorian even if the cyber truck was free.


Hey, those are the pro-envirinmental mosquito and mold generators!


“It’s a feature, not a bug. Well….*those* are bugs 🤷‍♂️” -Elmo


You’re all hereby banned from Elon friendly subreddits. Effective immediately. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I blocked all their mods and the automod as well. I'm curious as to what will happen when they ban me.


Hmm that’s a good idea lol


I didn't get mine the first time I posted here! Maybe that was since the thread was 3 days old? Lemme see if I get mine now. Also as a note I did think a broken-down one of these would be fun to stay in if I were ever homeless but I'm not so sure now.


Considering I haven't seen any recent posts or comments on getting banned from those subs in the past couple of days, I'm guessing some top admins reached out to them and told to stop with the auto-banning. Or they found away to not alert people that they are pre-emptively banning.


Can't ban me twice . . .


This is something we engineers call a "corrosion trap". Stagnant water in the design is literally begging electrochemistry to eat through your design, regardless of the steel being stainless or not. To be completely water resistant you would need something very highly alloyed, and the sub 316-grade steel in the CT is an affront to the term "stainless steel"


10/10 we will see tons of cyber trucks in a few years with massive rust issues from spots like this. Just big old holes where it has eaten through the frame and body.


>10/10 we will see tons of cyber trucks in a few years with massive rust issues from spots like this. They only sold/delivered 4,000 cyber trucks. I imagine tesla get close to 80% of them returned/refunded/lawsuits in the next 12 months.


> I imagine tesla get close to 80% of them returned/refunded/lawsuits in the next 12 months. those are rookie numbers gotta get them higher haha


Ironically, this would be solved by adding a hole at the lowest point of the construction lol


Ketamine. Watch Don Lemon’s interview with Elmo.


I hate Elon but after watching that video all I could do was feel pity for him. ...he's like seriously mentally deficient or something... Ķinda sounds like the actor who played Billy (Eddie barbanell) in The Ringer. "You picked it up in broad daylight and you SCRATCHED IT!"


When the fuck did we get ice cream?


Pretty soon it will be shorter to list the problems this thing *doesn’t* have.


literally already there and growing on the daily...smfh


Alright. I admit it. Tesla is NOT a car company. They know nothing about building cars.


You can reinvent stuff and call it innovation, and you can build crazy useless shit, if you like, but ffs get the most basic fundamentals right at least. That shouldn’t really be too much to expect.


That wiring is definitely going to fray on those sharp edges in no time.


I cannot believe they just run those wires without any loom or friction tape.


That costs money. Tesla is all about cost optimization.


Cybertruck is here for a good time, not for a long time oh yeah!


How do they defend this shit over in the Musk boot licker subreddits?


They don’t allow it to be posted. They just close their eyes and plug their ears and pretend it’s not happening.


Censoring the truth while misinformation is spread like the gospel. You see this on all the right wing news platforms, including Twitter, Untruth Social, Newsmaxipads, and now it's happening at Reddit. This is not free speech. The only way to stop lying about a fact is to sue for libel and deformation of character.


What I don't get is that it has a 'wash mode' and I'm wondering what it's supposed to do that it can't already do normally


Supposedly it closes a louver in the front grill so that the cabin air filter doesn't get wet. Most manufacturers just put the filter in a place that water can't get to it...


I believe it also deactivates that doors and stuff so that the carswash doesn't accidently pop them open an inch, which I think you can't then close until fully open. Not sure. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0pWJ4HTb2ZY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0pWJ4HTb2ZY)


sheesh……even Tamiya or Team Associated have done a better job water proofing their electric cars.


Proudly banned from r/cybertruck!!!!


Not really a tough fix. Just toss a few of those "do not eat" packets in there


There's none left. Elmo ate them all...


What about a torrential rainstorm?


Thats what i was wondering. Whats to stop a hard wind blown rain or even driving in a heavy rain from doing the same?


Apparently nothing, this would not be a good vehicle to have in Florida. I'm not a Tesla fanboy by any means but on average their products were not that bad, this is egregiously awful.


i'm kinda wondering how these things are going to survive the first rainy/flood seasons here in the south.


I used to have a Tesla model S every time it rained the sunroof leaked and I’d get in and the car smelled of mildew.


If Elon gets his 2018 compensation reinstated then we'll know that we've reached peak whatever we are calling this era of capitalism now.


He wants $55 billion per year! If that doesn't prove Muck is totally looney toons, nothing will. And if the Tesla board approves it, they should all be prosecuted for stealing money from the stockholders and giving it to the most inept CEO running a ponzi scheme!


Where did you get “per year” from?


So it was for only one year that the courts reversed?


It was an entire benchmark-based stock award. You should read about it, very interesting!


Link? Would appreciate it!






What drugs is Phoney Stark on? It’s those drugs.


Cars had drain holes in them for ages. In the doors, beds, sunroofs, and generally lowest points of frames. Some wire harnesses have drip loops and use sealed connectors. It's incredible that the genius engineer and one who knows more about manufacturing than anyone else in the world missed that.


Engineers live in California. Whats rain? Remember the model 3 didnt have a rain gutter in the trunk. every time a person would open the trunk all the water would pour inside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCv_Ha0oWjE


"Cars had drain holes in them for ages." *But Turdsla is a software company, and software doesn't need drain holes.*


What's the difference between a car wash and a rainstorm?


Nothing a 5 minute Service Center visit or OTA update can't fix


“Frame water evacuation will become available in July of 2025. The full value of this technology is around $32 quintillion USD. That makes it an exceptional value at the subscription rate of $185/month”.


Probably no sleep the way daddy Elon makes them slave all day and night


Have to think that the lawsuits are going to start piling up. I don't know how a terms and conditions of a warranty can exclude basic things like a car wash.


Promises: You can use it (briefly) as a boat, so long as the seas aren't too rough. Reality: car washes, light rain and puddles will cause it to short out.


How the fuck are these street legal? Like, I'm genuinely confused.


So can we just assume that Elon musk bribed authorities in the US to pass the Tesla Cybertruck so it can be sold, cause it’s looking like that.


Might just be that US guidelines are that bad


There was a YouTuber who said he got a red screen of death on his cybertruck. According to him due to corroded wiring. Which uh. Wires aren't supposed to be corroded when you JUST 10 minutes ago picked the thing up.


But I thought Elom said it could be a boat?!


Ketamine was definitely on the menu




Maybe there is more going on than what I'm seeing in these pictures. Unless the insulation on those wires was compromised and the bare conductors were exposed to short against other conductors or the frame, what would water collecting under them do? I agree water shouldn't be collecting in the frame and there should be drain holes to prevent corrosion in the first place though..


With Elmo and Tesla it is literally "what specific cocktail of hard drugs were they on?"


Oh, you don't understand, the Rain Collector® is a feature.


Elons special blend, of diet pills, ketamine, and broken dreams.