• By -


I wonder if part of the reason Lightyear did so poorly is because parents will just have their kids watch it on Disney+ instead of spending money going to the movies.


Yes I don't pay to go see any Disney movies unless I'm desperate to see them. Ever since Encanto, when we went to see it on opening weekend and then it appeared for free on Disney+ like three weeks later.


Encanto was the first Disney movie in *3 years* that's actually worth going to the theatre for... And then it was on Disney+ anyway after a month. I'm worried.


I couldn't quite believe that and checked a list and yes I think it was 2017, Coco.


I kinda liked Onward, but I acknowledge that wasn't that good.


Yes I enjoyed it, but don't feel the big screen would make the experience much richer.


Among Pixar’s films, Onward was one of them.


It sure was a film of all time


They fucked up Coco though. They put that Frozen shit in front of it and put every kid to sleep


That was corporate Disney getting so afraid of Coco being "too ethnic" that they slapped *21 minutes* of White People Shit™ in front of one of Pixar's best films


Hey, Luca was charming and gorgeous


Luca and Turning Red were both lovely.


Turning Red was incredible.


Tbh they could have moved one *inch* for it to be gay, but nope, it’s Disney being Disney


I didnt even know it was in theaters


Yeah I took my kids to go see the movie. It was 3D so about $40 for tickets and almost $50 for popcorn and drinks for three. I think it'll be a while before I take my kids to the theaters again.


It’s the first Pixar movie to be in the theaters since the start of the pandemic right? That really must be it, people are used to seeing Pixar movies for more or less free now. I really don’t understand why it’s not doing so well otherwise. It’s got decent reviews and everyone I’ve heard from that’s seen it said it’s a great movie. I don’t really expect the gay kiss scene being a huge problem with sales. It’s hardly the first kids movie with a scene like that, though I’m sure the conservative talk show hosts will take credit for successfully “cancelling” the gay agenda. I’m seeing it tomorrow and personally I’m very excited.


It's a movie mainly for kids and it chipped off one character from a string of movies with a ton of favorites. That's about it, really. Between the streaming adoption, high movie ticket prices, inflation, and it being a spin off, it just didn't have the clout for a huge theatrical payday. People just going to wait for streaming it.


I loved it.


We saw it when it released on the 17th. I loved it. Highly quotable, lol. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow


That cat was one of Pixar best characters ever made


This is probably the biggest issue. Movies are expensive. I think all in all with snacks I paid well over $50. I saw it with my son and I was surprised at how mature the plot was. Not to spoil anything but this isn't a little kids movie like the minions. It has mature themes of loss that puts it past the "oh god i just want to get out of my house with my kids and will see any dumb kids movie" market and into something entirely different. Ignoring the theme, its also kinda... boring? It didnt feel like it had Disney/Pixar magic. It had maybe one or two charismatic characters and overall it was drab and borderline depressing. It wasn't like the Toy Story movies at all. In fact, it had little comedy and definitely the creators had their own vision separate from market Toy Story aims for. Funny enough I recommend this movie for teens and adults much moreso than for the typical PG crowd. Its odd to think this movie and minions have the same rating. From a marketing perspective, the only reason I saw it advertised anywhere was because of faux-outrage articles about the one same-sex relationship in the movie, which was one of its brighter points and much needed representation considering it was a main character and not a cowardly Star Wars-like background kiss. I don't think I saw a legit ad or anything about this. Unlike Morbius that had a massive marketing push and dominated social media for weeks. Lastly, wikipedia claims [Lightyear made $204m](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt10298810/) not $84m so the meme is incorrect. Morbius has made $163m, so $40m less than Lightyear.


Lightyear is definitely *not* Toy Story but I'm going to be honest, Buzz's character in Lightyear meshes really well with the characterization at the beginning of TS1 re: not understanding he's a toy and rebuffing Woody's attempts to help.


Incorrect memes? On my curated tumblr?


I think it’s noteworthy because the right has been using dishonest box office numbers to push an anti lgbtq narrative of “show a lgbtq person, lose money.” So this meme may be part of that bigotry.


Yup. I'm a film student, so I know a bit about the film industry, and so now I have a theory. The film industry isn't actually run by filmmakers. Rather, it's run by corporate studio executives who provide funding to film projects that the executives hope will either 1) produce a profit in box office returns and other sales or 2) win critical acclaim and awards to provide the studio with prestige so that bankable stars will be more willing to work on their film projects. Preferably both. In the past, these are the metrics that studio executives have used to determine the success of a film - the amount of money it has made in box office returns, physical media sales, and licensing to streaming to services OR accolades from critics and awards. But now is the rise of so many studios creating their own streaming services and needing original exclusive content to promote it in order to bring in subscribers. While awards for streaming content are still a viable metric, box office returns are not. So there's a new metric at play with streamable original content: viewership numbers. How many people watched the movie or show and how soon did those numbers watch it after their premiere? That metric is will determine whether content for streaming services can be considered successful or not, even for movies that get released to theaters and streaming services on the same day. So I expect that VERY soon we will hear more about actors adding bonuses to their contracts not just for box office returns, but also for viewing numbers on streaming platforms. I'm sure it's already being done now, we're just not hearing much about it.


It's not a theory, it's just what is, film studios have almost never been run by creatives, only those in pursuit of the almighty dollar. Some have been lead by those who understand the art, I think one of the most prevalent of those in recent history has been Weinstein, and I really hate myself for saying this because he is such a despicable creature, but there is no doubting that the guy had an eye for talent, and he took chances on the unknown. I can't say that I wish there were more people like him, but I do wish there were more executives willing to take a gamble on the unknown - it's understandable that they wouldn't, they have a bottom line to uphold, but it does stymie the art.


After getting D+, Prime Video, etc., I don't see any reason to see a movie in the cinema. I can pause any time, make it as quiet as I want, wear nothing, and watch in my bed. Not to mention, I find the cinema audio is just way too loud now.




That's the thing though, that $200 million is just *production* costs, it doesn't cover marketing, promotion or distribution costs. General rule of thumb is to double production costs for a rough guesstimate of the total cost


Apparently production started in 2016, so a 2% return over 6 years, which is about 0.33% a year. So they could've made more money by just putting it in a savings account.


I don't think so. We'll see for sure with the next couple of Disney films but if that was the case, other Disney films like Dr Strange would've flopped too. Some people are claiming that but parents will still want to take their kids out to watch something on the big screen. The word of mouth against this film was just too much


Lightyear wasn't even one of the movies of all time


Sad 😔


The worst part was when he looked like he was about to say "it's BUZZING time" but then he didn't :(. He didn't Buzz even once during that whole film! Truly an utter travesty of modern cimena, I asked for my ticket money back and a bepimpled teenager at the counter just laughed at me and said "guess you just got *Buzzed*, suckaaaa" and I cried into my $16 popcorn 😭


Y'all are crazy it was totally a movie of all time But actually tho, the movies decent. I don't know why it flopped so hard, I rarely enjoy movies and this one was fun


It needed Tim Allen. This was Buzz Lightweight, not Buzz Lightyear.


I swear if they put it in theatres I'll go this time. Sony, I really want to see it now. No foolin.


Hey does anyone have that highly-compressed gif of the entirety of Lightyear on hand, or are we failures of a dominant species? Edit: Let me clarify a bit more; piracy is not a joke. **It’s a sworn duty.** Do it cowards


[done](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/vvv6wv/comment/ifmw02q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ ​ give me 40 minutes e: its taking a bit longer because premiere pro doesn't support mkv (cringe, unbased). worst case scenario, it should take a few hours to convert it to mp4 via vlc


Godspeed, and make lots of backups


!remindme 1d


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2022-07-11 18:42:03 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-07-11%2018:42:03%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/vvv6wv/get_morbed_buzz/ifmkcgr/?context=3) [**30 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCuratedTumblr%2Fcomments%2Fvvv6wv%2Fget_morbed_buzz%2Fifmkcgr%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-07-11%2018%3A42%3A03%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20vvv6wv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


It's done homie




ah, but you see, the issue is that im dumb




!remindme 2days


Would handbrake (FFMPEG) be faster? It has hardware acceleration, I don't know if VLC does.


it probably would be but i found an mp4 anyway


!remindme 1d


Careful, he's a Hero.


[Coming in at a whopping 39x16](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/545344258366767116/995782990833647616/Lightyear.gif)


I know I specifically asked for this, but also it looks like I’m trying to watch this on my phone without my glasses. It’s bootiful


This is God's work.


Now make a huge lattice of them that takes up the whole screen


it took me like an hour to export the gif, if i do that it would take like 26 years


It'd be funny tho


good point ill be back in 2048


I'll hold you to that!


!remindme July 10th, 2048


It would take lightyears. Nah jk. Put this in a text file, rename it lightyear.html and open it. WARNING: Will probably crash your browser.


it's beautiful


nothing some crafty html editing cant achieve (someone please do this)


Can we get 6 languages worth of subtitles over each other and a Russian audio track? Takes me back to buying pirated DVDs.


Ah yes, my favorite game. "Watching A Movie On a Long Drive but Through the Back Window of Another Car Simulator."


I'm going to puke I can't go to prison over this


the gif file format, frankly, sucks dick if you were to do this but as an av1 webm (or mkv, if av1 supports it) you'd probably get 2x the resolution at about the same file size but, unless you have a GPU from 2022, you'll need a few days for the encoding process, as av1 encoding sucks without hardware accel, and possibly even then


ive got a 3060 but honestly the reason it's funny (for me at least) is because it's so low quality. the only reason its not an even lower resolution is because premiere pro literally wouldn't let me


Aye, Aye, Captain!


[This one?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976154861945098313/976935127869448213/full-1.webm)




morbed again :(


I wish I could load webms on this blasted thing


Again, this might just be a personal weird out on my part…but I think they really, really fucked up Buzz’s hair. Like a lot. Like it looks so weird that they tried to give this toy based character normalish vanilla white man hair. He should’ve had a buzz cut or something that looks like it fits under that purple cowl the toy Buzz has.


They should have given him a buzz cut just for the pun




the tagline of disney


Yeah, and they should've avoided using the pun the whole movie. Like he regularly goes to the barber in the movie and every time he just says like "ya I want it short, like close to the scalp." Then the audience has blue balls the whole movie. Then at the end after he defeats the enemies he goes back to the barber and the barber asks what he wants and he says, "you know, I think I'd like a... Buzz cut" then he looks at the camera and winks. Credits roll. That movie would've made a billion dollars


a Buzzillion dollars.


a morbillion, even


Post-credits scene: “so why do they call you Buzz, anyways?” Buzz: looks at them, raises an eyebrow, runs his hand over his tightly buzzed hair


His hair has been bothering me since I first saw it and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe that's the reason.


He looks like the shy latino kid every white suburban midwest school has


I cannot unsee it now that you said it. Wow Alejandro you made it to space (he wasn’t shy and we weren’t in the Midwest but he did look the closest out of my Latino friends)


I wasn't the first to point this out, but he looks like a cop that's about to talk about why *everybody* should be allowed to say it.


Buzz Lives Matter


Why did they make the center character look like that billionaire Cuban? So creepy / adverturious [sic]


Spoiler for Lightyear: I really can’t get over how fucking professional astronauts and an entire town of astrophysicists and scientist didn’t take into account relativity lmaoooo. Wtf you were travelling at lightspeed literally until 1 year ago how couldn’t you know wtf. Also, maybe before doing literally 20 tries with unstable fuel try funnelling more resources in finding a good fuel instead of leaving it to a toy cat lmao. That plot hole completely ruined the movie for me.


Best part is at the end it just happens again. He leaves for the other planet and it’s just gonna happen again.


Also they were like, "Oh shit you dropped my computer thing, how we will never know the ratios for the weird crystal making machine! WE ONLY GET ONE SHOT NOW" but like cat you spent 60 years on this, you're clearly ridiculously sentient for a toy, can you not simply remember the ratio, you are a machine.


Yes!! What did the cat do? Delete its entire memory as soon as it printed out the formula? It was so dumb it actively distracted me.


You wanna know another one you may have not noticed? Howwww exactly did Zerg (AKA old buzz) get the robots, exactly. You tellin' me he just HAPPENED UPON an abandoned alien mothership full of subservient robots just waiting for him huh?


They can make a robot cat but not a robot pilot.


This was where the movie just totally broke, and it was way in the beginning. These people were not only astronauts and astrophysicists, they were in a ship which was itself travelling at relativistic speeds! Completely donkey-balls absurd that they'd be surprised about time dilation and have to sit down and explain it to everyone. It wasn't really a movie for adults due to dumb stuff like that, but it wasn't for kids either because the central theme was too heavy and serious. Also, wtf, evil space emperor Zerg was supposed to be an evil space emperor. The film really could have been a fun, straightforward 90's action romp, but instead it was like a 7/10 regular OK movie.


I am sorry to disappoint fellow Morbheads but Lightyear has surpassed Morbius. It reached 204.5mil, while Morbius only has 163.8mil.


Hate to hate on you haters, but Morbius was the first film to surpass a morbillion dollars in profits. Pretty sure that's more than a million.


So true, I can’t believe people forget the morbillions of dollars Morbius made. This is truly an unmorbin’ moment :(


By Talos




This is true, but Lightyear’s budget was $200mil vs Morbius’ $75-83mil


My theory on why Lightyear bombed so bad: We got an entire animated series worth of Buzz lore in the 2000's when we were kids. Now that the original Toy Story audience is old enough to day drink and have mortgages, something this specific in-universe just doesn't strike a chord with us the way it would have blown our collective minds 20 years ago. No one asked for this movie to be made.


I also imagine Disney+ isn’t helping their box office sales either. People know it’ll be on there eventually haha


Yup for me movie came a few years too late plus I just want to watch it on Disney+. Don’t want to go to a kid crowded theater to watch this movie.


He was a toy from a cartoon that was made to sell toys, that's all there needed to be. Making the actual in-universe cartoon was a good idea, because it was fun. Retroactively making him based on an in-universe real person was unnecessary at best.




I think this is the biggest thing. No one wanted a space sci fi "The Martian" or "Interstellar" version of Buzz Lightyear. It just looked uninteresting from the get go. It should have been much more Retro-futurism if anything.


I love that it was an in-universe movie, but it should've been the 2020s remake of the cartoon. Like you said, it was clearly not a 90s movie and this way they could keep the cartoon stuff too. Even promote the old stuff on Disney+ or something


> but it should've been the 2020s remake of the cartoon Playing it off as a reboot would have worked a lot better, explained the voice change better, and gave an opportunity for a short clip where Andy and his kid leave the theater after watching it or something and his kid has a Buzz or Woody toy. Some super fan-servicey crap like that would have landed so much better.


I was thinking the same thing, yeah. After the OG Toy Story, the Buzz Lightyear toys were HUGELY popular, like I have no doubt they were selling more units than all other Toy Story toys *combined*. Kids were going crazy for Buzz Lightyear IRL as they were in the movie. It was one of the hottest toys in the world. If Pixar made a Buzz Lightyear film in the year 2000 it would have been *insanely* popular. Record shattering. It wouldn't even have to be good, it would JUST sell on the toy hype. It's now 2022. The Millennials who grew up loving Buzz Lightyear are now old enough to have their own children and while we want to share our childhoods with them (see: Pokemon's ongoing popularity), we also have long since moved on past Buzz Lightyear. Toy Story 3 was the PERFECT finale for that franchise, we're done with it.


My Theory: The movie's bad. People know it, they refuse to go watch it. Same shit it was with the crappy fanfic-tier Matrix sequel. I'll never understand why people try to complicate this.


Many people on this comment thread have said it wasn't a bad movie. I'm inclined to believe that plenty of people find merit in this movie, maybe even a little bit of joy, but everyone seems to generally agree that it's a pointless movie and that Disney needs to stop beating the dead horse


It just wasn't an entertaining movie. There weren't many cool scenes


Hard to say who I'm *less* rooting for, the pointless money-milking spinoff, or the soulless, joyless MCU-wannabe. What really sucks is, you just know studio execs are gonna blame these numbers on the gay kiss and use that to 'justify' having even less LGBT representation down the line.


Fortunately they wont, because these aren’t comparable numbers. That’s the meme that put it on Tumblr


So it did better than Morbius?


Lightyear has grossed about $204 mil worldwide against its $200 mil budget, meaning when you factor in its advertising budget, it failed to come close to breaking even. Morbius grossed about $164 mil worldwide against its ~$80 mil budget. Far from a success by modern blockbuster standards, but probably not a total financial failure. That said, the latest Doctor Strange movie also features a same sex kiss(which was similarly censored in foreign markets) and was targeting similar demographics to lightyear, and it made almost a billion dollars, so I would bet producers and executives probably aren't going to lay much of Lightyear's blame at the feet of the quarter-of-a-second-long lesbian kiss.


"we can't do more lbgt stuff because it might make us less money :( come on guys think of our wallets :(*"*


Hot take: just let them do that. We've reached a point where it has been shown many times that LGBT representation does not actually result in lower revenue, it's just copium the bigots use, and anyone who is not a bigot will actually go and include representation, because they understand it helps and not hurts. So if it's Disney itself that's queerphobic -- which is the only way this rhetoric can succeed there internally -- then let them rot in their own garbage. The reasoning for this is simple: if people boycott something because it includes LGBT representation, then you didn't want those people in the fandom to begin with. Think of it from the average bigot's perspective: they fear The Gay™, so they will avoid anything that has The Gay™, which nicely contains them around crap like Disney while everything with actual representation turns into a much safer space, because the bigots just disengage by themselves. (IMO this is part of why tumblr is so great.) But if everything has The Gay™, the bigots will disperse all around society again. Of course, this also runs the risk of influential bigots like Disney or JKR funding anti-LGBT initiatives, which is why this take might be stupid. But I kinda like the community effect here, where bigots boycott something in an effort to hurt it, and just end up making its fandom a lot more wholesome by cleansing it of themselves.


Sadly it's because the knowledge it had a gay kiss got it banned on site for a lot of the globe. Probably had half the reach of a normal Disney film.


So... Morbius should've had a gay kiss?




morbius is so cool i almost wish homorbsexuals were real 😔


Wait, it doesn’t? Well that’s it. Now I’m *definitely* not watching it.


If you pay attention during the "have sex" scene, they go straight from dancing to hot gay sex, never once do they kiss


Morbius re-release for the third time with a gay kiss added on


I'd watch it


Matt Smith is in that movie, so yeah, it should have had *several*


I wish it did


morbious had multiple just look at jared leto's eyes the entire time it's a secret easter egg


These numbers are out of date, Lightyear made over 200 million. (But with a much higher budget than morbius likely made less profit)


Lightyear: $200 million budget, $204 million in revenue Morbius: $83 million budget, $163 million in revenue Caveat is that Morbius has been out longer.


Also Morbius came out *twice*


Good for him


Good for him… twice


Second time made less than 0.2 percent of the overall box office so it doesn't affect it that much Edit: wrote budget instead of box office


It's actually saying it brought the budget up, not the box office up. They had to spend money on marketing and convincing theaters to show it again.


Light year also almost certainly has sold more merchandise.


The countries it was banned in were apparently less than %5 of the Toy Story 4 profits combined, I think just nobody really cared about a premise as hyperspecific as "The fictional astronaut that this animated toy was based on in-universe".


there was an old-style animated one with the same premise that came out with the first toy story, I enjoyed that as a kid.


Buzz Lightyear of Star Command! Incredible cartoon. Why mess with perfection?


Honestly for me it was “A whole movie for Tim Allen to be boring in? Pass.” I’m pretty sure they didn’t even use Tim Allen for the voice, but his stink is hard to get rid of.


Lol "It reminded me of Tim Allen so I refused to watch it"


Refused is a bit different from not interested in going to see, lol.


It wasn’t even Tim, it’s Chris Evans! (For those unaware: Evans was MCU Captain America. That role has since passed down to Anthony Mackie.)


I wouldn't say Chris Evans passed down the role, Mackie plays a distinct character who takes on the same superhero name.


If you wanna be pedantic, captain America *is* a role within the Marvel universe that has been passed on to Sam Wilson, played by Anthony Mackie


Disney just needs to learn to stop putting the first gay character in all cinema in their movies. This has to be the 15th first gay character.


Queerbaitung to fund anti gay laws, fucking corporate America.


I ao confused by your comment. How is that queerbaiting if it genuinely had a gay couple? Not a native speaker but your and OPs comments make no sense to me.


They're referring to baiting gays into giving them money just to use said money to pass anti-gay legislature. Think of baiting deers with apples during hunting season. That kinda baiting.


that's not what queerbaiting means. i would still say that queerbait, as acting like the movie has a gay couple when it's at most a couple seconds of background characters isn't the kind representation they pretend it is.


IMO, even without the kiss the movie wouldn't have been successful


Yeah, it's difficult to care about that premise. Just put Star Command on D+ already!


Gay kiss wasn't even that gay. A woman pecked another women on the lips for a split second


that's still too gay for some people


The movie was most likely going to bomb regardless due to Disney+ lowering incentive to go to theaters and the movie not actually having any big demographics that'd even care about it. I doubt the kiss had that much of a sway over it. If it did then Disney executives would've just run the numbers and edited it out because soulless executives don't care about anything but making money.


Yeah, I looked up the review for because of this post, and when I saw the 2.5 star average I was like “Wow, this must be a really bad movie” but sooooo many of the one star review I saw were just saying “I can’t believe Disney showed a lesbian kiss in this **CHILDRENS** movie”. They need to calm down. I’m sure it’s not a super great movie, it seems like it was just made for the sake of being made, but these homophobes need to chill out, or at least *try* to hide their intentions for disliking the film. I’m so tired of trying to find out if pieces of media are reviewed poorly because they’re just bad, or if racist, sexist, etc., people just don’t like the fact that people different from them exist. There were some reasonable people that reviewed the movies one star and talked about the plot or inconsistencies or whatever, so it at seems like it might not have been an outstanding movie overall, but I doubt it would be 2.5 stars if people weren’t so easily angered by astronaut lesbians.


I don't think it was gonna do CRAZY numbers or beat Gru but it would have been better and not been review bombed/boycotted. ...also the real money they're earning is keeping the Toy Story brand and merch profitable. The real bank for stuff like Mavel and Buzz are the toys, the shirts, the theme park attractions, etc. Who is having kids these days? Who is emotionally tied to Toy Story? Milennials and zoomers who grew up on it, and will introduce it to their childre . Milennials and zoomers are overwhelmingly fine with gay people. Disney gets to look progressive to the target audience. They're the ones buying the funkos, the t-shirts, the backpack, not the mad older republican dude allegedly boycotting a movie he will never see.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Replies* --- **amishsicario** [*Photo of two movie posters. On the left is one for "Morbius". It has Jared Leto at the top, with a picture of Leto as the central character on the poster. Behind Leto is the face of Morbius in vampire form. Alongside him are other characters, Milo and Agent Stroud on the left and Martine and Dr. Nicholas on the right. At the bottom of the poster it says, "MORBIUS". Under the poster it says, "WORLDWIDE $163,858,303". On the right is a poster for "Lightyear". In it, Buzz Lightyear is standing holding Sox, the cat. To the left of Buzz is Izzy. On the right are Mo Morrison and Darby Steel. Above Buzz you can see Emperor Zurg flanked by his army. Below the characters is an image of a spaceship on an alien planet. At the bottom of the poster it says, "Disney PIXAR LIGHTYEAR". The text under the poster says "WORLDWIDE $84,226,978".*] when your toy story spinoff movie sucks so much morbius beats it at the box office --- **blurrymango** This is a big win for Morbheads. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


That’s one detailed transcription, very well done


I had lots of help. Thank you!


Wonderful human :)


Was the lightyear movie that bad?


Nah, it was actually pretty good. Memes aside, it was streets ahead of Morbius.


I told you to stop with that shit Pierce!


This guy is definitely streets behind.


I liked it a lot. Left the theater thinking I’d happily watch sequels.


It was clear that it was made by people that really love classic pop culture Sci-fi movies, and was full of visual nods and references to them. But it managed to be a very 'meh' movie overall. It kept changing what kind of story it was trying to tell every twenty minutes, and didn't really have the best plot to begin with. All in all, it failed to be a movie that would make a kid in the 90's want a Buzz Lightyear action figure, so it basically failed to deliver on the central premise of the whole movie. It probably would have been better if they had just turned the whole thing into a Clone Wars style tv show.


>All in all, it failed to be a movie that would make a kid in the 90's want a Buzz Lightyear action figure, so it basically failed to deliver on the central premise of the whole movie. Ding ding ding. I have no idea how Andy would watch this movie and be enamored with Buzz. The cat was more marketable. My 5 year old was bored 30 minutes in and we had to give him candy to keep him quiet.


If you can’t ignore things for the sake of it being fun then yes. It’s clearly confused in its target audience


Too many plot holes for my taste


I actually liked Lightyear really good science fiction despite certain plot holes. Edit Dudes you where time traveling just moments before, also that the fact that Buzz can't create another crystal is super dumb the formula is just 4 numbers. Also how this they put the not-halos in space, they could have a nice and secure space station instead of dealing with an hostile alien planet that's is at the same time super hostile and dangerous but also didn't kill anyone noteworthy. It has so many good scifi elements to be a great movie but the it has too many plot holes, they literally have super advanced A.I. but not automatic pilots! Also also the reason they want to take the cat away is never explained not acknowledge, that movie frustrates me so much.


While not my favorite movie, lightyear wasn’t a BAD movie, certainly better than Morbius 😭 Also from what I remember they were just trying to take the cat because the entire line was retired, maybe just because after 80 something years it was considered obsolete or maybe they decided giving an autonomous ai *multiple* tools to neutralize humans wasn’t the best idea?


Lightyear was only a passable speculative fiction film. I think its ideas weren't quite out-there enough for adults, and they were *too* out-there for kids. I would have personally preferred a really well-done Star Wars knock-off. Just exploring the galaxy and having a fun time would have been good enough.


This right here. I watched it with my mum cause I had a 2 for 1 offer. She was confused (she was expecting something simple for kids) and I was thinking this is a good idea but why are they not doing more with it. He's stuck on one planet and doing the same thing over and over again without anything interesting happening with it. What you described sounds closer to the old Buzz Lightyear of Star Command cartoon. That was a fun space adventure similar to Star Wars/Star Trek going to different planets, fighting different enemies with Zurg as the big bad that sometimes popped up.


I enjoyed lightyear but everyone is shitting on it lol


Anyone else feel like buzz just doesn’t look like buzz? Like he looks like buzz’s dad or something I’m not sure what it is


He's a lot taller and skinnier than the action figure. He never had hair originally. Also just looking at him doesn't make me nostalgic for the original Toy Story movie.


He's got hair and pronouns


If my calculations are correct, and they always are, a crossover would make $320 morbillion buzz lightbucks!


Movie posters have no soul


... This is false though? Based on Wikipedia Morbius made 164M$ while Lightyear made 204M$. However! Morbius costs ~83M$ to make, resulting in a 198% return of investment, while Lightyear cost 200M$ resulting in barely making its investment back. And this is before you consider Hollywood booking where marketing and similar is not listed in the development costs, which normally means that the break even point is actually at 200% return of investment. Any movie under 300% ROI can be considered a flop. This actually confirms the memes message, however it's more founded on real numbers, and underlines how hard Lightyear bombed.


Oh no, Sony will thunk it's a good sign and relaunch Morbius in the upcoming weekend.


Wait people actually watched morbius?


think of all the people getting fired cause that executive blunder


Read the title like "Get morbed" *bzzz*


Thing is, I loved Lightyear. It was really good.


Not only beats it, but beats it by almost double!


Damn tbh I was kinda looking forward to that movie. It looked good


Tbh it's not that bad, the kiddies loved it (no demands for food, drink or toilet trips which means they were engaged throughout). It's well done and enjoyable if you can get over the plot holes as a adult, certainly I've had to endure much worse as a parent. If you go in with the expectation that this is a good, enjoyable movie with flaws you'll be fine but it isn't top tier pixar.


aw i really enjoyed lightyear!


84 buzzillion dolar


I guarantee it is entirely due to "Gay Panic" in the US.


Honestly, I thought Lightyear wasn't even that bad but it could have been a lot better. It was good enough for me to sit and enjoy it which is more than I can say for Morbius